
Again, there are many people to thank.

First, to Tracey, Drew, and Carly for their support and flexibility and love. What a great family. It’s been a terrific ride over the past 20 years. I hope you guys read this book from time to time and get something of value from it. You have all contributed: Tracey with your work challenges, examples, successes, and special point of view (and kindness and support); Drew with your love for Dostoevsky and willingness to do whatever is necessary; and Carly with your extended essay and insights into gender, and uncanny ability to challenge the ideas I thought I had settled long ago.

Thanks to Cindy Lyon for crucial support, and to many other wonderful colleagues at the Arthur A. Dugoni, University of the Pacific School of Dentistry. What a great place to work. One more big thank you to Art Dugoni—lifelong student of leadership—for all of his mentoring and positive reinforcement. A shout-out to Carp for his friendship and intuitive appreciation of the absurd. Special thanks to Seberiana Hernandez for all she did to help, which was a lot.

Thanks to Terry Patterson, Faith Otis, and other colleagues at the University of San Francisco. Much of what I have learned about psychology came from teaching there.

Students deserve serious appreciation, as they have challenged me to refine and clarify my thinking so that it is more or less comprehensible.

Thanks also to Caroline Horner and Mike van Oudtshoorn of i-Coach Academy for their support and collaboration. They provided an opportunity for me to travel to London and South Africa to continue to work on the ideas in the book, encouraging me to produce a second edition.

Much appreciation goes to Dana Bliss for opening the door, nurturing the project, nudging and indulging me, and providing just the right editorial touch and positive support.

Special thanks to the Bomber for consistently being in my corner.

John Vriend, the writer, died since publication of the first edition, but his big paw prints are all over this one as well. He wrote that “It goes,” and it went.

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