About the Authors

Obie Fernandez

Obie has been hacking computers since he got his first Commodore VIC-20 in the eighties. In the midnineties, he found himself in the right place and time as a programmer on some of the first Java enterprise projects. He moved to Atlanta, Georgia, in 1998 and founded the Extreme Programming (later Agile Atlanta) User Group and was that group’s president and organizer for several years. In 2004, he joined world-renowned consultancy ThoughtWorks and made a name for himself tackling high-risk, progressive projects in the enterprise, including some of the first enterprise projects in the world utilizing Ruby on Rails.

As founder and CEO of Hashrocket, one of the world’s best web design and development consultancies, Obie specialized in orchestrating the creation of large-scale, web-based applications, both for startups and mission-critical enterprise projects. In 2010, Obie sold his stake in Hashrocket and has been working with technology startups ever since. He’s currently cofounder and CTO of Lean Startup Machine, where he leads an awesome technology team and is building recognition as a thought leader on lean startup topics.

Obie’s evangelization of Ruby on Rails online via blog posts and publications dates back to early 2005, and it earned him quite a bit of notoriety (and trash talking) from his old friends in the Java open-source community. Since then, he has traveled around the world relentlessly promoting Rails at large industry conferences. The previous two editions of this book are considered the “bibles” of Ruby on Rails development and are bestsellers.

Obie still gets his hands dirty with code daily and posts regularly on various topics to his popular weblog at http://blog.obiefernandez.com. His next book, The Lean Enterprise, is scheduled to be published in spring 2014.

Kevin Faustino

Kevin is founder and chief craftsman of Remarkable Labs, based in Toronto, Canada. He believes that software should not just work but be well crafted. He founded Remarkable Labs because he wanted to build a company that he would be proud to work for and that other companies would love to work with.

Following his passion for sharing knowledge, Kevin also founded the Toronto Ruby Brigade, which hosts tech talks, hack nights, and book clubs. Kevin has been specializing in Ruby since 2008 and has been professionally developing since 2005.

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