B.31 ActiveSupport::Logger

Accessible via the logger property in various Rails contexts such as Active Record models and controller classes. Always accessible via Rails.logger. Use of the logger is explained in Chapter 1, “Rails Environments and Configuration.”

B.31.1 active_support/logger


Generates an anonymous module that is used to extend an existing logger, which adds the behavior to broadcast to multiple loggers. For instance, when initializing a Rails console, Rails.logger is extended to broadcast to STDERR, causing Rails to log to both a log file and STDERR.

1 console = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(STDERR)
2 Rails.logger.extend ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast(console)

B.31.2 active_support/logger_silence

silence(temporary_level = Logger::ERROR, &block)

Silences the logger for the duration of the block.

B.32 ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor

MessageEncryptor is a simple way to encrypt values that get stored somewhere you don’t trust. The cipher text and initialization vector are base64 encoded and returned to you. This can be used in situations similar to the MessageVerifier but where you don’t want users to be able to determine the value of the payload.

B.32.1 active_support/message_encryptor

initialize(secret, *signature_key_or_options)

Creates a new instance of MessageEncryptor. The supplied secret must be at least as long as the cipher key size. By default, the cipher is aes-256-cbc, which would require a cipher key size of at least 256 bits. If you are using a user-entered secret, you can generate a suitable key with OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new(user_secret).digest.

The following are available options:

:cipher The cipher to use. Can be any cipher returned by OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers.

OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers Default is aes-256-cbc.

:serializer Object serializer to use. Default is Marshal.


Encrypt and sign a value. The value needs to be signed to avoid padding attacks.


Decrypts and verifies a value. The value needs to be verified to avoid padding attacks.

B.33 ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier

MessageVerifier makes it easy to generate and verify signed messages to prevent tampering.

>> v = ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier.new("A_SECRET_STRING")
=> #<ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier:0x007fde68036918
     @secret="A_SECRET_STRING", @digest="SHA1", @serializer=Marshal>

>> msg = v.generate([1, 2.weeks.from_now])
=> "BAhbB2kGVTogQWN0aXZlU3VwcG9ydDo..."

>> id, time = v.verify(msg)
=> [1, Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:03:27 UTC +00:00]

This is useful for cases like remember-me tokens and autounsubscribe links where the session store isn’t suitable or available.

B.33.1 active_support/message_verifier

initialize(secret, options = {})

Creates a new MessageVerifier with the supplied secret.

The following are available options:

:digest Default is SHA1.

:serializer Object serializer to use. Default is Marshal.


Generate a signed message.

cookies[:remember_me] = verifier.generate([user.id, 2.weeks.from_now])


Verify a signed message.

1 id, time = @verifier.verify(cookies[:remember_me])
2 if time < Time.now
3   self.current_user = User.find(id)
4 end

B.34 Module

Extensions to Ruby’s Module class; it is available in all contexts.

B.34.1 active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing

alias_attribute(new_name, old_name)

This useful method allows you to easily make aliases for attributes, including their reader, writer, and query methods.

In the following example, the Content class is serving as the base class for Email using STI, but emails should have a subject, not a title:

1 class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
2   # has column named 'title'
3 end
5 class Email < Content
6   alias_attribute :subject, :title
7 end

As a result of the alias_attribute, you can see in the following example that the title and subject attributes become interchangeable:

>> e = Email.find(:first)

>> e.title
=> "Superstars"

>> e.subject
=> "Superstars"

>> e.subject?
=> true

>> e.subject = "Megastars"
=> "Megastars"

>> e.title
=> "Megastars"

alias_method_chain(target, feature)

Encapsulates the following common pattern:

alias_method :foo_without_feature, :foo
alias_method :foo, :foo_with_feature

With alias_method_chain, you simply do one line of code and both aliases are set up for you:

alias_method_chain :foo, :feature

Query and bang methods keep the same punctuation. The following syntax

alias_method_chain :foo?, :feature

is equivalent to

alias_method :foo_without_feature?, :foo?
alias_method :foo?, :foo_with_feature?

so you can safely chain foo, foo?, and foo!.

B.34.2 active_support/core_ext/module/anonymous


Returns true if self does not have a name.

A module gets a name when it is first assigned to a constant, via the module or class keyword

 1 module M
 2 end
 4 >> M.name
 5 => "M"
 7 m = Module.new
 9 >> m.name
10 => ""

or by an explicit assignment

1 m = Module.new
3 >> M = m   # m gets a name here as a side effect
5 >> m.name
6 => "M"

B.34.3 active_support/core_ext/module/attr_internal


Alias for attr_internal_accessor.


Declares attributes backed by internal instance variables names (using an @_ naming convention). Basically just a mechanism to enhance controlled access to sensitive attributes.

For instance, Object’s copy_instance_variables_from will not copy internal instance variables.


Declares an attribute reader backed by an internally named instance variable.


Declares an attribute writer backed by an internally named instance variable.

B.34.4 active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors


Defines one or more module attribute reader and writer methods in the style of the native attr* accessors—for instance, attributes.


Defines one or more module attribute reader methods.


Defines one or more module attribute writer methods.

B.34.5 active_support/core_ext/module/concerning

concerning(topic, &block)

Equivalent to defining an inline module within a class, having it extend ActiveSupport::Concern, and then mixing it into the class.

 1 class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
 2   concerning :Bar do
 3     included do
 4       has_many :things
 5     end
 7     private
 9     def baz
10       ...
11     end
12   end
13 end

concern(topic, &module_definition)

Shorthand form of defining an ActiveSupport::Concern.

 1 concern :Bar do
 2   ...
 3 end
 5 # equivalent to
 7 module Bar
 8   extend ActiveSupport::Concern
 9   ...
10 end

B.34.6 active_support/core_ext/module/delegation


Provides a delegate class method to easily expose contained objects’ methods as your own. Pass one or more methods (specified as symbols or strings) and the name of the target object via the :to option (also a symbol or string). At least one method name and the :to option are required.

Delegation is particularly useful with Active Record associations:

1 class Greeter < ActiveRecord::Base
2   def hello
3     "hello"
4   end
6   def goodbye
7     "goodbye"
8   end
9 end

1 class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
2   belongs_to :greeter
3   delegate :hello, to: :greeter
4 end

1 Foo.new.hello   # => "hello"
2 Foo.new.goodbye # => NoMethodError: undefined method `goodbye' for #<Foo:0x1af30c>

Multiple delegates to the same target are allowed:

1 class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
2   belongs_to :greeter
3   delegate :hello, :goodbye, to: :greeter
4 end

1 Foo.new.goodbye # => "goodbye"

Methods can be delegated to instance variables, class variables, or constants by providing them as a symbols:

 1 class Foo
 2   CONSTANT_ARRAY = [0,1,2,3]
 3   @@class_array  = [4,5,6,7]
 5   def initialize
 6     @instance_array = [8,9,10,11]
 7   end
 8   delegate :sum, to: :CONSTANT_ARRAY
 9   delegate :min, to: :@@class_array
10   delegate :max, to: :@instance_array
11 end
13 Foo.new.sum # => 6
14 Foo.new.min # => 4
15 Foo.new.max # => 11

Delegates can optionally be prefixed using the :prefix option. If the value is true, the delegate methods are prefixed with the name of the object being delegated to.

 1 Person = Struct.new(:name, :address)
 3 class Invoice < Struct.new(:client)
 4   delegate :name, :address, to: :client, prefix: true
 5 end
 7 john_doe = Person.new("John Doe", "Vimmersvej 13")
 8 invoice = Invoice.new(john_doe)
 9 invoice.client_name    # => "John Doe"
10 invoice.client_address # => "Vimmersvej 13"

It is also possible to supply a custom prefix.

1 class Invoice < Struct.new(:client)
2   delegate :name, :address, to: :client, prefix: :customer
3 end
5 invoice = Invoice.new(john_doe)
6 invoice.customer_name    # => "John Doe"
7 invoice.customer_address # => "Vimmersvej 13"

If the delegate object is nil, an exception is raised, and that happens no matter whether nil responds to the delegated method. You can get a nil instead with the :allow_nil option.

 1 class Foo
 2   attr_accessor :bar
 3   def initialize(bar = nil)
 4     @bar = bar
 5   end
 6   delegate :zoo, to: :bar
 7 end
 9 Foo.new.zoo   # raises NoMethodError exception (you called nil.zoo)
11 class Foo
12   attr_accessor :bar
13   def initialize(bar = nil)
14     @bar = bar
15   end
16   delegate :zoo, to: :bar, allow_nil: true
17 end
19 Foo.new.zoo   # returns nil

B.34.7 active_support/core_ext/module/deprecation


Provides a deprecate class method to easily deprecate methods. Convenience wrapper for ActiveSupport::Deprecation.deprecate_methods(self, *method_names).

1 deprecate :foo
2 deprecate bar: 'message'
3 deprecate :foo, :bar, baz: 'warning!', qux: 'gone!'

B.34.8 active_support/core_ext/module/introspection


Returns the constants that have been defined locally by this object and not in an ancestor.


Returns the module that contains this one; if this is a root module, such as ::MyModule, then Object is returned.

>> ActiveRecord::Validations.parent
=> ActiveRecord


Returns the name of the module containing this one.

1 >> ActiveRecord::Validations.parent_name
2 => "ActiveRecord"


Returns all the parents of this module according to its name, ordered from nested outward. The receiver is not contained within the result.

 1 module M
 2   module N
 3   end
 4 end
 5 X = M::N
 7 >> M.parents
 8 => [Object]
10 >> M::N.parents
11 => [M, Object]
13 >> X.parents
14 => [M, Object]

B.34.9 active_support/core_ext/module/qualified_const

Extends the API for constants to be able to deal with relative qualified constant names.


Returns true if the qualified constant is defined and nil otherwise.

Object.qualified_const_defined?("Math::PI")       # => true
>> Object.const_defined?("Math::PI")
NameError: wrong constant name Math::PI

>> Object.qualified_const_defined?("Math::PI")
=> true


Returns the relative qualified constant given a path.

>> Object.qualified_const_get("Math::PI")
=> 3.141592653589793

qualified_const_set(path, value)

Sets a relative qualified constant.

>> Object.qualified_const_set("Math::Phi", 1.618034)
=> 1.618034

B.34.10 active_support/core_ext/module/reachable


Returns true if a named module is reachable through its corresponding constant.

1 module M
2 end
4 M.reachable? # => true

However, since constants and modules are decoupled, modules can become unreachable.

>> orphan = Object.send(:remove_const, :M)
=> M
>> orphan.reachable?
=> false

B.34.11 active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method


Removes a method definition if it exists.

redefine_method(method, &block)

The method define_method in Ruby allows the definition of methods dynamically. However, define_method doesn’t check for the existence of the method beforehand, which issues a warning if it does exist. The method redefine_method resolves this by first removing the method definition if it exists and internally calling define_method.

B.34.12 active_support/dependencies


The const_missing callback is invoked when Ruby can’t find a specified constant in the current scope, which is what makes Rails autoclass loading possible. See the Dependencies module for more detail.

B.35 ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars

The chars proxy enables you to work transparently with multibyte encodings in the Ruby String class without having extensive knowledge about encoding.

B.35.1 active_support/multibyte/chars

A Chars object accepts a string upon initialization and proxies String methods in an encoding-safe manner. All the normal String methods are proxied through the Chars object and can be accessed through the mb_chars method. Methods that would normally return a String object now return a Chars object so that methods can be chained together safely.

1 >> "The Perfect String".mb_chars.downcase.strip.normalize
2 => #<ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars:0x007ffdcac6f7d0
3      @wrapped_string="the perfect string">

Chars objects are perfectly interchangeable with String objects as long as no explicit class checks are made. If certain methods do explicitly check the class, call to_s before you pass Chars objects to them to go back to a normal String object:

1 bad.explicit_checking_method("T".chars.downcase.to_s)

The default Chars implementation assumes that the encoding of the string is UTF-8. If you want to handle different encodings, you can write your own multibyte string handler and configure it through ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class.

 1 class CharsForUTF32
 2   def size
 3     @wrapped_string.size / 4
 4   end
 6   def self.accepts?(string)
 7     string.length % 4 == 0
 8   end
 9 end
11 ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class = CharsForUTF32

Note that a few methods are defined on Chars instead of the handler because they are defined on Object or Kernel, and method_missing (the method used for delegation) can’t catch them.

<=> (other)

Returns -1, 0, or +1, depending on whether the Chars object is to be sorted before, equal to, or after the object on the right side of the operation. In other words, it works exactly as you would expect it to.


Converts the first character to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.

>> 'über'.mb_chars.capitalize.to_s
=> "Über"


Performs composition on all the characters.


Performs canonical decomposition on all the characters.


Converts characters in the string to lowercase.

>> 'VÉDA A VÝZKUM'.mb_chars.downcase.to_s
=> "véda a výzkum"


Returns the number of grapheme clusters in the string.


Limits the byte size of the string to a number of bytes without breaking characters.

method_missing(m, *a, &b)

Tries to forward all undefined methods to the enclosed string instance. Also responsible for making the bang (!) methods destructive, since a handler doesn’t have access to change an enclosed string instance.

normalize(form = nil)

Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for passing strings to databases and validations.

A normalization form can be one of the following:





Default is ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode#default_normalization_form.


Reverses all characters in the string.

>> 'Café'.mb_chars.reverse.to_s
=> 'éfaC'


Works like String’s slice!, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Char instances instead of String.


Works just like the normal String’s split method, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Chars instances instead of String, which makes chaining calls easier.

>> 'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.split(/é/).map { |part| part.upcase.to_s }
=> ["CAF", " P", "RIFERÔL"]


Converts characters in the string to the opposite case.

>> "El Cañón".mb_chars.swapcase.to_s
=> "eL cAÑÓN"

tidy_bytes(force = false)

Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent, resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.

Passing true will forcibly tidy all bytes, assuming that the string’s encoding is entirely CP1252 or ISO-8859-1.

> "obie".mb_chars.tidy_bytes
=> #<ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars:0x007ffdcb76ecf8

B.35.2 active_support/multibyte/unicode

Contains methods handling Unicode strings.


Composes decomposed characters to the composed form.

Unicode.decompose(type, codepoints)

Decomposes composed characters to the decomposed form. The type argument accepts :canonical or :compatibility.


Converts a Unicode string to lowercase.

Unicode.in_char_class?(codepoint, classes)

Detects whether the codepoint is in a certain character class. Returns true when it’s in the specified character class and false otherwise. Valid character classes are :cr, :lf, :l, :v, :lv, :lvt, and :t.

Unicode.normalize(string, form = nil)

Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for passing strings to databases and validations. The form specifies the form you want to normalize in and should be one of the following: :c, :kc, :d, or :kd. Default form is stored in the ActiveSupport::Multibyte.default_normalization_form attribute and is overridable in an initializer.


Reverses operation of unpack_graphemes.


Reorders codepoints so the string becomes canonical.


Swapcase on a Unicode string.

Unicode.tidy_bytes(string, force = false)

Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent, resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.


Unpack the string at grapheme boundaries. Returns a list of character lists.

>> ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.unpack_graphemes('ffff')
=> [[102], [102], [102], [102]]

>> ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.unpack_graphemes('Café')
=> [[67], [97], [102], [233]]


Converts a Unicode string to uppercase.

B.36 NilClass

Remember that everything in Ruby is an object, even nil, which is a special reference to a singleton instance of the NilClass.

B.36.1 active_support/core_ext/object/blank


Returns true.

B.36.2 active_support/json/encoding


Returns null.

B.37 ActiveSupport::Notifications

Notifications provides an instrumentation API for Ruby. To instrument an action in Ruby, you just need to do the following:

1 ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(:render, extra: :information) do
2   render text: "Foo"
3 end

You can consume those events and the information they provide by registering a log subscriber. For instance, let’s store all instrumented events in an array:

 1 @events = []
 3 ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe do |*args|
 4   @events << ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args)
 5 end
 7 ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(:render, extra: :information) do
 8   render text: "Foo"
 9 end
11 event = @events.first
12 event.name      # => :render
13 event.duration  # => 10 (in milliseconds)
14 event.result    # => "Foo"
15 event.payload   # => { :extra => :information }

When subscribing to Notifications, you can pass a pattern to only consume events that match the pattern:

1 ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/render/) do |event|
2   @render_events << event
3 end

Notifications ships with a queue implementation that consumes and publishes events to log subscribers in a thread. You can use any queue implementation you want.


Extensions to Ruby’s Numeric class.

B.37.1 active_support/core_ext/object/blank


Returns false.

B.37.2 active_support/json/encoding


Returns self.


Returns self.to_s.

B.37.3 active_support/core_ext/numeric/bytes

Enables the use of byte calculations and declarations, like 45.bytes + 2.6.megabytes.


The following constants are defined in bytes.rb.

1 class Numeric
2   KILOBYTE = 1024
7   EXABYTE  = PETABYTE * 1024
8   ...
9 end

byte / bytes

Returns the value of self. Enables the use of byte calculations and declarations, like 45.bytes + 2.6.megabytes.

kilobyte / kilobytes

Returns self * 1024.

megabyte / megabytes

Returns self * 1024.kilobytes.

gigabyte / gigabytes

Returns self * 1024.megabytes.

terabyte / terabytes

Returns self * 1024.gigabytes.

petabyte / petabytes

Returns self * 1024.terabytes.

exabyte / exabytes2

Returns self * 1024.petabytes.

B.37.4 active_support/core_ext/numeric/conversions

to_formatted_s(format = :default, options = {})

Generates a formatted string representation of a number. Options are provided for phone numbers, currency, percentage, precision, positional notation, file size, and pretty printing.

Aliased as to_s.

:currency Formats a number into a currency string. The :currency formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to ",".

:format Sets the format for nonnegative numbers. Defaults to "%u%n".

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:negative_format Sets the format for negative numbers. Defaults to prepending a hyphen to the formatted number.

:precision Sets the level of precision. Defaults to 2.

:separator Sets the separator between the units. Defaults to ".".

:unit Sets the denomination of the currency. Defaults to "$".

>> 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency)
=> $1,234,567,890.50

>> 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency)
=> $1,234,567,890.51

>> 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency, precision: 3)
=> $1,234,567,890.506

>> 1234567890.506.to_s(:currency, locale: :fr)
=> 1 234 567 890,51

>> -1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, negative_format: '(%u%n)')
=> ($1,234,567,890.50)

>> 1234567890.50.to_s(:currency, unit: '&pound;', separator: ',',
     delimiter: '')
=> &pound;1234567890,50

:delimited Formats a number with grouped thousands using delimiter. The :delimited formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to ",".

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:separator Sets the separator between the units. Defaults to ".".

>> 12345678.to_s(:delimited)
=> 12,345,678

>> 12345678.05.to_s(:delimited)
=> 12,345,678.05

>> 12345678.to_s(:delimited, delimiter: '.')
=> 12.345.678

:human Formats a number that is more readable to humans. Useful for numbers that are extremely large. The :human formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to "".

:format Sets the format for nonnegative numbers. Defaults to "%n %u". The field types are the following:

%u (the quantifier)

%n (the number)

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:precision Sets the level of precision. Defaults to 3.

:separator Sets the separator between fractional and integer digits. Defaults to ".".

:significant If true, precision will be the number of significant_digits; otherwise, the number of fractional digits are used. Defaults to true.

:strip_insignificant_zeros Setting to true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator. Defaults to true.

:units A hash of unit quantifier names or a string containing an I18n scope where to find this hash. It might have the following keys:

integers: :unit, :ten, *:hundred, :thousand, :million, *:billion, :trillion, *:quadrillion

fractionals: :deci, :centi, *:milli, :micro, :nano, *:pico, :femto

>> 123.to_s(:human)
=> "123"

>> 1234.to_s(:human)
=> "1.23 Thousand"

>> 1234567.to_s(:human)
=> "1.23 Million"

>> 489939.to_s(:human, precision: 4)
=> "489.9 Thousand"

:human_size Formats the bytes in size into a more understandable representation. Useful for reporting file sizes to users. The :human_size formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to "".

:format Sets the format for nonnegative numbers. Defaults to "%u%n".

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:precision Sets the level of precision. Defaults to 3.

:prefix Setting to :si formats the number using the SI prefix. Defaults to :binary.

:separator Sets the separator between fractional and integer digits. Defaults to ".".

:significant If true, precision will be the number of significant_digits; otherwise, the number of fractional digits are used. Defaults to true.

:strip_insignificant_zeros Setting to true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator. Defaults to true.

:raise Setting to true raises InvalidNumberError when the number is invalid.

 1 >> 123.to_s(:human_size)
 2 => 123 Bytes
 4 >> 1234.to_s(:human_size)
 5 => 1.21 KB
 7 >> 12345.to_s(:human_size)
 8 => 12.1 KB
10 >> 1234567.to_s(:human_size)
11 => 1.18 MB
13 >> 1234567.to_s(:human_size, precision: 2)
14 => 1.2 MB

:percentage Formats a number as a percentage string. The :percentage formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to "".

:format Sets the format of the percentage string. Defaults to "%n%".

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:precision Sets the level of precision. Defaults to 3.

:separator Sets the separator between the units. Defaults to ".".

:significant If true, precision will be the number of significant_digits; otherwise, the number of fractional digits are used. Defaults to false.

:strip_insignificant_zeros Setting to true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator. Defaults to false.

>> 100.to_s(:percentage)
=> 100.000%

>> 100.to_s(:percentage, precision: 0)
=> 100%

>> 1000.to_s(:percentage, delimiter: '.', separator: ',')
=> 1.000,000%

>> 302.24398923423.to_s(:percentage, precision: 5)
=> 302.24399%

>> 1000.to_s(:percentage, locale: :fr)
=> 1 000,000%

>> 100.to_s(:percentage, format: '%n  %')
=> 100  %

:phone Formats a number into a US phone number. The :phone formatting option can be combined with the following:

:area_code Adds parentheses around the area code.

:country_code Sets the country code for the phone number.

:delimiter Specifies the delimiter to use. Defaults to "-".

:extension Specifies an extension to add to the end of the generated number.

>> 5551234.to_s(:phone)
=> 555-1234

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone)
=> 123-555-1234

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone, area_code: true)
=> (123) 555-1234

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone, delimiter: ' ')
=> 123 555 1234

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone, area_code: true, extension: 555)
=> (123) 555-1234 x 555

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone, country_code: 1)
=> +1-123-555-1234

>> 1235551234.to_s(:phone, country_code: 1, extension: 1343, de-
: '.')
=> +1.123.555.1234 x 1343

:round Formats a number with the specified level of precision. The :rounded formatting option can be combined with the following:

:delimiter Sets the thousands delimiter. Defaults to "".

:locale Sets the locale to be used for formatting. Defaults to current locale.

:precision Sets the level of precision. Defaults to 3.

:separator Sets the separator between the units. Defaults to ".".

:significant If true, precision will be the number of significant_digits; otherwise, the number of fractional digits are used. Defaults to false.

:strip_insignificant_zeros Setting to true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator. Defaults to false.

>> 111.2345.to_s(:rounded)
=> 111.235

>> 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, precision: 2)
=> 111.23

>> 13.to_s(:rounded, precision: 5)
=> 13.00000

>> 389.32314.to_s(:rounded, precision: 0)
=> 389

>> 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, significant: true)
=> 111

>> 111.2345.to_s(:rounded, precision: 1, significant: true)
=> 100

B.37.5 active_support/core_ext/numeric/time

Enables the use of time calculations and declarations, like 45.minutes + 2.hours + 4.years.

These methods use Time#advance for precise date calculations when using from_now, ago, and so on, as well as adding or subtracting their results from a Time object. The following is an example:

1 # equivalent to Time.now.advance(months: 1)
2 1.month.from_now
4 # equivalent to Time.now.advance(years: 2)
5 2.years.from_now
7 # equivalent to Time.now.advance(months: 4, years: 5)
8 (4.months + 5.years).from_now

While these methods provide precise calculation when used as in the previous examples, care should be taken to note that this is not true if the result of “months,” “years,” and so on is converted before use:

1 # equivalent to 30.days.to_i.from_now
2 1.month.to_i.from_now
4 # equivalent to 365.25.days.to_f.from_now
5 1.year.to_f.from_now

In such cases, Ruby’s core Date and Time should be used for precision date and time arithmetic.

ago and until

Append to a numeric time value to express a moment in the past.

1 10.minutes.ago

day / days

A duration equivalent to self * 24.hours.

fortnight / fortnights

A duration equivalent to self * 2.weeks.

from_now(time = Time.current) / since(time = Time.current)

An amount of time in the future from a specified time (which defaults to Time.current).

hour / hours

A duration equivalent to self * 3600.seconds.


An equivalent to self * 1000. This value can be set in JavaScript functions like getTime().

minute / minutes

A duration equivalent to self * 60.seconds.

month / months

A duration equivalent to self * 30.days.

second / seconds

A duration in seconds equivalent to self.

week / weeks

A duration equivalent to self * 7.days.

year / years

A duration equivalent to self * 365.25.days.

B.38 Object

Rails mixes quite a few methods into the Object class, meaning they are available via every other object at runtime.

B.38.1 active_support/core_ext/object/acts_like


A duck-type assistant method. For example, Active Support extends Date to define an acts_like_date? method and extends Time to define acts_like_time?. As a result, we can do x.acts_like?(:time) and x.acts_like?(:date) to do duck-type safe comparisons, since classes that we want to act like Time simply need to define an acts_like_time? method.

B.38.2 active_support/core_ext/object/blank


An object is blank if it’s false, empty, or a whitespace string. For example, "", " ", nil, [], and {} are blank.

This simplifies

if !address.nil? && !address.empty?


unless address.blank?


Returns object if it’s present?; otherwise, returns nil. The expression object.presence is equivalent to object.present? ? object : nil.

This is handy for any representation of objects where blank is the same as not present at all. For example, this simplifies a common check for HTTP POST/query parameters:

state   = params[:state]   if params[:state].present?
country = params[:country] if params[:country].present?
region  = state || country || 'US'


region = params[:state].presence || params[:country].presence || 'US'


An object is present if it’s not blank.

B.38.3 active_support/core_ext/object/deep_dup

Returns a deep copy of object if it’s duplicable. If it’s not duplicable, returns self.

B.38.4 active_support/core_ext/object/duplicable

Most objects are cloneable, but not all. For example, you can’t duplicate nil:

nil.dup # => TypeError: can't dup NilClass

Classes may signal their instances are not duplicable by removing dup and clone or raising exceptions from them. So to dup an arbitrary object, you normally use an optimistic approach and are ready to catch an exception, such as the following:

arbitrary_object.dup rescue object

Rails dups objects in a few critical spots where they are not that arbitrary. That rescue is very expensive (like 40 times slower than a predicate), and it is often triggered.

That’s why we hard-code the following cases and check duplicable? instead of using the rescue idiom.


Is it possible to safely duplicate this object? Returns false for nil, false, true, symbols, numbers, class, and module objects, true otherwise.

B.38.5 active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion


Returns true if this object is included in the argument. The argument must respond to include?.

1 characters = %w(Hulk Thor Hawkeye)
3 >> "Thor".in?(characters)
4 => true

B.38.6 active_support/core_ext/object/instance_variables


Returns a hash that maps instance variable names without “@” to their corresponding values. Keys are strings in both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.

1 class C
2   def initialize(x, y)
3     @x, @y = x, y
4   end
5 end
7 C.new(0, 1).instance_values # => {"x" => 0, "y" => 1}


Returns an array of instance variable names including “@.”

1 class C
2   def initialize(x, y)
3     @x, @y = x, y
4   end
5 end
7 C.new(0, 1).instance_variable_names # => ["@y", "@x"]

B.38.7 active_support/core_ext/object/json


A basic definition of to_json that prevents calls to to_json from going directly to the json gem on the following core classes:










B.38.8 active_support/core_ext/object/to_param


Alias of to_s.

B.38.9 active_support/core_ext/object/to_query


Converts an object into a string suitable for use as a URL query string, using the given key as the param name.

B.38.10 active_support/core_ext/object/try

try(*a, &block)

Attempts to call a public method whose name is the first argument. Unlike public_send, if the object does not respond to the method, nil is returned rather than an exception being raised.

This simplifies

@person ? @person.name : nil



If try is invoked without arguments, it yields the receiver unless it’s nil.

@person.try do |p|

Arguments and blocks are forwarded to the method if invoked:

@posts.try(:each_slice, 2) do |a, b|

B.38.11 active_support/core_ext/object/with_options


An elegant way to refactor out common options.

1 class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
2   with_options(dependent: :destroy) do |post|
3     post.has_many :comments
4     post.has_many :photos
5   end
6 end

B.38.12 active_support/dependencies

load(file, *extras)

Rails overrides Ruby’s built-in load method to tie it into the Dependencies subsystem.

require(file, *extras)

Rails overrides Ruby’s built-in require method to tie it into the Dependencies subsystem.

require_dependency(file_name, file_name, message = "No such file to load -- %s")

Used internally by Rails. Invokes Dependencies.depend_on(file_name).


Used internally by Rails. Invokes Dependencies.require_or_load(file_name).


Marks the specified constant as unloadable. Unloadable constants are removed each time dependencies are cleared.

Note that marking a constant for unloading needs to only be done once. Setup or init scripts may list each unloadable constant that will need unloading; constants marked in this way will be removed on every subsequent Dependencies.clear, as opposed to the first clear only.

The provided constant descriptor const_desc may be a (nonanonymous) module or class or a qualified constant name as a string or symbol.

Returns true if the constant was not previously marked for unloading and false otherwise.

B.39 ActiveSupport::OrderedHash

B.39.1 active_support/ordered_hash

A hash implementation that preserves the ordering of its elements. It’s namespaced to prevent conflicts with other implementations, but you can assign it to a top-level namespace if you don’t want to constantly use the fully qualified name:

>> oh = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
=> []
>> oh[:one] = 1
=> 1
>> oh[:two] = 2
=> 2
>> oh[:three] = 3
=> 3
>> oh
=> [[:one, 1], [:two, 2], [:three, 3]]

Note that as of Ruby 1.9, hashes preserve their insertion order.

B.40 ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions

B.40.1 active_support/ordered_options

A subclass of Hash that adds a method-missing implementation so that hash elements can be accessed and modified using normal attribute semantics dot notation:

1 def method_missing(name, *args)
2   if name.to_s =~ /(.*)=$/
3     self[$1.to_sym] = args.first
4   else
5     self[name]
6   end
7 end

B.41 ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry

B.41.1 active_support/per_thread_registry

A module that encapsulates access to thread local variables, which prevents the polluting of the thread locals namespace. Instead of setting and getting variables via Thread.current, like this:


you can define a class that extends ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry.

1 class Registry
2   extend ActiveSupport::PerThreadRegistry
4   attr_accessor :handler
5 end

This creates class-level methods to get/set attributes on the current thread based on the defined accessors.

>> Registry.handler
=> nil

>> Registry.handler = handler
=> #<Object:0x007fbeb326ea20>

>> Registry.handler
=> #<Object:0x007fbeb326ea20>

The key on Thread.current for the previous example would be the class name “Registry.”

>> Thread.current["Registry"]
=> #<Registry:0x007fbeb3279880 @handler=#<Object:0x007fbeb326ea20>>

B.42 ActiveSupport::ProxyObject

A class with no predefined methods that behaves similarly to Builder’s BlankSlate. Used for proxy classes and can come in handy when implementing domain-specific languages in your application code.

B.42.1 active_support/proxy_object

The implementation of ProxyObject inherits from BasicObject, undefines two methods, and allows exceptions to be raised. The implementation is reproduced here for your reference.

1 class ProxyObject < ::BasicObject
2   undef_method :==
3   undef_method :equal?
5   # Let ActiveSupport::ProxyObject at least raise exceptions.
6   def raise(*args)
7     ::Object.send(:raise, *args)
8   end
9 end

B.43 ActiveSupport::Railtie

B.43.1 active_support/railtie

Contains Active Support’s initialization routine for itself and the I18n subsystem.

If you’re depending on Active Support outside of Rails, you should be aware of what happens in this Railtie in case you end up needing to replicate it in your code.

 1 module ActiveSupport
 2   class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc:
 3     config.active_support = ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions.new
 5     config.eager_load_namespaces << ActiveSupport
 7     initializer "active_support.deprecation_behavior" do |app|
 8       if deprecation = app.config.active_support.deprecation
 9         ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = deprecation
10       end
11     end
13    # Sets the default value for Time.zone
14    # If assigned value cannot be matched to a TimeZone, an exception will be raised.
15     initializer "active_support.initialize_time_zone" do |app|
16       require 'active_support/core_ext/time/zones'
17       zone_default = Time.find_zone!(app.config.time_zone)
19       unless zone_default
20         raise 'Value assigned to config.time_zone not recognized. '
21           'Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding appropriate time zone names.'
22       end
24       Time.zone_default = zone_default
25     end
27     # Sets the default week start
28     # If assigned value is not a valid day symbol
29     # (e.g., :sunday, :monday, ...), an exception will be raised.
30     initializer "active_support.initialize_beginning_of_week" do |app|
31       require 'active_support/core_ext/date/calculations'
32       beginning_of_week_default = Date.
33         find_beginning_of_week!(app.config.beginning_of_week)
35       Date.beginning_of_week_default = beginning_of_week_default
36     end
38     initializer "active_support.set_configs" do |app|
39       app.config.active_support.each do |k, v|
40         k = "#{k}="
41         ActiveSupport.send(k, v) if ActiveSupport.respond_to? k
42       end
43     end
44   end
45 end

B.44 Range

Extensions to Ruby’s Range class.

B.44.1 active_support/core_ext/range/conversions

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Generates a formatted string representation of the range.

>> (20.days.ago..10.days.ago).to_formatted_s
=> "Fri Aug 10 22:12:33 -0400 2007..Mon Aug 20 22:12:33 -0400 2007"
>> (20.days.ago..10.days.ago).to_formatted_s(:db)
=> "BETWEEN '2007-08-10 22:12:36' AND '2007-08-20 22:12:36'"

B.44.2 active_support/core_ext/range/each

For internal use by Rails. Disables the ability to iterate over a range of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone due to significant performance issues.

B.44.3 active_support/core_ext/range/include_range


Extends the default Range#include? to support range comparisons.

>> (1..5).include?(1..5)
=> true

>> (1..5).include?(2..3)
=> true

>> (1..5).include?(2..6)
=> false

The native include? behavior is untouched.

>> ("a".."f").include?("c")
=> true

>> (5..9).include?(11)
=> false

B.44.4 active_support/core_ext/range/overlaps


Compares two ranges and see if they overlap each other.

>> (1..5).overlaps?(4..6)
=> true

>> (1..5).overlaps?(7..9)
=> false

B.44.5 active_support/core_ext/enumerable

sum(identity = 0)

Optimize range sum to use arithmetic progression if a block is not given and we have a range of numeric values.

B.45 Regexp

Extensions to Ruby’s Regexp class.

B.45.1 active_support/core_ext/regexp


Returns true if a multiline regular expression.

B.45.2 active_support/json/encoding


Returns self.to_s.

B.46 ActiveSupport::Rescuable

The Rescuable module is a Concern that adds support for easier exception handling. Used within Rails primarily in controller actions, but potentially very useful in your own libraries too.

B.46.1 active_support/rescuable

rescue_from(*klasses, &block)

The rescue_from method receives a series of exception classes or class names and a trailing :with option with the name of a method or a Proc object to be called to handle them. Alternatively, a block can be given.

Handlers that take one argument will be called with the exception so that the exception can be inspected when dealing with it.

Handlers are inherited. They are searched from right to left, from bottom to top, and up the hierarchy. The handler of the first class for which exception.is_a?(klass) returns true is the one invoked, if any.

Here’s some example code taken from Action Controller.

 1 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
 2   rescue_from User::NotAuthorized, with: :deny_access
 3   rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :show_errors
 5   rescue_from 'MyAppError::Base' do |exception|
 6     render xml: exception, status: 500
 7   end
 9   protected
10     def deny_access
11       ...
12     end
14     def show_errors(exception)
15       exception.record.new? ? ...
16     end
17 end

B.47 String

Extensions to Ruby’s String class.

B.47.1 active_support/json/encoding


Returns self.


Returns JSON-escaped version of self.

B.47.2 active_support/core_ext/object/blank


Returns true if the string consists of only whitespace.

1 class String
2   def blank?
3     self !~ /S/
4   end
5 end

B.47.3 active_support/core_ext/string/access


Returns the character at position, treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Returns nil if the position exceeds the length of the string.

>> "hello".at(0)
=> "h"

>> "hello".at(4)
=> "o"

>> "hello".at(10)
=> nil


Returns the first number of characters in a string.

1 "hello".first     # => "h"
2 "hello".first(2)  # => "he"
3 "hello".first(10) # => "hello"


Returns the remaining characters of a string from the position, treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Returns nil if the position exceeds the length of the string.

1 "hello".at(0)  # => "hello"
2 "hello".at(2)  # => "llo"
3 "hello".at(10) # => nil


Returns the last number of characters in a string.

1 "hello".last     # => "o"
2 "hello".last(2)  # => "lo"
3 "hello".last(10) # => "hello"


Returns the beginning of the string up to the position, treating the string as an array (where 0 is the first character). Doesn’t produce an error when the position exceeds the length of the string.

1 "hello".at(0) # => "h"
2 "hello".at(2)  # => "hel"
3 "hello".at(10) # => "hello"

B.47.4 active_support/core_ext/string/behavior

Duck types as a String-like class. See Object#acts_like? for more explanation.

1 class String
2   def acts_like_time?
3     true
4   end
5 end

B.47.5 active_support/core_ext/string/conversions


Uses Date.parse to turn a string into a Date.


Uses Date.parse to turn a string into a DateTime.

to_time(form = :local)

Uses Date.parse to turn a string into a Time, either using either :utc or :local (default).

B.47.6 active_support/core_ext/string/exclude


The inverse of include?. Returns true if self does not include the other string.

B.47.7 active_support/core_ext/string/filters


A convenience method for gsub(pattern, ''). It returns a new string with all occurrences of the pattern removed.


Performs a destructive remove. See remove.


Returns the string, first removing all whitespace on both ends of the string and then changing remaining consecutive whitespace groups into one space each.

>> %{ Multi-line
   string }.squish
=> "Multi-line string"

>> " foo   bar            boo".squish
=> "foo bar boo"


Performs a destructive squish. See squish.

truncate(length, options = )

Truncates a given text after a given length if text is longer than length. The last characters will be replaced with the :omission (which defaults to “...”) for a total length not exceeding :length.

Pass a :separator to truncate text at a natural break.

>> "Once upon a time in a world far far away".truncate(30)
=> "Once upon a time in a world..."

>> "Once upon a time in a world far far away".truncate(30, separator: ' ')
=> "Once upon a time in a world..."

>> "Once upon a time in a world far far away".truncate(14)
=> "Once upon a..."

>> "And they found that many people were sleeping better.".
     truncate(25, omission: "... (continued)")
=> "And they f... (continued)"

B.47.8 active_support/core_ext/string/indent

indent(amount, indent_string=nil, indent_empty_lines=false)

Indents a string by the given amount.

>> "foo".indent(2)
=>  "  foo"

=> "foo bar"
>> "  foo   bar"

The second argument—indent_string—specifies what indent string to use. If no indent_string is specified, it will use the first indented line; otherwise, a space is used. If indent_empty_lines is set to true, empty lines will also be indented.


Performs a destructive indent. See indent.

B.47.9 active_support/core_ext/string/inflections

String inflections define new methods on the String class to transform names for different purposes.

For instance, you can figure out the name of a database from the name of a class:

>> "ScaleScore".tableize
=> "scale_scores"

If you get frustrated by the limitations of Rails inflections, try the most excellent linguistics library by Michael Granger at https://github.com/ged/linguistics. It doesn’t do all the same inflections as Rails, but the ones that it does do, it does better. (See titleize for an example.)


Alias for camelize.

camelize(first_letter = :upper)

By default, camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase. If the argument to camelize is set to :lower, then camelize produces lowerCamelCase. Also converts “/” to “::,” which is useful for converting paths to namespaces.

>> "active_record".camelize
=> "ActiveRecord"

>> "active_record".camelize(:lower)
=> "activeRecord"

>> "active_record/errors".camelize
=> "ActiveRecord::Errors"
>> "active_record/errors".camelize(:lower)
=> "activeRecord::Errors"


Creates a class name from a table name; used by Active Record to turn table names to model classes. Note that the classify method returns a string and not a Class. (To convert to an actual class, follow classify with constantize.)

>> "egg_and_hams".classify
=> "EggAndHam"

>> "post".classify
=> "Post"


The constantize method tries to find a declared constant with the name specified in the string. It raises a NameError if a matching constant is not located.

>> "Module".constantize
=> Module

>> "Class".constantize
=> Class


Replaces underscores with dashes in the string.

>> "puni_puni"
=> "puni-puni"


Removes the module prefixes from a fully qualified module or class name.

>> "ActiveRecord::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections".demodulize
=> "Inflections"

>> "Inflections".demodulize
=> "Inflections"

foreign_key(separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = true)

Creates a foreign key name from a class name.

"Message".foreign_key # => "message_id"
"Message".foreign_key(false) # => "messageid"
"Admin::Post".foreign_key # => "post_id"

humanize(options = {})

Capitalizes the first word of a string, turns underscores into spaces, and strips _id. Similar to the titleize method in that it is intended for creating pretty output.

>> "employee_salary".humanize
=> "Employee salary"
>> "author_id".humanize
=> "Author"

Setting the :capitalize option to false results in the string being humanized without being capitalized.

>> "employee_salary".humanize(capitalize: false)
=> "employee salary"

parameterize(sep = '-')

Replaces special characters in a string with sep string so that it may be used as part of a pretty URL.


Returns the plural form of the word in the string.

1 "post".pluralize # => "posts"
2 "octopus".pluralize # => "octopi"
3 "sheep".pluralize # => "sheep"
4 "words".pluralize # => "words"
5 "the blue mailman".pluralize # => "the blue mailmen"
6 "CamelOctopus".pluralize # => "CamelOctopi"


The safe_constantize method tries to find a declared constant with the name specified in the string. It returns nil when the name is not in CamelCase or is not initialized.


The reverse of pluralize. Returns the singular form of a word in a string.

1 "posts".singularize # => "post"
2 "octopi".singularize # => "octopus"
3 "sheep".singluarize # => "sheep"
4 "word".singluarize # => "word"
5 "the blue mailmen".singularize # => "the blue mailman"
6 "CamelOctopi".singularize # => "CamelOctopus"


Creates a plural and underscored database table name based on Rails conventions. Used by Active Record to determine the proper table name for a model class. This method uses the pluralize method on the last word in the string.

1 "RawScaledScorer".tableize # => "raw_scaled_scorers"
2 "egg_and_ham".tableize # => "egg_and_hams"
3 "fancyCategory".tableize # => "fancy_categories"


Alias for titleize.


Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer-looking title. The titleize method is meant for creating pretty output and is not used in the Rails internals.

>> "The light on the beach was like a sinus headache".titleize
=> "The Light On The Beach Was Like A Sinus Headache"

It’s also not perfect. Among other things, it capitalizes words inside the sentence that it probably shouldn’t, like “a” and “the.”


The reverse of camelize. Makes an underscored form from the expression in the string. Changes “::” to “/” to convert namespaces to paths.

1 "ActiveRecord".underscore # => "active_record"
2 "ActiveRecord::Errors".underscore # => active_record/errors

B.47.10 active_support/core_ext/string/inquiry


Wraps the current string in the ActiveSupport::StringInquirer class, providing an elegant way to test for equality.

1 env = 'production'.inquiry
2 env.production?  # => true
3 env.development? # => false

B.47.11 active_support/core_ext/string/multibyte

Defines a multibyte safe proxy for string methods.


The mb_chars method creates and returns an instance of ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars, encapsulating the original string. A Unicode-safe version of all the String methods are defined on the proxy class. If the proxy class doesn’t respond to a certain method, it’s forwarded to the encapsulated string.

>> name = 'Claus Müller'

>> name.reverse
=> "rell??M sualC"

>> name.length
=> 13

>> name.mb_chars.reverse.to_s
=> "rellüM sualC"

>> name.mb_chars.length
=> 12

All the methods on the Chars proxy that normally return a string will return a Chars object. This allows method chaining on the result of any of these methods.

>> name.mb_chars.reverse.length
=> 12

The Chars object tries to be as interchangeable with String objects as possible, sorting and comparing between String and Char work like expected. The bang! methods change the internal string representation in the Chars object. Interoperability problems can be resolved easily with a to_s call.

For more information about the methods defined on the Chars proxy, see ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. For information about how to change the default Multibyte behavior, see ActiveSupport::Multibyte.


Returns true if the string has UTF-8 semantics versus strings that are simply being used as byte streams.

B.47.12 active_support/core_ext/string/output_safety


Returns an HTML-escaped version of self. See ERB::Util#html_escape for more information.

B.47.13 active_support/core_ext/string/starts_ends_with

Provides String with additional condition methods.


Alias for start_with?.


Alias for end_with?.

B.47.14 active_support/core_ext/string/strip


Strips indentation in heredocs. For example,

1 if options[:usage]
2   puts <<-USAGE.strip_heredoc
3     This command does such and such.
5     Supported options are:
6       -h         This message
7       ...
9 end

would cause the user to see the usage message aligned against the left margin.

B.47.15 active_support/core_ext/string/in_time_zone

in_time_zone(zone = ::Time.zone)

Converts the string to a TimeWithZone in the current zone if Time.zone or Time.zone_default are set. Otherwise, returns String#to_time.

B.48 ActiveSupport::StringInquirer

Wrapping a string in this class gives you a prettier way to test for equality. The value returned by Rails.env is wrapped in a StringInquirer object, so instead of calling

Rails.env == "production"

you can call


This class is really simple, so you only really want to do this with strings that contain no whitespace or special characters.

>> s = ActiveSupport::StringInquirer.new("obie")
=> "obie"
>> s.obie?
=> true

B.49 Struct

Extensions to Ruby’s Struct class.

B.49.1 active_support/core_ext/struct


Backports of Struct#to_h from Ruby 2.0 unless defined.

B.50 ActiveSupport::Subscriber

The ActiveSupport::Subscriber object is used to consume ActiveSupport::Notifications. The subscriber dispatches notifications to a registered object based on its given namespace.

For example, a subscriber could collect statistics about Active Record queries:

1 module ActiveRecord
2   class StatsSubscriber < ActiveSupport::Subscriber
3     def sql(event)
4       Statsd.timing("sql.#{event.payload[:name]}", event.duration)
5     end
6   end
7 end

To attach a subscriber to a namespace, use the attach_to method.

1 ActiveRecord::StatsSubscriber.attach_to :active_record

B.51 Symbol

Extensions to Ruby’s Symbol class.

B.51.1 active_support/json/encoding


Returns to_s version of itself.

B.52 ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging

Wraps any standard Logger object to provide tagging capabilities.

B.52.1 active_support/tagged_logger


Clears all tags and invoke the parent definition if it exists.

tagged(*tags, &block)

Prefixes tags to each log message in the yielded block.

1 logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(Logger.new(STDOUT))
2 logger.tagged("tr4w") { logger.info "Stuff" } # [tr4w] Stuff

B.53 ActiveSupport::TestCase

Inheriting from MiniTest::Unit::TestCase, adds Rails specific testing methods and behavior.

B.53.1 active_support/test_case


Alias for refute_match for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_empty for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_equal for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_in_delta for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_in_epsilon for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_includes for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_instance_of for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_kind_of for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_nil for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_operator for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_predicate for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_respond_to for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Alias for refute_same for Test::Unit backward compatibility.


Tests if the block doesn’t raise an exception.


Alias for assert_raises for Test::Unit backward compatibility.

B.54 ActiveSupport::Testing::Assertions

B.54.1 active_support/testing/assertions

Rails adds a number of assertions to the basic ones provided with MiniTest.

assert_difference(expressions, difference = 1, message = nil, &block)

Tests whether a numeric difference in the return value of an expression is a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block. (Easier to demonstrate than to explain!)

The following example evaluation’s the expression Article.count, and it saves the result. Then it yields to the block, which will execute the post :create and return control to the assert_difference method. At that point, Article.count is evaluated again, and the difference is asserted to be 1 (the default difference).

1 assert_difference 'Article.count' do
2   post :create, article: {...}
3 end

Any arbitrary expression can be passed in and evaluated:

1 assert_difference 'assigns(:article).comments(:reload).size' do
2   post :create, comment: {...}
3 end

Arbitrary difference values may be specified. The default is 1, but negative numbers are OK too:

1 assert_difference 'Article.count', -1 do
2   post :delete, id: ...
3 end

An array of expressions can also be passed in—each will be evaluated:

1 assert_difference [ 'Article.count', 'Post.count' ], 2 do
2   post :create, article: {...}
3 end

A lambda or a list of lambdas can be passed in and evaluated:

1 assert_difference ->{ Article.count }, 2 do
2   post :create, article: {...}
3 end
5 assert_difference [->{ Article.count }, ->{ Post.count }], 2 do
6   post :create, article: {...}
7 end

A error message can be specified:

1 assert_difference 'Article.count', -1, "Article should be destroyed" do
2   post :delete, id: ...
3 end

assert_no_difference(expressions, message = nil, &block)

Tests that the return value of the supplied expression does not change as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.

1 assert_no_difference 'Article.count' do
2   post :create, article: invalid_attributes
3 end

assert_not(object, message = nil)

Assert that an expression is not true.

1 assert_not nil    # => true
2 assert_not false  # => true
3 assert_not 'foo'  # => 'foo' is not nil or false

B.54.2 active_support/testing/time_helpers

travel(duration, &block)

Changes the current time to the time in the future or in the past by a given time difference. This is accomplished by stubbing Time.now and Date.today.

1 Time.current # => Sat, 09 Nov 2013 15:34:49 EST -05:00
2 travel 1.day
3 Time.current # => Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:34:49 EST -05:00
4 Date.current # => Sun, 10 Nov 2013

travel_to(date_or_time, &block)

Changes the current time to the supplied date or time. This is accomplished by stubbing Time.now and Date.today.

B.55 Thread

Extensions to Ruby’s built-in Thread class.

B.55.1 active_support/core_ext/thread


Freeze thread local variables.


Returns true if the given string (or symbol) exists as a thread local variable.

>> current_thread = Thread.current
=> #<Thread:0x007fd2c08c0da8 run>

>> current_thread.thread_variable?(:tr4w)
=> false

>> current_thread.thread_variable_set(:tr4w, 'is awesome')
=> "is awesome"

>> current_thread.thread_variable?(:tr4w)
=> true


Returns the value of a thread local variable that has been set.

thread_variable_set(key, value)

Set a thread local variable.

>> Thread.current.thread_variable_set(:tr4w, 'is awesome')
=> "is awesome"


Returns an array of thread local variables represented as symbols.

>> Thread.current.thread_variables
=> [:tr4w]

B.56 Time

Extensions to Ruby’s built-in Time class.

B.56.1 active_support/json/encoding


Returns self as a JSON string. The ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format configuration setting determines whether the output is formatted using :xmlschema or the following pattern:

%(#{strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)})

B.56.2 active_support/core_ext/time/acts_like

Duck types as a Time-like class. See Object#acts_like? for more explanation.

1 class Time
2   def acts_like_time?
3     true
4   end
5 end

B.56.3 active_support/core_ext/time/calculations

Contains methods that facilitate time calculations.


Overriding case equality method so that it returns true for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances.

+ (other)

Implemented by the plus_with_duration method. It allows addition of times like this:

expiration_time = Time.now + 3.days

- (other)

Implemented by the minus_with_duration method. It allows addition of times like this:

two_weeks_ago = Time.now - 2.weeks


Implemented by the compare_with_coercion method. Layers additional behavior on Time#eql? so that ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be compared with Time instances.


Provides precise Time calculations. The options parameter takes a hash with any of the following keys: :months, :days, :years, :hours, :minutes, and :seconds.


Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds into the past; this is basically a wrapper around the Numeric extension of the same name. For the best accuracy, do not use this method in combination with x.months; use months_ago instead!


Convenience method for beginning_of_day..end_of_day. Returns a range representing the whole day of the current time.


Convenience method for beginning_of_month..end_of_month. Returns a range representing the whole month of the current time.


Convenience method for beginning_of_quarter..end_of_quarter. Returns a range representing the whole quarter of the current time.

all_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)

Convenience method for beginning_of_week(start_day)..end_of_week(start_day). Returns a range representing the whole week of the current time.


Convenience method for beginning_of_year..end_of_year. Returns a range representing the whole year of the current time.

at_beginning_of_day / at_midnight / beginning_of_day /midnight

Returns a new Time object representing the “start” of the current instance’s day, hard-coded to 00:00 hours.

at_beginning_of_hour / beginning_of_hour

Returns a new Time object representing the start of the hour (hh:00:00). Implemented simply as change(min: 0).

at_beginning_of_minute / beginning_of_minute

Returns a new Time object representing the start of the minute (hh:mm:00). Implemented simply as change(sec: 0).

at_beginning_of_quarter / beginning_of_quarter

Returns a new Time object representing the start of the calendar quarter (first of January, April, July, October, 00:00 hours).


Alias for beginning_of_week.

at_beginning_of_year / beginning_of_year

Returns a new Time object representing the start of the year (first of January, 00:00 hours).

at_end_of_day / end_of_day

Returns a new Time object representing the end of a day (23:59:59). Implemented simply as change(hour: 23, min: 59, sec: 59).

at_end_of_hour / end_of_hour

Returns a new Time object representing the end of the hour (hh:59:59). Implemented simply as change(min: 59, sec: 59).

at_end_of_minute / end_of_minute

Returns a new Time object representing the end of the minute (hh:mm:59). Implemented simply as change(sec: 59).

at_end_of_month / end_of_month

Returns a new Time object representing the end of the month (last day of the month at 23:59:59 hours).

at_end_of_quarter / end_of_quarter

Returns a new Time object representing the end of the quarter (March 30, June 30, September 30, December 31, etc., at 23:59:59 hours).


Alias for end_of_week.

at_end_of_year / end_of_year

Returns a new Time object representing the end of the year (last day of the year at 23:59:59 hours).

beginning_of_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)

Returns a new Time object representing the “start” of the current instance’s week, defaulting to Date.beginning_of_week.


Returns a new Time where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the options parameter. The valid date options are :year, :month, and :day. The valid time options are :hour, :min, :sec, :offset, and :start.


Returns Time.zone.now when Time.zone or config.time_zone are set; otherwise, returns Time.now.


Returns a new Time object minus the specified number of days.

Time.days_in_month(month, year = nil)

Returns the number of days in the given month. If a year is given, February will return the correct number of days for leap years. Otherwise, this method will always report February as having 28 days.

>> Time.days_in_month(7, 1974)
=> 31


Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified days into the future.

days_to_week_start(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)

Returns the number of days to the start of the week.

end_of_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week)

Returns a new Time object representing the “end” of the current instance’s week, with the week start_day defaulting to Date.beginning_of_week.


Returns true if the Time instance is in the future.

middle_of_day / noon

Returns a new Time object representing the middle of the day (12:00:00). Implemented simply as change(hour: 12).

last_month / prev_month

Convenience method for months_ago(1).

last_quarter / prev_quarter

Convenience method for months_ago(3).

last_week(start_day = Date.beginning_of_week) / prev_week

Returns a new Time object representing the given day in the previous week, with the week start_day defaulting to Date.beginning_of_week.

last_year / prev_year

Convenience method for years_ago(1).


Convenience method for beginning_of_week(:monday).


Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified months into the past.


The opposite of months_ago. Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified months into the future.


Convenience method for months_since(1).


Convenience method for months_since(3).

next_week(given_day_in_next_week = Date.beginning_of_week)

Returns a new Time object representing the start of the given day in the following calendar week.


Convenience method for years_since(1).


Returns the number of seconds that have transpired since midnight.


Returns how many seconds left in the day until 23:59:59.

since(seconds) / in(seconds)

Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds into the future starting from the instance time. This method is basically a wrapper around the Numeric extension of the same name. For best accuracy, do not use this method in combination with x.months; use months_since instead!


Convenience method for end_of_week(:monday).


Returns true if the Time is today.


Returns a new Time object advanced by one day.


Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified weeks ago.


Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified weeks into the future.


Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified years into the past.


The opposite of years_ago. Returns a new Time object representing the time a number of specified years into the future.


Returns a new Time object subtracted by one day.

B.56.4 active_support/core_ext/time/conversions

Extensions to Ruby’s Time class to convert time objects into different convenient string representations and other objects.


The DATE_FORMATS hash constant holds formatting patterns used by the to_formatted_s method to convert a Time object into a string representation:

 2   :db           => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
 3   :number       => '%Y%m%d%H%M%S',
 4   :nsec         => '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%9N',
 5   :time         => '%H:%M',
 6   :short        => '%d %b %H:%M',
 7   :long         => '%B %d, %Y %H:%M',
 8   :long_ordinal => lambda { |time|
 9     day_format = ActiveSupport::Inflector.ordinalize(time.day)
10     time.strftime("%B #{day_format}, %Y %H:%M")
11   },
12   :rfc822       => lambda { |time|
13     offset_format = time.formatted_offset(false)
14     time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S #{offset_format}")
15   }
16 }

formatted_offset(colon = true, alternate_utc_string = nil)

Returns the UTC offset as an HH:MM formatted string.

1 Time.local(2000).formatted_offset         # => "-06:00"
2 Time.local(2000).formatted_offset(false)  # => "-0600"

to_formatted_s(format = :default)

Converts a Time object into a string representation. The :default option corresponds to the Time object’s own to_s method.

>> time = Time.now
=> Thu Jan 18 06:10:17 CST 2007

>> time.to_formatted_s(:time)
=> "06:10"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:db)
=> "2007-01-18 06:10:17"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:number)
=> "20070118061017"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:short)
=> "18 Jan 06:10"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:long)
=> "January 18, 2007 06:10"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal)
=> "January 18th, 2007 06:10"

>> time.to_formatted_s(:rfc822)
=> "Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:10:17 -0600"


Aliased to to_formatted_s.

B.56.5 active_support/core_ext/time/marshal

Rails layers behavior on the _dump and _load methods so that utc instances can be flagged on dump and coerced back to utc on load.

Ruby 1.9.2 adds utc_offset and zone to Time, but marshaling only preserves utc_offset. Rails preserves zone also, even though it may not work in some edge cases.

B.56.6 active_support/core_ext/time/zones

Extensions to Time having to do with support for time zones.


Returns a TimeZone instance or nil if it does not exist.

>> Time.find_zone("Eastern Time (US & Canada)")
=> #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone:0x007fd2c0bc49c8
    @name="Eastern Time (US & Canada)", ...>


Same as find_zone, except it raises an ArgumentError if an invalid time_zone is provided.

in_time_zone(zone = ::Time.zone)

Returns the simultaneous time in the supplied zone.

>> Time.zone = 'Hawaii'
=> "Hawaii"
>> Time.utc(2000).in_time_zone
=> Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:00:00 HST -10:00

use_zone(time_zone, &block)

Allows override of Time.zone locally inside supplied block; resets Time.zone to existing value when done.

>> Date.today
=> Wed, 02 Jun 2010

>> Time.use_zone(ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Hong Kong']) { Date.today }
=> Thu, 03 Jun 2010


Returns the TimeZone for the current request if this has been set (via Time.zone=). If Time.zone has not been set for the current request, returns the TimeZone specified in config.time_zone.


Sets Time.zone to a TimeZone object for the current request/thread.

This method accepts any of the following:

• A Rails TimeZone object

• An identifier for a Rails TimeZone object (e.g., “Eastern Time (US & Canada),” -5.hours)

• A TZInfo::TimeZone object

• An identifier for a TZInfo::TimeZone object (e.g., “America/New_York”)

Here’s an example of how you might set Time.zone on a per request basis. The code assumes that current_user.time_zone returns a string identifying the user’s preferred TimeZone:

1 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
2   before_action :set_time_zone
4   def set_time_zone
5     Time.zone = current_user.time_zone
6   end
7 end

B.57 ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone

A Time-like class that can represent a time in any time zone. Necessary because standard Ruby Time instances are limited to UTC and the system’s ENV['TZ'] zone.

You shouldn’t ever need to create a TimeWithZone instance directly via new. Rails provides the methods local, parse, at, and now on TimeZone instances and in_time_zone on Time and DateTime instances for a more user-friendly syntax.

>> Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
=> 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'

>> Time.zone.local(2007, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45)
=> Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45 EST -05:00

>> Time.zone.parse('2007-02-01 15:30:45')
=> Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45 EST -05:00

>> Time.zone.at(1170361845)
=> Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45 EST -05:00

>> Time.zone.now
=> Sun, 18 May 2008 13:07:55 EDT -04:00

>> Time.utc(2007, 2, 10, 20, 30, 45).in_time_zone
=> Sat, 10 Feb 2007 15:30:45 EST -05:00

See Time and ActiveSupport::TimeZone for further documentation of these methods.

TimeWithZone instances implement the same API as Ruby Time instances so that Time and TimeWithZone instances are interchangeable.

>> t = Time.zone.now
=> Sun, 18 May 2008 13:27:25 EDT -04:00

>> t.class
=> ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone

>> t.hour
=> 13

>> t.dst?
=> true

>> t.utc_offset
=> -14400

>> t.zone
=> "EDT"

>> t.to_s(:rfc822)
=> "Sun, 18 May 2008 13:27:25 -0400"

>> t + 1.day
=> Mon, 19 May 2008 13:27:25 EDT -04:00

>> t.beginning_of_year
=> Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:00:00 EST -05:00

>> t > Time.utc(1999)
=> true

>> t.is_a?(Time)
=> true

B.58 ActiveSupport::TimeZone

The TimeZone class serves as a wrapper around TZInfo::TimeZone instances. It allows Rails to do the following:

• Limit the set of zones provided by TZInfo to a meaningful subset of 146 zones.

• Retrieve and display zones with a friendlier name (e.g., “Eastern Time (US & Canada)” instead of “America/New_York”).

• Lazily load TZInfo::TimeZone instances only when they’re needed.

• Create ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances via TimeZone’s local, parse, at, and now methods.

If you set config.time_zone in an initializer, you can access this TimeZone object via Time.zone:

1 config.time_zone = "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
3 Time.zone       # => #<TimeZone:0x514834...>
4 Time.zone.name  # => "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
5 Time.zone.now   # => Sun, 18 May 2008 14:30:44 EDT -04:00

B.58.1 active_support/values/time_zone

The version of TZInfo bundled with Active Support only includes the definitions necessary to support the zones defined by the TimeZone class. If you need to use zones that aren’t defined by TimeZone, you’ll need to install the TZInfo gem. If a recent version of the gem is installed locally, this will be used instead of the bundled version.

<=> (other)

Compares this time zone to the parameter. The two are compared first based on their offsets and then by name.


Compare name and TZInfo identifier to a supplied regular expression. Returns true if a match is found.

TimeZone[] (arg)

Locates a specific time zone object. If the argument is a string, it is interpreted to mean the name of the time zone to locate.

>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Dublin']
=> #<TimeZone:0x3208390 @name="Dublin", @utc_offset=nil ...>

If it is a numeric value it is either the hour offset or the second offset of the time zone to find. (The first one with that offset will be returned.)

Returns nil if no such time zone is known to the system.


Returns an array of all 146 TimeZone objects. There are multiple TimeZone objects per time zone (in many cases) to make it easier for users to find their own time zone.

>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all
=> [#<ActiveSupport::TimeZone:0x551c34...


Creates a new ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance in time zone of self from the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.

1 Time.zone = 'Hawaii'        # => "Hawaii"
2 Time.utc(2000).to_f         # => 946684800.0
3 Time.zone.at(946684800.0)   # => Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:00:00 HST -10:00

TimeZone.create(name, offset)

Creates a new TimeZone instance with the given name and offset.

>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.create("Atlanta", -5.hours)
=> #<ActiveSupport::TimeZone:0x007fd2c136b118 @name="Atlanta",
     @utc_offset=-18000 seconds, @tzinfo=#<TZInfo::TimeZoneProxy: Atlanta>,


Returns a TZInfo instance matching the specified name.

formatted_offset(colon=true, alternate_utc_string = nil)

Returns the offset of this time zone as a formatted string in the format HH:MM. If the offset is zero, this method will return an empty string. If colon is false, a colon will not be inserted into the output.

initialize(name, utc_offset = nil, tzinfo = nil)

Create a new TimeZone object with the given name and offset. The offset is the number of seconds that this time zone is offset from UTC (GMT). Seconds were chosen as the offset unit because that is the unit that Ruby uses to represent time zone offsets (see Time#utc_offset). The tzinfo parameter can be explicitly passed in; otherwise, the name will be used to find it: TimeZone.find_tzinfo(name).


Creates a new ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance in time zone of self from given values.

local_to_utc(time, dst=true)

Adjust the given time to the simultaneous time in UTC. Returns a Time.utc() instance.


Returns Time.now adjusted to this time zone.

>> Time.now
=> 2013-10-16 17:45:49 -0400
>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Hawaii'].now
=> Wed, 16 Oct 2013 11:46:05 HST -10:00

parse(str, now=now)

Creates a new ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instance in time zone of self from parsed string.

>> Time.zone = 'Hawaii'
=> "Hawaii"
>> Time.zone.parse('1999-12-31 14:00:00')
=> Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:00:00 HST -10:00

period_for_local(time, dst=true)

Method exists so that TimeZone instances respond like TZInfo::TimeZone.


Method exists so that TimeZone instances respond like TZInfo::TimeZone.

TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(seconds, colon = true)

Assumes self represents an offset from UTC in seconds (as returned from Time#utc_offset) and turns this into an +HH:MM formatted string.

1 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(-21_600) # => "-06:00"


Returns a textual representation of this time zone.

1 ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Dublin'].to_s  # => "(GMT+00:00) Dublin"


Returns the current date in this time zone.

>> Date.today
=> Wed, 16 Oct 2013
>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Darwin'].today
=> Thu, 17 Oct 2013


A convenience method for returning a collection of TimeZone objects for time zones in the United States.

>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones.map(&:name)
=> ["Hawaii", "Alaska", "Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "Arizona",
"Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "Central Time (US & Canada)", "Eastern
Time (US & Canada)", "Indiana (East)"]


Returns the offset of this time zone from UTC in seconds.


Adjust the given time to the simultaneous time in the time zone.

B.59 TrueClass

B.59.1 active_support/core_ext/object/blank


Returns false.

B.59.2 active_support/json/encoding


Returns true.

B.60 ActiveSupport::XmlMini

The XmlMini module contains code that allows Rails to serialize/deserialize and parse XML using a number of different libraries.

• JDOM (requires JRuby)

• LibXML (fast native XML parser)

• Nokogiri (requires nokogiri gem)

B.60.1 active_support/xml_mini

If you’re doing anything of significance with XML in your application, you should definitely use the fast native libxml parser. Install the binaries (instructions vary depending on platform) and then the Ruby binding:

gem 'libxml-ruby', '=0.9.7'

Set XmlMini to use libxml in application.rb or an initializer.

XmlMini.backend = 'LibXML'


The TYPE_NAMES constant holds a mapping of Ruby types to their representation when serialized as XML.

 2   "Symbol"     => "symbol",
 3   "Fixnum"     => "integer",
 4   "Bignum"     => "integer",
 5   "BigDecimal" => "decimal",
 6   "Float"      => "float",
 7   "TrueClass"  => "boolean",
 8   "FalseClass" => "boolean",
 9   "Date"       => "date",
10   "DateTime"   => "dateTime",
11   "Time"       => "dateTime",
12   "Array"      => "array",
13   "Hash"       => "hash"
14 }

The FORMATTING constant holds a mapping of lambdas that define how Ruby values are serialized to strings for representation in XML.

2   "symbol"   => Proc.new { |symbol| symbol.to_s },
3   "date"     => Proc.new { |date| date.to_s(:db) },
4   "dateTime" => Proc.new { |time| time.xmlschema },
5   "binary"   => Proc.new { |binary| ::Base64.encode64(binary) },
6   "yaml"     => Proc.new { |yaml| yaml.to_yaml }
7 }

The PARSING constant holds a mapping of lambdas used to deserialize values stored in XML back into Ruby objects.

 1   PARSING = {
 2     "symbol"       => Proc.new { |symbol| symbol.to_sym },
 3     "date"         => Proc.new { |date| ::Date.parse(date) },
 4     "datetime"     => Proc.new {
 5       |time| Time.xmlschema(time).utc rescue ::DateTime.parse(time).utc },
 6     "integer"      => Proc.new { |integer| integer.to_i },
 7     "float"        => Proc.new { |float|   float.to_f },
 8     "decimal"      => Proc.new { |number|  BigDecimal(number) },
 9     "boolean"      => Proc.new {
10       |boolean| %w(1 true).include?(boolean.strip) },
11     "string"       => Proc.new { |string|  string.to_s },
12     "yaml"         => Proc.new { |yaml|    YAML::load(yaml) rescue yaml },
13     "base64Binary" => Proc.new { |bin|     ::Base64.decode64(bin) },
14     "binary"       => Proc.new { |bin, entity| _parse_binary(bin, entity) },
15     "file"         => Proc.new { |file, entity| _parse_file(file, entity) }
16   }

 1   PARSING.update(
 2     "double"   => PARSING["float"],
 3     "dateTime" => PARSING["datetime"]
 4   )

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