Additive manufacturing (AM). See 3D printing

Advantage, 1. See also Reciprocity advantage

Advertising, 73

And, world of, 8, 11, 62, 63, 72, 83, 101, 104

Anderson, Chris, 2, 4–6

Anthony, Scott, 131, 140, 159

App Store (iOS), 52–55

Apple Computer, 18–19, 22

ironic reciprocity advantage of, 52–55

Army War College (“VUCA University”), 92

Assumptions. See Knowledge-to-assumption ratio

Asthmapolis, 22

Baby Boom generation, 68

Badge fatigue, 92

Ben-Horin, Daniel, 51

Big Blue, 18–20. See also IBM as Smarter Planet, 20–23

Bio-empathy, 94

Brand certification, 75–76

Brunner, Gordon, 110

Business plan, reciprocity advantage, 145–146


defining/agreeing on your core, 113–116

with different frequency of usage habits, 137

redefining your business as an experience, 118–120

reinventing your business as a service, 113, 116–118

Cable News Network (CNN), 111–112

Castranova, Edward, 91

Certification, brand, 75–76

Chen, Milton, 71

Christensen, Clayton M., 109, 117, 120, 131, 140


multilingual, 103–105

neuroscience in the, 101–103

rapid propagation amplified by the, 100–101

Cloud-served supercomputing, 1, 7, 60, 98–100, 106. See also Cloud

faster and further, 108

CNN (Cable News Network), 111–112

Cognitive ergonomics, 103

Cognitive surplus, 55

Collaboration, 81, 87

Commercial risk, 141

Commercials, 73

Commons Creating, 166

Competing against non-consumption, 120

Complexity will call out for Clarity, 65

Connectivity, 36–37. See also Partnering

Conroy, Michael, 75

Consumer and producer, increasingly blurred boundaries between, 97–98

Cook, Scott, 133, 140

Crash the Super Bowl, 84

Customer-supplier relationships, 125–126

Demography, 68

Design thinking, 143

essential steps in, 143–144

Desirability of a product, assessing the, 150–156, 150f

Diasporas, 85

as partners, 85–87

Digital divide, 74

Digital leapfrogging, 74–76, 98–101

Digital natives, 67–72

digital leapfrogs and, 74–76. See also Digital leapfrogging

language will change as they become adults, 72–74

will be attracted by IP-free practices, 77–78

Doritos, 84

Drucker, Peter F., 125

DVO (desirable, viable, ownable) model, 150f

Education, 71

Employment, 80

Engelbart, Douglas C., 151–152

Experience Economy, The (Pine and Gilmore), 118


and knowing when to quit, 161–162

vs. risk, 137–138

Fallows, James, 14

Febreze, 110

Filters, 60, 70–71

and the cloud, 85–86, 106

FoldIt, 47, 90

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 157–158

Food safety risk, partnering to reduce, 32–35, 83–84

Foresight-Insight-Action cycle, x

“Free,” giving things away for, 128

Freespace, 81

Frito-Lay, 84

Gage, John, 97

Gamble, James, 127, 129

Gameful engagement, 91, 95

Gamification, 91

Gaming, 89–92

military, 92–94

vs. simulation, 95

terminology, 94–96

your way to a new business, 96

General Electric (GE), 116

Generation Debt, 72

Gibson, William, 168–169

Gilmore, James H., 118–120

Give and Take (Grant), 163

Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), 32–33, 83–84

reciprocity advantage, 34–35

Gorbis, Marina, 79

Grant, Adam, 163

Hatch, Mark, 46

Haven, Kendall, 56

Hewlett, Bill, 127, 129

Hollywood, 80

IBM. See also Smarter Planet conservatism, 18

IBM’s right-of-way reimagined, 18–20

reciprocity advantage, 23–24

IDEO, 143–144

Immersive Learning Ability, 166

Immersive scenario, 94

Income gap, 68. See also Rich-poor gap

Industry, identifying your current, 115

Innosight, 140–141

Innovation, 51, 109

Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen), 109

Institute for the Future (IFTF), x, 18, 61, 64, 74

Intellectual property (IP), 77–78

Interfaces, 69

Internet, 105. See also specific topics language, global communication, and the, 103–105

Intuitive ideas, 151–153

iPhone, 52–54

Jeopardy! (TV show), 21–22

Job market, future of the, 80

Jobs, Steve, 38, 52, 53, 127, 152

Kamanetz, Anya, 72

Kelley, David M., 143

Khosla, Vinod, 149

Kinect, 29, 52

Klepper, Bill, 167

Knowledge-to-assumption ratio, 159, 161

Kodak, 118

Kozinski, Alex, 32

Labels, avoiding. See People First Principle

Language, global communication, and the Internet, 103–105

Leaders Make the Future (Johansen), 49, 94, 106, 165, 177n4

Leapfrogging. See Digital leapfrogging

Learning by Experimenting, 9–10

Levitt, Ted, 116

Licensing, 128–129

Lo, Kevin, 42

Macintosh, 18–19

MakerBot, 58

Marketing, 73–74

“Marketing Myopia” (Levitt), 116

Mass customization, 59

Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), 91

McDonald’s, 33

McGonigal, Jane, 89

Military gaming, 92–94

Mr. Clean, 110

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, 152

Mr. Clean Sponge, 152–153

National Training Center (NTC), 93

Networks of trust, 85–87

Neuroplasticity, 102

Newton, Jim, 45

NGO certification, 75–76

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 75

oDesk, 82

Options, 139

buying options on the top two killer issues for the next 60 days, 141–142

writing options on your future, 139–140

Options agreement, every partnership should have an, 130–131

Options concepts, 140

Or, world of, 8

Ownability of an idea, 150f

assessing the, 156–158

Packard, Dave, 127, 129

Partnering, 9, 29–32

new models for, 83–84

new ways to partner on a global scale, 36–37

reciprocity advantage, 29–32

to reduce food safety risk, 32–35


companies want good, 38

diasporas as, 85–87

how to find the best, 125–132

more potential partners means more ways to make a living, 82–83

use of the term, 125

Partnership definition worksheet, 132

Partnership possibilities, diverse, 80–82


are deep and difficult, 127

failure of most, 127–128

should have options agreements, 130–131

terminology, 125, 126

transactional, 38, 125, 126

vs. transactional relationships, 125–126

Passion, passionate people, and knowing when to quit, 161–162

People First Principle, 73

Philanthropy, 7

defined, 6

vs. reciprocity, 6–7

Pine, Joseph B., II, 118, 119

Pivot thinking, 110

“Play it forward” (online gaming), 94

Porter, Michael, 7–8

Procter, William, 127, 129

Procter & Gamble (P&G), x–xi, 109–110, 115–116, 127, 129

Propeller Health, 22

Prototypes, 142–145

Prototyping learning by, 134–137

steps for prototyping a new business, 144–145

Railroads, 25, 121–124, 131. See also Right-of-way lessons from railroads

Rapid Prototyping, 166

Real estate, 158

Reciprocity, 7–8

concept of, ix-x defined, 1, 8

future forces that will demand, 61–65

nature of, 1

Step One toward, 16f

vs. transactional relationships, 94

vs. transactions and philanthropy, 6–7

will scale big, 8–9

Reciprocity advantage, 1–2. See also specific topics

basics, 6–8

in companies, examples of, 169

essence of, 78

how to develop your own, 107–110

imagining the new market for your, 135

as oxymoron, 8

for yourself, 164–167

Reciprocity advantage score card, 159, 160

Rich-poor gap, 64, 74, 75. See also Income gap Right-of-way, 9, 10, 111–112

definitions and meanings, 17

digital natives and, 73. See also Digital natives

historic right-of-way story, 25–27

how to find your, 112–120, 114f

what right-of-way to share, 128–130

Right-of-way lessons from railroads, historic, 120–121

innovation portfolio the railroads needed, 121–124, 122f

Risk. See also Food safety risk

vs. failure, 137–138

types of, 141

Sakaab, Nabil, 110

Sapling Foundation, 2, 3

Scalable reciprocity, 60, 81–82, 89, 98, 106, 149

FoldIt and, 47

food safety initiative and, 84

and the future, 171

Google Fiber and, 40

involuntary, 52

partnering for, and learning about new markets, 87

right-of-way and, 27

steps to, 9–10, 10f, 63

TEDx and, 8–9

VUCA World and, 65

Scaling reciprocity, 10, 13, 54, 108, 157, 159–161, 190

how to find your best scale, 147

knowing when to quit, 161–162

new tools and practices for, 57–60

strategies for, 55–57

Schar, Mark, 110

Service industry, identifying your, 117

Service Science, Management, and Engineering (Service Science), 19

Shared value, 7–8

Shirky, Clay, 55

Silicon Valley, 32, 44, 72, 78, 80–81, 133

history, 25


defined, 95

gaming and, 95–96

Smart Mob Organizing, 166

Smarter Planet, 24–25, 56

birth, 20–23

Smarter Planet Initiative, 24

Social networks and social media, 86, 87

Socialbots, 106

Socialstructing, 79–80, 82, 87

Software Development Kit (SDK), 53

Spore (2008 video game), 93–94

Stanford University, 25

Stone, Linda, 67

Task Rabbit, 82

Technical risk, 141

TechShop, 167

reciprocity advantage, 167–170

TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) conferences, 2–6, 36, 129, 136–137

and the cloud, 101

reciprocity advantage, 3–6

TED Talks, 2–3

TEDx, 3–6, 36, 101, 129, 137

3D printing, 57–59

Transactional language, 126

Transactional partnerships, 38, 125, 126

Transactional relationships, 36, 125–126

vs. reciprocity, 94

Transactions, 6–8, 11, 36

vs. reciprocity, 6–7

Transformational ideas, 151, 152

Transparency, 14–15

Transportation industry, 123. See also Railroads


networks of, 85–87

radius of, 14

Tumblr, 112

Twitter, 112

Uncertainty will call out for Understanding, 65

Value co-creation, 19. See also Reciprocity

Viability of an idea, 150f assessing the, 152–156

Video games. See Gaming

Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA). See VUCA World

Volatility will call out for Vision, 65

VUCA World, 9, 36, 62, 92–94, 164–167, 177n4

on steroids, 64–65

Walmart, 33

Watson, Thomas J., 18, 21–22

Wozniak, Steve, 38, 127

Wurman, Richard, 2

Zuckerman, Mike, 81

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