About Roger Schwarz & Associates' Work with Clients

Roger Schwarz & Associates provides a rigorous and compassionate method for leaders and their teams—and those who support them—to get stronger performance, more productive working relationships, and increased individual well-being. Through diagnosis, consulting, training, facilitation, coaching, and measurements, we have helped the Boeing Company, Chevron, American Airlines, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Interior, the World Bank, the American Red Cross, and many other organizations address their toughest challenges to create significantly better results.

We work with two kinds of clients: (1) the facilitators, consultants, coaches, and trainers who help leaders and their teams; and (2) the leaders and the teams themselves. Often, we work with both groups at the same time, working with internal consultants, facilitators, and coaches, as we jointly help their leaders and teams get better results.

To continue benefiting from the mutual learning approach:

  • Schedule a one-day overview to introduce the mutual learning approach to your team or organization.
  • Attend an open-enrollment workshop or bring a workshop to your organization.
  • Engage a facilitator, consultant, or coach to work with your team on your real work.
  • Subscribe to our free, online idealetter Mindset. Behavior. Results. to read the latest practical ideas on mutual learning.

To learn more about these and other ways Roger Schwarz & Associates can help you, your team, and your organization become more effective, visit or contact us at 919–932–3343.

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