

  • accessibility, to organization by internal facilitators
  • accountability
    • defined
    • power of informed choice compassion and
    • as a Core Value, (See also Five Core Values and
    • in virtual meetings
  • accuracy, word choice and
  • Action Design
  • active voice
  • adjourning stage of teams (Tuckman)
  • Adkins, Mark
  • ambiguity
  • anger, dealing with
  • anonymity, of electronic meeting systems
  • Argyris, Chris
  • Aristotle
  • assessment, of facilitator's interest and ability to help
  • assumptions
  • attending
    • constant need to attend to group for diagnosing behavior
    • for inferring emotion
    • need for
    • See also inferences
  • attribution
    • attributing motives
    • fundamental attribution error
    • testing assumptions and inferences
    • testing meaning
    • testing observations
  • audioconferencing
  • authority, in teams
  • autonomy
  • awareness
    • compassion and (See also Five Core Values)
    • emotional intelligence and
    • inferences about others’ inferences
    • limitation of diagnostic frames
    • of mindset
    • self-awareness of facilitators
    • See also emotion


  • Barnard, Chester
  • basic facilitation
    • cofacilitation and
    • developmental roles compared to basic facilitative roles
    • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • facilitative coach role
    • intervention and
  • behavior
  • behavioral interdependence
  • beliefs, of facilitators
  • Berke, Diane
  • biographies (bios), for virtual meetings
  • body language (nonverbal communication)
  • both-and thinking
  • boundary management
    • for cofacilitating
    • team process for
  • Box, George
  • brain, emotional reaction by
  • broad intervention, deep intervention versus


  • case studies
    • mutual learning mindset, CIO team feedback case
    • unilateral control mindset, CIO team feedback case
  • causality
    • attributing motives
    • inferring causes of behavior
    • root causes analysis
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) as causal model
  • celebration, by group
  • choice. See decision making (Step 3)
  • Churchill, Winston
  • clients, groups as, See also contracting; Initial Contact with a Primary Client Group Member (Stage 1)
  • Clutterbuck, D.
  • coaches
    • clarifying role of
    • facilitating skills needed by
    • facilitative coach role
    • work of
  • cofacilitating
    • debriefing with cofacilitator
    • deciding whether to cofacilitate
    • developing boundaries with cofacilitator
    • dividing and coordinating labor for
    • division of labor and allocation of roles
    • overview
    • for virtual meetings
  • cognitive bias, reducing
  • colleagues, feedback for
  • collusion
  • combined technology, for virtual meetings
  • commitment
    • decision making and
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • communication
  • compassion
    • blocks to
    • as a Core Value, (See also Five Core Values)
    • defined
    • for intervening
    • power of
    • three parts of
    • for yourself
    • See also emotion
  • competition, between cofacilitators
  • Completing and Evaluating the Facilitation (Stage 5)
  • completion, of intervention
  • complexity, of intervention
  • computer operating system analogy, for mindset
  • concepts, teaching
  • Conducting the Facilitation (Stage 4)
  • confidentiality issues
  • confirmation bias
  • conflict
    • cofacilitating arrangements and conflict with client group
    • disagreement
    • emotion and
    • internal facilitators and anticipation of potential role conflicts
    • team process for management of
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • congruence
    • between cofacilitators
    • of process and mutual learning
    • of virtual meetings and mutual learning
  • consensus
  • consequences, of not intervening
  • consultants
    • clarifying role of
    • cofacilitation arrangements and internal/external facilitators
    • facilitating skills needed by
    • facilitative consultant role, overview
    • facilitative consultant role transition
    • work of
    • See also contracting; training and consultation
  • contact clients
  • content
    • attending to content of conversation
    • beginning meetings and
    • cofacilitation arrangements and knowledge of
    • content decision-making
    • content decision-making authority/input, defined
    • content inferences
    • content-neutral views of facilitators
    • emotional reaction to
    • making content suggestions
    • neutrality of facilitator
  • context
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • of teams
  • contingency plans, for virtual meetings
  • contracting
    • Completing and Evaluating the Facilitation (Stage 5)
    • Conducting the Facilitation (Stage 4)
    • five stages of, overview
    • importance of
    • Initial Contact with a Primary Client Group Member (Stage 1)
    • for internal facilitators
    • to intervene on mutual learning behaviors
    • overview
    • Planning the Facilitation (Stage 2)
    • Reaching Agreement with Entire Group (Stage 3)
    • for virtual meetings
  • conversation
    • attending to content of conversation
    • diagnosing at speed of
    • Discuss Undiscussable Issues (Behavior 8)
  • coordination, between cofacilitators
  • Core Values. See Five Core Values
  • cultural issues
  • curiosity
    • combining with transparency, (See also transparency)
    • compassion and
    • as a Core Value, (See also Five Core Values)
    • defined
    • developing mindset for
    • power of transparency and
    • State Views and Ask Genuine Questions (Behavior 1)
    • for understanding
    • See also questions


  • data, inferences as
  • Davidson, Anne
  • debriefing, with cofacilitator
  • decision making (Lean principle)
  • decision making (Step 3)
    • about behavior and group effectiveness
    • acknowledging and reinforcing good behavior
    • choosing among possible interventions
    • consensus and
    • consequences of not intervening
    • content decision-making authority or input, defined
    • deciding on intervention type
    • deciding whether to intervene, overview
    • deciding with whom to intervene
    • diagnosing and intervening, overview
    • emotional issues of group and deciding whether to intervene
    • group agreement about intervention
    • importance of
    • informed choice and accountability for
    • mutual learning mindset for high quality decisions
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • repeating steps of observation for
    • skills for intervention
    • team process for
    • unilateral control and effects on
    • using models to diagnose groups, overview
    • See also Jointly Design Next Steps (Step 6)
  • deep intervention, broad intervention versus
  • defensiveness
    • helping others to reduce defensive thinking
    • identifying defensive thinking
    • overview
  • delegation, by formal group leaders
  • dependence
    • mutual learning mindset for appropriate dependence
    • unilateral control and effects on
    • See also task interdependence
  • descriptive words
  • design
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) as design tool
    • of virtual meetings
    • See also team design
  • developmental facilitation
    • for dealing with anger
    • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • facilitative coach role
    • facilitative roles compared to basic facilitative roles
    • “hot button” issues and
    • to identify defensive thinking
    • for intervening on emotion
    • intervention and
    • intervention and skipping steps
  • diagnosing
    • challenges of diagnosing behavior
    • cofacilitating arrangements and
    • conducting initial diagnosis
    • decision making about (Step 3)
    • defined
    • of emotions
    • meaning (Step 2)
    • Mutual Learning Cycle for
    • observation (Step 1)
    • overview
    • parallel to intervening steps
    • See also diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors; emotion
  • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • contracting with group for
    • Discuss Undiscussable Issues (Behavior 8)
    • Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4)
    • Focus on Interests, not Positions (Behavior 5)
    • ground rules difference from
    • Jointly Design Next Steps (Behavior 7)
    • parallel between diagnostic and intervention steps
    • process, defined
    • processes that are incongruent with mutual learning
    • on processes that espouse mutual learning
    • Share All Relevant Information (Behavior 2)
    • State Views and Ask Genuine Questions (Behavior 1)
    • Test Assumptions and Inferences (Behavior 6)
    • Use Specific Examples and Agree on What Important Words Mean (Behavior 3)221
    • using mutual learning to diagnose and intervene on other processes
    • when groups use processes ineffectively
  • diagnostic tool, Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) as
  • direct expression, of emotion
  • direct observation. See observation (Step 1)
  • disagreement
    • motivation and
    • testing meaning and
    • testing observations and
    • See also conflict
  • Discuss Undiscussable Issues (Behavior 8)
  • disengagement, in virtual meetings
  • distraction, in virtual meetings
  • division of labor, for cofacilitating


  • Eight Behaviors for Mutual Learning
    • contracting with group for
    • Discuss Undiscussable Issues (Behavior 8)
    • Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4)
    • Focus on Interests, not Positions (Behavior 5)
    • ground rules difference from diagnosing and intervening
    • for intervening
    • Jointly Design Next Steps (Behavior 7)
    • learning to use
    • for observing and diagnosing group behavior, (See also diagnosing; observation (Step 1))
    • overview
    • parallel between diagnostic and intervention steps
    • as part of Team Effectiveness Model (TEAM)
    • Share All Relevant Information (Behavior 2)
    • State Views and Ask Genuine Questions (Behavior 1)
    • as team norms
    • Test Assumptions and Inferences (Behavior 6)
    • Use Specific Examples and Agree on What Important Words Mean (Behavior 3)
    • See also individual names of Eight Behaviors
  • either-or thinking
  • electronic meeting systems (EMSs)
    • anonymity of
    • challenges of
    • combining with other technology
    • defined
    • designing and facilitating
  • e-mail (sample, for planning meeting)
  • emotion
    • challenge of
    • dealing with angry reactions
    • deciding whether to intervene
    • defined
    • emotional intelligence
    • expression of
    • generating
    • helping others to express emotion effectively
    • helping others to express positive emotions
    • helping others to reduce defensive thinking
    • inferring
    • intervening, overview
    • learning from experience with
    • managing
    • minimizing negative feelings
  • empathy, compassion versus
  • environment, team context for
  • equity, of recognition
  • evaluation
    • Completing and Evaluating the Facilitation (Stage 5)
    • evaluating facilitator's performance, independent of group's results
    • facilitator as evaluator
    • facilitators’ responsibility for groups’ results
    • by internal facilitators
    • of internal facilitators
    • reviewing problems of past client relationships
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM)
    • See also results
  • examples, specificity of
  • experience, emotion triggered by
  • experiential exercises
    • congruence with mutual learning
    • Lean and other continuous improvement approaches
    • overview
  • Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4)
    • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • Jointly Design Next Steps (intervening) and
    • overview
    • as part of Team Effectiveness Model (TEAM)
    • for testing observations
    • See also Eight Behaviors for Mutual Learning


  • face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings compared to. See virtual meetings
  • Facilitative Coaching (Schwarz, Davidson)
  • facilitative roles
    • basic and developmental roles
    • beliefs of facilitators and
    • defining
    • describing approach to clients
    • different approaches to
    • distinguishing facilitative role
    • facilitative, defined
    • facilitative coach role
    • facilitative consultant role
    • facilitative leader role
    • facilitative mediator role
    • facilitative trainer role
    • facilitator check
    • facilitator's relationship to group
    • foundation for facilitative skills
    • group as client of facilitators
    • group facilitators, defined
    • moving from facilitator role to another facilitative role
    • Mutual Learning Cycle, overview
    • overview
    • responsibility for group's results and
    • self-awareness of facilitators
    • serving in multiple roles
    • virtual meetings and facilitative role
    • work of facilitators
    • See also cofacilitating; contracting
  • faculty members, work of
  • feedback
    • from colleagues
    • survey feedback
    • team context for
    • team feedback process
    • in virtual meetings
  • feeling
    • generating emotion and
    • sharing feelings
    • See also emotion
  • financial issues
    • financial clients/sponsors
    • mutual learning mindset for
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • Five Core Values
  • flexible arrangement, for cofacilitating
  • focus, between cofacilitators
  • Focus on Interests, not Positions (Behavior 5)
    • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • facilitator's interest and ability to help
    • overview
    • as part of Team Effectiveness Model (TEAM)
    • See also Eight Behaviors for Mutual Learning
  • follow through, on intervention
  • forming stage of teams (Tuckman)
  • four-stage model of teams (Tuckman)
  • fundamental attribution error


  • Gandhi, M.
  • gifts, emotion and
  • “give-up-control” approach
  • goals
    • clarity of
    • goal interdependence
    • unilateral control mindset and
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • good behavior, acknowledging and reinforcing
  • ground rules
    • deciding on
    • difference from diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • Eight Behaviors as
    • group members’ commitment to
    • improving processes and
    • “praise in public, criticize in private”
    • reaching agreement with entire group
    • for team members
  • group facilitation
    • diagnosing and intervening, overview
    • difficulty of groups
    • effects of interdependence on teams versus groups
    • facilitators as third parties
    • group as client
    • group facilitators, defined
    • group intervention
    • groups compared to teams
    • need for
    • responsibility for group results
    • See also team design
  • Group Facilitation (International Association of Facilitators)
  • group process partners
  • groups/group members
    • addressing group members by name
    • addressing group members’ concerns
    • as clients
    • cofacilitation and needs of
    • communicating with
    • determining fit for teams versus groups
    • emotions of (See emotion)
    • facilitator's relationship to
    • group effectiveness and deciding to intervene
    • internal facilitators contacted by
    • intervening with individuals versus groups
    • meeting individually with group members
    • Mutual Learning Cycle, overview
    • size of group and virtual meetings
    • teams compared to, (See also Team Effectiveness Model (TEM))
    • See also diagnosing; group facilitation; Reaching Agreement with Entire Group (Stage 3)
  • Group Support Systems (GSS)


  • Hackman, J. Richard
  • halo effect
  • Hawkins, P.
  • high-level inferences
    • cofacilitating and
    • contracting and
    • defined
    • experiential exercises and
    • for testing meaning
    • for testing observations
  • Hohn, Greg
  • “hot button” issues
  • human resources
    • facilitator roles of HR business partners
    • work of HR consultants
  • humor
    • reacting to
    • using care with


  • imperatives, avoiding
  • incongruence, between process and mutual learning
  • indirect expression, of emotion
  • individuals
  • individual well-being
    • mutual learning mindset for positive results in
    • overview
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • inferences
  • information
  • informed choice
    • for better decisions and commitment
    • compassion and
    • as a Core Value, (See also Five Core Values)
    • defined
    • power of accountability and
  • Initial Contact with a Primary Client Group Member (Stage 1)
    • assessing interest and ability to help
    • conducting initial diagnosis
    • describing approach to facilitation
    • identifying primary client group
    • overview
    • recognizing different types of clients
    • summarizing and agreeing on next steps
    • working with contact client
  • innovation, mutual learning mindset for
  • insider image, of internal facilitators
  • intention. See Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4)
  • interdependence
    • importance of, in teams
    • task interdependence
    • team communication and
    • team feedback process
    • types of
  • intermediate clients
  • internals
    • accessibility to organization by
    • advantages and disadvantages of role
    • anticipating potential role conflicts
    • changing role from outside in
    • cofacilitation arrangements and
    • contracting process, with management
    • contracting process for
    • creating role of
    • deciding on appropriate role for
    • insider image of
    • job security of
    • mutual learning approach tailored for
    • overview
    • reviewing problems of past client relationships
    • seeking agreement to switch roles
    • shaping of role
    • willingness to give up role
  • International Association of Facilitators
  • interorganizational teams/groups
  • intervener-recorder arrangement, for cofacilitating
  • intervening
    • changing order of steps for
    • choosing among possible interventions
    • choosing words carefully for
    • consequences of not intervening
    • deciding on type of intervention
    • deciding whether to intervene, overview
    • deciding with whom to intervene
    • defined
    • depth of intervention
    • Eight Behaviors for
    • follow-through on intervention
    • group agreement about
    • intervention as unfolding steps
    • intervention-reaction arrangement, for cofacilitating
    • Jointly Design Next Steps (Step 6)
    • moving through intervention steps
    • Mutual Learning Cycle for
    • mutual learning mindset for
    • overview
    • parallel to diagnostic steps
    • repeating steps of observation before decision making
    • skills for intervention
    • skipping steps of
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) as intervention
    • test meaning (Step 5)
    • test observations (Step 4)
    • for virtual meetings
    • See also decision making (Step 3); diagnosing; diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors; emotion


  • jargon, avoiding
  • job security, of internal facilitators
  • Jointly Design Next Steps (Behavior 7)
  • Jointly Design Next Steps (Step 6)
    • explaining
    • helping group members to design next steps
    • honoring group members’ decisions about
    • Initial Contact with a Primary Client Group Member and
    • overview
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • using models to diagnose groups, overview
  • judgment
    • as block to compassion
    • value judgments


  • Ladder of Inference
    • deciding to test inferences
    • inferences, defined
    • inferences as data
    • inferences as testable
    • “lowering your ladder”
    • mutual learning cycle of
    • overview
  • language considerations
  • leadership
    • clarifying roles of team members
    • facilitator leader role
    • leaders’ growth (Lean principle)
    • leadership training
    • team norms and
  • Lean techniques
    • diagnosing and intervening with
    • principles of
  • learning
    • cofacilitation for
    • differences as opportunities for
    • from experience
    • unilateral control
    • to use Eight Behaviors
  • Lewin, Kurt
  • Lincoln, Abraham
  • listening. See attending; communication; conversation
  • long-term philosophy (Lean principle)
  • “lowering your ladder”
  • low-level inferences
    • defined
    • “lowering your ladder”
    • for testing observations


  • material resources
    • team context for
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
  • Mayer, John
  • McArthur, Phil
  • meaning (Step 2)
    • attributing motives for
    • diagnosing and intervening, overview
    • inferences, defined
    • inferring causes of behavior for
    • inferring emotion for
    • low-level and high-level inferences for
    • making inferences about content
    • making inferences about others’ inferences
    • making inferences about process
    • moving between observation and inference
    • observing while making meaning
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • recognizing inferences
    • using models to diagnose groups, overview
    • value judgments and
    • See also test meaning (Step 5)
  • mediation
    • facilitative mediator role
    • facilitative mediator role transition
    • mediate, defined
    • work of mediators
  • membership, in teams
  • meta-interventions
  • mindset
    • of cofacilitators
    • defined
    • for design, (See also Team Effectiveness Model (TEM))
    • facilitative style and
    • identifying, for design
    • for observation (Step 1)
    • reducing cognitive bias
    • team culture and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
  • mission
    • team context and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
    • team structure and
  • misunderstanding, intervening in
  • Model II (Argyris, Schön)
  • modeling
    • by internal facilitators
    • of unilateral control
  • Moore, Christopher
  • motivation
    • attributing motives
    • disagreement and
    • motivating task for teams
  • multiple facilitative roles, serving in
  • Mutual Learning Cycle
  • mutual learning mindset


  • names, identifying people by
  • negative feelings, minimizing expression of
  • neutrality, of facilitators
  • Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
  • nonverbal communication
  • norming stage of teams (Tuckman)
  • norms, of teams


  • observation (Step 1)
    • choosing diagnostic models to discern behaviors
    • to diagnose groups, overview
    • inferences and
    • intervening and diagnosing, overview
    • making meaning while observing
    • mindset for
    • moving between observation and inference
    • mutual learning behaviors for
    • observing behavior
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • repeating steps of observation before decision making
    • Team Effectiveness Models (TEM) for
    • variations of problem-solving models for
    • See also test observations (Step 4)
  • online-offline arrangement, for cofacilitating
  • operating system analogy, for mindset
  • organizational culture
    • accessibility to, by internal facilitators
    • Lean principle for
    • processes as part of
    • role creation, for internal facilitators
    • team context
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
  • organization development consultants, work of
  • outcome interdependence


  • paraphrasing, of group members’ comments
  • partners, working with. See cofacilitating
  • partnership (Lean principle)
  • Pascal, Blaise
  • patterns of behavior, focusing on
  • performance
    • evaluation of internal facilitators’ performance
    • mutual learning mindset for positive results in
    • overview
    • performance management processes
    • performing stage of teams (Tuckman)
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • perspective
    • difference in
    • State Views and Ask Genuine Questions (Behavior 1)
  • photos, for virtual meetings
  • physical environment, team context for
  • Planning the Facilitation (Stage 2)
    • confidentiality issues
    • deciding on ground rules
    • finding representative subgroups
    • identifying participants for planning meeting
    • meeting individually with group members
    • overview
    • problems of formal group leader delegating planning to group members
    • questions for developing effective agreement
    • sample planning e-mail
    • writing tentative agreement for
  • positions, interests versus
  • positive emotion, helping group to express
  • practice, for Eight Behaviors
  • “praise in public, criticize in private”
  • primary clients, identifying, . See also Initial Contact with a Primary Client Group Member (Stage 1)
  • primary-secondary arrangement, for cofacilitating
  • problem solving
    • shared understanding
    • team process for
    • variations of models for observation (Step 1)
    • See also observation (Step 1)
  • process (processes)
    • for beginning meetings
    • defined
    • diagnosing and intervening on processes that are incongruent with mutual learning
    • diagnosing and intervening on processes that espouse mutual learning
    • diagnosing and intervening when groups use processes ineffectively
    • Lean principle for
    • managing group process and structure for intervention
    • neutrality of facilitators
    • procedural matters (See ground rules)
    • process expertise of facilitators
    • process inferences
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
    • of teams
    • using mutual learning to diagnose and intervene on other processes
  • progress, celebrating
  • proper nouns, use of
  • pros and cons process
  • Putnam, Robert


  • questions
  • about which interventions to make
  • answering
  • to ask potential cofacilitators
  • avoiding stating inferences as
  • contracting to intervene on mutual learning behaviors
  • to identify clients
  • intervention steps and requests
  • for planning meeting
  • See also State Views and Ask Genuine Questions (Behavior 1)


  • rational behavior
  • Reaching Agreement with Entire Group (Stage 3)
    • about intervention
    • about wording
    • addressing group members’ concerns
    • agreeing on ground rules
    • developing group agreement
    • for diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • group decisions about risk
    • Jointly Design Next Steps (Behavior 7)
    • meeting briefly with planning representatives
    • mutual learning mindset for facilitators versus groups
    • overview
    • perspective and
    • reaching agreements, overview
    • skipping intervention steps and
    • Use Specific Examples and Agree on What Important Words Mean (Behavior 3)
    • using group agreement to observe behavior
    • See also contracting
  • real teams
  • reasoning. See Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4)
  • recognition, equity of
  • redesign, of existing teams/groups
  • reframing, for intervention
  • reinforcement
  • of good behavior
  • of unilateral control mindset
  • relationship. See working relationships
  • repetition, of intervention steps
  • representative subgroups
  • resources. See material resources
  • response, inferences and
  • results
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • of unilateral control mindset
  • reward interdependence
  • rewards, team context and
  • risk, group decisions about
  • Roger Schwarz & Associates
  • role allocation, for cofacilitating
  • role of facilitators. See facilitative roles
  • role of internals. See internals
  • roles of team members
  • root causes analysis
  • rules, Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups, See also process (processes)



  • task interdependence
  • task-relationship arrangement, for cofacilitating
  • team culture
    • cooperating with other teams
    • effectiveness of
    • interorganizational teams/groups
    • See also organizational culture
  • team design
    • determining fit for teams versus groups
    • facilitative coach role and
    • groups compared to teams
    • identifying mindset for
    • membership in teams
    • mindset for design
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
    • TEM as design tool
    • See also Team Effectiveness Model (TEM)
  • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM)
    • as causal model
    • for conducting initial diagnosis
    • as design tool, diagnostic tool, intervention tool
    • diagnosing with
    • effect of interdependence on teams and groups
    • groups compared to teams
    • for internal facilitators
    • interorganizational teams and groups
    • mindset for design
    • mutual learning cycle integration in
    • mutual learning mindset compared to
    • for observation (Step 1)
    • overview
    • as practical team model
    • team context
    • team process
    • team structure
  • Team Effectiveness Survey (Roger Schwarz & Associates)
  • technical partners
  • technology
    • choosing technology for virtual meetings
    • feedback and
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
    • types of technology for virtual meetings
    • See also virtual meetings
  • termination
    • appropriateness of ending role of facilitator
    • of facilitation arrangements, for internal facilitators
  • Test Assumptions and Inferences (Behavior 6)
    • assumptions about shared information
    • assumptions of unilateral control mindset
    • diagnosing and intervening on mutual learning behaviors
    • Ladder of Inference
    • overview, (See also inferences)
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • See also Eight Behaviors for Mutual Learning
  • test meaning (Step 5)
    • avoiding stating inference as question
    • designing ways to test differences
    • diagnosing and intervening, overview
    • disagreement about
    • explaining
    • overview
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • using models to diagnose groups, overview
  • test observations (Step 4)
    • addressing members by name for
    • diagnosing and intervening, overview
    • disagreement about
    • explaining intervention
    • overview
    • parallel of intervention and diagnostic steps
    • sharing observations without adding meaning
    • using models to diagnose groups, overview
  • T-groups
  • therapy, group facilitation versus
  • thinking
  • 360-degree feedback
  • time issues
    • cofacilitation and pace of work
    • effect of mindset on implementation time
    • managing emotions and
    • team norms and
    • team stability and
    • of virtual meetings
  • training and consultation
    • clarifying role of trainers
    • cofacilitation and
    • facilitating skills needed by trainers
    • facilitative trainer role
    • leadership training
    • team context for
    • T-groups
    • work of trainers
  • transparency
    • compassion and
    • as a Core Value, (See also Five Core Values)
    • curiosity combined with, (See also curiosity)
    • defined
    • Explain Reasoning and Intent (Behavior 4) and
    • power of curiosity and
    • sharing
    • for understanding
  • trust
    • high-level inferences and
    • mutual learning mindset for
    • unilateral control and effects on
    • in virtual meetings
  • Tuckman, Bruce


  • ultimate clients
  • understanding
    • compassion versus
    • transparency and curiosity for
  • understanding (Lean principle)
  • unilateral control mindset
    • awareness of mindset
    • core assumptions of
    • for diagnosing
    • difficulty of transparency with, (See also Five Core Values)
    • emotion and
    • “give-up-control” approach and
    • ineffectiveness of
    • learning unilateral control
    • mindset as operating system
    • moving to mutual learning from
    • mutual learning mindset compared to
    • overview
    • reinforcement of
    • results
    • team design and
    • team process compared to
    • unilateral control behaviors
    • values of
  • Use Specific Examples and Agree on What Important Words Mean (Behavior 3)


  • values
    • mindset as operating system
    • unilateral control mindset and
    • value judgments
    • See also Five Core Values
  • victimizing
  • videoconferencing
  • virtual meetings
    • anonymity and incongruence between EMS technology and mutual learning
    • challenges of
    • cofacilitating for
    • contracting for
    • deciding which technology to use
    • designing meeting for
    • facilitative role for
    • recommendations for
    • synchronous meetings with
    • types of technology for
  • vision
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) for designing/redesigning teams or groups
    • team structure and
  • visual aids, for virtual meetings
  • visual controls (Lean principle)


  • Web conferencing
  • Womack, James
  • word choice, importance of
  • work environment, team context for
  • working relationships
    • group-facilitator relationship to
    • mutual learning mindset for positive results in
    • overview
    • Team Effectiveness Model (TEM) and
    • unilateral control and effects on
  • workload, reasonableness of
  • written agreements, for planning meetings


  • “you idiot” test


  • zone of deference
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