
1. Jonathan Klein, CNN, as quoted by Fox News on September 14, 2004,,2933,132494,00.html.

Chapter 1

1. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

2. Ibid.

3. Michael Wing, phone interview with the author, March 17, 2011.

4. Ibid.

5. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

6. David Puner, phone interview with the author, November 28, 2010.

7. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

8. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

9. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

10. Federal Trade Commission statement, “FTC Publishes Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials: Changes Affect Testimonial Advertisements, Bloggers, Celebrity Endorsements” (October 5, 2009), accessed online February 18, 2011, at

Chapter 2

1. David Puner, phone interview with the author, November 28, 2010.

2. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

3. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

Chapter 3

1. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

2. Business Insider, “After Diaper Incident, Alaska Airlines Has a Major PR Debacle on Its Hands,” November 8, 2010,

3. Dave Carroll Music, video posted to YouTube July 6, 2009,

4. ESPN New York, May 13, 2011,

5. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

6. Ibid.

Chapter 4

1. David Puner, phone interview with the author, November 28, 2010.

2. Lindsay Lebresco, e-mail interviews with the author, September/October 2010.

3. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

4. Lindsay Lebresco, e-mail interviews with the author, September/October 2010.

5. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

Chapter 6

1. Scott Stratten, keynote address at BlogWorld Expo 2010, Las Vegas, NV.

2. Olivier Blanchard, “Basics of Social Media ROI,” accessed via SlideShare March 3, 2011,

3. Geoff Livingston, “Why ROI Will Never Die,” March 3, 2011,

4. Fortune, “The Trouble with Twitter,” online April 14, 2011, print issue May 2, 2011,

5., “Ashton Kutcher Challenges CNN to Twitter Popularity Contest,” April 15, 2009,

6. Peter Shankman, address at “BrandCamp University,” Southfield, MI, October 8, 2010.

7. The Guardian, “Justin Bieber Is More Influential Online Than the Dalai Lama or U.S. President,” January 2, 2011,

8. Mashable, “Charlie Sheen Sets Guinness World Record for Twitter,” March 3, 2011,

9. Twitter,, March 7, 2011.

10. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

11. Facebook statistics, accessed on website of KTWV radio, Los Angeles, March 11, 2011, http://947thewave.radiocom/2011/02/08/the-average-facebook-users-habits/.

Chapter 7

1. Lindsay Lebresco, e-mail interviews with the author, September/October 2010.

2. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

3. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

4. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

Chapter 8

1. Scott Adams, Dilbert, September 27, 2009,

2. Richard Binhammer, phone interview with the author, February 9, 2011.

3. Michael Wing, phone interview with the author, March 17, 2011.

4. Ibid.

5. David Murray, “Rules for Blogging at Sun: Don’t Do Anything Stupid,” Ragan’s PR Daily Europe (January 25, 2011),

6. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,

Chapter 9

1. Zena Weist, e-mail interview with the author, January 17, 2011.

2. Story cited via Huffington Post, March 9, 2011,

Chapter 10

1., August 24, 2011, “Peter Shankman Tweets at Morton’s Steakhouse to bring him a porterhouse, wish granted,”

2. Danny Brown, “Morton’s Steakhouse: Great Customer Service or Great PR?” August 19, 2011,

3. Sara O’Flaherty,, “Put Down the Knives, BlogHers, the Nikon Debacle Does Not Call for Blood,” July 25, 2009,

4. Notes from the Trenches Blog, “In Which I Piss Off a Lot of People and Do Not Care,” July 26, 2009,

5. Lindsay Lebresco, e-mail interview with the author, October 2010.

Chapter 11

1. USA Today, “USA Today Salaries Databases, 2002,” accessed October 2, 2011,

2. Mashable, “Old Spice Sales Double With YouTube Campaign,” July 27, 2010,

3. E-mail interview by the author with the marketing professional responsible for the Facebook ad campaign. While the radio network did agree to have the basic story and numbers retold here, its representatives requested anonymity in the retelling. I am honoring their request.

4. Hardy Green, “Why Oprah Opens Readers’ Wallets,” Businessweek (October 10, 2005),

5. Wikipedia, “Dunbar’s Number,” accessed October 2, 2011,

6. Jennie Ecclestone, interview with the author, November 19, 2010.

Chapter 12

1. Anna Driver and Kristen Hays, “BP Turns to Twitter, Facebook on Spill Information,” Reuters (May 6, 2010),

2. Brenna Ehrlich, “BP and Twitter to @BPGlobalPR: Tell Them You’re Joking,” Mashable (June 9, 2010),

3. @BPGlobalPR Twitter page, checked October 16, 2010,!/BPGlobalPR.

4. Ibid.

5. Los Angeles Times, LATimes Blogs, “Kenneth Cole inflames Twitter with Egypt-themed tweet advertising his spring collection,” February 4, 2011,

6. Anthony Rotolo, “Price Chopper Attacks Customer’s Job Over Negative Tweet,” Price Chopper Fail Blog, undated post from September 2010,

7. Anthony Rotolo, “Price Chopper Class Visit, Twitter Digest,” Price Chopper Fail Blog, October 5, 2010,

8. CNY Central News (CW 6, NBC 3) in Syracuse, NY (October 5, 2010),

9. Mitch Wagner, “Maytag Crosses Popular Blogger, Gets Spun Dry,” Information Week, Global CIO Blog (September 1, 2009),;jsessionid=SLUZEPU2BC4FZQE1GHPSKH4ATMY32JVN.

10. RAN claimed publicly that it would “shut down” GM’s site with its campaign. The site never went off-line, we never stopped contributing content to it, we did not take the main criticisms off the site, and we kept the site up for the entirety of 2008, our hundredth-anniversary year. Only if you consider that choosing to stop accepting new comments on an existing post, without taking the post or initial criticisms down, equates to “shutting down” our site would this claim be correct.

11. Caroline McCarthy in CNet, “Nestle mess shows sticky side of Facebook pages,” March 19, 2010,

12. The Huffington Post, “Groupon’s Controversial Tibet Super Bowl Ad,” February 6, 2011,

13. Ryan Flinn, “Gap Scraps New Logo After Backlash, Revives Blue Box,” Bloomberg (October 12, 2010),

14. Gary Grant, “Chevy vs. Chevrolet,” The Garage Blog (June 10, 2010),

15. The Gap, status update (October 6, 2010),

16. Juli Weiner, “New Gap Logo, Despised Symbol of Corporate Banality, Dead at One Week,” Vanity Fair (October 12, 2010),

17. Chevrolet video, “Chevy vs. Chevrolet,” June 10, 2010,

Chapter 13

1. Kimberly S. Johnson, Twitter, June 1, 2009, 5:46 p.m.,!/kimberlysjohns.

2. Pete Blackshaw, Twitter, June 2, 2009, 8:05 a.m.,!/pblackshaw.

3. Karl Sakas, Twitter, June 2, 2010, 11:49 a.m.,!/KarlSakas.

4. MollyKDaunt, Twitter, December 2, 2009 (Retweeted by someone else, so original time is lost.),!/MollyKDaunt.

5. David Eckoff, Twitter, June 26, 2010, 12:09 a.m.,!/davideckoff.


1. Jennifer Kruger, “More than Half of Americans Now on Facebook,” PMA Newsline (April 1, 2011),

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