New technology is disrupting the automotive industry dramatically and on a massive scale. Toyota is responding by seeking to strengthen its core values and develop new capabilities in software and mobility services. Jeff Liker has brought together both objective data and expert analysis, and has delivered a thought-provoking, insightful narrative on the Toyota Way to navigating challenges.

—James Kuffner, PhD , CEO of Toyota Research Institute–Advanced Development and Toyota Director

An update adding value by providing more guidance for successful implementation of a company excellence system. The additional material on lean deployment characteristics, developing habits, work group structure and leader development, lean in a digital age, and value stream mapping provide a useful insight for all companies in the ever-changing, unpredictable digital world.

—Nicholas Day, Head of Airbus Operating System in France, Central Function, Airbus SAS

In the second edition of The Toyota Way, Dr. Liker brings his valuable insights on execution, the importance of people, and the behaviors of each and every employee that eventually shape an organization’s culture. It dawns on the reader that it’s not just the tools and methods that make the Toyota Production System what it is, but the relentless focus on incremental improvement using meaningful gemba walks, structured toolsets or “scientific thinking,” and the role management plays in promoting the desired behaviors that over time get ingrained in the way work is performed.

—Vic Ganesan, Director Operations Excellence, thyssenkrupp Materials NA

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