Praise for The Truth About Getting the Best from People


“Finally, a no-nonsense primer for leaders on how to build...and keep...extraordinary talent. This book should be in the briefcase of every exec in the world and should be pulled out every day for a refresher on how to be a real leader.”

 --Dan Walker, Former Chief Talent Officer for Apple, Inc.

“A fun and easy-to-read blueprint on understanding and creating engagement within a team. No high falootin’ business jargon here—Martha Finney tells it like it is. She helps supervisors and managers uncover the secrets of employee engagement through behavioral examples, successes at top companies, and her charming storytelling.”

 --Kirsten Clark, Senior Director, Organizational Capability Group, Starwood Hotels and Resorts

“Martha succeeds in reducing one of the business world’s most sought-after but amorphous concepts—employee engagement—into 49 digestible truths.”

 --Christopher Rice, President and CEO, BlessingWhite

“A must-read for new supervisors and managers, with lots of essential lessons and tips.”

 --Tom Mathews, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Time Warner Cable

“Easy-to-read stories and useful truths about leading. I wish I had this book when I first became a manager. I had to learn some of these truths the hard way!”

 --Scott Shute, Senior Director, Xilinx

“The book is outstanding! Very easy to read....great examples, great advice, and the corporate world would be a better place if just 50 percent of the managers would follow your advice!”

 --Peg Wynn, Former SVP/HR, Adobe

“I started reading and found myself grabbing for a highlighter. I got to the following line ‘Getting the best is about building a culture of trust, connection, growth, and service.’ I had to drop a box around that one.”

 --Tiane Mitchell Gordon, Senior Vice President, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, AOL

“Finney has gifted us an important compendium of accessible and eminently actionable insights about employee engagement. Using ‘The Truths’ as a guide, generations of managers will find infinite opportunities to unleash, inspire, and leverage the inherent talent in their people. My advice? Seize it! It will enable you to dramatically affect the future of your team, your organization, and your own career.”

 --Jane Creech, Founder and Principal, Strategic Business Systems (Organization Consulting & Leadership Coaching), Former Sr. Director, OD, eBay

“If you are looking for a great way to deliver Management 101, just distribute this book. It has everything that someone new to management needs to know. Savvy, and sassy, and smart, this is an easy but important read!”

 --Beverly Kaye, Coauthor, Love ’Em or Lose ’Em

“Just when I thought one truth was as good as it could get, the rest lived up to it! I loved the anecdotes and the final truth, ‘You’re still the Boss.’”

 --Ed Martin, Vice President, Global Human Resources, Atheros Communications

“The subject is important, pragmatic advice told in an entertaining way. Front line managers need this for perspective. This book has some great ‘keys’ to bringing out the best in people!”

 --Jim Wiggett, President & CEO, Jackson Hole Group
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