Truth 8 Pickpockets and purse snatchers still exist

When you think of pickpockets, you might think of the artful dodger in Oliver Twist. But what you probably don’t realize is that pickpockets still roam the streets today searching for unsuspecting men and women who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. What’s more frightening is that often everything a thief needs to commit identity theft is located in that wallet or purse—driver’s license, credit cards, and surprisingly enough, often social security cards. It’s important for people to realize that low tech doesn’t mean less effective.

It’s important for people to realize that low tech doesn’t mean less effective.

So first let me start by saying that if you have your social security card in your wallet, purse, glove compartment of your car, or anywhere else other than a secured location in your home, go retrieve it right now and lock it away safely in your home. With that out of the way, we have already greatly reduced your risk of identity theft when it comes to pickpockets. However, though it has been changed now in every state, there are still thousands of older driver’s licenses out there that contain social security numbers. In addition, even without the social security number, just getting the driver’s license is a great start to obtaining the info needed for identity theft.

I have to admit that I have always been fascinated by street performers who dazzle crowds with magic and embarrass them with the same skills employed by the better pickpockets. The woman who stands there talking with the street performer is convinced that she is about to see a cigarette stuck right through the middle of a quarter. Amazing. But as she starts to walk away, the street vendor calls back to ask for the time. As the woman looks down at her arm, the street vendor shows the rest of the crowd the woman’s watch he pilfered right off her wrist.

Pickpockets use the same techniques as the street performers; only they don’t plan to let the victim in on their little prank. Easy targets, large crowds, and colorful distractions are all part of the pickpocket’s arsenal. I once traveled with a coworker and noticed that, instead of carrying a wallet, he placed his ID and credit cards in his backpack.

I asked him about it, and he explained that it was more secure to keep everything in the backpack than having to deal with a wallet while on the road. In theory, it made sense. Of course, when we were standing in line at the airport, he was in front of me wearing his backpack. I simply unzipped the front compartment where he kept his ID and took it out. I then zipped it back up and waited.

As we got closer to the guy who was checking IDs to allow us to board our flight, my friend began to search for his ID. A complete look of panic struck as he realized that it was gone. Of course, knowing the kind of person I am, it didn’t take him long to start pointing fingers, and I eventually confessed. Keep in mind I am no professional pickpocket. The simple fact is that he had no clue what was going on behind him, and anyone could have opened up that backpack. He kept his ID and credit cards in his front pants pocket the rest of the trip.

Baggy pants, large jackets, fanny packs, and open purses are all easy targets for the average pickpocket. If you are in an area that is crowded, a simple bump from a person passing by might go unnoticed. That simple bump is often all it takes to separate you from your valuables. By now, everyone has heard the story of the woman who left her purse in the grocery cart while she shopped. She turned her head for just one minute, and her purse was gone. I find that every time I am at the grocery store, I can’t help but look to see if there is a purse left unattended. More times than not, there is one that I could easily steal were I to be a thief.

I once read a story about a pickpocket who used to post signs in the subway that would say beware of pickpockets. He would then sit there and watch people as they walked by. As people read the sign, almost unconsciously they would reach for their wallet to make sure it was still there. The pickpocket would take note of where the wallet was, and if the person looked like an easy target, he would simply follow his mark for another five minutes, and then he would steal the victim’s wallet. It seems so simple, yet that’s the whole point.

In some cases, the pickpocket works with an accomplice. In these cases, it’s all about the distraction. One man trips and falls in front of you, dropping papers everywhere. You stop to help, along with a couple other people. While your mind is on helping the man, his accomplice is focused on you. In other cases, there might be a drunk who is shouting obscenities, a woman who is asking for directions, and sadly enough even children are used to keep your attention.

The trick to keeping your valuables safe is following some simple rules.

Image If you’re wearing baggy pants, keep your wallet in your front pocket. Your wallet’s by no means safe from a pickpocket, but it makes stealing it a little more difficult.

Image When in a crowded area such as a subway, concert, street fair, sporting event, remain alert. Know where your valuables are, and if you are being continually bumped, keep your hand over your wallet or your purse held tight across your chest.

Image If you have zippers, buttons, or snaps, use them. Again, they’re not going to stop a pickpocket, but they may slow one down just enough.

Image Wearing a coat or jacket with an inside pocket provides a far better place to store a wallet or valuables than any external pocket.

Image Don’t carry credit cards you don’t plan on using. Most people use only one credit card. If that’s the case, carry only that one.

Image Keep track of your credit cards. Make a list that you keep at home of every credit card you have and the 800 number to report a lost or stolen card. This way, if your wallet or purse is stolen, you can immediately call and cancel the cards that have been put at risk.

Image File a police report. No, your wallet will probably not be found, but in the future if your identity is stolen, this report will help you in your efforts to clean everything up.

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