Testimonials from Parents

The phrase “I am different, not less” has become “I am more” in our home. —Kelli White, parent of Jordan Ray White (17), patient at Autism Health [Dr. Lintala’s clinic]

It has been life changing for not just Isaac, but for our entire family. —Chastity B.

My daughter, Victoria, diagnosed with autism at the age of 4, had obvious issues with gluten and casein. Dr. Lintala and her staff provided me with a wealth of information on how controlling her intake of these “toxic” foods and beverages could potentially change her autistic symptoms. After a stringent amount of tests and the introduction of custom-designed supplements, many of her “behaviors” disappeared, and her speech and language was noticeably improved. . . . I was so impressed with the amount of information that I was provided from the center, and the support I received each and every time was overwhelming. By far the most educational and beneficial program geared toward autism that I have encountered. —Angel S., RN, MSN

My son’s mental and physical health has greatly improved. —Kelly T.

Seth likes to joke with me now; before he didn’t understand it. His communication skills have greatly improved. —Teresa B.

The protocols have made such an amazing change in Mason’s life. He no longer head bangs, he is speaking more, and his communication has greatly improved. —Sharon D., retired schoolteacher

After providing Thomas Dr. Lintala’s diet and nutrition plan, my 17-year-old son, who had no possibility of achieving basic life goals, now has endless goals far beyond basic ones. —Betty H.

Autism Health [Dr. Lintala’s clinic] has provided treatment and support that has allowed many of my clients to optimize their learning and decrease behavioral issues that often impede the learning process. —Betsy A., preschool special needs teacher

He went from a thrashing and sleepless child to a calm all-night sleeper. —Robin E.

Zachary’s behavior has dramatically changed and I give all the credit to Dr. Lintala’s protocols for all his progress. —Theresa S.

My son potty trained at 11 years old and that was huge for me. —Melissa G.

I don’t have to go to the school every day now. He is more focused and doesn’t disrupt his classmates. —Anonymous

He is a new child!!! — Theresa T., foster mother

His speech has increased and he has fewer meltdowns since he has started the protocol. He also is eating more things since starting the enzymes. —Brenda T.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helped my son with his fogginess and concentration. —Chea B.

My son changed back to my sweet child that I always knew was in there. His appetite improved and his bowel movements improved greatly!! It took time and I couldn’t have done this without Autism Health’s [Dr. Lintala’s clinic’s] protocols. —Sara

After only a few months as Dr. Lintala’s patient, my son James’s digestive system is now normal. His handwriting, attention, and communication have improved dramatically. Dr. Lintala is truly a godsend to us. —James and Tammy W.

Two years ago our (now) six-year-old, nonverbal son was showing signs of stomach discomfort. He had severe diaper rash, draped his belly on furniture, and spent long nights dozing while sitting in a recliner. Within weeks of starting Dr. Lintala’s protocol his whole behavior began to settle, the diaper rash cleared, and he actually slept through the night for the first time. —Lorrie S.

She is no longer getting sick, and some of her sensory issues have improved. She is calmer and sleeping better. Her overall color is better—we see pictures from before and after and it’s amazing to see the change. —Sheila H., foster mother

After working with Autism Health [Dr. Lintala’s clinic] my son is now able to communicate some of his wants and needs with others. He is also able to form more words, which helps with his learning skills. —Ida K.

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