
Thanks first of all go to everyone who contributed to the success of the first two editions. This edition wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for that ensemble of editors, production personnel, reviewers, publishers, and colleagues.

For the third edition, our thanks go first and foremost to development editor Jennifer Stout, whose support and inspiration through the most difficult parts of writing proved invaluable. Technical development editor Arthur Zubarev provided insightful guidance and thought-provoking questions that made this text better. Technical proofreader René van den Berg’s critical eye positively impacted both the text and the code samples throughout the book.

Copyeditor Andy Carroll contributed greatly to the process of putting an overall polish on the text. In preproduction, Céline Durassier kept everything on track and on time. Katie Tennant contributed numerous valuable insights and suggestions and effectively organized our communication. Dottie Marsico did a wonderful job of making everything look good and flow smoothly.

Along the way, several outside reviewers contributed comments and critiques, all of which helped greatly in keeping the third edition relevant and compelling to our audience: Alex Lucas, Brian Daley, Burkhard Nestmann, Chris Schwartz, Chris Wayman, Dana Robinson, David Bradley Clements, Deshuang Tang, Doug Sparling, James Dietrich, John Kasiewicz, Jon Riddle, Luis Miguel Cabezas Granado, Matthew Halverson, Mohamed Lahrech, Omid Kamangar, Pierre-Michel Ansel, Prabhuti Prakash, Steven Parr, Tamara Fultz, and William E. Wheeler. Thanks go especially to Michael Dalessio, Mark Simpson, and Paul Ort. Our thanks go to Julia Macalaster and Katherine Zhao for their support and for making sure this book sees as wide an audience as possible.

Once again, we thank Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto for creating the wonderful Ruby language and for setting an example of openness and inquisitive engagement with Ruby programmers that served as the cornerstone for the thriving, friendly community that has formed around the language.

David: I would like to thank myself—specifically for having had the inspired idea of inviting Joe Leo to serve as coauthor on the third edition of the book! And (of course) enormous thanks to Joe for breathing new and timely life into the project. David Williams gives me a kind of support, in everything I do, that I never knew I needed until I got it, and now am so grateful for.

Joe: I would like to thank Diana Leo for her constant support throughout my work on the third edition. She gave me the encouragement, love, and care I needed to bring this work to the finish line. My parents, Dorothy and Joe Leo, Jr., gave me a lifetime of love and support to pursue my passions. Erica, Frank, and Katie will always be my biggest fans and my best friends. Lucy is my sunshine and inspiration.

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