List of Tables

Chapter 1. Bootstrapping your Ruby literacy

Table 1.1. Basic operations in Ruby

Table 1.2. Basic input/output methods and flow control in Ruby

Table 1.3. Ruby’s special objects and comments

Table 1.4. Valid variable names in Ruby by variable type

Table 1.5. Key RbConfig terms and indicated Ruby directories

Table 1.6. Commonly used Ruby command-line switches

Chapter 2. Objects, methods, and local variables

Table 2.1. Examples of Ruby expressions and the values to which they evaluate

Table 2.2. Sample method signatures with required, optional, and default-valued arguments

Chapter 3. Organizing objects with classes

Table 3.1. Summary of the attr_* family of getter/setter creation methods

Chapter 5. The default object (self), scope, and visibility

Table 5.1. How the current self object is determined

Chapter 6. Control-flow techniques

Table 6.1. Common exceptions

Chapter 7. Built-in essentials

Table 7.1. Popular core and standard library classes

Table 7.2. Built-in Ruby classes with literal constructors

Table 7.3. Methods with operator-style syntactic sugar–calling notation

Table 7.4. Mapping sample expressions to their evaluation results and Boolean values

Chapter 8. Strings, symbols, and other scalar objects

Table 8.1. Common arithmetic expressions and their evaluative results

Table 8.2. Common time and date format specifiers

Chapter 9. Collection and container objects

Table 9.1. Common array methods

Table 9.2. Summary of common array query methods

Table 9.3. Common hash query methods and their meanings

Chapter 10. Collections central: Enumerable and Enumerator

Table 10.1. The major Ruby collections we’ve studied thus far, along with some of the methods unique to each

Chapter 11. Regular expressions and regexp-based string operations

Table 11.1. Symbols in Ruby regular expressions

Table 11.2. Regular expression anchors

Chapter 16. Ruby and functional programming

Table 16.1. Properties of functional and object-oriented programming styles

Table 16.2. Methods with documented exception cases

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