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change and, 171, 179

for execution, 128–129, 134, 137

of managers, 154

matrix, 128–129

meetings and, 171

Actionable insights, 74–75

Actionable vision, 84, 95

Actions. See also Execution

challenges of, 117–119

in key messages, 140–143, 160

in management style, 153

for strategies, 117–119, 121, 132–133

Affordability, 73–74

Affordable Care Act, 89

Aha moments, 102–104


between compensation and vision, 146

linkage and, 154

in organizational alignment survey, 189–195

plan-on-a-page and, 144, 152

show of thumbs for, 122–123

on situation assessment, 150

on umbrella statements, 43–44, 68, 70

All Clean, 55–57

Alpro, 89

Alternative strategies, 114

Anchoring. See Change, anchoring of

Anecdotes, 20

Annual plan, 151–152, 184

Ashkenas, Ron, 184

Assessment. See also Organizational assessment; Situation Assessment Diagnostic

in organizational alignment survey, 193–194

situation, 48, 73, 118, 150, 186, 198–210


challenging, 16–18, 32–33, 35, 37, 189–190

team charter, 120–121, 133

Auriemma, Geno, 163–164

Autonomy, 157

Avon Products, 146

Baby boomers, 184

Baby food, 119–121, 123–128

Balanced goals, 90–92, 95, 97–99

Balanced scorecard, 93–94, 98, 171–172

Barriers, 107, 125

Basketball, 163–164

Batteries, 6–9, 25, 56

Beinhocker, Eric D., 184

Berra, Yogi, 83

BetterFace, 108–112

Big Heart Pet Brands, 178

Big-box stores, 28–30

BlackBerry, 12

Blockbuster, 11, 20

Bologna, 72

Bossidy, Larry, 117–118

Brainstorming, 102–103


company, 27–30

low awareness of, 77

marketing, 28, 154

in Total Brand Value, 154

Braun, 87–88

Brazil, 69, 86–87

Brewster, Daryl, 73–74

Bricks-and-mortar model, 11

Business model, 71

Business objectives/current state of the business, 198–200

Campbell Soup Company, 145–146

Cash flow, 71

Casual meeting, 159

Category, in seven Cs, 48, 61

Category dynamics, 200–201

Challenge assumptions

in organizational alignment survey, 189–190

principle of, 16–18, 32–33, 35, 37, 189–190


accepting, 153

of actions, 117–119

in goals, 94–95

Change, anchoring of

accountability and, 171, 179

Auriemma and, 163–164

balanced scorecard and, 171–172

culture and, 149, 179

Dorrance and, 163–164

exercises, 179–182

global anchoring, 166–167

HR practices and, 174–178

leaders and, 164–165

levers for, 180

organizational assessment of, 181–182

productive meetings and, 169–173, 179

recipe for, 165

recognition and, 173–174, 179

steps to, 181

summarized, 179

symbols and signals in, 165, 179

at top, 168–169

training and, 169

Charan, Ram, 117–118

Chrysler, 140

Church, TTW for, 185–187

Coca-Cola Company, 107

Coffee, 10, 43, 72–73, 85, 88, 105. See also Keurig

Cohen, Gary, 42–43, 53

Collaborators, 128–129, 138, 152

Colleagues, in seven Cs, 48, 61

Commission mistakes, 156

Common knowledge, 20–21


channels, 147–148

Doing What Matters and, 152–159

eight stages of, 147–149

execution and, 151–152

exercises, 160–162

at GE, 139–140

guiding coalition for, 147–148

hourglass structure and, 140, 152

importance of, 140, 152

inclusive, 144

interruptions and, 145–146

of key messages, 140–144, 152

linkage in, 143, 148

management style and, 149

memorable leadership and, 150–151

organizational assessment of, 161–162

pitfalls, 148–149

plan-on-a-page for, 143–144, 152, 161

about scope and scale, 19–20

strategies, 147

summarized, 152

SWOT and, 141

in team charter, 120, 133, 136

urgency of, 141, 147–148

vision and, 144–149, 152

Community, in seven Cs, 48, 61

Companies. See also specific companies

brand companies, 27–30

culture of, 149, 179

franchises, 71

lessons learned from, 3, 11–13

in seven Cs, 48–49, 61

successes of, 6

Compensation, vision aligned with, 146

Competencies/core skills, 210

Competition. See also Strategic competitive advantage

among employees, 156

implications of, 77

Competitive frame, 202–203

Competitors, in seven Cs, 48–49, 61

Conant, Doug, 145–146

Confidentiality, 156, 158

Connect the dots, 26–31, 33–34, 37. See also Linkage

Consensus, 158


in direct-to-consumer model, 29–30

insights, 203–207

in seven Cs, 48, 61

Contingency strategies, 108, 114

Convergent thinking, 41, 58, 83

Coppertop battery, 7

Core skills, 210

Core strategy, 114

Cosmetics, 108–112


of initiatives, 126–127

quality and, 154

Crystal Light, 73–74

Culture, changes anchored in, 149, 179

Cupcakes, 11–12

Customer, in seven Cs, 48, 61


bucket, 41, 61

convergent thinking and, 41

reliance on, 20–23, 32, 34, 36–37, 191

Dean Foods, 84–85

Decision making

consensus in, 158

data-based, 20–23

expectations for, 155

by managers, 157

quick, 154

simple approach to, 1–3

strategies and, 101–114

teams and, 121–123

Del Monte Company, 175–177

Deliverables, in team charter, 120–121, 133, 135–136

DeMartini, Rob, 27–30

Deodorant, 69

Developing markets, 67, 86

Development, 169

Direct-to-consumer model, 29–30

Discipline, 157–158

Divergent thinking, 41–42, 83

Doing What Matters (Kilts, Manfredi, and Lorber), 152–159

Dorrance, Anson, 163–164

Drawing, 27

Dumb mistakes, 156

Duracell Company, 6–9, 25, 56

Economic climate, 61

80-20 rule, 24

Eliot, T. S., 183


competition among, 156

expectations of, 155

Enablers, 107, 125

Entrepreneurial start-ups, 183–184

Environment, 61

Essential factors, 107


accountability for, 128–129, 134, 137

building blocks of, 151–152

choices reviewed for, 123–126

communication and, 151–152

exercises, 134–138

failure of, 117–118

of good ideas, 155

of initiatives, 118–121, 123–138

organizational assessment of, 138

road map to success of, 127, 137–138

SCA and, 119, 123

situation assessment and, 118

in small businesses, 129–132

of strategies, 117–119, 121, 132–135

summarized, 133–134

by teams, 118–126, 128–129, 133–138

umbrella statement and, 118

vision and, 144

working backwards in, 127–128

Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done (Bossidy and Charan), 117–118

Expectations, of employees, 155


analysis of, 157

convergent thinking and, 41

in organizational alignment survey, 191

reliance on, 20–23, 32, 34, 36–37, 191

Failure, learning from, 156

Financial element, balanced goals and, 90–92, 98

Flow, areas of, 177

Frameworks, TTW, 41

exercises, 60–62

populating, 62

seven Cs, 48–49, 52, 58, 61–63

Franchises, 71

Freedom, of managers, 154, 157

Functional advantages, 210

General Electric (GE), 139–140

Generation 2020, 184

Generation X, 184

Generational differences, 184


global anchoring of, 166–167

Husain at, 175–177

Kilts at, 146, 149, 152–153, 156–158, 166–167

strategies at, 166–167

strengths and weaknesses of, 153

TTW and, 6–7, 88, 92, 146, 149, 153, 156–158, 166–167, 175–176

Global anchoring, 166–167


balanced, 90–92, 95, 97–99

challenging, 94–95

creating, 98–99

exercises for, 97–99

governing statement and, 90–95

in hourglass, 41

organizational assessment of, 99

SMART, 97–99

strategies linked to, 107, 110, 112

summarized, 95–96

3Ms of, 93–94

vision and, 90–99

Good ideas, execution of, 155

“Gotchas,” 153

Governing statement

of Braun, 87–88

exercises, 96–97

goals and, 90–95

hourglass structure and, 87

for individuals, 94–95

linkage and, 90

of P&G, 86–87

as restraining, 87–90

scope and, 90

vision and, 83, 85–92, 95

of WhiteWave, 88

Green Mountain Coffee, 10, 84, 104–105, 168–169

Guiding coalition, 147–148

Haecker, Kelly, 88

Harvard Innovation Center, 183

Healthcare insurance, 89–90

Hershey Foods, 175

Holbrook, Jim, 165

Horizon Milk, 85, 88

Hourglass structure

communication and, 140, 152

convergent thinking in, 41, 58, 83

divergent thinking in, 41–42, 83

goals in, 41

governing statement and, 87

objectives in, 41

process of, 40–42, 46–47, 54, 58–59, 69, 79, 83–84, 87, 95, 101–102, 140, 144, 152, 183–187

strategies in, 41–42, 101–102, 112

turned over, 183–187

vision in, 83–84, 91, 95, 144

Human resources (HR), 89–90, 174–178

Humor, 158

Husain, Asad, 175–177

Iacocca, Lee, 140


degree of, 123–125

in key message, 140–143, 160


defined, 75

exercises, 80

of increased competition, 77

of insights, 41, 79

key issues and, 75–79

of low brand awareness, 77

of regulations, 78

of store traffic, 78

summarized, 79

of technology, 78

Individuals, governing statement for, 94–95


flow of, 177

quality of, 157

In-house capability, 125


accepting, 131–132

charter for, 119–121

choice of, 123–126

costs of, 126–127

degree of impact on, 123–125

execution of, 118–121, 123–138

identified, 42, 126–127, 134–135

management of, 126–127, 134

new ventures, 131

in plan-on-a-page, 143–144

rejecting, 131–132

scope of, 126–127

small business, 129–132

strategies and, 118–119, 131–132

teams and, 118–119

time of, 126–127

Inner city school, SWOT analysis of, 53

Innovation, 155, 187


actionable, 74–75

consumer, 203–207

exercises, 80–81

finding, 69–70

implications of, 41, 79

of Keurig, 72–73

key issues and, 71–75, 79

of Kraft, 73–74

in marketing, 72

quality of, 157

strategies inspired by, 102–105

summarized, 79

Integrity, 149, 153, 155–156

Interdependencies, in team charter, 120–121, 133, 136

International Delight, 85

Interruptions, communication and, 145–146

Issues. See also Key issues; Vital few

picture of, 27

scale of, 19–20

scope of, 18–20, 32, 34, 36–37

tough, 155–156

wall of, 80–81

Jamba Juice

SCA of, 57–58

TTW and, 57–58, 68, 70–71

umbrella statement of, 70

White at, 68, 70–71

Joe, Father, 185–187

Jokes, 158

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 164–165

Kaplan, Sara, 184

K-Cup Pack, 104

Kellogg Executive Leadership Institute (KELI), 146


Green Mountain Coffee, 10, 84, 104–105, 168–169

insights of, 72–73

Moran at, 84, 145

partnerships with, 105–106

patent expiration and, 104–106

SCA of, 104, 106–107

Stacy at, 10, 104–106, 168–169

strategies of, 104–107

TTW and, 10, 43, 72–73, 84, 104–107, 145, 168–169

umbrella statement of, 43

vision of, 84, 145

Key issues

of church, 186

exercises, 80–81

implications and, 75–79

insights and, 71–75, 79

list of, 41

of Nutrition Nation, 75–78

in organizational assessment, 82

statement of, 68

summarized, 79

umbrella statements and, 79

Key messages

action in, 140–143, 160

communication of, 140–144, 152

exercises for, 160–161

impact in, 140–143, 160

overview of, 42

projection of, 147–148

scope in, 141–142

situation in, 140–143, 160

template for, 160

vital few in, 141

Key performance indicators, 135–136

Kilts, Jim

Doing What Matters by, 152–159

at Gillette, 146, 149, 152–153, 156–158, 166–167

vision of, 146

Kohinoor Consulting, 129–132

Kotter, John P., 147–149

Kraft, 73–74, 146, 166

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, 74

Land O’Lakes, 85

Latino market, 109–111, 119–121, 123–126


change and, 164–165

memorable, 150–151

team of, 156

vision of, 145–147

Leadership Sustainability (Smallwood and Ulrich), 165

Leaks, 156

Leckie, Mark, 6–9

Lego, 9–10

Levitt, Theodore, 72

Licensing, 71

Linkage, 26–31, 34, 37, 118

alignment and, 154

in communication, 143, 148

governing statements and, 90

in organizational alignment survey, 192

Liquidity, 71

Long-term deliverables, 120–121

Long-term potential, 10

Long-term success, 165, 179

Lorber, Robert L., 152–159

Lunchables, 72

Majority rule, 122

Malls, 78


accountability of, 154

education, 147

freedom of, 154, 157

of initiatives, 126–127, 134

performance, 171–173, 177

philosophy, 154–155

style, 149, 153–154

Mandela, Nelson, 164

Manfredi, John F., 152–159

Marketing. See also Situation Assessment Diagnostic

brand, 28, 154

insights in, 72

segments, 110–111

Marketplace, balanced goals and, 90–92, 98

Matrixed organization, 154

Measures, in 3Ms, 93–94, 97–98


accountability and, 171

casual, 159

guidelines for, 170–171

process of, 171

productive, 169–173, 179

template for, 170

weekly, 151, 157–159

Meister, Jeanne, 184

Membership, 119–121, 133, 135

Messages. See Key messages

Metrics, in 3Ms, 93–94, 97–98

Mexico, 73–74

Michelangelo, 94

Mickey Mouse, 55

Milestones, in 3Ms, 93–94, 97–98

Millennials, 9, 108–111, 184

Mistakes, 156–157

Moran, Dave, 84, 145

Movie rentals, 11

Must-haves, 107

Natural Balance, 178

Netflix, 11

Network diagram, 136–137

New Balance, 27–31, 103, 125–126

Nike, 28–29

90-10 rule, 24, 75

“No” Trumps “Yes” voting system, 123

Nonprofits, 185–187

Norgaard, Mette, 145–146

Note Storm, 137

Nutrition Nation, 75–78


in hourglass, 41

in Situation Assessment Diagnostic, 198–200

strategies tied to, 171

in team charter, 120, 133, 135

Omission mistakes, 156

One-on-ones, 159

Online channel strategies, 78

Open mind, 16–17

Opinions, 21–23, 37, 191


of Nutrition Nation, 76

in SWOT analysis, 50–53, 56–57, 59, 62–63, 76, 198


Stacy at, 39–40, 46–49, 52–53, 168

SWOT analysis, 52

TTW and, 39–40, 46–49, 52–53, 168

umbrella statement of, 46–47

Organic baby food, 119–121, 123–128


balanced goals and, 90–92, 95, 97–99

capabilities of, 124–125

matrixed, 154

readiness of, 124–125

risk-averse, 156

Organizational alignment survey, 189–195

Organizational assessment

of anchoring change, 181–182

of communication, 161–162

of execution, 138

of goals, 99

key issues in, 82

principles and practices, 37–38, 64–65, 82–83, 99, 114–115, 138, 161–162, 181–182

process, 64–65

of strategies, 114–115

of vision, 99

Oscar Mayer, 72

Outstanding performance, 155

Parents, tough issues and, 155–156

Pareto principle, 24

Partnerships, 105–106

Passive voice, 21

Patent expiration, 104–106


balanced goals and, 90–91, 98

flow of, 177


appraisal, 147

key indicators, 135–136

management, 171–173, 177

outstanding, 155

TTW enhancing, 184

Personal TTW applications, 185

P&G. See Procter & Gamble

Plan B, 108, 114


annual, 151–152, 184

in organizational alignment survey, 194–195


alignment and, 144, 152

exercise, 161

initiatives in, 143–144

as living document, 144

for strategic growth, 143–144

for TTW, 143–144, 152, 161

Politics, 61

Position, vision and, 83, 87, 90–91, 96

Post Foods, 165

Principles, TTW

challenge assumptions, 16–18, 32–33, 35, 37, 189–190

checklist, 37–38

as compass, 34

connect the dots, 26–31, 33–34, 37

exercises, 35–38

focus on the vital few, 23–26, 32–34, 36–37, 75, 111–112

organizational assessment and, 37–38, 64–65, 82–83, 99, 114–115, 138, 161–162, 181–182

overview of, 15, 33–34

process and, 40

rely on facts and data, 20–23, 32, 34, 36–37, 191

results of, 31–33

scope the issue, 18–20, 32, 34, 36–37, 90, 191–192

Prius, 55

Problem solving, 155


annual planning, 151–152, 184

flow, 40–42, 58

of hourglass structure, 40–42, 46–47, 54, 58–59, 69, 79, 83–84, 87, 95, 101–102, 140, 144, 152, 183–187

meeting, 171

in organizational alignment survey, 193

organizational assessment, 64–65

TTW principles and, 40

Procter & Gamble (P&G)

governing statement of, 86–87

Husain at, 175–176

Shirley at, 67, 69–70, 86–87, 150

TTW and, 67, 69–70, 86–87, 150, 158, 167, 175–176

umbrella statement of, 86

Productive meetings, 169–173, 179

Project Management Institute, 118

Promises, 154

Purpose, vision and, 83, 87, 90–91, 96

Quality, cost and, 154

Quarterly building blocks, 151–152

Quarterly review, 147

Question-and-answer session, 147

Reality, confronting, 153

Recipe, for change, 165

Recognition, 173–174, 179

Recruitment, 164

Regulations, 61, 77–78

Rely on facts and data, 20–23, 32, 34, 36–37, 191

Results, road map based on, 127, 137–138

Revenue, peaks and valleys of, 130

Rewards, 173–174

Risk-averse organization, 156

Road map to success, 127, 137–138

Ryan, Nolan, 54–55

SCA. See Strategic competitive advantage

Scalzo, Joe, 85

Schwartz, Tony, 19


communication about, 19–20

creep, 18

governing statements and, 90

of initiatives, 126–127

of issues, 18–20, 32, 34, 36–37

in key message, 141–142

in organizational alignment survey, 191–192

principle of, 18–20, 32, 34, 36–37, 90, 191–192

Second-class citizen syndrome, 34

Seven Cs

category, 48, 61

colleagues, 48, 61

community, 48, 61

company, 48–49, 61

competitors, 48–49, 61

consumer, 48, 61

customer, 48, 61

as TTW framework, 48–49, 52, 58, 61–63

Sharing, 155

Shirley, Ed, 67, 69–70, 86–87, 150

Short-term deliverables, 120–121

Short-term wins, 149

Show of thumbs, 122–123

Signals, 165, 179

Significance/objectives, in team charter, 120, 133, 135

Silk soy milk, 85, 88

Silos, leveling, 155

Simply Effective (Ashkenas), 184


assessment, 48, 73, 118, 150, 186, 198–210

in key message, 140–143, 160

Situation Assessment Diagnostic

business objectives/current state of the business, 198–200

category dynamics, 200–201

competencies/core skills, 210

competitive frame, 202–203

consumer insights, 203–207

overview of, 198

value proposition and delivery, 208–209

Skin care, 108–112

Sloppy writing, 19

Small business initiatives, 129–132

Smallwood, Norm, 165

SMART goals, 97–99

Smart mistakes, 156–157

Smartphones, 12

Soccer, 163–164

Social trends, 61

South Africa, 164

Specialty retailers, 29–31

Stacy, Michelle

at Keurig, 10, 104–106, 168–169

at Oral-B, 39–40, 46–49, 52–53, 168

Stakeholders, 128–129, 138, 159


Store traffic, 78

Strategic competitive advantage (SCA)

execution and, 119, 123

of Jamba Juice, 57–58

of Keurig, 104, 106–107

strategies leveraging, 102, 107, 113, 123

SWOT analysis and, 54–57, 64

vision and, 84, 95


actions for, 117–119, 121, 132–133

aha moments inspiring, 102–104

alternative, 114

annual planning process, 151–152, 184

best choice of, 107–112

of BetterFace, 108–112

brainstorming, 102–103

communication, 147

contingency, 108, 114

core, 114

decision making and, 101–114

degree of impact on, 123–125

execution of, 117–119, 121, 132–135

exercises for, 113–115, 134–135

at Gillette, 166–167

goals linked to, 107, 110, 112

growth, plan-on-a-page for, 143–144

in hourglass structure, 41–42, 101–102, 112

identifying, 113–114

initiatives and, 118–119, 131–132

insights inspiring, 102–105

of Keurig, 104–107

levels of, 114

objectives tied to, 171

organizational assessment of, 114–115

SCA and, 102, 107, 113, 123

simple approach to, 1–3

summarized, 112–113

SWOT analysis and, 102, 108–111, 113

think-plan-act in, 2, 6

vital few in, 111–112


of Gillette, 153

of Nutrition Nation, 76

in SWOT analysis, 49–53, 55–57, 62–63, 76, 198


of companies, 6

as habit forming, 13

long-term, 165, 179

road map to, 127, 137–138

vision for, 83–86, 90, 93, 95

Superlatives, 21

SWOT analysis

of All Clean, 55–57

of BetterFace, 108–111

of church, 185–186

communication and, 141

done right, 53–54

exercises, 62–64

of inner city school, 53

matrix, 50–51, 62–63

of Nutrition Nation, 75–76

opportunities in, 50–53, 56–57, 59, 62–63, 76, 198

of Oral-B, 52

SCA and, 54–57, 64

strategies and, 102, 108–111, 113

strengths in, 49–53, 55–57, 62–63, 76, 198

threats in, 50–53, 56, 58–59, 62–63, 198

vision and, 84, 95

weaknesses in, 49–53, 55–56, 62–63, 198

Symbols, 165, 179

Teachers, tough issues and, 155–156

Team charter

assumptions, 120–121, 133

deliverables, 120–121, 133, 135–136

for execution, 119–121, 135–136

exercises, 135–137

interdependencies, 120–121, 133, 136

membership, 119–121, 133, 135

network diagram, 136–137

significance/objectives, 120, 133, 135

timing/communication, 120, 133, 136


choices reviewed by, 123–126

creation of, 119–121

decision making and, 121–123

execution by, 118–126, 128–129, 133–138

initiatives and, 118–119

of leaders, 156

summarized, 133–134

voting by, 122–123

Technology, 61, 78

Think to Win (TTW). See also Change, anchoring of; Communication; Execution; Frameworks, TTW; Hourglass structure; Principles, TTW; Situation Assessment Diagnostic; Strategies; Vision

All Clean and, 55–57

benefits of, 5–6, 12–13

BetterFace and, 108–112

Braun and, 87–88

Del Monte and, 175–177

Duracell and, 6–9, 25, 56

end of, as beginning, 179, 183–187

exercises, 35–38, 59–65, 80–82, 96–99, 113–115, 134–138, 160–162, 179–182

future relevance of, 183–184

at GE, 139–140

Gillette and, 6–7, 88, 92, 146, 149, 153, 156–158, 166–167, 175–176

introduction to, 1–3

Jamba Juice and, 57–58, 68, 70–71

Keurig and, 10, 43, 72–73, 84, 104–107, 145, 168–169

key to, 67–79

Lego and, 9–10

as mindset, 15

New Balance and, 27–31, 103, 125–126

new thinking in, 5–13

for nonprofits, 185–187

Oral-B and, 39–40, 46–49, 52–53, 168

performance enhanced by, 184

personal applications of, 185

P&G and, 67, 69–70, 86–87, 150, 158, 167, 175–176

plan-on-a-page for, 143–144, 152, 161

Post Foods and, 165

power of, 2

process flow, 40–42, 58

umbrella statements in, 41–47, 50, 58, 60, 62

WhiteWave Foods and, 84–85, 88–89, 103

Think-plan-act, 2, 6


of Nutrition Nation, 76

in SWOT analysis, 50–53, 56, 58–59, 62–63, 198

3Ms, 93–94, 96–98

THRIVE baby food, 119–121, 123–128

Thumbs, show of, 122–123

Time, of initiatives, 126–127

Timeliness, 40

Timing/communication, in team charter, 120, 133, 136

“Tired of Strategic Planning” (Beinhocker and Kaplan), 184

Top-down dictums, 153, 155

Total Brand Value, 154

Touch-Points (Conant and Norgaard), 145–146

Tough issues, 155–156

Toyota, 55

Traditionalists, 184

Training, 169

TTW. See Think to Win

Tunnel vision, 26

The 2020 Workplace (Meister and Willyerd), 184

UConn women’s basketball team, 163–164

Ulrich, Dave, 165

Ultra battery, 7–8, 25

Umbrella statements

alignment on, 43–44, 68, 70

defined, 41, 44, 58

execution and, 118

exercise, 60

ineffective, 45

of Jamba Juice, 70

of Keurig, 43

key issues and, 79

of Oral-B, 46–47

of P&G, 86

strong, 44–45

in TTW, 41–47, 50, 58, 60, 62

University of North Carolina women’s soccer, 163–164

Urgency, 141, 147–148

Value proposition and delivery, 208–209

Victory, declared too soon, 149


actionable, 84, 95

aliveness of, 144–146

of BetterFace, 110

characteristics of, 84, 95

communication and, 144–149, 152

compensation aligned with, 146

execution and, 144

exercises, 96–99

of GE, 140

goals and, 90–99

governing statement and, 83, 85–92, 95

in hourglass structure, 83–84, 91, 95, 144

of Keurig, 84, 145

of Kilts, 146

lack of, 148

of leaders, 145–147

obstacles to, 148–149

organizational assessment of, 99

projection of, 147

purpose and position in, 83, 87, 90–91, 96

realizable, 84, 95

SCA and, 84, 95

statement, 83

for success, 83–86, 90, 93, 95

summarized, 95–96

SWOT and, 84, 95

tunnel, 26

of WhiteWave Foods, 84–85

Vital few

focus on, 23–26, 32–34, 36–37, 75, 111–112

in key messages, 141

maximum number of, 75

in organizational alignment survey, 190

in strategies, 111–112

Voting, 122–123

Wall, writing on, 19


of Gillette, 153

of Nutrition Nation, 76

in SWOT analysis, 49–53, 55–56, 62–63, 198

Weekly building blocks, 151–152

Weekly meetings, 151, 157–159

Welch, Jack, 139–140, 145–146

West, Dave, 175, 177

White, James D., 68, 70–71

WhiteWave Foods, 84–85, 88–89, 103

“Why Good Strategies Fail: Lessons for the C-Suite” (Project Management Institute), 118

Widget illustration, 141–142

Willyerd, Karie, 184

Winning (Welch), 145

Work, flow of, 177

Working backwards, 127–128

Writing, 19

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