Achaemenid Persian Empire, 77

Act for the Encouragement of Learning etc., 294

advertising, precursor of, in ancient Greece, 93


Chinese view of, 111

colonialism and trade in, 162–163

early trade history in, 83–85

Portuguese exploration of, 147–149

salt as commodity in, 178–181

slave trade in, 226–227

agora (early shopping center), 93, 215


civilization and, 20–21, 55–56

trade in Mexico and South America and, 119–128

Alaric the Goth, 210

Alberti, Leon Battista, 163

Albornoz, Bartolome de, 6

Alexander, VI (pope), 159–160, 270, 272–273

Alexander the Great, 20, 77, 80, 94, 96, 103, 191, 201, 233

Alexandria, 77, 91, 95, 97, 134, 147, 212

al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid, 38

alien residents, use in trade of, 96

American Revolution, 157–158

ancient commodities, 170–193

cotton, 190–192

incense and spices, 181–187

marketing of, 193–195

olive oil, 170–173

salt, 178–181

silk, 187–190

wine, 173–177

ancient Greece

communication in, 200–201

Draco’s Law in, 286–287

pagan worship in, 249–252

patent law history in, 290–291

road construction in, 205

slavery in, 227–230

trademark law in, 295–296

trading in, 92–101, 93f, 96f

Androclus, 215

Angell, Norman, 11, 305

Anne (queen of England), 292

anthropological research

on early African trade, 83–85

multipocket theory of civilization development, 47–49

origins of trade and, 39–43

spread theory of civilization development and, 45–46

Apocalypto (film), 316

Apian Way, 205

Aquinas, Thomas (Saint), 5, 38

Arab trading

colonialism and, 163

East-West contact and, 133–136

history of, 85–86

incense and spice commodities and, 181–187

salt as barter commodity in, 178–181

Arawak Indians, 120

Arawak tribe, 126–127

Aristotle, on economics, 28–29, 31–32

aromata, import in ancient Greece of, 97

Arthashastra (Kautilya), 33–34, 286

Arthur, W. Brian, 55

Art of War (Sun Tzu), 34, 114

Assyrian culture, trade in, 15, 73

clay tablets, 182

early Arab trading and, 86

naruqqum agreement under, 241

tradesman, 203

athletic contests, olive oil awarded in, 172

Atlantis, myth of, 49–50, 71, 131

ATMA DARSHAN company, 34

Augustus Caesar, 211

Aztec civilization, 123f, 125–126, 148, 153

commercial activities of, 124

economic system, 121

merchants traded with distant groups, 124

monetary exchange in, 233

traded with Florida Arawaks, 120

Babylonian culture, trade in, 73, 182, 240

Baghdad, silk trade and, 189–190

Balzac, Honore de, 225


colonialism and evolution of, 163–165

government bonds and, 239–240

Barbary Coast pirates, 211

Barbary corsairs, 223

Barbary States, 281

bartering, 3, 5, 17, 21, 60–61, 72, 102, 125, 162, 214

development of communication and, 197–204

trading in Mesoamerica through, 119–126, 138–139

Bass Red Triangle trademark, 296

Beattie, Alan, 15

beaver pelts, 128, 242–243

beaver trade, history of globalization and, 12

Behn, Aphra, 232

Bergreen, Laurence, 44, 138, 143, 150

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, 298

Bernstein, William J., 5, 17, 134


influence on commerce of, 255–256

Old and New Testaments, 225–226

Black Death, 134, 223

Blasford-Snell, John, 137

bonds, historical evolution of, 238–240

Book IV, The Removal of Thorns, 34

“borderless world,” 13, 45, 182

Boston Tea Party of 1773, 157–158

Botticelli, Sandro, 165

bottomry, cargo transportation and, 240

Braudel, Ferand, 91


exploring entrepreneurs, 90

Portuguese exploration of, 147

Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) countries, 128

Bretton Woods Conference (1944), 235

British East India Company, 11, 155, 158–159, 181, 243, 273

British Empire

globalization and role of, 11–12

Indian independence and, 158–159

See also England

Bronowski, Jacob, 243

Bruges, as international trade hub, 165–166

Brunelleschi, Filippo, 292

Buddhism, 118, 213, 262, 265–267

in China, 114

role of exchange in, 6

Burckhardt, Jacob, 87

business history, evolution of, 8

businessmen, globalization and role of, 278

Business Week magazine, 190

Butler, Alan, 180

Cabaret (musical), 231

Cabot, John, 148

Cabot, Sebastian, 148

cacao beans, as exchange medium, 121, 124, 233

Caesarea, Phoenician founding of, 90–91

Cahokia Mounds, 127

Caishen, Taoist god of wealth, 267–268

Canton System of trade control, 112

Capaq Nan (Gran Ruta), 204

Cape Verde Islands, 85, 161

capital instruments, historical evolution of, 237–244

capitalism, Islam and, 257–262


diffusion of religion through, 247–249

East-West contact and, 133–136

historical evolution of, 219–220

origins of trade and, 39–43

salt trading by, 178–181

silk trade and, 187–190

transportation technology and, 208–213

cargo, trade and role of, 58–61

Caribbean islands, early trading in, 120–121, 126

Carrefour, 219

Carthaginians, as early traders, 92, 102–103

Cartier, Jacques, 127

Casement Report (UK), 156

caste system, in Hinduism, 266–267

Cathay and the Way Thither, Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China (Polo), 133, 142


government bonds and influence of, 238–240

intermingling of trade and religion in, 269–275

politics and, 282–284

trade and spread of, 105, 116, 141–143, 149, 159–161, 249

Celestine, II (pope), 270

Celts, as early traders, 102–103

chaebols, Korean principle of, 264

Champlain, Samuel, 128117

Chang Ch’ien, 109

Change, Ha-Joon, 7–8

Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Myster-ies of the Past (von Daniken), 50

charkha (hand loom),159

Chenghuang, Taoist principle of, 267

Chicago Tribune, 65


communication and record keeping in, 202

East-West contacts, history of, 133–136, 283

economic theory in, 35–37, 58–61

explorations by, 105–116, 152

future of globalization and, xxv, 298–301

growth of international trade in, 281–282

history of trade in, 105–116

incense and spice commodities trading in, 181–187

Indian trade with, 105

international traders from, 95

Japanese trade with, 105–116

pagan worship in, 249–252

plague in, 134

Polo’s descriptions of, 141–143

post-Mao regime in, 76–83

religious contamination feared by, 273–274

salt as medical treatment in, 178

silk trade in, 187–190

supply and demand in early trading of, 102–103

transportation technology in, 208–213

views of history in, 66

China’s Economic Transformation, 35

Chinese Star Fleet, 90, 107–108, 110, 133, 146, 210, 273–274, 283

Ch’in Shi Huang Ti, 108

Chow, Gregory, 36


age of exploration and, 138

influence on commerce of, 255–257

role of exchange in, 6

trade and spread of, 133, 249

Christian Science Monitor, 5

Churchill, Winston, 66

Church of England, 161

Cicero, viii


birth of exchange and, 39–43

communication and development of, 197–204

defined, 20–21

development theories of, 45–50

historical evolution of, 20–22

philosophy of, 51–52

recorded history of trade and, 67–136

religion and development of, 247–250

trade and, 17–20

trading and exchange and development of, xxiii–xxv, 1–25

Civil War, 192, 230, 282

class structure

in Mayan civilization, 120

mercantilism and, 139–140

clusters of excellence, Porter Diamond model and, 300

Code of Hammurabi, 285–286

Cohong (Chinese merchant association), 112

Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Diamond), 22, 59

collective arrangement, in Muslim economic theory, 37–39

collective intelligence theory, trade and, 54–56


European exploration and evolution of, 141–157

explorations and evolution of, 148

free trading rights and, 161–166

in Roman Empire, 98–101, 98f

of Spain, 125–126, 152–157

Colossus of Rhodes, 94–95

Columbus, Christopher, 15, 91, 106, 108, 127, 133, 142, 149–150, 152, 161, 184, 209–210, 249, 283–284


historical evolution of, ix–x, xxiii–xxv

religion and, 247–276

commercial credit

in ancient Greece, 97

Draco’s Law concerning, 286–287

in Egyptian trade, 82–83

commercial imperative civilization and, 17–20

exchange value and, 52–54

for exploration, 150–152

infrastructure development and, 219–220


early examples of, 170–193

as exchange mechanisms, 231–237

Common Era, 134

transportation developments during, 208–213

communal socioeconomic societies, impact of trade on, 138


copyright law and, 292–295

trade and innovations in, 197–204

Community Trade Mark (CTM) system, 297

Compagnons du Devoir, 271

company, etymology of word, 99

Confederacy, 282

Confucius, 66, 133, 262–265, 267


history in Mesopotamia of, 72–73

money-bag (naruqqu) contract, 74

Sharia principles and, 259

Coolidge, Calvin, 277

copyright law, history of, 294, 296

Cordier, Henri, 133

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 257, 266, 275–276

Cortes, Hernan, 125, 133

cost issues

in olive oil industry, 172–173

cotton industry, impact of U.S. Civil War on, 282

Cowen, Tyler, 54

cradles of civilization, recorded history of trade and, 67–136

Creative Destruction: How Globalization Is Changing the World’s Cultures (Cowen), 54

Cro-Magnon culture, trade in, 41

cross-border interactions

age of exploration and, 137–166

in ancient Greece, 95–97

of Celtic traders, 102–103

Chinese isolationism as barrier to, 105–116

in Danube Valley, 101–102

East-West contacts, history of, 133–136

Egyptian trade history and, 76–83

globalization and, 12–13

government regulation and, 279

incense and spice commodities trading and, 181–187

Magna Carta provisions and, 157

merchant intermediaries and, 73–76

societal structures for, 197–230

transportation technology and, 208–213

weights and measures and history of, 76

cross-cultural exchange

evolution of civilization and, 21–22, 55–56

globalization and, 1–4

trade and, 39–44

cuneiform writing, 72, 202–203

currency regulation

in China, 109

colonialism and evolution of, 161–166

early history of, 97–98

exchange mechanisms and, 231–237

in Roman Empire, 98–101

Danube Valley, trade in, 101–102

Darius the Great, 76, 206

Darwin, Charles, 52–54

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 163

Da Vinci Code, The, 271

Declaration of Independence, 157–158, 279

De Gama, Vasco, 150, 184, 283

Description of the World (Polo), 141–142

developmental theories of civilization, 45–52

collective intelligence theory and, 54–56

Darwinism and, 52–54

multipocket theory, 47–49

mythical master theory, 49–50

philosophy of, 51–52

spread theory, 46–47

Devotions Emergent Occasions (Donne), 51

Diamond, Jared, 1, 22, 58–60

Diamond Sutra, 265

Dias, Bartolomeu, 150

differentiation of products, in olive oil industry, 170–173

Di Giorgio, Francesco, 163

Discourses (Epictetus), 30

disease, trade and spread of, 133–134

division of labor

absence of exchange and, 25

among early traders, 103

Donatello (Donato di Niccol˜ di Betto Bardi), 165

Donne, John, xxiii, 51

Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes (Everett), 22

Draco’s Law, 286–287

Dune (Herbert), 183

Dutch, North American trade and

exploration by, 127–128, 137–166

Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC)), 75, 240–243

Dutch West Indies Company, 148, 162

Eanes, Gil, 147

Eastern spiritual teachings, commerce and, 262–268

East-West contacts, history of, 133–136

Eastern spiritual teachings and, 262–268

incense and spices as commodities in, 181–187

silk as commodity in, 187–190

Ebb, Fred, 231

economic nationalism, mercantilism as, 139


birth of exchange and, 39–43

Chinese theory of, 35–37

evolution of globalization and, 27–63

Greek land-management and origins of, 27–33

Indian social approach to, 33–35

Muslim theory of, 37–39

Economics (Aristotle), 29

Edo period (Japan), 117


communication and record keeping in, 202

history of trade in, 76–83

incense and spice commodities trading in, 181–187

monetary exchange in, 234

silk trade in, 187–190

Elizabeth, I (queen of England), 128, 161, 243, 273

emblem, etymological origins of word, 201

employment statistics, globalization and, 11–12


exploration and colonization by, 148–149, 155–157, 161

impact of U.S. Civil War on, 282

mercantilism and, 140

patent law in, 291

right-to-trade principles in U.S. and, 157–158

trademark law in, 295–296

England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade (Mun), 139–140

English Bakers Marking Law, 295

English Licensing Act, 293

Epictetus, 30


in early China, 105–116

in Egyptian trade, 81–83

religion and, 256–257

in Roman trade, 100–101

slavery and, 228–229

Eugene, IV (pope), 108

Eugenius, III (pope), 270, 283

Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), 298

Euripides, 29


exploration and colonization from, 141–157, 283–286

history of Chinese trade with, 105–116

incense and spice trading in, 181–187

mercantilism in, 139–140

religion and trade in, 159–161

salt trading in, 178–181

European Patent Convention (EPC), 298

European Patent Organization (EPO), 298

European Union (EU), 98, 280, 297, 299

Everett, Daniel, 22–23

exchange process birth of, 39–43

civilization nourished by, 17–20

Greek philosophers suspicion of, 32–33

history of, 5–25

imperative of, 1–4, 49–50, 52–54

mechanisms of, 231–237

as normative social imperative, xv–xvi, xxiii, 1–4, 43–47

religion and, 247–276

societal growth or demise and, 58–61

transportation technology and, 208–213


commercial imperative for, 150–152

by European countries, 141–157

trade and age of, 137–166


in ancient Greece, 97

of olive oil, 170–173

See also international trade

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 225

Farmers’ Almanac, 28

Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, 149

Ferguson, Niall, 243, 282

fiat money, historical evolution of, 234–235

financial instruments, historical evolution of, 231–244

financial transactions, historical evolution of, 166

Five Rings, The (Musashi), 34


mercantilism in, 163–165

patent law in, 291

force majeure, in contracts, 260

Ford, Henry, 65

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 254–255

foreign direct investment (FDI)

globalization and, x, xii–xiii, 12, 16

transportation technology and, 213

1421: The Year China Discovered America (Menzies), 106

1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance (Menzies), 108, 283


mercantilism and, 139–140

North American trade and exploration by, 128, 155–157

patent law in, 291

franchise development, 218–219

Freedom of the Seas (Grotius), 162

freedom-of-the-seas principle, 158

free market ideology

Chinese economic theory and, 35–37

criticism of, 7–8

historical evolution of, 31–33, 38–39

free trading rights, colonialism and exploration as catalyst for, 161–163

Friedman, Thomas, xiii, 14–17

Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 159, 181

Garner, John Nance, 65

General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 279–280, 283

Genghis Khan, 20, 80, 103, 105–106, 142, 186–187, 279

Genoa, as international port, 142, 148–149, 165

genocide, colonialism and, 156

geographical branding, examples of, 185

gharar, Islamic principle of, 259–261

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 165

Giotto di Bondone (Giotto), 165

Giridharadas, Anand, 16


age of exploration and, 137–166

building blocks of, 167–168

China and origins of, 105–116

collateral influences on, 245

defined, x, xii–xiii, 12, 16

evolution of civilization and, 24–27

exchange imperative and, 54–56

government as driver for, 265–266

Greek land-management and origins of, 27–33

historical evolution of, ix–x, 5–25, 27–63

as human social phenomenon, 56–58, 61–63

Japan and, 116–118

Magna Carta as catalyst for, 156

religion and, 159–161

strengths and weaknesses of, 1–4

technology and, 8–2514–27

Globalization and Culture (Pieterse), 54

Globalization: n. The Irrational Fear That Someone in China Will Take Your Job, 11

Global Paradox, The (Rodrik), 12

global strategic alliances, in early China, 106


in early African trade, 83–85

salt as barter commodity for, 178–181

Gomes, Fernao, 147


bonds issued by, 238–240

commercial infrastructure development and, 217–221

evolution of commercial process and, xxiv–xxv

globalization and, 245, 277–303

incense and spice trade and, 181–187

mercantilism and, 139–140

merchant intermediaries and, 73–76

in Mexico and South America, 119–126

in Minoan culture, 92

monetary exchange and, 235–237

regulation of commerce by, 277–303

in Roman Empire, 98–101

secular law developed by, 284–290

transportation technology and, 208–213

Grann, David, 155–156

Great Illusion, The (Angell), 11

Great Lakes, exploration of, 128

Great Wall of China, 108–109

Greek land-management, origins of globalization and, 27–33

Greenwald, Bruce, 12

Gregory X (pope), 143

gross domestic product (GDP) 298–299

Grotius, Hugo, 162

guanxi, Confucian principle of, 263

Guanzi (Zhong), 36

Guidebook to the Silk Road (Pegolotti), 220

Guns, Germs and Steel (Diamond), 59

Hammurabi, 72, 285–286

Han dynasty, 35, 99, 188, 208

Harappan culture

communication in, 199–200

trade in, 103–105

Henri, IV (king of France), 128

Henry the Navigator, 85, 147

Herbert, Frank, 183

Herodotus, 95, 179, 191

heroism, marketing and, 195, 200

Hesiod, 30, 32

Heyerdahl, Thor, 138

High Imperialism theory, globalization and, 15–16

Hinduism, 266–267

Laws of Manu and, 286

Hippalus, 186

history of trade and commerce

commercial imperative in, 5–25

criticism of, 65–66

evolution of globalization and, xii–xiii, xxii

management theory and, xxi–xxvi

recorded history, 67–136

History Will Teach Us Nothing (song), 65

Hittite culture, 93

Hohokam civilization, 127

Homer, 94, 171


Tibet-Chinese trade in, 113

transportation technology and, 208–213

Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Friedman), 13–14

Household Manager, The (Xenophon), 28, 30

Hudson, Henry, 242

Hudson’s Bay Company, 12

human rights abuses

colonialism and, 154–157

international trade and, 221–230

Humans: Why They Triumphed (Ridley), 55

hyperinflation, 235

IBM Corporation, 9, 185, 201

Ihya (al-Ghazali), 38

Iliad (Homer), 94


in ancient Greece, 96

early tariffs on, 134, 273, 278

of olive oil, 170–173

See also international trade

Inca civilization, 123–124, 131, 148, 153, 202, 204

communication and record keeping in, 202

road construction in, 204–208

Incan Mita conscripted labor, 153


evolution as commodity, 181–187

spread of Islam and trade in, 248–249

Incense Road, 76, 87, 137, 181–187


ancient road construction in, 205

economic theory in, 33–35

GATT provisions and, 280

growth of international trade in, 280

history of trade in, 103–105

independence from Britain, 158–159

international traders from, 96

origins of plague and trade with, 133–134

salt trading in, 178–181

sea route to, 147–149

supply and demand in early trading of, 102–103

transportation technology in, 180–184

Indian Congress Party, 159

Indians, North American exploration and conquest of, 155–156

Industrial Revolution, globalization and, 16

Indus valley

history of trade in, 103–104

road construction in, 205

transportation technology in, 208–213

infrastructure development, for international trade, 213–221

Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, An (Smith), 36

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 101

intangible assets, exchange of, 59–60

intellectual property law

copyright and, 292–295

Law of Justinian as forerunner of, 288–290

universal conventions for, 296–298

Inter Caetera (papal bull), 131, 159, 161

interest rates, historical evolution of, 238

intermediaries in trade, history of, 73–76

international business/management theory, globalization and, xiii, xvi

international law, maritime trade and, 161–163

international trade

in ancient Greece, 92–101

Catholicism and, 159–161

China’s role in, 105–116

commercial imperative for, 150–152

in Danube Valley, 101–102

in early India, 103–105

East-West contacts, history of, 133–136, 140–141

European exploration and push for dominance in, 141–157

infrastructure development or, 213–221

in Japan, 116–118

mercantilism and, 139–140

in Mexico and South America, 119–126, 123f

monetary regulation and, 237

Mongols and, 105

in olive oil, 170–173

Phoenician ocean trading empire and, 89–92

plague and diminishment of, 135

pros and cons of, 11–12

in Roman Empire, 98–101

toxic aspects of, 221–227

See also exports; imports

Internet, 13, 16, 56, 203, 219

inventory, in Minoan culture, 92

invisible hand, in economic theory, 36–38, 102

Iroquois Confederation, 204


economic theory and, 37–39

exchange and influence of, 6, 257–262

incense and spice trade and spread of, 186–187, 248–249

Timbuktu and expansion of, 83–84

trade and spread of, 133–134


in China, 105–116

of Japan, 116–118

James, I (king of England), 292


Chinese trade with, 110–111

feudal labor practices in, 287–288

foreign commercialization in, 116–118

pagan worship in, 249–252

Jewish law, role of exchange in, 6


history of trade and, 96, 135

persecution of, 149

John (king of England), 156

Johns, Adrian, 294–295

joint public stock company, 241–244

Journal of Management Studies, 8

Journal of the First Voyage (Columbus), 249

Judaism, in Western Europe, 252–254

Julius Caesar, 210–211, 281

just wage theory, origins of, 38

Kahn, Judd, 12

Kamakura period (Japan), 116

karums, history of trade and, 76

Kautilya, 33–35

keiretsu, Japanese principle of, 264

khaddar/khadi (homespun cloth), 159

King’s Road (Egypt), 46–47, 206–207, 254, 266

Knights Templar, 165, 270–272

known world, globalization and concept of, 17

Koine Greek, communication using, 172

Kong Fu-Zi. See Confucius

Kon-Tiki (Heyerdahl), 137

Koran, influence on commerce of, 257–262

Kublai Khan, 80, 106, 142–143


division of, 25, 102–103

Japanese feudal labor practices, 287–288

outsourcing of, 79–83

Labrador, 128, 148

land caravans, merchant intermediaries and, 76, 83

language, communication and development of, 197–204

Lao Tzu, xii, 37

Law of Justinian, 288–290

laws concerning trade

Code of Hammurabi, 285–286

copyright law, 292–295

Draco’s Law, 286–287

evolution of secular law, 284–290

globalization and, 279–280

Japanese feudal labor practices, 287–288

Judaism’s influence on, 252–255

Law of Justinian, 288–290

Laws of Manu, 286

patent law, 291–292

proprietary rights and, 290–291

religion and development of, 247–249

trademark law, 295–296

universal conventions, 296–298

Laws of Manu, 286

leisure time, marketing and, 194

Lexus and the Olive Tree, The (Fried-man), 13

Li, Confucian principle of, 263

Liberty Bonds, 239

licensing practices

historical evolution of, 216, 278

See also copyright law, history of

Life magazine, 224

literacy, communication and, 197–204

loans, historical evolution of, 237–244

government bonds and, 238–240

Lost City of Z, The (Grann), 155–156

Lost World of Old Europe: The Danube Valley, 5000–3500 BC, The,” 101–102

Luther, Hans, 269

Luther, Martin, 268

Macao, Chinese trading port of, 109, 111–112

Machiavelli, Niccoló, 34

macuahuitl (weapon), 122

Madrid Protocol, 297

Magellan, Ferdinand, 108, 138–139, 147, 150, 184, 283

Magna Carta, 96, 156–158, 162, 279

Maison du Roi (France), 292

maitri, Buddhist principle of, 266

Malthus, Thomas, 163

management theory

Hinduism and, 266–267

history and, xxi–xxvi

in Roman Empire, 101

Mandingo Askia dynasty, 84

Mansa Musa, 84

Marble Road, 215

maritime trade

age of exploration and, 137–166

in ancient Greece, 92–97

bottomry practices and, 220

Bruges and, 165–166

China and, 105–116

commercial imperative for, 150–152

early African trade diminished by, 83–85

in early Indian trade, 103–105

free trading rights and, 161–164

government regulation of, 281–282

history in Egypt of, 76–83

in incense and spice, 181–187

in Japan, 116–118

mercantilism and, 139–140

Phoenicians and history of, 89–92

religion and creation of, 269–275

transportation technology and, 208–213

market economy, 35–36, 279

modern roots of, 61–63


ancient products as example of, 193–195

of olive oil and salt, 170–173

marketplace, history of, as exchange mechanism, 5–25

Market Practices (Pegolotti), 143

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 291

Masonic Order, 271

materialism, marketing and, 194–195

Mayan civilization, trade in, 120–123, 125–126

McLean, Don, xiii

Medici family, 163–164, 190, 256–257

Meiji period (Japan), 118

Menzies, Gavin, 90, 106–108, 110, 283


age of exploration and, 137–166

commercial imperative and, 150–152

in Florence, 163–165

free trading rights and, 161–166

piracy and, 281

merchant intermediaries commercial imperative and, 150–152

in Mexico and South America, 119–126

origins of, 73–76, 108

Mesoamerica, history of trade in, 119–128

religion in, 247–276


bonds issued in, 238–240

history of trade in, 72–73

trademark law, 295–297

Mexico, early trading in, 119–126, 123f

Michaelson, Gerald A., 306

middleman principle of value, commercial imperative and, 150–152

Milites Templi, 270

Militia Dei, 270

Mill, John Stuart, 163, 294

Ming dynasty, 106–108

Minoan culture

communication in, 197–204

olive oil as commodity in, 170–173

trading in, 92–97

Minuit, Peter, 243

Mississippi Valley delta, early trade in, 127

Mitsubishi Shoji, 118

Mitsui Trading Company, 118

mixed-used structure, historical evolution of, 216

Mogul empire, 105


as exchange medium, 43–45

historical evolution of, 231–237

money-bag (naruqqu) contract, 74, 86, 241

Mongol empire, 134–135


English Statute of Monopolies, 292

merchant intermediaries and, 73–76

religion and creation of, 269–275

Morris, Ian, 20

Mosaic Law, 226, 254

Moses, Laws of, 252–253

mudaraba, early Arab trading custom of, 86, 261

Muhammad, 257–258

multinational corporations (MNCs), 12, 67, 95, 265, 284

bribery laws and, 255

communication in, 203

guarding of knowledge in, 55–56

human rights abuses by, 155–157, 225–230

peering process in, 55–56

political strength of, 284

supply chain management, 155

third-world nationals employed by, 95

wealth accumulation by, 272

multinational entities (MNEs), 15, 17, 126

Phoenician trading empire and, 89–92

multipocket theory of civilization development, 47–49

Mun, Thomas, 139

Murray, James M., 165–166

Musashi, Miyamoto, 34

musharaka, early Arab trading custom of, 86, 261

Muslim economic theory, 37–39

Mycenaean culture, 93–94

mythical master theory of civilization development, 49–50

Nabataean culture, history of trading and, 87–89

naruqqum contracts, 74, 86–87, 241

early Arab trading custom of, 85–86

Natchez Trace, 204

natural resources, early trading of, 103

natural selection, civilization and, 52–54

Neanderthal culture, trade in, 41

Near East, history of trade in, 76–83

Newfoundland, English exploration of, 148

new markets, 56–57, 69, 186

new market entry, 69

new market entry, 56–57, 69, 186

Nile River

development of civilization and, 45–46

history of trade and, 76–103

nirvana, Hindu condition of, 266–267

noncitizen traders, history of, 95–96

normal imperative

exchange as, 1–4, 49–50

trade as, 43–45

North America

commercial infrastructure development in, 216–217

Dutch East India Company and exploration of, 242–243

early trade in, 127–128

exploration of, 148, 151–152, 154–155

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 280

northwest passage, search for, 128, 148, 155, 242

Nothing Like the Sun (album), 65

obsidian, South American trade in, 122

Oh, Change H., 17

Ohmae, Kenichi, 45

Oikonomia, Xenophon’s concept of, 28

olive oil, 77–79, 121, 167, 169–170, 178, 181, 194–195, 217

as commodity, 170–173

Olympic Games, history of, 33, 172, 194, 291

Omne Datu Optimum, 270

openness, development of civilization and, 55–56

Opone, early African trade and, 85

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 185

Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (Darwin), 52

Ostia, 180, 210

ostraca, Egyptian trade records and, 81–82

Ottoman Kingdom, 94, 148–149


definition of, 56, 91

in Egyptian trade, 80–83

MNCs, 156

pagan worship, 249–252

papacy, influence on commerce of, 272

paper currency, historical evolution of, 234–237

Paris Convention, 296–297

Parliament of Paris, 292

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 297–298

patent law, history of, 291–292, 297

Pax Mongolica, 106, 130, 134–135, 142, 156, 279

peering principle, development of civilization and, 56

Pegolotti, Francesco Balducci, 143, 220

Peloponnesian War, 94

pendulum degree, globalization and, 15

Peng, Mike W., 15

Peng-Tzao Kan-Mu, 178

Periplus (Greek historian), 105

Persian Empire

road construction in, 206

trade and, 76–83

personal emotional attachments, marketing and, 194

personal property rights, absence in collective societies of, 138–139

Peruvian Amazon Company, 156

Petra, history of trading in, 86–89, 165, 182, 190

petroleum industry, Arab spice trade compared with, 159–161

Pharos lighthouse, 95

Philip of Spain (king), 161

philosophy, origins of trade and, 43

Phoenicians, trading empire of, 15, 70, 89–92, 91f, 102, 131, 141, 146, 172

adopted phonetic alphabet, 202

origin of, 98

written records for, 202

Pierce, John A., 197

Pieterse, Jan Nederveen, 54

Pillai, Radhakrishnan, 34


international trade and, 272–273, 281

by Japanese, 110–111, 117–118

trademark piracy, 297

universal conventions concerning, 298

Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates (Johns), 294

Piraha tribe, 22, 24–25

Pisa, Rustichello da, 142

Pius V (pope), 161, 273

Pizarro, Francisco, 125, 133, 148

plague (Black Death), trade and emergence of, 134–135, 220, 224

Plato, 31–32, 49–50

economic theory and, 31–33

Pliny the Younger, 100

Polanyi, Karl, 61

politics and trade

Columbus’s explorations and, 149

history of, 282–284

in Mayan civilization, 123

Polo, Maffeo, 106

Polo, Marco, 44, 80, 106, 119, 133, 141–144, 180, 187

Polo, Niccol, 106

polytheism, 130, 247


globalization and growth of, xiii

plague and decline in, 133–134

port development

Bruges as example of, 165–166

in early Indian trade, 103–105

in Japan, 111, 116–118

mercantilism and, 139–140

transportation technology and, 208–213


Chinese trade with, 105–116

early African trade and, 83–85

exploration and colonization by, 121–146, 140f

Japanese trade with, 116–118

maritime technology developed by, 151–152

mercantilism and, 139–140

Potosi, city of, 152–157

private enterprise

merchant intermediaries and history of, 73–76

in Roman Empire, 98–101

profit, Muslim criticism of, 38

profit-and-loss sharing (PLS) investments, early Arab trading custom of, 86

progressive taxes, Indian social economic approach and, 34


communal socioeconomic societies and absence of, 138–139

exchange of, 58–61

Greek land-management and concept of, 27–33

history of proprietary rights and, 290–298

Law of Justinian concerning, 288–290

in Mesopotamia, 72–73

universal regulations concerning, 296–298

proprietary rights, history of, 290–298

Prospective of the World, The (Braudel), 91

prostagma, 97

Protection of Industrial Property, Paris Convention for, 296

Protestant directive, commerce and, 268–269

Ptolemaic system, history of trade and, 76–83

publicani (Roman private companies), 99

public-private partnerships, merchant intermediaries and history of, 73–76

publishing industry, copyright law and, 292–295

Puchteca (Mayan merchant caste), 120

Pueblo people, early trade with, 121, 125

Pu-erh tea, 113–114

Punic Wars, 222

Punt kingdom, 69, 79–80

Qin dynasty, 108, 114

quinto (trading tariff), 160, 273

quipus (string record-keeping device), 124

Rajarshi symbol, Indian economic theory and, 33–35

Reagan, Ronald, 279–280

Reformation, 268

regional trading blocks, 280

regulation of business, government and, 277–303


Buddhism, 265–266

Catholicism, 269–275

Christianity, 255–257

development of civilization and, 49–50

Eastern spiritual teachings, 262–268

economics and, 27–39

exchange process and, 247–276

exploration and, 137–166

globalization and, 245

government collaboration with, 277–303

Islam, 257–262

Hinduism, 266–267

Judaism, 252–255

pagan worship, 249–252

Protestantism, 268–269

salt as symbol in, 178–181

slavery and, 225–230

Taoism, 267–268

trade and, xxiii–xxv, 159–161, 269–275

wealth fable and roots of, 275–276

in Western society, 252–262


age of exploration and, 137–166

Chinese influence on, 108, 283

colonialism and, 162–163

representative money, 233, 235

Republic, The (Plato), 31

Rhodes, history as trade hub of, 94–95

Ricardo, David, 53, 163, 279

Ridley, Matt, 55

right-to-trade principles, founding of U.S. and, 157–158

rivalry, 272–273, 276–279

road construction

diffusion of religion and, 247–279

history of trade and, 204–208

Robertson, Robbie, 56

Rodrik, Dan, 12

Roman Empire, 11, 15, 77, 80, 85, 94, 98, 98f, 103, 108, 124, 176, 188, 208, 211–212, 217, 227, 281

commercial infrastructure development in, 213–221

globalization and role of, 8–17

history of trade in, 98–101, 98f

Indian trade with, 103–105

monetary exchange in, 231–237

olive oil industry in, 170–173

pagan worship in, 249–252

road construction in, 204–208

salt trading in, 178–181

shipping in, 281–282

silk trade in, 187–190

slavery in, 227–230

trademark law in, 295–296

transportation technology and, 208–213

Romm, James, 50

Rostovtzeff, Michael, 17

Rothschild banking house, 239

Rover, The (Behn), 232

Royal Road (Persia), 63, 82, 206–207, 206f

Rugman, Alan, 17

rule of law

evolution of secular law, 284–290

Judaism’s influence on, 252–255

religion and development of, 247–276

Sagan, Carl, 203

Saint Lawrence River, 128

Saintonge, Jean Alfonse de, 128

salarium argentum (salt payment), 180


in early African trade, 83–85

as exchange mechanism, 233

as historical commodity, 178–181

Salt Lines, 180

Salt March, 181

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 100

Saracens, 272

secular law, evolution of, 284–290

Secundus, Lucius Pedanius, 229

Seferides, Michel Louis, 101

segmentation of markets, 172–173

“7 Pillars of Business,”34

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (architectural), 91

Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies, The, 42

shared belief system, Eastern spiritual teachings and, 247–248

Sharia principles, business contracts and, 259

sharing initiative, development of civilization and, 55–56


in ancient Greece, 92–103

bottomry practices and, 240

commercial imperative for, 150–152

early African trade diminished by, 83–85

in early Indian trade, 103–105

government regulation of, 277–280

history in Egypt of, 76–83

incense and spice trade and, 181–187

in Japan, 116–118

Phoenicians and history of, 89–92

transportation technology and, 208–213

shopkeeper model for trade development, 215

Shu, Confucian principle of, 263

Silappathikaarum (The Ankle Bracelet), 104

Silk Road, 76, 78, 112–113, 119, 129, 137, 142–143, 187–190, 205–207, 207f, 219, 224, 280

Silk Road Economic Belt, 208

silk trade, 91, 141

historical evolution as commodity, 187–190


colonialism and mining of, 152–157

Japanese trade in, 116–118

Sima Qian (Ssuma Ch’ien), 35–36


colonialism and, 152–157

international trade and growth of, 225–230

in Roman Empire, 98–101, 98f

in U.S., 282

Smith, Adam, 36–38, 44, 57, 102, 139–140, 163, 279

social Darwinism, 53

social evolution

civilization and, 52–54

trade and, 58–61

social harmony, evolution of, 27

social imperative for globalization, 56–58

social infrastructure, commercialism supported by, 197–230

social relationships, civilization and, 61–63

Socrates, 66

economics and, 31–32

sogo shosha (Japanese trading firm), 118

Solomon, Steven, 89

Song dynasty, 107, 235

Sophists, economics and, 32

South America, 102, 117, 127, 130–132, 137–138, 146–149, 153, 155, 204, 222, 227, 249

ancient road construction in, 204–208

early trading in, 119–126, 123f

Southern v. How, 296

Soviet Union, 13, 77


conquest of Mesoamerica by, 125

explorations and colonization by, 125–126, 149–150, 152–157, 159–161, 160f, 272–275

Japanese trade with, 116–118

mercantilism and, 139–140

Spencer, Herbert, 53–54

Spice Road, 75–76, 91, 129, 149–151, 167, 181–187

spice trade

evolution as commodity, 181–187

transportation technology and trade in, 208–213

Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World, A (Bernstein), 17

Spondylus shells, as early trade item, 101, 121

Sprachbund theory of communication, 198, 203

spread theory of development of civilization, 46–47

Standish, Charles, 43, 70

Star Fleet (China), 90, 107–108, 110, 133, 146, 210, 273–274, 283

Statute of Anne, 294

Statute of Monopolies (England), 292

Stiglitz, Joseph, 15, 17

stock exchanges

historical evolution of, 165–166

joint public stock company, 241–244

Stockholms Banco, 235

Stoic philosophy, economics and, 30

Sumerians, cuneiform writing of, 41, 72, 174, 202–203

Sun Tzu, 34

supply and demand

early traders’ concept of, 102–103

Greek origin of concept of, 27–33


evolution of civilization and, 21–22

as market driver for globalization, 190

symbols, communication using, 199–204

Taccola, Mariano di Jacopo detto il, 163

Taino tribe, 126

tampu (Inca villages), 205

Tang dynasty, 134

Taoism, 267–268

economic theory and, 37

Tapscott, Don, 55

tariffs and taxation

history of international trade and, 76–83, 277–284

mercantilism and, 139–140

quinto (trading tariff), 160


right-to-trade principles in U.S. and, 157–158

Tibet-Chinese trade in, 113–114

Tea-Horse Road, 113–114

technology, globalization and, 5–25

Teotihuacan civilization, 123

Tesco, 219

Third Lateran Council, 272

Tibet, Chinese trade with, 113–114

“Timaeus” (Plato), 49

Timbuktu, early trading history of, 80–81

Toscanelli, Paolo, 163

Townshend Acts, 158


age of exploration and, 137–166

anthropological research on, 41–43

by Carthaginians and Celts, 102–103

civilization and, 17–22

collective intelligence theory and, 54–56

commercial imperative for, 18–19, 133, 150–152

commercial infrastructure for, 213–221

communication innovation and, 197–230

in Danube Valley, 101–102

in early Africa, 83–85

of early Arab cultures, 85–86

in early China, 105–116

in early Greece, 92–103, 93f, 96f

in early Japan, 116–118

in Egypt and the Near East, 76–83

failure of, 22–25

history of, 5–25, 65–66

in India, 103–105

Korean trade, 118–119

in Mesopotamia, 72–73

in Mexico and South America, 119–126, 123f

in North America, 127–128

origins of, 39–43

Petra and history of, 86–89

Phoenician ocean trading empire, 89–92

recorded history of, 67–136

road construction and evolution of, 204–208

in Roman Empire, 98–101, 98f

social imperative for, 56–58

social infrastructure for, 197–230

societal growth or demise and, 58–61

transportation technology and, 208–213

Western society and history of, 72–103

trademark law, 294–298

Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS), 298

Trajan’s Market, 194, 216

transnational alliances, against piracy, 281

transportation technology

bottomry and, 240

trade and, 208–213

Treaty of Nanjing, 112

Treaty of Tordesillas, 160–161, 160f, 273

Treaty of Zaragoza, 160f, 161

tribal regimes, business regulations in, 278

Trojan War, 94, 222

Troy, history of trade in, 93–94, 93f

Tucker, Jeffrey A., 5–6

Twelve Tables of Rome, 287

21st Century Maritime Silk Road, 208

Tyrian purple dye, 90

Tzu, Chuang, 37

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 228, 253

United Kingdom. See England

United States

copyright law in, 294–295

currency regulation in, 235–236

patent law in, 292

right-to-trade principles and founding of, 157–158

slavery in, 228–229

units of value, in Mesopotamian trade, 73

Universal Copyright Convention, 298

universal trade regulation, 295–296

urban growth, history of trade and, 71

Urkagina’s Code, 286

Ur-Nammu’s Code, 286

use value, Muslim concept of, 38

U. S. Navy, piracy controlled by, 281

value maintenance, absence of exchange and, 24–25

Varner, Caron H., Jr., MD, 254–255

Venice, history of trade in, 108, 142, 148–149, 163, 272, 292

Vermeer’s Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World, 111

Vespucci, Amerigo, 147, 164

Via Salaria (Italy), 180

Vikings, trade and explorations of, 127, 129–131, 138, 141, 146, 152

virtual corporation, 264

virtual monopoly, 90

virtual relationships, 264

Von Daniken, Erich, 50

Voyager Golden Records, 203

Wadi Gawasis, 80

Waite, Morrison Remick, 100

Walmart, 219

wampum, 128, 232–233, 238

Wang, Haiyan, 312


government bonds for financing of, 239–240

incense and spice trade and, 186–187

religion and, 248

role of trade in, 6, 93

War Bonds, 239

Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power and Civilization (Solomon), 89

wealth accumulation

absence in collective societies of, 138–139

colonialism and, 161–166

religion and, 268

Wealth of Nations, The. See Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, An (Smith)

Weatherford, Jack, 236–237

Weber, Max, 269

weights and measures

in China trade, 103

in early Indian trade, 103–105

in Egyptian trade, 81–82

history of trade and introduction of, 76

Weimar Republic, monetary crisis in, 235

Western society

history of trade and in, 72–103

religious orders in, 252–262

Weymouth, George, 128

wheel, invention of, 208–213

Williams, Anthony, 55

“Work and Days” (Hesiod), 30, 32

World International Property Organization (WIPO), 297–298

World Is Flat, The (Friedman), 13

World Trade Organization (WTO), 280, 283, 298

written records

in China, 109

Code of Hammurabi requirement for, 285–286

communication and, 197–204

development of civilization and, 72–73, 93

on incense and spice commodities trading, 181–187

Wu-Ti, 109

Xenophon, 28, 30

Xerxes (Persian king), 94

Xian, terracotta soldiers in, 108

yin and yang, Taoist principle of, 267

Yule, Henry, 133, 309

Zhong, Guang, 36–37

Zhu Di, 107, 210

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