

  • ABCDs, of good objectives, 86–87
  • accepting
    • nervousness as natural, 292–294
    • personal situations, 277–279
  • accessibility, onsite room arrangements and, 197
  • accomplishments, summarizing, 122
  • accountability, 338, 348
  • accountability partners/trios, 420
  • action, taking, 329–335, 409
  • action plan, creating as a training strategy, 185
  • active training, 59
  • activities
    • reasons for using, 103–104
    • selecting, 110–115
  • adapting style, 355
  • ADDIE, 52–58, 59, 68, 79
  • adult learning
    • about, 31
    • ensuring, 45–49
    • methods of learning, 35–45
    • principles of, 90
    • theory of, 31–35
  • The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (Knowles), 32–33
  • affective, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 37–38
  • affirmative nonverbals, 247
  • AGES model, 398
  • agility, of organizations, 190
  • aligning, to organization's needs, 80–81
  • American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), 21–22
  • Analysis level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38, 67–88
  • analytics, global audiences and, 390
  • Analyze, in Training Cycle (ADDIE), 53, 68
  • analyzing
    • about, 67
    • by conducting a needs assessment, 68–80
  • Andersen, Erika, “Learning to Learn,” 402–403
  • andragogical training, 34, 59
  • annual update, 337
  • answering questions, 148–152
  • anxiety problems, 298–300
  • Application level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38, 84
  • applying
    • for certification, 384
    • design strategies, 127–128
    • for recertification, 385
  • Applying step, in Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 235
  • appreciation, timeliness of providing, 355–356
  • Argyris, Chris, 341
  • arms, trembling, 299
  • arrows, in flip charts, 260
  • art, as alternatives to lectures, 107
  • asking questions, 148–152, 243
  • assertiveness, projecting, as a communication skill, 243
  • assessing
    • defined, 59
    • readiness, 384
    • skills, 16–17
    • training potential, 15–16
  • Association for Talent Development (ATD)
    • about, 15, 22, 35, 81, 91, 360, 361, 374
    • history of, 375
    • initiatives, 373–374
    • mission of, 374
    • resources of, 375–376
    • role of, 375
    • Talent Development Capability Model, 376–380
    • Virtual Classrooms: Leveraging Technology for Impact report, 93
  • associations
    • joining, 361
    • volunteering for, 370
  • asynchronous training/learning, 59
  • ATD Certification Institute, 382–386
  • ATD State of the Industry Report, 15
  • ATD Talent Development Capability Model, 16–17, 91, 230, 374, 376–380, 386, 409
  • ATD Talent Development Capability Study (2019), 21
  • Attackers, 289
  • attending skills, 246–247
  • attentive moves, 246–247
  • attitude
    • about, 37
    • defined, 24
    • as a learning need, 112
  • attitude surveys, 172
  • audiovisuals, 59


  • backup plan, for equipment problems, 276
  • Barnes, Kim, Consulting on the Inside: An Internal Consultant's Guide to Living and Working Inside Organizations, 2nd Edition, 307
  • BCF principle, 406
  • Benny, Jack, 292
  • Blanchard, Ken, 270
  • blended learning, 59, 93–94
  • Blended Learning: What Works in TD, 223
  • Blockers, 288
  • blogs, 419–420
  • Bloom, Benjamin, 36–38
  • Bloom's Taxonomy, 36–38, 59, 83–87
  • board-game adaptations, 108
  • boards, 261
  • body
    • body language, 291
    • movements of, 299
    • preparing, 216–217
    • stance of presenters, 142
  • Booher, Dianna
    • Communicate Like a Leader, 311
  • Bozarth, Jane, 94–95, 104, 271
    • Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-Tos of Working Out Loud, 270
  • brain, preparing, 216–217
  • Brain at Work (Rock), 398
  • Brain Rules (Medina), 399
  • brain-based learning, 39–41, 398–399
  • brainstorming, 106, 126
  • breakout groups, 60
  • breathing techniques, 216
  • Brynner, Yul, 292
  • Buffett, Warren, 292
  • Build, Ask, Note, Get (BANG), 132–135
  • “Building a Culture of Learning: The Foundation of a Successful Organization” (ATD), 323
  • Building Shared Vision, 324
  • Burkett, Holly, Learning for the Long Run, 335
  • business requirement, as a critical need of organizations, 11
  • buzz groups, 106


  • Campbell, David, 88
  • capabilities
    • in ATD Talent Development Capability Model, 377–379
    • relationship with certification, 383
  • card games, 108
  • career advancement, learning for, 13
  • cartoons, 107
  • case studies, 107
  • cases, as alternatives to lectures, 107
  • Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), 42, 393
  • certificate programs, 380–381. See also certification
  • certification
    • about, 360
    • applying for, 384
    • ATD Certification Institute, 382–386
    • ATD initiatives, 373–374
    • compared with certificate programs, 380–381
    • relationship with capabilities, 383
    • value of, 381–382
  • Certification Info icon, 3
  • Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP), 381–382
  • Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD), 60, 374, 381–382
  • Chai Name game, 139
  • change
    • assisting learners with, 188
    • preparing yourself for, 404–410
  • chat, as a communication skill, 244
  • Cheat Sheet (website), 4
  • checklist, for preparation, 217–220
  • Christopher, Darlene, 104, 207
  • chunk, 60
  • Churchill, Winston, 292
  • Clark, Ruth, 117
  • class evaluation forms, 173
  • classrooms
    • choosing, 92–94
    • flipped, 94
    • sensitivities to, 390
  • Clay, Cynthia, 104
  • climate control, onsite room arrangements and, 199
  • clocks, in flip charts, 261
  • closer, 110
  • coaches/coaching
    • about, 105
    • importance of, 395–396
    • managers and, 343–344
    • managers for expanding Talent Development (TD), 306
    • managing, 184
  • cognitive, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 37–38, 84
  • collecting data, 71–72
  • Collins, Jim
    • Good to Great, 364
  • Comedians, 288
  • comfort level, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • commitment to action, gaining, 154–155
  • Common Knowledge: How Companies Thrive by Sharing What They Know (Dixon), 190
  • Communicate Like a Leader (Booher), 311
  • communication, 243–244, 337
  • competency framework, 379–380
  • Comprehension level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38, 84
  • computer games, 108
  • computer projection systems, 253, 257–258
  • computers
    • preparing for training sessions, 202
    • in virtual classrooms, 47
  • Conditions of Learning, 63–64
  • conferences, 361
  • Confessions of a Corporate Trainer (Halls), 203–205
  • confidentiality, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • connected world, 389
  • Consulting on the Inside: An Internal Consultant's Guide to Living and Working Inside Organizations, 2nd Edition (Scott and Barnes), 307
  • content
    • as a design factor, 126
    • planning delivery of, 81–83
    • training and, 15
  • continuing education, 360–361
  • continuous learning, 396
  • convenience, onsite room arrangements and, 198
  • COOL technique, 273, 281–283
  • coordinating mentoring opportunities, for expanding Talent Development (TD), 306–307
  • Corporate Coach, 407
  • Corporate Content Curator, 407
  • cost
    • as criteria for collecting data, 72
    • as a design factor, 127
  • costumes, 106
  • COVID, 391–392
  • crackling voice, 298–299
  • creating
    • comfortable environments, 46–48
    • employee accountability, 348
    • learning cultures, 321–338
    • mentoring opportunities, 362
    • onsite room arrangements, 197–200
    • participation, 247
    • partnerships with SMEs, 352–356
    • creating (continued)
    • safe havens for learning, 45–46
    • supportive learning environments, 136–140
    • transitions, 152–153
    • videos, 255–256
  • The Creative Training Techniques Handbook (Pike), 368
  • criteria
    • checklists for, 172
    • for collecting data, 72–73
    • for selecting SMEs, 353
  • criterion-referenced instruction, 60
  • critical incidents, 107
  • crossword puzzles, 108
  • crutches, 295
  • C-suite, 311–312
  • Cuddy, Amy, 363
  • cues, notes and, 148
  • cultivating learning culture, 326–335
  • cultural change, as a critical need of organizations, 11
  • cultural differences, 389
  • culture
    • as criteria for collecting data, 73
    • DEI and, 401
    • as a design factor, 126


  • data, collecting, 71–72
  • Data Analytics Team, 407–408
  • Data Engineer, 408
  • Data Hygienist, 407
  • Data Miner, 407
  • data smog, 399
  • debates, 104
  • debriefings, as a training strategy, 185
  • deep breathing, 295
  • delivery
    • defined, 60
    • of learning through others, 348–352
    • roles for SMEs, 354
  • demographics, changing, 388
  • demonstrations, as alternatives to lectures, 104–105
  • Deserters, 287–288
  • Design For How People Learn, 2nd Edition (Dirksen), 55, 355
  • Design Guide, 125–130
  • Design level, in Training Cycle, 80–83
  • design thinking, 58, 60
  • designing
    • content-related icebreakers, 99
    • defined, 60
    • experiential learning activities (ELAs), 237–238
    • handouts, 117–118
    • importance of, 367
    • learning, 67–88
    • participant books, 117–118
    • roles for SMEs, 354
    • in Training Cycle (ADDIE), 53–54
  • developing
    • about, 89–91, 125–130
    • adding visuals, 115–118
    • for the body, 100–115
    • for closings, 120–123
    • defined, 60
    • for dynamic openings, 96–100
    • initial steps for, 91–96
    • materials, 128–130
    • notes, 147
    • planning for inclusivity, 118–120
    • selecting off-the-shelf materials, 123–125
    • theories, 106
    • in Training Cycle (ADDIE), 54–56
  • digital storytelling, 109
  • Dirksen, Julie
    • Design for How People Learn, 55, 335
  • discussions, as alternatives to lectures, 106
  • disruptive behaviors, managing, 284–290
  • distracted participants, 290–291
  • distractions
    • onsite room arrangements and, 198
    • presenters and, 144
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), 118–120, 401
  • Dixon, Nancy, Common Knowledge: How Companies Thrive by Sharing What They Know, 190
  • DIY, 362–364, 421
  • dollar signs, in flip charts, 261
  • Dominators, 289–290
  • Doodles game, 139
  • drama, as alternatives to lectures, 106
  • drawings, 107
  • dry throat, 299
  • Duarte, Nancy
    • Illuminate, 258
    • Slide:ology, 258
  • DVD, 105
  • Dweck, Carol
    • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, 42


  • Edison, Thomas, 371
  • educating, 24
  • Eichinger, Robert, 42
  • e-learning, 60
  • eLearning Guild, 361
  • electronic whiteboards, 253
  • empathy, design thinking and, 58
  • employee development
    • about, 339
    • creating employee accountability for, 348
    • delivering learning through others, 348–352
    • by managers, 343–347
    • organizational mindsets, 339–342
    • secrets to building successful partnerships with SMEs, 352–356
  • employees
    • accountability of, 348
    • evaluation and, 159
    • importance of Talent Development (TD) to, 310–311
    • obsoletion of, 332
    • perspective of, 314
  • enabling social learning, 419–423
  • encouraging
    • continuous learning, 396
    • final words, 155
    • participant participation, 238–249
    • participants to ask questions, 149
    • participation, 48
    • questions as a communication skill, 243
  • energizer, 110
  • energy
    • maintaining, 365–367
    • using excess, 295
  • Engagement Planner, 407
  • environmental change, as a critical need of organizations, 11
  • environments
    • in classrooms, 47
    • creating comfortable, 46–48
    • creating supportive learning, 136–140
    • future of, 394–402
    • inclusivity of, 247
    • preparing, 196–205
    • in virtual classrooms, 47
  • equipment
    • preparing for training sessions, 200–205
    • problems with, 274–277
  • essays, 171
  • Essential Guide to Training Global Audiences (Irwin and McClay), 401
  • essential skills, 395
  • Evaluate, in Training Cycle (ADDIE), 56–58
  • Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels (Kirkpatrick), 164
  • evaluation
    • about, 157–158, 178–180
    • ADDIE, 68
    • defined, 60
    • Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation, 159–173
    • learning experience, 121, 154
    • methods for, 171–173
    • purpose of, 158–159
    • using Return on Investment (ROI) for training, 173–178
  • Evaluation level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38, 84
  • evidence-based training, implementing, 117
  • Evidence-Based Training Methods, 2nd Edition, 117
  • expanding Talent Development (TD), 304–308
  • expectations
    • of participation, 240
    • polling as a training strategy, 185
    • for SMEs, 353
  • experiences, learning from, 352
  • Experiencing step, in Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 233
  • experiential learning activities (ELAs)
    • about, 233–235
    • as alternatives to lectures, 104
    • defined, 60
    • designing, 237–238
    • introducing, 235–236
  • expert transfer, 190
  • expertise, of SMEs, 354–355
  • eye contact, 143, 246


  • facial expression, 143, 299
  • facilitating
    • about, 48–49, 225
    • compared with training and presenting, 226–230
    • defined, 24, 61
    • participant participation, 238–249
    • successful training, 230–238
  • facilitative skills, 228–230
  • facilitators
    • compared with trainers, 226–228
    • defined, 23
    • role of, 56
  • far transfer, 190
  • feedback
    • incentives for, 423
    • from managers, 344, 347
    • in a post-training strategy, 187
    • requesting, 122
    • timeliness of, 355–356
    • treating as a gift, 144–145
  • field trips, 105
  • 15-second relaxation technique, 296
  • The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of a Learning Organization (Senge), 324, 333, 350
  • Fillers (Phillers), as one of six P's, 142
  • fill-in-the-blank questions, 171
  • Fischer, Craig, 340
  • fishbowl discussion, 106
  • Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 407
  • flexibility, variety and, 63
  • flip charts
    • about, 253, 259–261
    • guidelines for, 267–268
    • preparing for training sessions, 202–203
  • flipped classroom, 61, 94
  • focus groups for collecting data, 71
  • folding notes, 148
  • follow-up
    • encouraging as a training strategy, 185
    • as a post-training strategy, 186
  • Fonda, Jane, 292
  • Ford, Henry, 341
  • formal content, in 70-20-10 learning framework, 43–44
  • formal learning events, 360
  • Franklin, Benjamin, 386
  • freelancing, 388
  • Friedman, Thomas
    • The World Is Flat, 392
  • furniture, onsite room arrangements and, 198
  • “Future of Jobs Report,” 391


  • Gagne, Robert, 39, 63–64
  • Galilei, Galileo, 64
  • games
    • as alternatives to lectures, 108
    • for remembering names, 139
  • game-show adaptations, 108
  • gamification, 61, 111, 396
  • gap assessment, 384
  • Gardner, Howard, 39
  • Generalizing step, in Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 234
  • gestures, 142–143, 295
  • global audiences, 390–391
  • goals
    • SMART, 85, 86
    • of Training and Development (T&D), 12
    • in virtual classrooms, 47
  • Good to Great (Collins), 364
  • Google Handouts, 270
  • governing body, 337
  • graphics, for flip charts, 260–261
  • The Greatest Salesman in the World (Mandino), 370
  • grounding yourself, 295
  • groups
    • joining, 361
    • troubleshooting, 279–281
  • growth mindset, 41–42, 340, 344
  • growth motivation, lack of, 326
  • guided note-taking, 104


  • Hallenbeck, George, 403
  • Halls, Jonathan, 41, 308–310
    • Confessions of a Corporate Trainer, 203–205
    • Rapid Media Development for Trainers, 256
    • Rapid Video Development for Trainers, 256
    • Video Script Writing, 256
  • handouts
    • about, 145–146
    • designing, 117–118
    • preparing, 208
  • hands, trembling, 299
  • Herrmann-Nehdi, Ann
    • Whole Brain Business Book, 2nd Edition, 41
  • higher education, 360–361
  • Hirt, Morgean, 373–374
  • Hodell, Chuck, SME's From the Ground Up, 353
  • Hofmann, Jennifer, 104, 221–223
  • how, for needs assessment, 71–72
  • How Many Can You Name? game, 139
  • Huggett, Cindy, 104
    • Virtual Training Basics, 2nd Edition, 207
  • humor
    • in mental preparation, 297
    • using for problems, 283
  • hybrid learning, 61
  • hybrid models, 94–95
  • hybrid training, 92–94, 220–223


  • icebreakers
    • about, 109
    • defined, 61
    • designing content-related, 99
    • using, 97–98
  • icons, explained, 3
  • ideating, design thinking and, 58
  • Illuminate (Duarte), 258
  • implementation plan, 314
  • implementing
    • asking and answering questions, 148–152
    • avoiding disaster, 136
    • BANG, 132–135
    • creating supportive environments, 136–140
    • creating transitions, 152–153
    • evidence-based training, 117
    • learning, 131–155
    • notes, 146–148
    • participants' materials, 145–146
    • presentation skills, 140–145
    • in Training Cycle (ADDIE), 56
    • wrap-up, 153–155
  • improv, 108
  • in-baskets, 107
  • inclusivity, planning for, 118–120
  • individual development plans (IDPs), 326, 343
  • informal discussions, for collecting data, 72
  • informal learning, 61, 352, 396
  • informing managers about training, 184
  • infrastructure, 314
  • innovation, global audiences and, 391
  • Innovation Implementer, 407
  • input, accepting, as a communication skill, 243
  • instructing, 24
  • Instructional Systems Design (ISD), 51, 61, 68
  • instructor role play, 105
  • Instructor-Led Training (ILT)
    • about, 46, 183
    • defined, 61
    • preparing for virtual, 210–211
    • program for, 28
    • troubleshooting virtual, 290–291
  • instructors
    • defined, 23
    • evaluation of, 173
  • Intel Corporation, 320
  • interaction, maintaining flow of, 247
  • internal consulting, for expanding Talent Development (TD), 307
  • International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), 361
  • interpersonal style, 245
  • interpretive skills, 244
  • interviews, 71, 105, 173
  • introductions, for remembering names, 138
  • Irwin, LuAnn
    • Essential Guide to Training Global Audiences, 401
  • isometric exercises, 295


  • Jensen, Eric, 41
  • Jeter, KJ, 248–249
  • job aids
    • defined, 61
    • in a post-training strategy, 187
  • job flexibility, 389
  • job search, continuous, 388
  • Johansen, Bob
    • Leaders Make the Future, 405
  • joining associations/groups, 361
  • journaling, 109


  • Kapp, Karl M., 104, 111
    • Play to Learn: Everything You Need to Know About Designing Effective Learning Games, 110
  • Kaye, Beverly
    • Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work, 404
  • Kirkpatrick, Don, 159
    • Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels, 164
  • Kirkpatrick, James, 159, 164–165
  • Kirkpatrick, Wendy Kayser, 164–165
  • Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation
    • about, 159–160
    • Level 1: Reaction, 160–161
    • Level 2: Learning, 161–162
    • Level 3: Behavior, 162
    • Level 4: Results, 163
  • knowledge
    • about, 37
    • in Bloom's Taxonomy, 84
    • as a critical need of organizations, 11
    • defined, 24
    • as a learning need, 112
    • skills, and influencing attitudes (KSAs), 36–38, 61
  • Knowledge and Skills Inventory, 16–17
  • Knowledge level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38
  • knowledge tests, for collecting data, 72
  • Knowles, Malcolm, 21–22, 39, 59, 90, 227
    • The Adult Learner: A Neglected Species (Knowles), 32–33


  • language skills, global audiences and, 390
  • Law, Vernon Sanders, 233
  • “Leaders as Teachers: Engaging Employees in High Performance Learning” study, 333
  • Leaders Make the Future (Johansen), 405
  • leadership
    • global audiences and development of, 391
    • involvement of, 327
    • lack of support by, 325
    • roles for millennials, 401–402
  • leading change, for expanding Talent Development (TD), 306
  • learners, 23
  • learning
    • blended, 93–94
    • brain-based, 39–41, 398–399
    • Conditions of Learning, 63–64
    • creating safe havens for, 45–46
    • defined, 24
    • delivery of, through others, 348–352
    • designing, 67–88
    • future of, 403–404
    • implementing, 131–155
    • informal, 352
    • linking to business, 327–329
    • methods of, 35–45
    • necessity of, 13
    • prevalence of, 9–10
    • science of, 35–36
    • strategies for different needs, 111–112
    • Training Cycle and, 62
    • virtual, 399–400
  • learning capability, 330–331, 332–333
  • learning climate, 329–332
  • learning content, 331, 334–335
  • learning culture
    • about, 314, 322
    • building, 321–338
    • cultivating, 326–335
    • learning organizations and, 324–326
    • limitations to, 325–326
    • maintaining with logistics, 336–338
    • rationale for, 323
    • sustaining, 335–336
  • learning experience, evaluating, 121, 154
  • Learning for the Long Run (Burkett), 335
  • learning from others (social), in 70-20-10 learning framework, 44
  • learning mindset, 340
  • learning objectives, 62, 90
  • learning organizations, learning culture and, 324–326
  • learning roles, 331, 333–334
  • Learning Science for Instructional Designers (Quinn), 399
  • learning techniques, 245–246
  • “Learning to Learn” (Andersen), 402–403
  • learning/performance objective, 54
  • lectures
    • alternatives to, 103–110
    • value of, 101–103
  • lecturette, 102–103, 127
  • letters, 105
  • Level 1 evaluation, 160–161
  • Level 2 evaluation, 161–162
  • Level 3 evaluation, 162
  • Level 4 evaluation, 163
  • life experience, 233
  • lifelong learning, 408
  • light bulbs, in flip charts, 260
  • lighting
    • in classrooms, 47
    • onsite room arrangements and, 198
  • listening, as a communication skill, 243
  • location
    • as criteria for collecting data, 73
    • onsite room arrangements and, 197
  • logistics
    • maintaining learning culture with, 336–338
    • problems with, 274
  • Lombardo, Michael, 42
  • “Lost on the Moon” exercise, 103
  • Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work (Kaye), 404
  • Lucas, Bob, 155


  • Mager, Robert, Making Instruction Work, 191
  • magic tricks, 105
  • magnetic boards, 253
  • maintaining
    • energy, 365–367
    • learning culture with logistics, 336–338
  • Making Instruction Work (Mager), 191
  • management support/coaching, in a post-training strategy, 188
  • managers
    • coaches and, 343–344
    • development ideas from, 344
    • managers (continued)
    • employee development by, 342–347
    • feedback from, 344, 347
    • informing about training, 184
    • meetings with, in a post-training strategy, 188
  • Manager's Employee Development Ideas Checklist, 344, 345–346
  • managing disruptive behaviors, 284–290
  • Mandino, Og
    • The Greatest Salesman in the World, 370
  • marketing, 337
  • Marketing Maharishi, 408
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 361
  • master trainers, 368–370
  • matching tests, 171
  • materials
    • developing, 128–130
    • for participants, 145–146
    • in virtual classrooms, 47
  • McAuliffe, Christa, 30
  • McCall, Morgan, Jr., 42
  • McCauley, Cindy, 403
  • McClay, Renie, 390–391
    • Essential Guide to Training Global Audiences, 401
  • measuring levels of evaluation, 163–170
  • media and visuals
    • about, 251–252
    • adding, 115–118
    • boards, 261
    • computer projection systems, 257–258
    • creating videos, 255–256
    • flip charts, 259–261
    • participant devices, 258–259
    • PowerPoint, 262
    • preparing, 208
    • preparing for training sessions, 200–205
    • presentations and, 263–269
    • props, 262
    • selecting, 252–255
    • social media, 269–271
    • tips for, 272
    • videos, 258
  • Medina, John, 41
    • Brain Rules, 399
  • Mental Models, 324
  • mental preparation, 296–297
  • mentoring opportunities, 187, 362, 371, 396
  • metaverse, 397
  • microphone, onsite room arrangements and, 199
  • millennials, leadership roles for, 401–402
  • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Dweck), 42
  • mobile devices, in a post-training strategy, 186
  • Moore, Gordon, 320
  • Morrison, Ann, 42
  • Movie Stars, 286–287
  • Multi Store Model of Memory, 35–36
  • multiple-choice questions, 171


  • Name It game, 139
  • name tents, 138
  • names, remembering, 137–139
  • Names to Know icon, 3
  • National Speaker Association (NSA), 361
  • near transfer, 190
  • needs assessments, 68–80, 183
  • needs/objectives/content comparison, 172
  • nervousness
    • overcoming, 291–300
    • of presenters, 144
  • networking, 343
  • nominal group technique, 106
  • notes, participants and, 146–148
  • note-taking, guided, 104
  • numbering pages, 147


  • objective test formats, 171
  • objectives, writing, 83–88
  • observation, for collecting data, 71
  • obsoletion, of employees, 332
  • obstructions, onsite room arrangements and, 198
  • office cubicles, 389
  • off-the-shelf materials, selecting, 123–125
  • onboarding, 220, 305
  • on-demand workforce, 388–389
  • online discussion, 106
  • online viewing, presenters and, 144
  • on-site observation, 172
  • on-site room arrangements, 197–200
  • on-the-job assignments, 44–45, 352
  • The Opportunity Optimist, 407
  • organizational capability, 379
  • organizational capacity, 314
  • organizational climate, 314
  • organizational mindsets
    • about, 339–341
    • growth mindset, 340, 344
    • learning mindset, 340
    • for today's learners, 341–342
  • Organizational Readiness Checklist, 314, 316–320
  • organizations
    • agility of, 190
    • aligning to needs of, 80–81
    • critical needs of, 11
    • evaluation and, 159
    • learning foundations of, 312–320
    • resilience of, 190
  • “other 50 percent,” 182–188
  • outdoor adventure learning, 108
  • overcoming nervousness, 291–300


  • Pace, as one of six P's, 141
  • pace of change, employee development and, 342
  • pages, numbering, 147
  • panels, 104
  • paper, for notes, 148
  • participant books, designing, 117–118
  • participant devices
  • participant directed events, as alternatives to lectures, 109
  • participant events, as alternatives to lectures, 109–110
  • participants
    • defined, 23
    • as a design factor, 126
    • distracted, 290–291
    • encouraging participation of, 238–249
    • expectations of, 98–100
    • getting involved, 135
    • getting to know your, 136–137
    • materials for, 145–146
    • preparing, 205–208
    • virtual, 206–207
  • participants' manual, 146–147
  • participation
    • balancing, 247
    • building, 247
    • encouraging, 48
  • partnerships
    • building with SMEs, 352–356
    • training with, 362
  • part-time trainers, 349
  • Pauses, as one of six P's, 141
  • Pearl of Wisdom icon, 3
  • pedagogical training, 34
  • pedagogy, 31
  • peer coaching circles, 421–422
  • peer transfer partners, 185
  • pep talks, 216
  • performance
    • changes in, as a critical need of organizations, 11
    • checklists for, 172
    • criteria for trainers for, 77
    • defined, 24
    • support tools for, 396
  • performance data reviews, for collecting data, 72
  • performance metrics, 343
  • performance reports, 172
  • performing needs assessments, 68–80, 183
  • personal capability, 378
  • personal learning groups, 420
  • Personal Mastery, 324
  • personal situations, accepting, 277–279
  • personal spark, maintaining your, 409–410
  • personal traits, 244–245
  • personalization of learning, employee development and, 342
  • Peterson, David, 410
  • Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 233–235
  • Phillers (Fillers), as one of six P's, 142
  • Phillips, Jack J., 159, 173–178
  • physical activity, 295
  • physiological symptoms, 299
  • Pike, Bob, 368–370
    • The Creative Training Techniques Handbook, 368
  • Pitch, as one of six P's, 141
  • planning
    • content delivery, 81–83
    • for inclusivity, 118–120
  • Play to Learn: Everything You Need to Know About Designing Effective Learning Games (Kapp), 110
  • playlikes, as alternatives to lectures, 108
  • Pluth, Becky Pike, 81–83, 104
  • polling expectations, as a training strategy, 185
  • population, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • portraits, 107
  • posters, 107
  • post-training strategies, 185–188
  • post-training surveys, 172
  • Powell, David, 403
  • power, global audiences and, 390
  • power posing, 363
  • PowerPoint presentations, 253, 262
  • practical application, providing, 184
  • practicing
    • building opportunities for, as a training strategy, 184
    • importance of, 212–213, 297–298
    • silence as a communication skill, 243
  • pre-implementation execution, 314
  • preparation
    • about, 195
    • for change, 404–410
    • checklist for, 217–220
    • of environments, 196–205
    • hybrid delivery and, 220–223
    • mental, 296–297
    • physical, 294–296
    • for virtual Instructor-Led Training (ILT), 210–211
    • virtual spaces, 203–205
    • your participants, 205–208
    • of yourself, 208–220
  • pre-performance jitters, 292
  • presentation materials, in classrooms, 47
  • presentation skills, 140–145
  • presentations
    • as alternatives to lectures, 104
    • preparing, 208
  • presenters
    • defined, 23
    • role of, 56
  • presenting
    • compared with facilitating and training, 226–230
    • using facilitative skills while, 228–230
  • pre-training strategies, 183–184
  • preventing
    • disruptions, 285–286
    • problems, 300
  • Price, Kella, 104
  • pro bono work, 371
  • problem-solving clinic, 107
  • process
    • factors for, 247
    • training and, 15
  • processing experiential learning activities (ELAs), 237
  • Processing step, in Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 234
  • productivity reports, 172
  • professional capability, 378
  • professionalism
    • about, 359
    • giving back to the profession, 370–371
    • growing professionally, 359–364
    • maintaining, 364–370
  • Projection, as one of six P's, 141
  • projectors, 265–266
  • Pronunciation, as one of six P's, 142
  • props
  • prototypes, design thinking and, 58
  • providing
    • practical application, 184
    • pre-training projects, 184
    • shared group experiences, 121, 154
  • psychomotor, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 37
  • publishing, 370
  • Publishing step, in Pfeiffer and Jones' experiential learning cycle, 233–234
  • pulse, checking, as a communication skill, 243


  • questionnaires, for collecting data, 71
  • questions, asking and answering, 148–152
  • Quinn, Clark, 104
    • Learning Science for Instructional Designers, 399


  • Rapid Media Development for Trainers (Hall), 256
  • Rapid Video Development for Trainers (Hall), 256
  • REACT mnemonic, 249
  • readiness, assessing, 384
  • reading
    • about, 362–363
    • as alternatives to lectures, 105
    • body language, 291
  • recertification, applying for, 385
  • refreshments, in classrooms, 47
  • relaxation techniques, 295
  • relays, 108
  • reliability, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • Remember icon, 3
  • remembering names, 137–139
  • reminders, as a training strategy, 185
  • Remote instructor-led training (RILT), 241–242
  • reputation, importance of, 389
  • requesting feedback/suggestions, 122
  • research, 109, 126
  • resilience, of organizations, 190
  • resolving problems, 300
  • resource pages, 145–146
  • resources, identifying, 363
  • responsibilities, summarizing, 315–316
  • Return on Investment (ROI), using for training, 173–178
  • reunions, in a post-training strategy, 187
  • Roberts, Julia, 292
  • Robinson, Diana, 77
  • robots, global audiences and, 391
  • Rock, David, 41
    • Brain at Work, 398
  • Rogers, Carl, 24, 49
  • Rogers, Will, 272, 356
  • role models, 344, 385–386
  • role plays, 108
  • role reversals, 108
  • roles, researching new, 406–408
  • Roosevelt, Theodore, 249
  • round robin discussions, 106


  • scaffolding, 62
  • scholarship funds, 371
  • science of learning, 35–36
  • scoring self-assessments, 17–20
  • Scott, Beverly
    • Consulting on the Inside: An Internal Consultant's Guide to Living and Working Inside Organizations, 2nd Edition, 307
  • scripts, 106
  • seating
    • in classrooms, 47
    • onsite room arrangements and, 198, 200
  • selecting
    • activities, 110–115
    • classrooms, 92–94
    • hybrid training, 92–94
    • media and visuals, 252–255
    • selecting (continued)
    • off-the-shelf materials, 123–125
    • virtual training, 92–94
  • self-analysis, 109
  • self-assessment, 17–20, 386
  • self-memo, 185
  • Senge, Peter
    • The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of a Learning Organization, 324, 333, 350
  • senior leaders, 314
  • senior leadership role, 337
  • sequential case studies, 107
  • serial transfer, 190
  • Serious eLearning Manifesto, 55
  • “Seven Steps to Building a High-Impact Learning Culture” (Oracle), 325
  • 70-20-10 learning framework, 42–45
  • Shank, Patti, 104
  • shared group experiences, providing, 121, 154
  • sharing, in a post-training strategy, 187
  • sharpening skills, 409
  • short-answer questions, 171
  • short-term focus, 326
  • Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-Tos of Working Out Loud (Bozarth), 270
  • simulations, 108, 172
  • six P's, 141–142
  • size, onsite room arrangements and, 197
  • skill centers, 109
  • skills
    • about, 37
    • assessing, 16–17
    • attending, 246–247
    • for communication, 243–244
    • development of, 24
    • facilitative, 228–230
    • interpretive, 244
    • as a learning need, 112
    • presentation, 140–145
    • sharpening, 409
  • Skills for Career Success, 396, 421
  • skits, 106
  • Skype, 270
  • Slide:ology (Duarte), 258
  • small-group time, for remembering names, 138–139
  • SMART Boards, 253, 258
  • SMART goals, 85, 86
  • SME's From the Ground Up (Hodell), 353
  • Smile File, 189
  • “smile sheet,” in Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation, 166
  • Snow Crash (Stephenson), 397
  • social learning
    • about, 109
    • defined, 62
    • enabling, 419–423
  • social media, 269–271
  • soft skill, 62
  • space, in classrooms, 47
  • spending, for Talent Development (TD), 394
  • standing, presenters and, 144
  • stapling notes, 148
  • star person, in flip charts, 260
  • Statistical Architect, 408
  • Stephenson, Neal, Snow Crash, 397
  • Stephenson, Randall, 332
  • Stewart. Jimmy, 292
  • story starters, 105
  • storytelling, 104
  • strategic transfer, 190
  • strategies, for different learning needs, 111–112
  • students, 23
  • style, adapting, 355
  • subject matter expert (SME)
    • about, 21
    • building partnerships with, 352–356
    • defined, 62
    • as a design factor, 126
  • suggestions, requesting, 122
  • summarizing
    • accomplishments, 122
    • responsibilities, 315–316
  • supervisors
    • development ideas from, 344
    • evaluation and, 159
  • supplies, in classrooms, 47
  • support groups, in a post-training strategy, 186–187
  • supporting experiential learning activities (ELAs), 236–237
  • surveys, in a post-training strategy, 187
  • survival problem solving, 106
  • Sustainability Stages Checklist, 336
  • sustaining learning culture, 335–336
  • Synthesis level, in Bloom's Taxonomy, 38, 84
  • Systems Thinking, 324


  • table arrangements, in classrooms, 47
  • table tents, 138
  • Talent Development (TD)
    • about, 303–304
    • business alignment, 328
    • expanding, 304–308
    • importance of, 308–310, 395
    • organization's learning foundation, 312–320
    • preparing organizations, 320
    • spending for, 394
    • transforming workplace learning, 308–312
  • Talent Development Body of Knowledge (TDBoK), 3, 226, 380, 409
  • Talent Development (TD) Professionals
    • about, 22, 23, 387–388
    • evolution of role of, 25–30
    • future of, 387–410
    • role of, 189–191, 303–320
  • Talent Systems Optimizer, 406
  • targeted audience analysis, 79–80
  • targets, in flip charts, 261
  • task analysis, 62, 87–88
  • TD (magazine), 370
  • teach-backs, 109
  • teachers, 23
  • teaching teams, 109
  • team environment, 326
  • Team Learning, 324, 350–351
  • team-building, for expanding Talent Development (TD), 307–308
  • technology
    • employee development and, 342
    • for training, 397–398
  • temperature, in classrooms, 47
  • thank-you cards, 371
  • theories, developing, 106
  • Thiagarajan, Sivasailam (Thiagi), 231–232, 406
  • thought clouds, in flip charts, 260–261
  • time
    • appropriate for lectures, 102
    • as criteria for collecting data, 72
    • as a design factor, 126
    • limits on, 78–80
  • timeliness, global audiences and, 390
  • Tip icon, 3
  • Toastmasters, 361
  • Toffler, Alvin, 338
  • tours, 104
  • trainees, 23
  • trainers
    • becoming, 20–22
    • compared with facilitators, 226–228
    • defined, 23, 62
    • as a design factor, 127
    • evaluation and, 159
    • evolution of, 21–22
    • part-time, 349
    • performance criteria and, 77
    • post-training responsibilities of, 188–189
    • role of, 14–15
  • trainer's kit, 216
  • trainer's manual, 129–130, 146
  • Training and Development (T&D)
    • about, 7–8
    • for all areas, 13
    • andragogical compared with pedagogical training, 34
    • applying adult learning theory to, 33–35
    • assessing potential for, 15–16
    • compared with facilitating and presenting, 226–230
    • defined, 24
    • evolution of Talent Development (TD) role, 25–30
    • Training and Development (T&D) (continued)
    • goals of, 12
    • necessity of, 10–13
    • need for, 12–13
    • with partners, 362
    • prevalence of learning, 9–10
    • role of, 8–13
    • role of trainers, 14–15
    • on short notice, 400–401
    • technology for, 397–398
    • terminology, 22–24
    • troubleshooting, 273–284
    • using Return on Investment (ROI) for, 173–178
  • Training Cycle
    • about, 51–52
    • ADDIE, 52–58
    • learning and, 62
    • terminology, 59–64
  • Training Magazine, 370
  • training objective, 54
  • training requirements, onsite room arrangements and, 197
  • training strategies, 184–185
  • transfer of learning
    • about, 181–182
    • barriers to, 182–183
    • “other 50 percent,” 182–188
    • post-training, 188–189
    • professional role in Talend Development, 189–191
    • strategies for, 183–188
  • transitions, creating, 152–153
  • traveling tips, 217
  • troubleshooting
    • about, 273
    • group situations, 279–281
    • managing disruptive behaviors, 284–290
    • overcoming nervousness, 291–300
    • preventing problems, 300
    • resolving problems, 300
    • training, 273–284
    • virtual ILT, 290–291
  • true/false tests, 171
  • trust, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • Twain, Mark, 292
  • Twitter Tag, in a post-training strategy, 187



  • validity, as criteria for collecting data, 72
  • variety, flexibility and, 63
  • verbal fluency, 299
  • video feedback, 108
  • video posts, 422
  • Video Script Writing (Hall), 256
  • videos
  • virtual classroom, 62
  • Virtual Classrooms: Leveraging Technology for Impact report, 93
  • virtual learning, 222–223, 399–400
  • virtual participants, 206–207
  • virtual spaces, preparing, 203–205
  • Virtual Trainer Strengths Assessment, 179–180
  • virtual training, choosing, 92–94
  • Virtual Training Basics, 2nd Edition (Huggett), 207
  • virtual warm-ups, 413–418
  • voice, crackling, 298–299
  • volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA), 190, 308, 391–394, 405–406
  • voltage, global audiences and, 390
  • volunteering, 370, 422–423
  • VUCA world, 392


  • walls, onsite room arrangements and, 198
  • warm-ups, virtual, 413–418
  • Webinars with WoW Factor, 2nd Edition (Pluth), 83
  • websites
    • Association for Talent Development (ATD), 374, 375, 376, 381
    • ATD Capability Study (2019), 21
    • ATD Certification Institute, 382, 385
    • “Building a Culture of Learning: The Foundation of a Successful Organization” (ATD), 323
    • Cheat Sheet, 4
    • Cuddy, Amy, 363
    • “Future of Jobs Report,” 391
    • Halls, Jonathan, 310
    • Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation, 165
    • “Leaders as Teachers: Engaging Employees in High Performance Learning” study, 333
    • Learning Science for Instructional Designers (Quinn), 399
    • Multi Store Model of Memory, 35
    • self-assessment, 386
    • Serious eLearning Manifesto, 55
    • “Seven Steps to Building a High-Impact Learning Culture,” 325
    • Talent Development Body of Knowledge (TDBoK), 226
  • Welch, Jack, 392
  • what
    • for needs assessment, 72–73
    • for objectives, 83–87
    • for training, 197
  • what's in it for me (WIIFM), 46, 62, 308–310
  • when
    • for needs assessment, 75
    • for training, 196
  • where, for training, 197
  • whiteboards, 253
  • who
    • for needs assessment, 73–75
    • for training, 197
  • Whole Brain Business Book, 2nd Edition (Hermann-Nehdi), 41
  • why, for needs assessment, 69–71
  • Willis, Bruce, 292
  • work simplification, global audiences and, 391
  • workplace learning
    • of the future, 388–394
    • transforming, 308–312
  • The World Is Flat (Friedman), 392
  • writing objectives, 83–88


  • yourself
    • grounding, 295
    • preparing, 208–220
    • preparing for change, 404–410


  • Zenger, Jack, 347
  • Zenger|Folkman, 364
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