Chapter 14. Ten Twitter Tools

In This Chapter

  • Organizing your Twitter world with the right applications

  • Getting down to business with the help of Twitter tools

  • Connecting your Twitter account to your other online accounts

You need the right tools to get the most out of Twitter. New tools, services, Web sites, and applications are created for Twitter users every day, so the list of tools that you can choose from is always growing. To help get you started, we want to tell you about a few of our favorite examples, which give you a fun sampling that will give you some sense of different ways you can use Twitter.


Each time we tried to come up with a list of the top ten tools, we realized it's just not possible — too many great innovations are being built on Twitter's "platform." What is the best tool for you really depends on your needs, and, of course, popular new tools emerge all the time. Literally, because of this problem, we've compiled a list of tools at Laura's at. The following tools are the best that we find right now, but that might change by the time the book goes to print. So, check out for the latest and greatest.

TweetDeck: Connecting with Many

Type: Desktop client

TweetDeck is an Adobe Air application that gives you the tools you need to keep track of large numbers of people in your Twitter stream. (For more on Adobe Air, see Chapter 9.) It allows you to put people in groups, keep permanent search windows open, view your Facebook account (and post to it selectively, as well), keep track of who's talking to you or about you, and much more. It does all this in a customizable interface.


Recent contender to the throne is Tweetie for Mac OS X ( Tweetie used to also be an iPhone app, however it was acquired by Twitter, Inc., and has since become the official iPhone mobile Twitter app.

Seesmic Desktop: Managing Multiple Accounts

Type: Desktop client

Twhirl is owned by Seesmic, a video messaging company that has fully integrated its video service into the new desktop application for Twhirl. Twhirl is missing a few key features for managing (and listening to) many followers, but it makes up for its shortcoming in the ability to have multiple accounts open at the same time.

Also available from Seesmic is Seesmic Desktop, ( which offers a great deal of functionality beyond Twhirl and beyond


Twhirl offers ways to interact with some of your other favorite social services, such as ( or 12Seconds (, Facebook (, and FriendFeed (, for example.

CoTweet: Corporate Tweeting

Type: Business dashboard

If you want a corporate solution that lets multiple users monitor and update a single account and displays all of your Twitter accounts in a single interface, you should look at CoTweet. Like the social media listening tool Radian6, CoTweet lets companies assign individual tweets to employees for follow-up. Still in beta (meaning that new features and functions are being added all the time), this service is hit or miss on features, but the planned feature set should take care of most of your company or organization's Twitter needs, from keeping organized and letting more than one person maintain an account to scheduling tweets ahead of time.


Make sure that you have full disclosure in your profile somewhere if you have multiple people tweeting for your company or you have a ghost tweeter tweeting for you. For shared accounts, authors usually sign the end of their tweets with an ^ and their initials.

Smartphone Clients Twitter, PocketTwit, and TwitterBerry

Type: Smartphone clients

If you have a mobile phone, you may have trouble finding the perfect Twitter client. Even more frustrating, all carriers use different browsers and standards, making it impossible to find one client to fit all phones. Here are some of our favorites for each platform:

  • Twitter: If you have an iPhone, the official Twitter iPhone app (previously called Tweetie 2) is the way to go. It's like having TweetDeck on your phone, in a slick iPhone interface. It also has a companion desktop client — an added bonus. (We talk about TweetDeck in the section "TweetDeck: Connecting with Many," earlier in this chapter.) Find it in the iTunes App store on your Apple device.

  • PocketTwit: For Windows Mobile phones that have touch screens, PocketTwit is made by Google Labs and offers several nice features, multiple-account management, and a nifty, avatar-included interface.

  • TwitDroid: For Android phones, the best client out there, as of April 1, 2010. (And that's not an April Fool's joke.)

  • Twitter for BlackBerry: The folks at RIM have cooked up their own Twitter application for BlackBerry handsets. Though there are other options on the market for the BlackBerry, for the most pure Twitter experience, try the one by RIM.


Check your carrier's data and text charges before using these services. Twitter may be free, but some of the attached services may come with hidden costs for use if your phone is not already on unlimited data.

Twellow: Finding People to Follow

Type: Networking

Many directory sites have come and gone, but Twellow was the first. It doesn't have the sexiest interface, but it has a fantastic database of easily searchable, accurate information about people, companies, and categories.


Use more than one solution to find followers if you want to get a more interesting and beneficial demographic.

FriendorFollow: Managing Followers and Followings

Type: Networking

This Web site lets you see whom you're following, who's following you, and which follows are mutual — all in a nicely tabbed, avatar-based grid. And you can fix any follower/following discrepancies right from the site interface.


Don't unfollow people just because they don't follow you back. Twitter doesn't require you to follow someone back, and you never know whether that user might have just missed you. Try saying hi with an @reply to see whether you can get to know that person better.

TwtVite: Event Planning

Type: Miscellaneous

This quick and easy Web site lets people tweet out their RSVP to your event. It then keeps track of who has RSVPed for you. This service offers the added bonus of marketing before the event while people tweet about their attendance.


Also make an EventBrite ( or Facebook Event ( page to make sure that you're giving people a way to connect if they don't use Twitter yet.

It's worth mentioning that TwtVite parent also offers eight more helpful and nicely integrated Twitter tools covering polls, jobs, greetings, travel, business, and even virtual pets.

Twitterfeed: Getting Your Blog Posts to Twitter

Type: Publishing

This handy service lets you schedule periodic scrapes of your blog for new posts, and then link these blog bits up on Twitter. Twitterfeed gives you a simple and easy way to drive traffic to your site or alert friends to a new post without having to remember to do it separately.


Set Twitterfeed to check your blog only every few hours to prevent your Twitter stream from seeming spammy.

TwitPic and YFrog /

Type: Multimedia sharing

TwitPic and YFrog are popular image-sharing services for Twitter. Users can upload photos via camera or mobile phone and then share those photos on Twitter. You can also add comments on the pictures themselves.

Xpenser: Keeping Track of Your Expenses

Type: Financial

Xpenser is a neat tool that integrates with sites such as FreshBooks ( and applications such as Quicken to help you keep track of your business and personal expenses on the go. After configuring your account, simply send a direct (private) message to xpn to keep track of your spending. Now, reporting your business lunch or tracking your gas mileage is only a tweet away.


You can use Xpenser to get yourself in the habit of recording your expenses. Because the updates are made via direct message, you don't have to worry about your followers seeing the information.

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