Introduction to Intel’s Staffing Metrics Portfolio

New Hire Quality. The New Hire Quality metric was adapted from a Recruiting Roundtable white paper (Recruiting Roundtable 2004). (See Figure 12.2 and Table 12.2.)

Figure 12.2.

Table 12.2.
Job FitNecessary skills
Organization FitCulture/values alignment
IntegrationProcess effectiveness

This assessment of Intel’s new employees is obtained from the hiring manager and from the new employee. Survey responses are supplemented with organizational and other data to increase the value of analysis. Quality of Hire summary data provides insight into which organizations routinely do well as well as those where improvement is needed. This data provides the basis for a management conversation.

Speed of Hire. Intel’s “need for speed” is great, not only for product performance, but recruiting talent at the right time. Global Staffing implemented the Time-to-Target metric (also known as Contacted/Actual Time to Start) to ensure the speed of hire expectations are met. See Figure 12.3.

Figure 12.3.

This measure is based on the expectation that Staffing will take seriously an agreed-upon date (negotiated with the hiring manager, if necessary) when the requisition will be filled.

Time-to-Target Aid: Projected Start Date Tool. This tool provides GS Staff with historical Time-to-Start requisition data (country, job, class, job grade, etc.). Using this information, GS can manage and negotiate expectations with hiring managers.

Hiring Manager Satisfaction. Intel measures satisfaction with the staffing organization at two levels: hiring managers and senior managers. Hiring manager satisfaction plays a prominent tactical role in assessing satisfaction with (a) services provided by the Staffing Consultant throughout the hiring process; (b) quality of candidates received; (c) hiring tools; and (d) overall experience as a hiring manager. Each month’s results are studied for trends and the detailed verbatim responses. Senior manager satisfaction is assessed by the “Key Stakeholder Interview,” which measures satisfaction with the business relationship with staffing.

Staffing Cost and Efficiency. Intel faces the challenge of measuring staffing efficiency in more than 50 countries. The legacy metric “Cost per Hire” is not useful for Intel due to the wide variation in the economies of the numerous countries Intel is engaged in and the wide range of associated skill sets.

Intel introduced the new metrics, Recruiting Cost Ratio, to measure its staffing costs, and Recruiting Efficiency to measure efficiency and compare itself with other organizations. These metrics compute the ratio of Total Recruiting Costs to Total Compensation Recruited. They provide clear visibility of our recruiting costs and efficiency across all Intel organizations. Because these metrics express recruiting costs against compensation recruited, Intel believes these measures are comparable across the 50-plus countries in which we recruit.

Proactive Sourcing. Intel has a keen interest in identifying targeted talent in anticipation of future staffing demands. Its “Proactive Sourcing” metric measures how well the talent pipeline is filled before a specific requisition becomes known. This metric measures the percentage of candidates who receive offers and who have resumes in Intel’s resume database before the requisition was opened. This metric has a synergistic and beneficial effect on the Time-to-Target metric. If the talent is already known to Intel, then we can fill a requisition expeditiously.

Metrics Are Improving Intel’s Staffing Processes. Regional management conducts operational reviews each month with the Directors of Global Staffing in attendance. Trends are judged against established targets. The discussions are focused on operational metric improvement.

A specific example of how Intel’s metrics have worked together to improve our staffing process is evident in the performance of the European Staffing Group. In the first half of 2005, Intel base lined performance to its metrics. Evaluation of the base-line data revealed that the European region was performing well below the goals in many of their key metrics. Once focused effort was given to improvement, the European region saw steady improvement in all established measures. Proactively sourced candidates increased while cost for recruitment steadily decreased. Another result of more effective proactive sourcing in this region was the ability to better meet the business needs for headcount resources. Improvement in this area was reflected in improved performance around Time-to-Target. Lastly, a steady improvement in overall customer satisfaction was evident. Intel’s re-engineered metrics are driving improvement in the processes and this improvement is directly tied to Intel’s effectiveness as an organization and overall customer satisfaction.

Metrics Are Helping Intel Acquire Better People. New Intel employees add to the strength of a corporation which is consistently profitable and innovative in the delivery of new platforms and technology. To drive developments of complete technology platforms, Intel has organized all major product groups around five business platforms: mobility, digital enterprise, digital home, digital healthcare, and channel platforms. New employees with skill sets not traditionally hired by the Intel Corporation are driving product delivery within these new platform organizations.

As noted above, Quality of Hire at Intel is based on an assessment of three dimensions: job fit, organization fit, and effective integration. In conversations with the Recruiting Roundtable, Intel has learned that their results for New Hire Quality, when benchmarked against the collected data available from Recruiting Roundtable, are substantially more favorable. In addition, they have found a very high congruence between the assessments made by the hiring managers and the new employees; both populations summarize the same conclusions. Analysis of New Hire Quality results can be focused at the business group level where detailed results reveal strengths and areas for improvement.

Staffing Metrics Align with Human Resources General Metrics. Intel’s staffing metric portfolio paints an accurate picture of the condition of the staffing function. Findings are presented quarterly to senior Human Resources executives. This management review may lead to new conversations about where to put emphasis of effort for the benefit of Intel’s stakeholders.

Human Resources professionals outside of staffing are asked to support the metric portfolio by communicating key messages, especially concerning New Hire Quality and Time-to-Target, to their business counterparts. The necessity of frequent and focused communication about the staffing metrics portfolio to the rest of Human Resources is especially relevant since Intel’s most strategic measures are innovative and as a result require a new way of thinking about the practical implications of the execution of the metric portfolio.

Business needs drive the use of innovative data-gathering technologies.

Efficient delivery of Intel’s metrics requires use of appropriate technology: See Table 12.3.

Table 12.3.
DeliverableAppropriate Technology
Recruiting Efficiency RatioDatabase extract
Quality of HireIntranet web process using non-procedural survey software
Actual/Contracted Time to Start (Time-to-Target)Database extract
Key Stakeholder InterviewIntranet web process using non-procedural survey software
Proactive SourcingDatabase extract
Metrics Dashboard (a more advanced Dashboard will be delivered in 2006)Intranet web process with results displayed with nonprocedural presentation software
Detailed Metric DataMetric outcomes are also presented in spreadsheet or PC-based database format which allows for detailed analysis, if warranted.
Metrics Library (repository of tutorial and reference material)Intranet web process

Metrics Boost Intel’s Competitive Advantage. The depth and breadth of capacity in Intel to deliver advanced technology in its five major platform organizations is directly attributable to the success in attracting, selecting, hiring and retaining high performance talent. Intel’s metrics portfolio is fundamental to this strategic requirement.

Intel believes its current portfolio measures the essential performance areas for its staffing organization. The management attention given to the metric information has a direct and observable benefit that Intel’s stakeholders can see in their terms. They have also shown that metric improvement leads to improved business performance in areas meaningful to stakeholders: the quality of hires, delivery of talent when needed by the business, proactive identification of talent, and efficient use of Intel’s assets. Where improvement is needed, the metric portfolio tells them where they need to focus.

The direct connection between the work performed by Intel’s Staffing organization and Intel’s ability to remain competitive and on the leading edge of innovation has been clearly shown. There is a strong correlation between delivery of Intel’s metrics information and a quality hire delivered when the business needs it. The portfolio makes evident both Intel’s strengths and where further improvement is needed. The metrics program gives a practical outlet to focus the Intel energy for continuous improvement.

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