Metric Four: Exit Interview Feedback

Since it’s always helpful to leverage activities your organization is already engaged in, it’s useful to gauge the sentiment and feedback during exit interviews on voluntary terminations. Most organizations have a program for exit interviews. No matter what your current state of the interview survey, there is likely another layer of interview information that the organization may need to improve processes in the future. If your exit interview survey focuses only on “reason for leaving,” try drilling down into 180 degree management feedback. If you have a more mature program, try exploring other areas like training, development, and willingness of the enterprise to explore new ideas.

Value. Exit Interviews analyses are, at best, historic readings that can be mined for patterns. But beyond the reason for leaving and the percentage of voluntary turnover, few statistics are ever examined in the exit process. But there is valuable information to squeeze out of an exit interview.

Use exit interview data to examine attitudes towards internal mobility, both from the employee’s standpoint and from the manager’s standpoint as well. Are there good employees leaving because managers are holding them back?

Audience. Senior Managers.

Data elements. During the exit interview, you may want to add questions such as these into your survey:

Did you consider an internal opportunity before you made your decision?
Was your manager encouraging or discouraging you to explore other opportunities?
Where do you hope your next position will take you on your ultimate career path?

Please note that if you use an electronic survey, it’s much easier to compile this information.

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