Metric Two: Vulnerability Action Plan

Value. Succession management is an exercise in forecasting future events. The Vulnerability Scan is a tool that can be used both to measure the succession situation and also to offer management direction on each succession issue. This analysis should embed context into the report; managers can’t make a decision on succession management in a department without having perspective into the business impacts, financials, and future anticipated need for the company.

Audience. Senior executives and impacted hiring managers.

Data Elements. For each job title that you suspect has a succession risk to it, gather the following types of information:

  • Job Title/Job Group. Group your at-risk jobs into competencies or use single roles where appropriate.

  • Red flag determination. Is this job/job group considered imminent or important enough to warrant a red flag to executives?

  • Business Impact. What is the business impact of this position? Does it contribute disproportionately to revenue? To profits?

  • Talent depth (A,B,C). Gather information about potential successors to this job. How many A players are possible? B or C players? The goal is to get a basic assessment of bench strength for the position, which may help determine the overall exposure on the position.

  • Time to Contribute. Once an A/B player took this position, how long would it take to contribute productively to the job?

  • Action Plan. If there is exposure on the position, recommend actions to be taken by different teams including learning and development, Human Resources, hiring managers, mentors, and executive management.

Presentation. The presentation of this document should be easily read by all stakeholders and it should be clear who owns what follow-up items from the succession plan. The grid presented in Table 10.5 illustrates the type of metric/action plan format that is designed to bring all parties together on key vulnerabilities.

Table 10.5.
   Talent Depth   
Job Title*Business ImpactABCTime to ContributeAction PlanDeadline
Sales Manager, Specialist*The product line for this sales team contributes 15% of revenue, but 30% of profits in the business unit.0138 monthsL&D: Steep learning curve in technical knowledge. Identify training for potentials. Recruiting: Build long-term relationships for an external talent pool where needed.2007
EVP, Marketing Driving force behind the new markets initiative.2003 monthsHM: Mentorship on both potentials should continue.Retirement: 2008
Product Manager, Data Center Software*The data center software team operates in a highly competitive environment, with quarterly upgrade cycles. Without this role in place, long-term contract revenue becomes at risk within 12 months.02212 monthsHM: Assess staff on talent and mentor the potentials. Identify to HR potentials. L&D: Assess potentials for management skill training.2010

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