Metric Five: Business Impact Analysis

Value. Building on the first two metrics, partnering with managers, one can place a financial and business analysis to the roles. This type of analysis may also be effective in justifying funding for Human Resources projects in staffing and developing talent in vulnerable areas.

Data Elements. Each row contains the job title that is vulnerable during the retirement wave. The Key Skills column outlines the skills that create value. Current Revenue Impacts measures the sensitivities of that job on revenue. The New Business Impacts of the position (exposure to new sales, support of sales, product development, and so on). Other implications are reserved for describing impacts on business without revenue.

Presentation. Present Table 10.8 as a grid of the core competencies, revenue impacts, and implications of the business impact during the next X years.

Table 10.8.
Job TitleKey SkillsCurrent Revenue ImpactsNew Business ImpactsImplications
Turbine Engineer    
Aerospace Engineer    
Chemical Engineer    
Mergers & Acquisitions    
Sales—Aerospace Division    

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