First and foremost, to my editor Jill Alexander. Thank you for bringing this project to the table and for believing in me. I couldn’t have done this without your guidance every step of the way.

David Martinell, your creative vision truly made this book come alive in print. Thank you for making the book even more beautiful and dynamic than I could have hoped.

Renae Haines, thank you for all of the behind the scenes and logistical work. You are a super star.

To my photographer Wanda Koch, it is a joy to know you and you bring so much light to every person and every project you touch. Thank you for your time, your energy, and your belief in our work.

Mom and Dad, you fostered independence and drive in me from a young age. Mom, thank you for giving me my love for language and words (and grammar!). Dad, thank you for always knowing just the right time to say, “I’m proud of you.” The support you two have shown me throughout my life has truly been unconditional.

Mema, you opened me up to a world of both abundant love and possibility. I cherish every moment we have shared and every memory we’ve made.

Brandon, your steadfast friendship and encouragement has meant more to me than I will ever be able to express.

Dorie, for being there every step of the way during a year of unprecedented growth and change, thank you. Your friendship is a treasure.

Mandy, your guidance has been unbelievably helpful over the last few years as I have grown personally and professionally. I am forever grateful for you for keeping me clear on my path.

Marc, you were the perfect partner for photography for the book. Thank you for your time and enthusiasm for the project.

And to my Sullie girl, your sweet soul brings me so much happiness and so many smiles.

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