List of Tables
5.1 Direct and dual representations of subspaces. 73
6.1 Outer products of the basis elements of Grassmann algebra. 78
6.2 (a) Quaternion products of t he basis elements of Hamilton algebra. (b ) Products
of the basis elements of complex numbers. 79
6.3 Geometric products of the basis elements of Clifford algebra. 80
7.1 Direct and dual representations of points, lines, and p lanes. 106
7.2 Joins and meets of points, lines, and planes. 110
8.1 Representations in the conformal space. Here, π and π
are the du al representations
of planes, l the dual representation of a line, σ and σ
the dual representations of
spheres, and s th e d ual representation of a circle. 128
8.2 Versors in the conformal space. 139
9.1 Projection modeling of the camera lens, and the relationship between the incidence
angle θ and the distance d of the imaged point from th e principal point, where f
is a constant called the “focal length.” 151
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