
Administrative deficit, 154

Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee, 158–159

Agricultural sector, 158–159

Agriculture, 12–13, 166, 169–170

Agriculture activities, 52–53

Allied activities, 52–53

Arthashastra, 5, 7, 8, 167–170, 172, 175

Ayushman Bharat Yojana scheme, 157

Balance of payments (BoP), 46–47, 58, 61, 123, 130, 141, 147, 153

Banking and finance, 56

BoP. See Balance of payments (BoP)

Borrowings, 98

Brahmanas, 6

British, advent of, 27–29

British India, organization and economic policy in, 32–34

British interests, 35

British policy, 38, 41

British power, 29–30

British rule, 49

Budget deficit, 141

“Business-as-usual” policies, 156

Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA), 90

CAD. See Current account deficit (CAD)

Cash reserve ratio (CRR), 124

CCEA. See Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA)

Center–state fiscal relationship, 94–96

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), 153

Challenges, 83–85

Checks and balances, 118

CMIE. See Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)

Colonial features, 41

Commercialization, 45–46

Company Bahadur, 30–31

Company/state, 31–32

Constitutional mandates, 98–100

Cooperative federalism, 102–104

CRR. See Cash reserve ratio (CRR)

Cultural effects, 35

Current account deficit (CAD), 153


concept of, 107–108

economic development, 108–109

economic of, 109–114

in India, 114–119

Indian context, 109

Democratic decentralization, 98

Department of Telecommunications (DOT), 135

Direct, discretionary/quantitative controls, 124–128

Disinvestment, 160–161

DOT. See Department of Telecommunications (DOT)

Dual exchange rate system, 145

East India Company’s (EIC), 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 37

Economic development, 36, 67, 89, 108–115, 123, 140

Economic effects, 34

Economic growth, 87

Economic policy, 36

Economic rights, 110

Economic survey, 157–158

Economy, 169

Economy’s animal spirits, 157

EIC. See East India Company’s (EIC)

Employment, 87, 147, 156–157

in agriculture, 43–44

effects on, 163–164

in industry, 44

European and non-European trading organizations, 19

Exchange controls, 145

External assistance, 166

External sector, 56–57, 162

External trade, 145

Factors of production, 165–166

FDI. See Foreign direct investment (FDI)

FFDA. See Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDA)

Finance commission, 100–103

Financial market, 45

Financial phase, 39–40

Financial system, 161–162

Fiscal deficit, 104, 141, 153, 154, 163

Fiscal federalism, 89, 93–105

Fiscal policy, 159–160

Fish Farmers Development Agencies (FFDA), 54

Fisheries, 54

Foreign banks, 146

Foreign direct investment (FDI), 58, 146–147, 153, 160–162

Forestry, 54

Former Planning Commission, 77–78

Functions, 80–82

GDP. See Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

General economic condition, 19–20

GFCF. See Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)

Global features, 41

Globalization, 147

Goods and services tax (GST), 105, 120, 155, 160

Governance reforms, 162–163

Governing council meetings, 88

Government failure, 67–68

Government, role of, 68–73

Grants-in-aid, 97

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 7, 21, 52, 57–58, 60–62, 87, 90, 94, 113, 142, 151–153, 156, 158, 163

Gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), 152

Growth rate, 156

GST. See Goods and services tax (GST)

High-yielding hybrid varieties of seeds (HYVs), 53

HYVs. See High-yielding hybrid varieties of seeds (HYVs)

Import and Export Control Act, 131

Income inequalities, 170

Independence, 57–62

India Act, 31–32

Indian economy

British, advent of, 27–29

British India, organization and economic policy in, 32–34

British power, 29–30

British regime, impact of

financial phase, 39–40

industrial phase, 39

mercantile development, 39

Company Bahadur, 30–31

company/state, 31–32

direct, discretionary/quantitative controls, 124–128

economic development, 36

economic effects, 34

economic policy, 36

economic reforms

implications of, 138–139

objectives, 139

evolution of, 11–12

growth of

agriculture and allied activities, 52–53

banking and finance, 56

external sector, 56–57

fisheries, 54

forestry, 54

Hindu rate of, 59

industrial development, 54–55

livestock, 53–54

social poverty, 57

social sector, 57

history of, 40–43

impact of, 146–148

independence, 57–62

Kautilya’s Arthashastra, 167–169

medieval period, 12

paramountcy, 32

public sector, extension of, 128–129

rigid foreign capital and trade policy, 129–135

social effects, 35

Thiruvalluvar, 165–167

Indian polity

borrowings, 98

center–state fiscal relationship, 94–96

constitutional mandates, 98–100

cooperative federalism, 102–104

finance commission, 100–102

grants-in-aid, 97

introduction to, 93–94

taxing powers, 97

Indian self-government, 34

Indian society, 4–8

India’s automobile sector, 151

India’s decadal GDP growth, 61

India’s economic development, 38, 51, 109

India’s employment, 43

India’s growth, 47–48

India’s investment rates, 61

India’s population, 16, 61

Indicative planning, 140

Indus Valley Civilization, 2

Industrial development, 54–55

Industrial phase, 39

Industries, 13–14

Inflation, 143, 158, 163, 164

Infrastructure sector, 146

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), 146

International trade, 172–173

Investment-led growth, 157

IRDA. See Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA)

Kautilya’s Arthashastra, 167–169

Kautilya’s labor theory, 170–172

Labor laws, 162

Labor legislation, 128

Land system, 17

Livestock, 53–54

Long-term trade policy, 131

Lower tariffs, 145

Macroeconomic stability, 137, 155, 158

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL), 135

Make in India, 157

Manufacturing sector, 159

Maritime trade, 16–25

Market failure, 66–67

Market orientation, 140

Market-preserving, 114

Medieval period, 12

Mercantile development, 39

Merchandise trade liberalization, 145

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), 159

Modern industry, advent of, 45

Moghul Empire, 22–24

MSME. See Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)

MTNL. See Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL)

Mughal Dynasty, 25

Mughals’ contributions, 20–22

NITI Aayog

challenges, 83–85

composition of, 84

four years of, 86–87

functions, 80–82

governing council meetings, 88

organizational setup, 82–83

working of, 88–90

OGL. See Open general license (OGL)

Open general license (OGL), 145

Organizational setup, 82–83

Paramountcy, 32

Partial reforms model, 155

Peasants’ revolt, 17–18

Policy framework

government failure, 67–68

government, role of, 68–73

market failure, 66–67

state, role of, 74–75

Political common sense, 116

Post-reform, 74

Poverty/begging, 166

Power sector, 146

Private property, 170

Private sector, 126–128

PSEs. See Public sector enterprises (PSEs)

Public finance/taxation, 173–174

Public sector enterprises (PSEs), 68–69

Public sector, extension of, 128–129

R&D, 159

RBI. See Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Regional councils, 83

Regulations reforms, 162–163

Reserve Bank of India (RBI), 152–153, 163

Revenue system, 17

Rig Veda, 6

Rig Vedic Indians, 2

Rigid foreign capital and trade policy, 129–135

Salaries of (state) servants, 174–177

Selective government intervention, 140

Services, trade in, 145–146

SFCs. See State Finance Commissions (SFCs)

Silk industry, 13–14

SLR. See Statutory liquidity ratios (SLR)

Social effects, 35

Social poverty, 57

Social sector, 57

Social welfare, 72

Soviet model, 52

State Finance Commissions (SFCs), 99

State, role of, 74–75

Statutory liquidity ratios (SLR), 124

Structural features, 41

Sukhamoy Chakravarty Memorial Lecture, 89

Swachh Bharat and Smart Cities Mission, 163

Taxing powers, 97

Telecommunications, 146

The Theory of Public Finance, 94

Thiruvalluvar, 165–167

Trade, 14–16

Trade and capital, 46–47

UFC. See Union Finance Commission (UFC)

Union Finance Commission (UFC), 99

Village community, 18

Wealth, 166

Wealth of Nations, 173

Welfare state, 166

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