The Buffer Cache

The whole idea behind the buffer cache is to relieve processes from having to wait for relatively slow disks to retrieve or store data. Thus, it would be counterproductive to write a lot of data at once; instead, data should be written piecemeal at regular intervals so that I/O operations have a minimal impact on the speed of the user processes and on response time experienced by human users.

The kernel maintains a lot of information about each buffer to help it pace the writes, including a “dirty” bit to indicate the buffer has been changed in memory and needs to be written, and a timestamp to indicate how long the buffer should be kept in memory before being flushed to disk. Information on buffers is kept in buffer heads (introduced in the previous chapter), so these data structures require maintenance along with the buffers of user data themselves.

The size of the buffer cache may vary. Page frames are allocated on demand when a new buffer is required and one is not available. When free memory becomes scarce, as we shall see in Chapter 16, buffers are released and the corresponding page frames are recycled.

The buffer cache consists of two kinds of data structures:

  • A set of buffer heads describing the buffers in the cache

  • A hash table to help the kernel quickly derive the buffer head that describes the buffer associated with a given pair of device and block numbers

Buffer Head Data Structures

As mentioned in Section 13.4.4, each buffer head is stored in a data structure of type buffer_head. These data structures have their own slab allocator cache called bh_cachep, which should not be confused with the buffer cache itself. The slab allocator cache is a memory cache (see Section 3.2.2) for the buffer head objects, meaning that it has no interaction with disks and is simply a way of managing memory efficiently. In contrast, the buffer cache is a disk cache for the data in the buffers.

Each buffer used by a block device driver must have a corresponding buffer head that describes the buffer’s current status. The converse is not true: a buffer head may be unused, which means it is not bound to any buffer. The kernel keeps a certain number of unused buffer heads to avoid the overhead of constantly allocating and deallocating memory.

In general, a buffer head may be in any one of the following states:

Unused buffer head

The object is available; the values of its fields are meaningless, except for the b_dev field that stores the value B_FREE (0xffff).

Buffer head for a cached buffer

Its b_data field points to a buffer stored in the buffer cache. The b_dev field identifies a block device, and the BH_Mapped flag is set. Moreover, the buffer could be one of the following:

Not up-to-date (BH_Uptodate flag is clear)

The data in the buffer is not valid (for instance, the data has yet to be read from disk).

Dirty (BH_Dirty flag set)

The data in the buffer has been modified, and the corresponding block on disk needs to be updated.

Locked (BH_Lock flag set)

An I/O data transfer on the buffer contents is in progress.

Asynchronous buffer head

Its b_data field points to a buffer inside a page that is involved in a page I/O operation (see Section; in this case, the BH_Async flag is set. As soon as the page I/O operation terminates, the BH_Async flag is cleared, but the buffer head is not freed; rather, it remains allocated and inserted into a simply linked circular list of the page (see the later section Section 14.2.2). Thus, it can be reused without the overhead of always allocating new ones. Asynchronous buffer heads are released whenever the kernel tries to reclaim some memory (see Chapter 16).

Strictly speaking, the buffer cache data structures include only pointers to buffer heads for a cached buffer. For the sake of completeness, we shall examine the data structures and the methods used by the kernel to handle all kinds of buffer heads, not just those in the buffer cache.

The list of unused buffer heads

All unused buffer heads are collected in a simply linked list, whose first element is addressed by the unused_list variable. Each buffer head stores the address of the next list element in the b_next_free field. The current number of elements in the list is stored in the nr_unused_buffer_heads variable. The unused_list_lock spin lock protects the list against concurrent accesses in multiprocessor systems.

The list of unused buffer heads acts as a primary memory cache for the buffer head objects, while the bh_cachep slab allocator cache is a secondary memory cache. When a buffer head is no longer needed, it is inserted into the list of unused buffer heads. Buffer heads are released to the slab allocator (a preliminary step to letting the kernel free the memory associated with them altogether) only when the number of list elements exceeds MAX_UNUSED_BUFFERS (usually 100 elements). In other words, a buffer head in this list is considered an allocated object by the slab allocator and an unused data structure by the buffer cache.

A subset of NR_RESERVED (usually 80) elements in the list is reserved for page I/O operations. This is done to prevent nasty deadlocks caused by the lack of free buffer heads. As we shall see in Chapter 16, if free memory is scarce, the kernel can try to free a page frame by swapping out some page to disk. To do this, it requires at least one additional buffer head to perform the page I/O file operation. If the swapping algorithm fails to get a buffer head, it simply keeps waiting and lets writes to files proceed to free up buffers, since at least NR_RESERVED buffer heads are going to be released as soon as the ongoing file operations terminate.

The get_unused_buffer_head( ) function is invoked to get a new buffer head. It essentially performs the following operations:

  1. Acquires the unused_list_lock spin lock.

  2. If the list of unused buffer heads has more than NR_RESERVED elements, removes one of them from the list, releases the spin lock, and returns the address of the buffer head.

  3. Otherwise, releases the spin lock and invokes kmem_cache_alloc( ) to allocate a new buffer head from the bh_cachep slab allocator cache with priority GFP_NOFS (see Section 7.1.5); if the operation succeeds, returns its address.

  4. No free memory is available. If the buffer head has been requested for a block I/O operation, returns NULL (failure).

  5. If this point is reached, the buffer head has been requested for a page I/O operation. If the list of unused buffer heads is not empty, acquires the unused_list_lock spin lock, removes one element from the list, releases the spin lock, and returns the address of the buffer head.

  6. Otherwise (if the list is empty), returns NULL (failure).

The put_unused_buffer_head( ) function performs the reverse operation, releasing a buffer head. It inserts the object in the list of unused buffer heads if that list has fewer than MAX_UNUSED_BUFFERS elements; otherwise, it releases the object to the slab allocator by invoking kmem_cache_free( ) on the buffer head.

Lists of buffer heads for cached buffers

When a buffer belongs to the buffer cache, the flags of the corresponding buffer head describe its current status (see Section 13.4.4). For instance, when a block not present in the cache must be read from disk, a new buffer is allocated and the BH_Uptodate flag of the buffer head is cleared because the buffer’s contents are meaningless. While filling the buffer by reading from disk, the BH_Lock flag is set to protect the buffer from being reclaimed. If the read operation terminates successfully, the BH_Uptodate flag is set and the BH_Lock flag is cleared. If the block must be written to disk, the buffer content is modified and the BH_Dirty flag is set; the flag is cleared only after the buffer is successfully written to disk.

Any buffer head associated with a used buffer is contained in a doubly linked list, implemented by means of the b_next_free and b_prev_free fields. There are three different lists, identified by an index defined as a macro (BUF_CLEAN, BUF_LOCKED, and BUF_DIRTY). We’ll define these lists in a moment.

The three lists are introduced to speed up the functions that flush dirty buffers to disk (see Section 14.2.4 later in this chapter). For reasons of efficiency, a buffer head is not moved right away from one list to another when it changes status; this makes the following description a bit murky.


This list collects buffer heads of nondirty buffers (BH_Dirty flag is off). Notice that buffers in this list are not necessarily up to date — that is, they don’t necessarily contain valid data. If the buffer is not up to date, it could even be locked (BH_Lock is on) and selected to be read from the physical device while being on this list. The buffer heads in this list are guaranteed only to be not dirty; in other words, the corresponding buffers are ignored by the functions that flush dirty buffers to disk.


This list mainly collects buffer heads of dirty buffers that have not been selected to be written into the physical device — that is, dirty buffers that have not yet been included in a block request for a block device driver (BH_Dirty is on and BH_Lock is off). However, this list could also include nondirty buffers, since in a few cases, the BH_Dirty flag of a dirty buffer is cleared without flushing it to disk and without removing the buffer head from the list (for instance, whenever a floppy disk is removed from its drive without unmounting—an event that most likely leads to data loss, of course).


This list mainly collects buffer heads of buffers that have been selected to be read from or written to the block device (BH_Lock is on; BH_Dirty is clear because the add_request( ) function resets it before including the buffer head in a block request). However, when a block I/O operation for a locked buffer is completed, the low-level block device handler clears the BH_Lock flag without removing the buffer head from the list (see Section 13.4.7). The buffer heads in this list are guaranteed only to be not dirty, or dirty but selected to be written.

For any buffer head associated with a used buffer, the b_list field of the buffer head stores the index of the list containing the buffer. The lru_list array[99] stores the address of the first element in each list, the nr_buffers_type array stores the number of elements in each list, and the size_buffers_type array stores the total capacity of the buffers in each list (in byte). The lru_list_lock spin lock protects these arrays from concurrent accesses in multiprocessor systems.

The mark_buffer_dirty( ) and mark_buffer_clean( ) functions set and clear, respectively, the BH_Dirty flag of a buffer head. To keep the number of dirty buffers in the system bounded, mark_buffer_dirty( ) invokes the balance_dirty( ) function (see the later section Section 14.2.4). Both functions also invoke the refile_buffer( ) function, which moves the buffer head into the proper list according to the value of the BH_Dirty and BH_Lock flags.

Beside the BUF_DIRTY list, the kernel manages two doubly linked lists of dirty buffers for every inode object. They are used whenever the kernel must flush all dirty buffers of a given file — for instance, when servicing the fsync( ) or fdatasync( ) service calls (see Section later in this chapter).

The first of the two lists includes buffers containing the file’s control data (like the disk inode itself), while the other list includes buffers containing the file’s data. The heads of these lists are stored in the i_dirty_buffers and i_dirty_data_buffers fields of the inode object, respectively. The b_inode_buffers field of any buffer head stores the pointers to the next and previous elements of these lists. Both of them are protected by the lru_list_lock spin lock just mentioned. The buffer_insert_inode_queue( ) and buffer_insert_inode_data_queue( ) functions are used, respectively, to insert a buffer head in the i_dirty_buffers and i_dirty_data_buffers lists. The remove_inode_queue( ) function removes a buffer head from the list that includes it.

The hash table of cached buffer heads

The addresses of the buffer heads belonging to the buffer cache are inserted into a hash table. Given a device identifier and a block number, the kernel can use the hash table to quickly derive the address of the corresponding buffer head, if one exists. The hash table noticeably improves kernel performance because checks on buffer heads are frequent. Before starting a block I/O operation, the kernel must check whether the required block is already in the buffer cache; in this situation, the hash table lets the kernel avoid a lengthy sequential scan of the lists of cached buffers.

The hash table is stored in the hash_table array, which is allocated during system initialization and whose size depends on the amount of RAM installed on the system. For example, for systems having 128 MB of RAM, hash_table is stored in 4 page frames and includes 4,096 buffer head pointers. As usual, entries that cause a collision are chained in doubly linked lists implemented by means of the b_next and b_pprev fields of each buffer head. The hash_table_lock read/write spin lock protects the hash table data structures from concurrent accesses in multiprocessor systems.

The get_hash_table( ) function retrieves a buffer head from the hash table. The buffer head to be located is identified by three parameters: the device number, the block number, and the size of the corresponding data block. The function hashes the values of the device number and the block number, and looks into the hash table to find the first element in the collision list; then it checks the b_dev, b_blocknr, and b_size fields of each element in the list and returns the address of the requested buffer head. If the buffer head is not in the cache, the function returns NULL.

Buffer usage counter

The b_count field of the buffer head is a usage counter for the corresponding buffer. The counter is incremented right before each operation on the buffer and decremented right after. It acts mainly as a safety lock, since the kernel never destroys a buffer (or its contents) as long as it has a non-null usage counter. Instead, the cached buffers are examined either periodically or when the free memory becomes scarce, and only those buffers that have null counters may be destroyed (see Chapter 16). In other words, a buffer with a null usage counter may belong to the buffer cache, but it cannot be determined how long the buffer will stay in the cache.

When a kernel control path wishes to access a buffer, it should increment the usage counter first. This task is performed by the getblk( ) function, which is usually invoked to locate the buffer, so that the increment need not be done explicitly by higher-level functions. When a kernel control path stops accessing a buffer, it may invoke either brelse( ) or bforget( ) to decrement the corresponding usage counter.The difference between these two functions is that bforget( ) also marks the buffer as clean, thus forcing the kernel to forget any change in the buffer that has yet to be written on disk.

Buffer Pages

Although the page cache and the buffer cache are different disk caches, in Version 2.4 of Linux, they are somewhat intertwined.

In fact, for reasons of efficiency, buffers are not allocated as single memory objects; instead, buffers are stored in dedicated pages called buffer pages. All the buffers within a single buffer page must have the same size; hence, on the 80 × 86 architecture, a buffer page can include from one to eight buffers, depending on the block size.

A stronger constraint, however, is that all the buffers in a buffer page must refer to adjacent blocks of the underlying block device. For instance, suppose that the kernel wants to read a 1,024-byte inode block of a regular file. Instead of allocating a single 1,024-byte buffer for the inode, the kernel must reserve a whole page storing four buffers; these buffers will contain the data of a group of four adjacent blocks on the block device, including the requested inode block.

It is easy to understand that a buffer page can be regarded in two different ways. On one hand, it is the “container” for some buffers, which can be individually addressed by means of the buffer cache. On the other hand, each buffer page contains a 4,096-byte portion of a block device file, hence, it can be included in the page cache. In other words, the portion of RAM cached by the buffer cache is always a subset of the portion of RAM cached by the page cache. The benefit of this mechanism consists of dramatically reducing the synchronization problems between the buffer cache and the page cache.

In the 2.2 version of the kernel, the two disk caches were not intertwined. A given physical block could have two images in RAM: one in the page cache and the other in the buffer cache. To avoid data loss, whenever one of the two block’s memory images is modified, the 2.2 kernel must also find and update the other memory image. As you might imagine, this is a costly operation.

By way of contrast, in Linux 2.4, modifying a buffer implies modifying the page that contains it, and vice versa. The kernel must only pay attention to the “dirty” flags of both the buffer heads and the page descriptors. For instance, whenever a buffer head is marked as “dirty,” the kernel must also set the PG_dirty flag of the page that contains the corresponding buffer.

Buffer heads and page descriptors include a few fields that define the link between a buffer page and the corresponding buffers. If a page acts as a buffer page, the buffers field of its page descriptor points to the buffer head of the first buffer included in the page; otherwise the buffers field is NULL. In turn, the b_this_page field of each buffer head implements a simply linked circular list that includes all buffer heads of the buffers stored in the buffer page. Moreover, the b_page field of each buffer head points to the page descriptor of the corresponding buffer page. Figure 14-1 shows a buffer page containing four buffers and the corresponding buffer heads.

A buffer page including four buffers and their buffer heads

Figure 14-1. A buffer page including four buffers and their buffer heads

There is a special case: if a page has been involved in a page I/O operation (see Section, the kernel might have allocated some asynchronous buffer heads and linked them to the page by means of the buffers and b_this_page fields. Thus, a page could act as a buffer page under some circumstances, even though the corresponding buffer heads are not in the buffer cache.

Allocating buffer pages

The kernel allocates a new buffer page when it discovers that the buffer cache does not include data for a given block. In this case, the kernel invokes the grow_buffers( ) function, passing to it three parameters that identify the block:

  • The block device number — the major and minor numbers of the device

  • The logical block number — the position of the block inside the block device

  • The block size

The function essentially performs the following actions:

  1. Computes the offset index of the page of data within the block device that includes the requested block.

  2. Gets the address bdev of the block device descriptor (see Section 13.4.1).

  3. Invokes grow_dev_page( ) to create a new buffer page, if necessary. In turn, this function performs the following substeps:

    1. Invokes find_or_create_page( ), passing to it the address_space object of the block device (bdev->bd_inode->i_mapping) and the page offset index. As described in the earlier section Section 14.1.3, find_or_create_page( ) looks for the page in the page cache and, if necessary, inserts a new page in the cache.

    2. Now the page cache is known to include a descriptor for our page. The function checks its buffers field; if it is NULL, the page has not yet been filled with buffers and the function jumps to Step 3e.

    3. Checks whether the size of the buffers on the page is equal to the size of the requested block; if so, returns the address of the page descriptor (the page found in the page cache is a valid buffer page).

    4. Otherwise, checks whether the buffers found in the page can be released by invoking try_to_free_buffers( ).[100] If the function fails, presumably because some process is using the buffers, grow_dev_page( ) returns NULL (it was not able to allocate the buffer page for the requested block).

    5. Invokes the create_buffers( ) function to allocate the buffer heads for the blocks of the requested size within the page. The address of the buffer head for the first buffer in the page is stored in the buffers field of the page descriptor, and all buffer heads are inserted into the simply linked circular list implemented by the b_this_page fields of the buffer heads. Moreover, the b_page fields of the buffer heads are initialized with the address of the page descriptor.

    6. Returns the page descriptor address.

  4. If grow_dev_page( ) returned NULL, returns 0 (failure).

  5. Invokes the hash_page_buffers( ) function to initialize the fields of all buffer heads in the simply linked circular list of the buffer page and insert them into the buffer cache.

  6. Unlocks the page (the page was locked by find_or_create_page( ))

  7. Decrements the page’s usage counter (again, the counter was incremented by find_or_create_page( ))

  8. Increments the buffermem_pages variable, which stores the total number of buffer pages — that is, the memory currently cached by the buffer cache in page-size units.

  9. Returns 1 (success).

The getblk( ) Function

The getblk( ) function is the main service routine for the buffer cache. When the kernel needs to read or write the contents of a block of a physical device, it must check whether the buffer head for the required buffer is already included in the buffer cache. If the buffer is not there, the kernel must create a new entry in the cache. To do this, the kernel invokes getblk( ), specifying as parameters the device identifier, the block number, and the block size. This function returns the address of the buffer head associated with the buffer.

Remember that having a buffer head in the cache does not imply that the data in the buffer is valid. (For instance, the buffer has yet to be read from disk.) Any function that reads blocks must check whether the buffer obtained from getblk( ) is up to date; if not, it must read the block first from disk before using the buffer.

The getblk( ) function looks deceptively simple:

struct buffer_head * getblk(kdev_t dev, int block, int size)
    for (;;) { 
        struct buffer_head * bh;
        bh = get_hash_table(dev, block, size);
        if (bh)
            return bh;
        if (!grow_buffers(dev, block, size))
            free_more_memory( );

The function first invokes get_hash_table( ) (see the earlier section Section to check whether the required buffer head is already in the cache. If so, getblk( ) returns the buffer head address.

Otherwise, if the required buffer head is not in the cache, getblk( ) invokes grow_buffers( ) to allocate a new buffer page that contains the buffer for the requested block. If grow_buffers( ) fails in allocating such a page, getblk( ) tries to reclaim some memory (see Chapter 16). These actions are repeated until get_hash_table( ) succeeds in finding the requested buffer in the buffer cache.

Writing Dirty Buffers to Disk

Unix systems allow the deferred writes of dirty buffers into block devices, since this noticeably improves system performance. Several write operations on a buffer could be satisfied by just one slow physical update of the corresponding disk block. Moreover, write operations are less critical than read operations, since a process is usually not suspended because of delayed writings, while it is most often suspended because of delayed reads. Thanks to deferred writes, each physical block device will service, on the average, many more read requests than write ones.

A dirty buffer might stay in main memory until the last possible moment — that is, until system shutdown. However, pushing the delayed-write strategy to its limits has two major drawbacks:

  • If a hardware or power supply failure occurs, the contents of RAM can no longer be retrieved, so many file updates that were made since the system was booted are lost.

  • The size of the buffer cache, and hence of the RAM required to contain it, would have to be huge—at least as big as the size of the accessed block devices.

Therefore, dirty buffers are flushed (written) to disk under the following conditions:

  • The buffer cache gets too full and more buffers are needed, or the number of dirty buffers becomes too large; when one of these conditions occurs, the bdflush kernel thread is activated.

  • Too much time has elapsed since a buffer has stayed dirty; the kupdate kernel thread regularly flushes old buffers.

  • A process requests all the buffers of block devices or of particular files to be flushed; it does this by invoking the sync( ), fsync( ), or fdatasync( ) system call.

As explained in the earlier section Section 14.2.2, a buffer page is dirty (PG_DIRTY flag set) if some of its buffers are dirty. As soon as the kernel flushes all dirty buffers in a buffer page to disk, it resets the PG_DIRTY flag of the page.

The bdflush kernel thread

The bdflush kernel thread (also called kflushd ) is created during system initialization. It executes the bdflush( ) function, which selects some dirty buffers and forces an update of the corresponding blocks on the physical block devices.

Some system parameters control the behavior of bdflush; they are stored in the b_un field of the bdf_prm table and are accessible either by means of the /proc/sys/vm/bdflush file or by invoking the bdflush( ) system call. Each parameter has a default standard value, although it may vary within a minimum and a maximum value stored in the bdflush_min and bdflush_max tables, respectively. The parameters are listed in Table 14-4.[101]

Table 14-4. Buffer cache tuning parameters










Threshold percentage of dirty buffers for waking up bdflush





Threshold percentage of dirty buffers for waking up bdflush in blocking mode





Time-out in ticks of a dirty buffer for being written to disk





Delay in ticks between kupdate activations

The most typical cases that cause the kernel thread to be woken up are:

  • The balance_dirty( ) function verifies that the number of buffer pages in the BUF_DIRTY and BUF_LOCKED lists exceeds the threshold:

                            P   ×   bdf_prm.b_un.nfract_sync / 100

    where P represents the number of pages in the system that can be used as buffer pages (essentially, this is all the pages in the “DMA” and “Normal” memory zones; see Section 7.1.2). Actually, the computation is done by the balance_dirty_state( ) helper function, which returns -1 if the number of dirty or locked buffers is below the nfract threshold, 0 if it is between nfract and nfract_sync, and 1 if it is above nfract_sync. The balance_dirty( ) function is usually invoked whenever a buffer is marked as “dirty” and the function moves its buffer head into the BUF_DIRTY list.

  • When the try_to_free_buffers( ) function fails to release the buffer heads of some buffer page (see the earlier section Section

  • When the grow_buffers( ) function fails to allocate a new buffer page, or the create_buffers( ) function fails to allocate a new buffer head (see the earlier section Section

  • When a user presses some specific combinations of keys on the console (usually ALT+SysRq+U and ALT+SysRq+S). These key combinations, which are enabled only if the Linux kernel has been compiled with the Magic SysRq Key option, allow Linux hackers to have some explicit control over kernel behavior.

To wake up bdflush, the kernel invokes the wakeup_bdflush( ) function, which simply executes:


to wake up the process suspended in the bdflush_wait task queue. There is just one process in this wait queue, namely bdflush itself.

The core of the bdflush( ) function is the following endless loop:

for (;;) {  
    if (emergency_sync_scheduled) /* Only if the kernel has been compiled */
        do_emergency_sync( );      /*   with Magic SysRq Key support       */
    if (!write_some_buffers(0) || balance_dirty_state( ) < 0) {

If the Linux kernel has been compiled with the Magic SysRq Key option, bdflush( ) checks whether the user has requested an emergency sync. If so, the function invokes do_emergency_sync( ) to execute fsync_dev( ) on all existing block devices, flushing all dirty buffers (see the later section Section

Next, the function acquires the lru_list_lock spin lock, and invokes the write_some_buffers( ) function, which tries to activate block I/O write operations for up to 32 unlocked dirty buffers. Once the write operations have been activated, write_some_buffers( ) releases the lru_list_lock spin lock and returns 0 if less than 32 unlocked dirty buffers have been found; it returns a negative value otherwise.

If write_some_buffers( ) didn’t find 32 buffers to flush, or the number of dirty or locked buffers falls below the percentage threshold given by the bdflush’s parameter nfract, the bdflush kernel thread goes to sleep. To do this, it first invokes the wait_for_some_buffers( ) function so that it sleeps until all I/O data transfers of the buffers in the BUF_LOCKED list terminate. During this time interval, the kernel thread is not woken up even if the kernel executes the wakeup_bdflush( ) function. Once data transfers terminate, the bdflush( ) function invokes interruptible_sleep_on( ) on the bdflush_wait wait queue to sleep until the next wakeup_bdflush( ) invocation.

The kupdate kernel thread

Since the bdflush kernel thread is usually activated only when there are too many dirty buffers or when more buffers are needed and available memory is scarce, some dirty buffers might stay in RAM for an arbitrarily long time before being flushed to disk. The kupdate kernel thread is thus introduced to flush the older dirty buffers.[102]

As shown in Table 14-4, age_buffer is a time-out parameter that specifies the time for buffers to age before kupdate writes them to disk (usually 30 seconds), while the interval field of the bdf_prm table stores the delay in ticks between two activations of the kupdate kernel thread (usually five seconds). If this field is null, the kernel thread is normally stopped, and is activated only when it receives a SIGCONT signal.

When the kernel modifies the contents of some buffer, it sets the b_flushtime field of the corresponding buffer head to the time (in jiffies) when it should later be flushed to disk. The kupdate kernel thread selects only the dirty buffers whose b_flushtime field is smaller than the current value of jiffies.

The kupdate kernel thread runs the kupdate( ) function; it keeps executing the following endless loop:

for (;;) {
    if (bdf_prm.b_un.interval) {
        tsk->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
    } else {
            tsk->state = TASK_STOPPED; 
            schedule( ); /* wait for SIGCONT */
    sync_old_buffers( );

First of all, the kernel thread suspends itself until the I/O data transfers have been completed for all buffers in the BUF_LOCKED list. Then, if bdf.prm.b_un.interval interval is not null, the thread goes to sleep for the specified amount of ticks (see Section 6.6.2); otherwise, the thread stops itself until a SIGCONT signal is received (see Section 10.1).

The core of the kupdate( ) function consists of the sync_old_buffers( ) function. The operations to be performed are very simple for standard filesystems used with Unix; all the function has to do is write dirty buffers to disk. However, some nonnative filesystems introduce complexities because they store their superblock or inode information in complicated ways. sync_old_buffers( ) executes the following steps:

  1. Acquires the big kernel lock.

  2. Invokes sync_unlocked_inodes( ), which scans the superblocks of all currently mounted filesystems and, for each superblock, the list of dirty inodes to which the s_dirty field of the superblock object points. For each inode, the function flushes the dirty pages that belong to memory mappings of the corresponding file (see Section 15.2.5), then invokes the write_inode superblock operation if it is defined. (The write_inode method is defined only by non-Unix filesystems that do not store all the inode data inside a single disk block — for instance, the MS-DOS filesystem).

  3. Invokes sync_supers( ), which takes care of superblocks used by filesystems that do not store all the superblock data in a single disk block (an example is Apple Macintosh’s HFS). The function accesses the superblocks list of all currently mounted filesystems (see Section 12.4). It then invokes, for each superblock, the corresponding write_super superblock operation, if one is defined (see Section 12.2.1). The write_super method is not defined for any Unix filesystem.

  4. Releases the big kernel lock.

  5. Starts a loop consisting of the following steps:

    1. Gets the lru_list_lock spin lock.

    2. Gets the bh pointer to the first buffer head in the BUF_DIRTY list.

    3. If the pointer is null or if the b_flushtime buffer head field has a value greater than jiffies (young buffer), releases the lru_list_lock spin lock and terminates.

    4. Invokes write_some_buffers( ), which tries to activate block I/O write operations for up to 32 unlocked dirty buffers in the BUF_DIRTY list. Once the write activations have been performed, write_some_buffers( ) releases the lru_list_lock spin lock and returns 0 if less than 32 unlocked dirty buffers have been found; it returns a negative value otherwise.

    5. If write_some_buffers( ) flushed to disk exactly 32 unlocked dirty buffers, jumps to Step 5a; otherwise, terminates the execution.

The sync( ), fsync( ), and fdatasync( ) system calls

Three different system calls are available to user applications to flush dirty buffers to disk:

sync( )

Usually issued before a shutdown, since it flushes all dirty buffers to disk

fsync( )

Allows a process to flush all blocks that belong to a specific open file to disk

fdatasync( )

Very similar to fsync( ), but doesn’t flush the inode block of the file

The core of the sync( ) system call is the fsync_dev( ) function, which performs the following actions:

  1. Invokes sync_buffers( ), which essentially executes the following code:

        do {
        } while (write_some_buffers(0)); 

    As you see, the function keeps invoking the write_some_buffers( ) function until it succeeds in finding 32 unlocked, dirty buffers. Then, the block device drivers are unplugged to start real I/O data transfers (see Section

  2. Acquires the big kernel lock.

  3. Invokes sync_inodes( ), which is quite similar to the sync_unlocked_inodes( ) function discussed in the previous section.

  4. Invokes sync_supers( ) to write the dirty superblocks to disk, if necessary, by using the write_super methods (see earlier in this section).

  5. Releases the big kernel lock.

  6. Invokes sync_buffers( ) once again. This time, it waits until all locked buffers have been transferred.

The fsync( ) system call forces the kernel to write to disk all dirty buffers that belong to the file specified by the fd file descriptor parameter (including the buffer containing its inode, if necessary). The system service routine derives the address of the file object and then invokes the fsync method. Usually, this method simply invokes the fsync_inode_buffers( ) function, which scans the two lists of dirty buffers of the inode object (see the earlier section Section, and invokes ll_rw_block( ) on each element present in the lists. The function then suspends the calling process until all dirty buffers of the file have been written to disk by invoking wait_on_buffer( ) on each locked buffer. Moreover, the service routine of the fsync( ) system call flushes the dirty pages that belong to the memory mapping of the file, if any (see Section 15.2.5).

The fdatasync( ) system call is very similar to fsync( ), but writes to disk only the buffers that contain the file’s data, not those that contain inode information. Since Linux 2.4 does not have a specific file method for fdatasync( ), this system call uses the fsync method and is thus identical to fsync( ).

[99] The name of the array derives from the abbreviation for Least Recently Used. In earlier versions of Linux, these lists were ordered according to the time each buffer was last accessed.

[100] This can happen when the page was previously involved in a page I/O operation using a different block size, and the corresponding asynchronous buffer heads are still allocated.

[101] The bdf_prm table also includes several other unused fields.

[102] In an earlier version of Linux 2.2, the same task was achieved by means of the bdflush( ) system call, which was invoked every five seconds by a User Mode system process launched at system startup and which executed the /sbin/update program. In more recent kernel versions, the bdflush( )system call is used only to allow users to modify the system parameters in the bdf_prm table.

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