Chapter 12. More on Parameters

In this chapter, you'll learn some more about parameters. Technically, parameters include the arguments passed to a program (the positional parameters), the special shell variables such as $# and $?, and ordinary variables, also known as keyword parameters.

Positional parameters cannot be assigned values directly; however, they can be reassigned values with the set command. Keyword parameters are assigned values simply by writing


The format is a bit more general than that shown; actually, you can assign several keyword parameters at once using the format

variable=value variable=value ...

as the following example illustrates:

$ x=100 y=200 z=50
$ echo $x $y $z
100 200 50

Parameter Substitution

In the simplest form, to have the value of a parameter substituted, you simply precede the parameter with a dollar sign, as in $i or $9.


If there's a potential conflict caused by the characters that follow the parameter name, you can enclose the name inside curly braces, as in

mv $file ${file}x

This command would add an x to the end of the filename specified by $file and could not be written as

mv $file $filex

because the shell would substitute the value of filex for the second argument.

As mentioned in Chapter 7, “Passing Arguments,” to access positional parameters 10 and above, you must enclose the number inside the curly braces, as in ${11}.


This construct says to substitute the value of parameter if it is not null, and to substitute value otherwise. For example, in the command line

echo Using editor ${EDITOR:-/bin/vi}

the shell substitutes the value of EDITOR if it's not null, and the value /bin/vi otherwise. It has the same effect as writing

if [ -n "$EDITOR" ]
         echo Using editor $EDITOR
         echo Using editor /bin/vi

The command line

${EDITOR:-/bin/ed} /tmp/edfile

starts up the program stored in the variable EDITOR (presumably a text editor), or /bin/ed if EDITOR is null.

Here's a simple test of this construct from the terminal:

$ EDITOR=/bin/ed
$ echo ${EDITOR:-/bin/vi}
$ EDITOR=                     Set it null
$ echo ${EDITOR:-/bin/vi}


This version is similar to the last, only if parameter is null; not only is value used, but it is also assigned to parameter as well (note the = in the construct). You can't assign values to positional parameters this way (that means that parameter can't be a number).

A typical use of this construct would be in testing to see whether an exported variable has been set and, if not, setting it to a default value, as in


This says that if PHONEBOOK is set to some value, leave it alone; otherwise, set it to $HOME/phonebook.

Note that the preceding example could not stand alone as a command because after the substitution was performed the shell would attempt to execute the result:

$ ${PHONEBOOK:=$HOME/phonebook}
sh: /users/steve/phonebook: cannot execute

To use this construct as a standalone command, the null command is often employed. If you write

: $ {PHONEBOOK:=$HOME/phonebook}

the shell still does the substitution (it evaluates the rest of the command line), yet executes nothing (the null command).

$ : ${PHONEBOOK:=$HOME/phonebook}
$ echo $PHONEBOOK                           See if it got assigned
$ : ${PHONEBOOK:=foobar}                    Shouldn't change it
/users/steve/phonebook                      It didn't


If parameter is not null, the shell substitutes its value; otherwise, the shell writes value to standard error and then exits (don't worry—if it's done from your login shell, you won't be logged off). If value is omitted, the shell writes the message

prog: parameter: parameter null or not set

Here's an example from the terminal:

$ : ${PHONEBOOK:?"No PHONEBOOK file!"}
$ : ${PHONEBOOK:?}                Don't give a value
sh: PHONEBOOK: parameter null or not set

With this construct, you can easily check to see whether a set of variables needed by a program are all set and not null, as in

: ${TOOLS:?}  ${EXPTOOLS:?}  ${TOOLBIN:?}


This one substitutes value if parameter is not null; otherwise, it substitutes nothing.

$ traceopt=T
$ echo options: ${traceopt:+"trace mode"}
options: trace mode
$ traceopt=
$ echo options: ${traceopt:+"trace mode"}

The value part for any of the constructs in this section can be a command substitution; it's executed by the shell only if its value is to be used. In


WORKDIR is assigned the value of DBDIR if it's not null; otherwise, the pwd command is executed and the result assigned to WORKDIR. pwd is executed only if DBDIR is null.

Pattern Matching Constructs

The POSIX standard shell provides four parameter substitution constructs that perform pattern matching. Note that some older shells do not support this feature.

In each case, the construct takes two arguments: a variable name (or parameter number) and a pattern. The shell searches through the contents of the specified variable to match the supplied pattern. If the pattern is matched, the shell substitutes the value of the variable on the command line, with the matching portion of the pattern deleted. If the pattern is not matched, the entire contents of the variable are substituted on the command line. In any case, the contents of the variable remain unchanged.

The term pattern is used here because the shell allows you to use the same pattern matching characters that it accepts in filename substitution and case values: * to match zero or more characters, ? to match any single character, [...] to match any single character from the specified set, and [!...] to match any single character not in the specified set.

When you write the construct


the shell looks inside variable to see whether it ends with the specified pattern. If it does, the contents of variable are substituted on the command line with the shortest matching pattern removed from the right.

If you use the construct


the shell once again looks inside variable to see whether it ends with pattern. This time, however, it removes the longest matching pattern from the right. This is relevant only if the * is used in pattern. Otherwise, the % and %% behave the same way.

The # is used in a similar way to force the pattern matching to occur on the left rather than the right. So, the construct.


tells the shell to substitute the value of variable on the command line, with pattern removed from the left.

Finally, the shell construct


works like the # form, only the longest occurrence of pattern is removed from the left.

Remember that in all four cases, no permanent changes are made to the variable itself; you are affecting only what gets substituted on the command line. Also, remember that the pattern matches are anchored. In the case of the % and %% constructs, the variables must end with the specified pattern; in the case of the # and ## constructs, the variable must begin with it.

Here are some simple examples to show how these constructs work:

$ var=testcase
$ echo $var
$ echo ${var%e}                   Remove e from right
$ echo $var                       Variable is unchanged
$ echo ${var%s*e}                 Remove smallest match from right
$ echo ${var%%s*e}                Remove longest match
$ echo ${var#?e}                  Remove smallest match from left
$ echo ${var#*s}                  Remove smallest match from left
$ echo ${var##*s}                 Remove longest match from left
$ echo ${var#test}                Remove test from left
$ echo ${var#teas}                No match

There are many practical uses for these constructs, even though these examples don't seem to show it. For example, the following tests to see whether the filename stored inside the variable file ends in the two characters .o:

if [ ${file%.o} != $file ]
   # file ends in .o

As another example, here's a shell program that works just like the Unix system's basename command:

$ cat mybasename
echo ${1##*/}

The program displays its argument with all the characters up to the last / removed:

$ mybasename /usr/spool/uucppublic
$ mybasename $HOME
$ mybasename memos


This construct gives you the ability to count the number of characters stored inside a variable. For example,

$ text='The shell'
$ echo ${#text}

Note that some older shells do not support this feature.

Each of the parameter substitution constructs described in this section is summarized in Table A.3 in Appendix A, “Shell Summary.”

The $0 Variable

Whenever you execute a shell program, the shell automatically stores the name of the program inside the special variable $0. This can be used to advantage when you have two or more programs that are linked under different names and you want to know which one was executed. It's also useful for displaying error messages because it removes the dependency of the filename from the program. If the name of the program is referenced by $0, subsequently renaming the program will not require the program to be edited:

$ cat lu
# Look someone up in the phone book

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]
        echo "Incorrect number of arguments"
        echo "Usage: $0 name"
        exit 1

grep "$name" $PHONEBOOK

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
        echo "I couldn't find $name in the phone book"
$ PHONEBOOK=$HOME/phonebook
$ export PHONEBOOK
$ lu Teri
Teri Zak        201-555-6000
$ lu Teri Zak
Incorrect number of arguments
Usage: lu name
$ mv lu lookup                    Rename it
$ lookup Teri Zak                 See what happens now
Incorrect number of arguments
Usage: lookup name

The set Command

The shell's set command is a dual-purpose command: it's used both to set various shell options as well as to reassign the positional parameters $1, $2, and so forth.

The -x Option

This option turns on trace mode in the shell. It does to the current shell what the command

sh -x ctype a

did for the execution of the ctype program in Chapter 8, “Decisions, Decisions.” From the point that the

set -x

command is executed, all subsequently executed commands will be printed to standard error by the shell, after filename, variable, and command substitution and I/O redirection have been performed. The traced commands are preceded by plus signs.

$ x=*
$ set -x                          Set command trace option
$ echo $x
+ echo add greetings lu rem rolo
add greetings lu rem rolo
$ cmd=wc
+ cmd=wc
$ ls | $cmd -l
+ ls
+ wc -l

You can turn off trace mode at any time simply by executing set with the +x option:

$ set +x
+ set +x
$ ls | wc –l
           5                       Back to normal

You should note that the trace option is not passed down to subshells. But you can trace a subshell's execution either by running the shell with the -x option followed by the name of the program to be executed, as in

sh -x rolo

or you can insert a set -x command inside the file itself. In fact, you can insert any number of set -x and set +x commands inside your program to turn trace mode on and off as desired.

set with No Arguments

If you don't give any arguments to set, you'll get an alphabetized list of all the variables that exist in your environment, be they local or exported:

$ set                              Show me all variables


Using set to Reassign Positional Parameters

There is no way to directly assign a value to a positional parameter; for example,


does not work. These parameters are initially set on execution of the shell program. The only way they may be changed is with the shift or the set commands. If words are given as arguments to set on the command line, those words will be assigned to the positional parameters $1, $2, and so forth. The previous values stored in the positional parameters will be lost forever. So

set a b c

assigns a to $1, b to $2, and c to $3. $# also gets set to 3.

$ set one two three four
$ echo $1:$2:$3:$4
$ echo $#                         This should be 4
$ echo $*                         What does this reference now?
one two three four
$ for arg; do echo $arg; done

So after execution of the set, everything seems to work consistently: $#, $*, and the for loop without a list.

set is often used in this fashion to “parse” data read from a file or the terminal. Here's a program called words that counts the number of words typed on a line (using the shell's definition of a “word”):

$ cat words
# Count words on a line

read line
set $line
echo $#
$ words                            Run it
Here's a line for you to count.

The program stores the line read in the shell variable line and then executes the command

set $line

This causes each word stored in line to be assigned to the positional parameters. The variable $# is also set to the number of words assigned, which is the number of words on the line.

The -- Option

Try typing in a line to words that begins with a - and see what happens:

$ words
-1 + 5 = 4
words: -1: bad option(s)

After the line was read and assigned to line, the command

set $line

was executed. After the shell did its substitution, the command line looked like this:

set -1 + 5 = 4

When set executed, it saw the - and thought that an option was being selected, thus explaining the error message.

Another problem with words occurs if you give it a line consisting entirely of whitespace characters, or if the line is null:

$ words
                                    Just Enter is pressed


To protect against both of these problems occurring, you can use the -- option to set. This tells set not to interpret any subsequent arguments on the command line as options. It also prevents set from displaying all your variables if no other arguments follow, as was the case when you typed a null line.

So the set command in words should be changed to read

set -- $line

With the addition of a while loop and some integer arithmetic, the words program can be easily modified to count the total number of words on standard input, giving you your own version of wc -w:

$ cat words
# Count all of the words on standard input

while read line
        set -- $line
        count=$(( count + $# ))

echo $count

After each line is read, the set command is executed to take advantage of the fact that $# will be assigned the number of words on the line. The -- option is supplied to set just in case any of the lines read begins with a - or consists entirely of whitespace characters.

The value of $# is then added into the variable count, and the next line is read. When the loop is exited, the value of count is displayed. This represents the total number of words read.

$ words < /etc/passwd
$ wc -w < /etc/passwd           Check against wc

(Our version is a lot slower than wc because the latter is written in C.)

Here's a quick way to count the number of files in your directory:[1]

$ set *
$ echo $#

This is much faster than

ls | wc -l

because the first method uses only shell built-in commands. In general, your shell programs run much faster if you try to get as much done as you can using the shell's built-in commands.

Other Options to set

set accepts several other options, each of them enabled by preceding the option with a -, and disabled by preceding it with a +. The -x option that we have described here is perhaps the most commonly used. Others are summarized in Table A.9 in Appendix A.

The IFS Variable

There is a special shell variable called IFS, which stands for Internal Field Separator. The shell uses the value of this variable when parsing input from the read command, output from command substitution (the back-quoting mechanism), and when performing variable substitution. If it's typed on the command line, the shell treats it like a normal whitespace character (that is, as a word delimiter).

See what it's set to now:

$ echo "$IFS"


Well, that wasn't very illuminating! To determine the actual characters stored in there, pipe the output from echo into the od (octal dump) command with the -b (byte display) option:

$ echo "$IFS" | od –b
0000000 040 011 012 012

The first column of numbers shown is the relative offset from the start of the input. The following numbers are the octal equivalents of the characters read by od. The first such number is 040, which is the ASCII value of the space character. It's followed by 011, the tab character, and then by 012, the newline character. The next character is another newline; this was written by the echo. These characters for IFS come as no surprise; they're the “whitespace” characters we've talked about throughout the book.

You can change your IFS to any character or characters you want. This is useful when you want to parse a line of data whose fields aren't delimited by the normal whitespace characters. For example, we noted that the shell normally strips any leading whitespace characters from the beginning of any line that you read with the read command. You can change your IFS to just a newline character before the read is executed, which has the effect of preserving the leading whitespace (because the shell won't consider it a field delimiter):

$ read line                        Try it the "old" way
               Here's a line
$ echo "$line"
Here's a line
$ IFS="
> "                                Set it to a just a newline
$ read line                        Try it again
              Here's a line
$ echo "$line"
              Here's a line        Leading spaces preserved

To change the IFS to just a newline, an open quote was typed, followed immediately by the pressing of the Enter key, followed by the closed quote on the next line. No additional characters can be typed inside those quotes because they'll be stored inside IFS and then used by the shell.

Now let's change the IFS to something more visible, like a colon:

$ IFS=:
$ read x y z
$ echo $x
$ echo $z
$ list="one:two:three"
$ for x in $list; do echo $x; done
$ var=a:b:c
$ echo "$var"

Because the IFS was changed to a colon, when the line was read, the shell divided the line into three words: 123, 345, and 678, which were stored into the three variables x, y, and z, respectively. In the next to last example, the shell used the IFS when substituting the value of list in the for loop. The last example shows that the shell doesn't use the IFS when performing variable assignment.

Changing the IFS is often done in conjunction with execution of the set command:

$ line="Micro Logic Corp.:Box 174:Hackensack, NJ 07602"
$ IFS=:
$ set $line
$ echo $#                         How many parameters were set?
$ for field; do echo $field; done
Micro Logic Corp.
Box 174
Hackensack, NJ 07602

This technique is a powerful one; it uses all built-in shell commands, which also makes it very fast. (An alternative approach might have been to echo the value of $line into the tr command, where all colons could have been translated into newlines, an approach that would have been much slower.) This technique is used in a final version of the rolo program that's presented in Chapter 14, “Rolo Revisited.”

The following program, called number2, is a final version of the line numbering program presented in Chapter 10, “Reading and Printing Data.” This program faithfully prints the input lines to standard output, preceded by a line number. Notice the use of printf to right-align the line numbers.

$ cat number2
# Number lines from files given as argument or from
# standard input if none supplied (final version)

# Modify the IFS to preserve leading whitespace on input

'   # Just a newline appears between the quotes


cat $* |
while read -r line
        printf "%5d:%s
" $lineno "$line"
        lineno=$(( lineno + 1 ))

Here's a sample execution of number:

$ number2 words
    2:# Count all of the words on standard input
    6:while read line
    8:  set -- $line
    9:  count=$(( count + $# ))
   12:echo $count

Because the IFS has an influence on the way things are interpreted by the shell, if you're going to change it in your program, it's usually wise to save the old value first in another variable (such as OIFS) and then restore it after you've finished the operations that depend on the changed IFS.

The readonly Command

The readonly command is used to specify variables whose values cannot be subsequently changed. For example,

readonly PATH HOME

makes the PATH and HOME variables read-only. Subsequently attempting to assign a value to these variables causes the shell to issue an error message:

$ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:.:
$ readonly PATH
$ PATH=$PATH:/users/steve/bin
sh: PATH: is read-only

Here you see that after the variable PATH was made read-only, the shell printed an error message when an attempt was made to assign a value to it.

To get a list of your read-only variables, type readonly –p without any arguments:[2]

$ readonly -p
readonly PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:.:

unset removes both exported and local shell variables.

You should be aware of the fact that the read-only variable attribute is not passed down to subshells. Also, after a variable has been made read-only in a shell, there is no way to “undo” it.

The unset Command

Sometimes you may want to remove the definition of a variable from your environment. To do so, you type unset followed by the names of the variables:

$ x=100
$ echo $x
$ unset x             Remove x from the environment
$ echo $x


You can't unset a read-only variable. Furthermore, the variables IFS, MAILCHECK, PATH, PS1, and PS2 cannot be unset. Also, some older shells do not support the unset command.



Given the following variable assignments:

$ EDITOR=/bin/vi
$ DB=

What will be the results of the following commands?

echo ${EDITOR}                    echo ${DB:=/users/pat/db}
echo ${EDITOR:-/bin/ed}           echo ${PHONEBOOK:?}
echo ${DB:-/users/pat/db}         ed=${EDITFLAG:+${EDITOR:-/bin/ed}}


Rewrite the home program from Exercise 5 in Chapter 7 to use the set command and the IFS to extract the home directory from /etc/passwd. What happens to the program if one of the fields in the file is null, as in


Here the fifth field is null (::).


Using the fact that the shell construct ${#var} gives the number of characters stored in var, rewrite wc in the shell. Be sure to use integer arithmetic! (Notes: Change your IFS variable to just a newline character so that leading whitespace characters on input are preserved, and also use the -r option to the shell's read command so that terminating backslash characters on the input are ignored.)


Write a function called rightmatch that takes two arguments as shown:

rightmatch value pattern

where value is a sequence of one or more characters, and pattern is a shell pattern that is to be removed from the right side of value. The shortest matching pattern should be removed from value and the result written to standard output. Here is some sample output:

$ rightmatch test.c .c
$ rightmatch /usr/spool/uucppublic '/*'
$ rightmatch /usr/spool/uucppublic o

The last example shows that the rightmatch function should simply echo its first argument if it does not end with the specified pattern.


Write a function called leftmatch that works similarly to the rightmatch function developed in Exercise 4. Its two arguments should be as follows:

leftmatch pattern value

Here are some example uses:

$ leftmatch /usr/spool/ /usr/spool/uucppublic
$ leftmatch s. s.main.c


Write a function called substring that uses the leftmatch and rightmatch functions developed in Exercises 4 and 5 to remove a pattern from the left and right side of a value. It should take three arguments as shown:

$ substring /usr/ /usr/spool/uucppublic /uucppublic
$ substring s. s.main.c .c
$ substring s. s.main.c .o        Only left match
$ substring x. s.main.c .o        No matches


Modify the substring, leftmatch, and rightmatch functions developed in the previous exercises to take options that allow you to remove the largest possible matches of the specified pattern from the left or right side of the specified value.

[1] This technique may not work on very large directories because you may exceed the limit on the length of the command line (the precise length varies between Unix systems). Working with such directories may cause problems when using filename substitution in other commands as well, such as echo * or for file in *.

[2] By default, Bash produces output of the form declare –r variable. To get POSIX-compliant output, you must run Bash with the –posix command-line option or run the set command with the –o posix option.

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