Compatible License

SQLite, and the SQLite code, have no user license. It is not covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL) or any of the similar open source/free-source licenses. Rather, the SQLite development team has chosen to place the SQLite source code in the public domain. This means that they have explicitly and deliberately relinquished any claim they have to copyright or ownership of the code or derived products.

In short, this basically means you can do whatever you want with the SQLite source code, short of claiming to own it. The code and compiled libraries can be used in any way, modified in any way, redistributed in any way, and sold in any way. There are no restrictions, and no requirements or obligations to make third-party changes or modifications available to the project or the public.

The SQLite team takes this decision very seriously. Great care is taken to avoid any potential software patents or patented algorithms. All contributions to the SQLite source require a formal copyright release. Commercial contributions also require signed affidavits stating that the authors (and, if applicable, their employers) release their work into the public domain.

All of this effort is taken to ensure that integrating SQLite into your product carries along minimal legal baggage or liability, making it a viable option for almost any development effort.

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