Transferring Design Experience

If you have some experience designing application data structures or class hierarchies, you may have noticed some similarities between designing runtime structures and database tables. Many of the organization principles are the same and, thankfully, much of the design knowledge and experience gained in the application development world will transfer to the database world.

There are differences, however. Although these differences are minor, they often prove to be significant stumbling blocks for experienced developers that are new to database design. With a little insight, we can hopefully avoid the more common misconceptions, opening up the world of database design to those with existing experience in data structure and class design.

Tables Are Types

The most common misconception is to think of tables as instances of a compound data structure. A table looks a whole lot like an array or a dynamic list, so it is easy to make this mistake.

Tables should be thought of as type definitions. You should never use a named table as a data organizer or record grouping. Rather, each table definition should be treated like a data structure definition or a class definition. SQL DDL commands such as CREATE TABLE are conceptually similar to those C/C++ header files that define an application’s data structures and classes. The table itself should be considered a global management pool for all instances of that type. If you need a new instance of that type, you simply insert a new row. If you need to group or catalog sets of instances, do that with key associations, not by creating new tables.

If you ever find yourself creating a series of tables with identical definitions, that’s usually a big warning. Any time your application uses string manipulation to programmatically build table names, that’s also a big warning—especially if the table names are derived from values stored elsewhere in the database.

Keys Are Backwards Pointers

Another stumbling block is the proper use of keys. Keys are very similar to pointers. A primary key is used to identify a unique instance of a data structure. This is similar to the address of a record. Anything that wants to reference that record needs to record its address as a pointer or, in the cases of databases, as a foreign key. Foreign keys are essentially database pointers.

The trick is that database references are backwards. Rather than pointers that indicate ownership (“I manage that”), foreign keys indicate a type of possession (“I am managed by that”).

In C or C++, if a main data record manages a list of sub-records, the main data record would have some kind of pointer list. Each pointer would reference a specific sub-record associated with this main record. If you are dealing with the main data record and need the list of sub-records, you simply look at the pointer list.

Databases do it the other way around. In a one-to-many relationship, the main record (the “one” side row) would simply have a primary key. All the sub-records (the “many” side rows) would have foreign keys that point back at the main record. If you are dealing with the main record and need the list of sub-records, you ask the database system to look at the global pool of all subrecord instances and return just those subrecords that are managed by this main record.

This tends to make application developers uncomfortable. This is not the way traditional programming language data structures tend to be organized, and the idea of searching a large global record pool just to retrieve a small number of records tends to raise all kinds of performance concerns. Thankfully, this is exactly the kind of thing that databases are very good at doing.

Do One Thing

My final design advice is more general. As with data structures or classes, the fundamental idea behind a table is that it should represent instances of one single idea or “thing.” It might represent a set of nouns or things, such as people, or it might represent verbs or actions, such as a transaction log. Tables can even represent less concrete things, such as a many-to-many bridge table that records membership. But no matter what it is, each table should have one, and only one, clearly defined role in the database. Normally the problem isn’t too many tables, it is too few.

If the meaning of one field is ever dependent on the value of another field, the design is heading in a bad direction. Two different meanings should have two different tables (or two different columns).

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