
accountability, 75–78

active listening, 56. See also conflict management

arguments. See conflict management

audience, accountability and, 76–77

availability, communication tools and, 39


battery adapters, 36. See also hardware, needs

behavior expectations, setting, 22–25

benefits, of virtual collaboration, 8–9

boss, expectation setting with, 24


schedule, 18, 20

setting, 22, 85–88, 91–92, 101

breaks, 94, 104. See also schedule, work; isolation, combatting

buddy system, 42, 44. See also technology


cable cases, 36. See also hardware, needs

cables, 36. See also hardware, needs

calls to action, 74. See also communication, effective

car adapters, 36. See also hardware, needs

casual contact, 103. See also isolation, combatting

challenges of remote work, 5–9

channels, communication, 66–67, 69

charter, collaboration, 15–19

code of conduct, 22–25. See also expectation setting

collaboration charter, 15–19


agreeing on roles, tasks, and processes with, 20–22

boundary setting with, 85–88

common ground with, 70–71

conflict management with, 54–61

establishing trust with, 52–54

giving and receiving feedback from, 78–85

holding accountable, 75–78

“meeting” virtual, 50–52

relationship building with, 6–7, 49–61

setting expectations with, 13–25

visibility with, 103

commiseration, with coworkers, 104–105. See also isolation, combatting

common problems, managing, 91–105


accountability and, 75–78

across time zones, 14, 18, 68, 69

boundary setting and, 85–88

channels, 66–67, 69

effective, 65–88

e-mail, 50, 67, 69, 72–74, 86

of feedback, 78–85

instant messaging, 38, 67, 86–87

language and cultural barriers and, 69, 70–71

phone, 50, 67, 69

preferences, 70

skills, 7–8, 56

tools, 4, 7, 30–33 (see also technology)

video chats, 50, 67, 69, 99–100

concrete plans, and accountability, 75–76

conflict management, 54–61

constructive criticism, 78–85


initial, with colleagues, 50–52

to resolve conflicts, 57–61

cooperation, 23, 24. See also code of conduct

coordination, communication tools and, 40

coworkers. See colleagues

coworking spaces, 97–99. See also workspaces

crisis card, technology, 42, 43

cultural barriers, surmounting, 70–71


deadlines, and accountability, 75–76

delegation, 23, 24. See also code of conduct

deliverables, 15, 17, 19

disagreement. See conflict management

distractions, limiting, 91–92, 94, 96

document collaboration software, 37. See also software, needs


sensitive, 40

version control, 40


e-mail, 50, 67, 69, 72–74, 86. See also communication

emotions, managing and feedback, 84

etiquette, 24. See also code of conduct

expectation setting, 6, 9, 13–25

about roles, tasks, and processes, 20–22

about work, 14–20

with boss, 24

on conduct, 22–25

predictability and, 53–54

realistic, 94


feedback, giving and receiving, 78–85

fighting. See conflict management

flexibility, 8, 14


goals, 15, 17, 19. See also work, defining

group guidelines, 21–22. See also expectation setting

group messaging, 69. See also communication


hardware, needs, 34–36

headsets, 35. See also hardware, needs

hotspots, 35. See also hardware, needs

hours, work. See work hours


instant messaging, 38, 67, 86–87. See also communication; software, needs

internet connectivity, 29. See also technology

internet service provider, 34–35. See also hardware, needs

interpersonal conflicts, 54–61

isolation, combatting, 101–105

IT support, 6, 29, 33


labels, equipment, 36. See also hardware, needs

landlines, 35. See also hardware, needs

language barriers, surmounting, 69, 70–71


materials, sensitive, communication tools and, 40

meetings, communication tools and, 39–40

milestones, 15, 18. See also work, defining


negative feedback, 78–85

note-sharing software, 37. See also software, needs


overview of virtual collaboration, 3–5


persistence, and building relationships, 54. See also trust

personal connections, and accountability, 77–78

phone, 50, 67, 69. See also communication

politeness, communication tools and, 40

power strip, mini, 35–36. See also hardware, needs

predictability, and establishing trust, 53–54

presentation, professional, 99–100. See also work, visibility

privacy, communication tools and, 40


common, managing, 91–105

isolation, 101–105

with time management, 91–95

with work perceptions, 95–101

processes, 20–22. See also expectation setting

professionalism, 23–24. See also expectation setting

professional presentation, 99–100. See also work, visibility

protocols, 21–22


rapport building, 5. See also relationship building

reassignments, and conflict, 61

reciprocity, and accountability, 77–78

relationship building, 6–7, 49–61

conflict management and, 54–61

establishing trust, 52–54

“meeting” virtual colleagues, 50–52

resources, 17–18, 19. See also expectation setting

restorative activities, and isolation, 104

role cards, 21. See also expectation setting

roles, 20–22. See also expectation setting

routines, 93. See also schedule, work


schedule, work, 92–95

schedule boundaries, 18, 20

scheduling software, 37–38. See also software, needs

scope, 17

screen-sharing software, 38. See also software, needs

sensitive material, 40

social connections, 104

social distance, 7. See also isolation, combatting

software, needs, 37–38

subject lines, in e-mail messages, 72. See also communication

swift trust, 53. See also trust


tags, equipment, 36. See also hardware, needs

tasks, 20–22. See also expectation setting


backup plans, 42, 44

crisis card, 42, 43

failures, 41–44

hardware, 34–36

management, 29–45

needs assessment, 30–33

problems with, 29–30

software, 37–38

troubleshooting, 42

using, 39–41

texting, 67, 69. See also communication

thank-yous, 74. See also communication, effective


breaking into chunks, 94

management, 91–95

spent on web, 94–95

See also work hours

time zones, 14, 18, 68, 69

timing, of feedback, 79

trust, 49, 52–54


venue, communication tools and, 39

version control, communication tools and, 40

video chats, 50, 67, 69, 99–100. See also communication

virtual meetings, 39–40

visibility, 95–101, 103

voicemail, 86. See also communication


Wi-Fi, 35. See also internet connectivity


defining, 14–29

expectations, 6, 9, 13–25

streamlining, 20–21

visibility, 95–101

work hours, 23, 93

work-life balance, 91–92

work schedule, 92–95

workspaces, 96–99

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