When you think of a book being written, you think of one person sitting for long hours at a keyboard. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

John at Prentice Hall has been so thoughtful and so patient with my ideas. Thanks, John. All the folks at PH I've worked with—including Robin, Heather, Raquel, and Linda—have been great. Thanks guys!

Living with a writer, especially a geek writer, is sometimes weird. You ask them to pass the mustard and they start ranting about text searching in titles. My family and friends get my continual thanks. Maddest props to Rachel, Martha, Gerd, Carolyn, and Herbert.

Of course I have online friends, too. There's a whole community of writers as crazy about search engines as I am. How lucky for me that they're also great people, willing to share their knowledge! Thanks to Gary Price (hey man!), Chris Sherman, Genie Tyburski, Danny Sullivan, everybody on the Web4Lib list, and all those other folks out there who share our enthusiasm for finding things online.

I wrote my first Internet search book in 1996. Since 1998 I have been writing an online newsletter about searching and online information collections. It's called ResearchBuzz. Through ResearchBuzz I have made some friends and met some wonderful people. For their suggestions, comments, good wishes, support, and enthusiasm, my grateful thanks to the readers of ResearchBuzz.

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