

abs( x ) method, 77


dictionaries, 14

sequence elements, 12-13

addGroupToBusConnector-Role method, 338

addGroupToDefaultRole method, 338

addGroupToDestinationRole method, 338

addGroupToTopicRole method, 339

addGroupToTopicSpaceRoot-Role method, 340


content, 209

hosts, 258

libraries, 395

resources to security domains, 262

addNodeGroupMember command, 224

addPartialAppToAnApp-WithUpdateCommand() method, 406

addPolicyType command, 382

addSIBusMember method, 318-320

addSIBWSInboundPort method, 376

addSIBWSOutboundPort method, 376

addUpdateSingleModuleFile-ToAnAppWithUpdate-Command() method, 405

addUserToBusConnectorRole method, 338

addUserToDefaultRole method, 338

addUserToDestinationRole method, 339

addUserToTopicRole method, 340

addUserToTopicSpaceRoot-Role method, 340

AdminApp command, 355

AdminApp object, 199

application installation methods, 204-208

editing, 208-210

methods, 199-212

updating, 208-210

AdminApp.getDeployStatus() method, 204

AdminApp.isAppReady() method, 200

AdminApp.updateInteractive() method, 208

AdminApplication objects

AdminAuthorizations modules, 428-430

AdminClusterManagement modules, 430-432

AdminJ2C modules, 412-414

AdminJDBC modules, 414-416

AdminJMS modules, 416-423

AdminNodeGroupManagement modules, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement modules, 446-447

AdminResources modules, 423-427

AdminServerManagement modules, 432-445

business-level applications, 409-412

scripting libraries, 399-409

AdminApplication.getApp-DeploymentTarget() method, 404

AdminAuthorizations modules, 428-430

AdminBLA scripting library files, 409-412

AdminClusterManagement modules, 430-432

AdminConfig object, 149

config ID, 150-155

configuration types, 152-153

containment paths, 151

create/modify methods, 160-162

document manipulation methods, 164

methods, 164-165

overview of, 149-150

show/tell methods, 155-159

verification, 162-163

AdminConfig.create() method, 211

AdminConfig.getid() method, 151

AdminConfig.hasChanges() method, 162

AdminConfig.list() method, 152

AdminConfig.parents() method, 160

AdminConfig.remove() method, 162

AdminConfig.reset() method, 352 method, 352 method, 153

AdminConfig.showall() method, 156

AdminConfig.types() method, 160

AdminConfig.validate() method, 163

AdminControl object, 167

attributes, 174-181

environment information, 167-172

MBean support methods, 172-173

methods, 181-182

methods*_imx, 183-184

names, 173-174

AdminControl.startServer() method, 168


objects, 129-134

documentation, 145-147

Help, 134-145

security, enabling, 249-250

Web services, 352

exporting WSDL, 355

KeyManager commands, 377

KeySet commands, 381-382

KeyStore commands, 378-381

listing, 353-354

navigating, 353-355

overview, 346-350

policy sets, 355-365, 367-371

PolicySetManagement group, 382-390

references, 373-376

runtimes, 351-352

SIBWebServices group, 374-377

SOAP, 347

topics, 371-372

WebServicesAdmin group, 390-392

WS-I profiles, 346-347

WSDL, 347

wsadmin program, 113-115

commands, 126-128

connecting, 120

defining scripting languages, 122

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

options, 115

profile script files, 123-126

tracing, 122

usage information, 116

AdminJ2C modules, 412-414

AdminJDBC modules, 414-416

AdminJMS modules, 416-423

AdminLibHelp module, 447

AdminNodeGroupManagement modules, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement modules, 446-447

AdminReports Command Group command, 226

AdminResources modules, 423-427

AdminServerManagement modules, 432-445

AdminTask methods, 145

databases. See databases

security, 264

server management, 199-200

command, 209-212

creating clusters, 205-209

examples, 201-202

JVM methods, 216-217

JVM properties, 218-219

JVM system properties, 217-218

methods, 202-205

references, 223-239

template-related commands, 214-216

z/OS methods, 220-223

AdminTask.listPolicySets() method, 356

AdminTask.listServerTypes() method, 203

AdminTask.listWebServices-Operations command, 354

AdminTask.modifySIB* methods, 312

AdminUtilities module, 447

advanced settings, databases, 284-291

aliases, J2C, 242-249

AllAuthenticated group, 311

append( item ) method, 67


AdminApp object, 199

application installation methods, 204-208

editing, 208-210

methods, 199-204, 210-212

updating, 208-210

business-level, 409-412

deploying, 407-408

exporting, 406

Federated registries, 260-261

messaging, 301-302

creating buses, 303-308

deleting buses, 308-310

references, 317-327

security, 310-317

terminology, 303

names, 203

policy sets, 356

security, 241-242

configuring, 249-253

enabling, 249-250

J2C, 242-249

Java, 253-255

servers, 2

starting, 408-409

stopping, 408-409

updating, 404-406

wsadmin program, 113-115

commands, 126-128

connecting, 120

defining scripting languages, 122

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

options, 115

profile script files, 123-126

tracing, 122

usage information, 116

applying config IDs, 153-155

arbitrary function parameters, 55-58

archive files, 116

arithmetic operators, 18

assert statements, 35-36

assignment statements, 16, 28-30

augmented, 32

packing/unpacking, 30-31

slices, 34

attachments, policy sets, 361-371


AdminControl object, 174-181

MBean Help object, 138-140

missing, 155

policy, 360

RW, 177

augmented assignment statements, 32


data entry, creating, 244

LDAP failover, 255-260


AdminAuthorizations library module, 428-430

buses, 313

databases, 277

advanced settings, 284-291

overview of, 277-280

references, 291-300

troubleshooting, 280-284

autoloading scriptLibraries, 395

availability of objects, 133


backslash () character, 9, 143, 144


assignment statements, 30

deleting, 365

policy sets, 362-371

slices, 32-33

bitwise operators, 21

Boolean operators, 21

break statements, 36

Browser security role, 311


constants, 66

data types, 67

exceptions, 93-94

functions, 77-86


creating, 303, 306-308

deleting, 308-310, 326

messaging, 303

modifying, 329

security, 263, 311-314, 337

viewing, 334

business-level applications, 409-412

busMembers element, 305


callable( object ) method, 78

capabilities, 1

capitalize() method, 71, 171

center( width ) method, 71

chains, 315

changeClusterShortName() method, 220

changeServerGenericShort-Name() method, 220

changeServerSpecificShort-Name() method, 220

characters, escape sequences, 9

chr( i ) method, 78


hierarchies, 93

statements, 63-66

ClassNotFoundException, 282

clear() method, 69

client-side policy attachments, 368

cloning security domains, 261


AdminClusterManagement library module, 430-432

creating, 205-209

code conventions, 26


AdminApp, 355

AdminTask.listWeb-ServicesOperations, 354

command line options, 117

configureSingleSignon, 269

copySecurityDomain, 271

copySecurityDomainFromGlobalSecurity, 270

create, 210

createAuthDataEntry, 265

createGroup, 273

createSecurityDomain, 270

createUser, 273

deleteAuthDataEntry, 265

deleteGroup, 274

deleteSecurityDomain, 271

deleteUser, 273

dir(), 395

duplicateMembershipOf-Group, 274

duplicateMembershipOf-User, 274

getActiveSecuritySettings, 266

getSingleSignon, 269

getUserRegistryInfo, 269

IdMgrRepositoryConfig group, 275-276

isAppSecurityEnabled, 275

isJACCEnabled, 275

isSingleSecurityDomain, 275

JACCUtilityCommands group, 275

KeyManager, 377

KeySet, 381-382

KeyStore, 378-381

listAuthDataEntries, 265-266

listInterceptors, 270

listRegistryGroups, 272

listSecurityDomains, 271

listSecurityRealms, 273

manageprofiles, 203

SecurityConfiguration-Commands group, 264-270

SecurityDomain-Commands group, 270-271

SecurityRealmInfo-Commands group, 272-273

servers, 209-216

serverStatus, 172

setAdminActiveSecurity-Settings, 266-267

setAppActiveSecurity-Settings, 267-268

setGlobalSecurity, 274

unsetAppActiveSecurity-Settings, 268-269

WIMManagement-Commands group, 273-274

WizardCommands group, 274-275

wsadmin programs, 126-128

comments, 26, 116

comparison operators, 22

compile( patternString [, flags ] ) method, 109

compile( string, filename, kind ) method, 78

complex( real[, imag ] ) method, 78

components, buses

deleting, 326

modifying, 329

viewing, 334

compound statements, 41

for, 44-46

if, 42

loop, 42

try, 47-48

while, 42-43

config ID, 150-155

configureSessionManagement ForAnApplication() method, 408

configureSingleSignon command, 269


AdminConfig objects, 149-150

config ID, 150-155

configuration types, 152-153

containment paths, 151

create/modify methods, 160-162

document manipulation methods, 164

methods, 164-165

show/tell methods, 155-159

verification, 162-163


Java 2 security, 253-255

security, 249-253

databases, 277-280

advanced settings, 284-291

references, 291-300

troubleshooting, 280-284

hosts, 258-259

IdMgrRepositoryConfig group, 275-276

J2C (JAAS) aliases), 243-244

JACCUtilityCommands group, 275

messaging, 301-302

creating buses, 303-308

deleting buses, 308-310

references, 317-327

security, 310-317

terminology, 303

permissions, 314

policy set bindings, 365

SecurityConfiguration-Commands group, 264-270

SecurityRealmInfo-Commands group, 272-273

servers, 205-209

commands, 209-212

JVM methods, 216-217

JVM properties, 218-219

JVM system properties, 217-218

references, 223-239

template-related commands, 214-216

z/OS methods, 220-223

SIBs, 307

strings, 74-77

WIMManagement-Commands group, 273-274

WizardCommands group, 274-275

ConnectionPool, 283


leaks, tracing, 284

messages, 121

wsadmin program, 120

Connector security role, 311

connectSIBWSEndpoint-Listener method, 375

constants, built-in, 66. See also literals, 8-15

constructors, finding, 142-143

constructs, OOP, 63


constants, 66

data types, 67

functions, 77-86

class statements, 63-66

dictionary methods, 69-71

instantiation, 66

list methods, 67-68

string methods, 71-77

containers, EJB, 351

containment paths, 151

content, adding, 209

continue statements, 36

control flow, 39-41

conventions, code, 26, 164

copy() method, 69

copyBinding command, 389


bindings, 363

slices, 32-33

copyPolicySet command, 388

copySecurityDomain command, 271

copySecurityDomainFrom-GlobalSecurity command, 270

count( item ) method, 67

count( substring[, start[, end ] ] ) method, 71

create commands, 210

create() method, 160-162

createApplicationServe command, 234

createApplicationServer() method, 209

createApplicationServer-Template command, 235

createApplicationServer-Template() method, 214

createAuthDataEntry command, 265

createCluster command, 226

createClusterMember command, 228

createCoreGroup command, 224

createDataSource, 292

createGenericServer() method, 209

createGenericServerTemplate() method, 214

createGroup command, 273

createJDBCProvider, 291

createKeyManager command, 378

createKeySet command, 381

createKeyStore command, 379

createNodeGroup command, 224

createPolicySet command, 383

createPolicySetAttachment command, 383

createProxyServer() method, 204, 209

createProxyServerTemplate() method, 214

createSecurityDomain command, 270

createServerType command, 238

createServerType() method, 202-203

createSIBDestination method, 320-322

createSIBEngine method, 322-323

createSIBJMSActivationSpec method, 325-326

createSIBJMSConnection-Factory method, 323-324

createSIBJMSQueue method, 324-325

createSIBJMSTopic method, 325

createSIBus method, 317-318

createSIBWSEndpoint-Listener method, 375

createSIBWSInboundService method, 374

createSIBWSOutbound-Service method, 374

createUser command, 273

createWebServer() method, 209

createWebServerTemplate() method, 214

Creator security role, 311


databases, 284-291

J2C (JAAS) aliases, 245

references, 291-300

wsadmin programs, 115

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

usage information, 116


data definition language (DDL), 406

data types, 6-7

built-in, 67

dictionaries, 14

lists, 12

numbers, 7

sequences, accessing elements, 12-13

strings, 8-11

tuples, 11


authorization, 277

advanced settings, 284-291

references, 291-300

troubleshooting, 280-284

overview of, 277-280

DataSources, 278-280, 296-298

security, 263

DCS (Distribution and Consistency Services), 315

DDL (data definition language), 406

default failure actions, scripting libraries, 398

default function parameters, 53-62

defining scripting languages, 122


classes, 66

functions, 49-50

del statements, 36

deleteAuthDataEntry command, 265

deleteCluster command, 230

deleteClusterMember command, 230

deleteCoreGroup command, 226

deleteGroup command, 274

deletePartialAppToAnApp-WithUpdateCommand() method, 406

deleteSecurityDomain command, 271

deleteServer command, 236

deleteServer() method, 210

deleteServerTemplate() method, 214

deleteSIBDestination method, 328-329

deleteSIBJMSActivationSpec method, 327

deleteSIBJMSConnection-Factory method, 327

deleteSIBJMSQueue method, 327

deleteSIBJMSTopic method, 327

deleteSIBus method, 327

deleteSingleModuleFileTo-AnAppWithUpdate-Command() method, 405

deleteUser command, 273

deleteUserAndGroupEntries() method, 210

deleteWebServer() method, 210


bindings, 365

buses, 308-310, 326

hosts, 259-260

J2C (JAAS) aliases, 246-249

servers, 207

deploying applications, 407-408

destinations, 303

dictionaries, 14

methods, 69-71

parameters, unpacking, 57

dir( [object] ) method, 78

dir() command, 395


importing, 395

structures, 150

disabling security, 249-250

Distribution and Consistency Services (DCS), 315

divmod( a, b ) method, 78


admin objects, 145-147

function strings, 61

manipulation methods, 164


multiple security, 261-262

security, adding resources to, 262

SecurityDomain-Commands group, 270-271

duplicateMembershipOf-Group command, 274

duplicateMembershipOfUser command, 274


ease-of-use features, 1

editing AdminApp methods, 208-210

EJB (Enterprise Java Bean), 351


busMembers, 305

sequences, accessing, 12-13

email, messaging, 302. See also messaging


bus security, 311-314

Java 2 security, 253-255

security, 249-250

transport security, 314-317

end( [group] ) method, 110

endpoints, Web services, 354

endswith( suffix[, start[, end ] ] ) method, 71

Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), 351


AdminControl object, 167-172

initialization, 116-120

errors, 92-94

OOM, 86

escape sequences, 9

escape( string ) method, 109

eval( expression[, globals[, locals] ] ) method, 79

Everyone group, 311

exceptions, 92

built-in, 93-94

ClassNotFoundException, 282

IndexError, 68

NameError, 132

scripting libraries, 399

exchangeSigners command, 380

exec statements, 38

execfile( filename[, globals[, locals ] ] ) method, 79

expandtabs( [tabsize] ) method, 71

export() method, 210

exportAllApplicationsToDir() method, 406

exportAnAppToFile() method, 406

exportBinding command, 389

exportDDL() method, 210


applications, 406

policy sets, 359

WSDL, 355

exportPolicySet command, 387

exportServer command, 231


overview of, 18

regular *RegExp, 107-112

statements, 27-28

extend( item ) method, 67

extracting methods, names, 135


failonerror parameters, 399

failover, LDAP, 255-260

Federated registries, 260-261

filenames, 203, 206


archive, 116

help, 114

modules, 87

errors, 92-94

import statements, 88-90

nested_scopes, 90-92

packages, 92

profile script, 123-126

script, 126-128

script library, 394, 133

filter( function, sequence ) method, 79

find( substring[, start[, end ] ] ) method, 71

findall( pattern, string ) method, 109

findall(string [, startPos [, endPos ] ] ) method, 110

finding constructors, 142-143

fixFileName() method, 207

float( x ) method, 79

flow, control, 39-41

for statements, 44-46

formatting. See also configuring

databases, 277-280

advanced settings, 284-291

references, 291-300

troubleshooting, 280-284

indentation, 40

J2C (JAAS) aliases, 243-244

JVM properties, 218

messaging, 301-302

creating buses, 303-308

deleting buses, 308-310

references, 317-327

security, 310-317

terminology, 303

servers, 205-209

commands, 209-212

JVM methods, 216-217

JVM properties, 218-219

JVM system properties, 217-218

references, 223-239

template-related commands, 214-216

z/OS methods, 220-223

strings, 74-77

functional programming, 94

functions, 49

built-in, 77-86

definitions, 49-50

global statements, 51-52

MBattrAsDict() utility, 179

namespaces, 51

parameters, 52

arbitrary, 55-58

default, 53-62

named, 54-55

return statements, 58-59

showAsDict, 154


generateKeyForKeySet command, 381

generateSecConfigReport command, 232

get( key [, defaultValue ] ) method, 70

getActiveSecuritySettings command, 266

getattr( object, name[, default ] ) method, 80

getAttribute() method, 175, 179

getAttributes() method, 175

getAttributes_jmx() method, 183

getBinding command, 386

getDefaultBindings command, 387

getDeployStatus() method, 204

getDmgrProperties() method, 220

getid() method, 152

getJavaHome() method, 220

getKeyStoreInfo command, 380

getMBeanCount() method, 172

getObjectName() method, 165

getopt() library routine, 100-102

getPolicySet command, 385

getPolicySetAttachments command, 386

getPolicyType command, 385

getRequiredBindingVersion command, 387

getServerType command, 233

getServerType() method, 202

getSingleSignon command, 269

getters, 140

getUserRegistryInfo command, 269

getWebService method, 392

global security, 249, 311. See also security

global statements, 51-52

globals() method, 80

group( [group] ) method, 110

groupdict() method, 110


AdminNodeGroup Management library module, 445-446

IdMgrRepositoryConfig, 275-276

JACCUtilityCommands, 275

JDBCProviderManagement, 291-293

mapping, 251-253

PolicySetManagement, 382-390

SecurityConfiguration-Commands, 264-270

SecurityDomain-Commands, 270-271

SecurityRealmInfo-Commands, 272-273

ServerManagement, 209

SIBWebServices, 374-377

VariableConfiguration, 294-296

WebServicesAdmin, 390-392

WIMManagement-Commands, 273-274

WizardCommands, 274-275

groups() method, 110


hasattr( object, name ) method, 80

hash( object ) method, 80

has_key( key ) method, 70

help files, 114

Help object, 134-144

help() method, scripting libraries, 397-399

Help.constructors() method, 142

Help.descriptions() method, 143

hex( x ) method, 80

hierarchies, classes, 93


adding, 258

configuring, 258-259

deleting, 259-260

viewing, 257


id( object ) method, 80

identifiers, 15-16

identity operators, 24

IdMgrRepositoryConfig group, 275-276

IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985), 7

if statements, 42

import statements, 39, 88-90

importBinding command, 388

importing directories, 395

importPolicySet command, 387

importServer command, 231

*_imx methods, 183-184

indentation, 40

index( item ) method, 68

index( substring[, start [, end ] ] ) method, 71

IndexError exceptions, 68

indexing sequence elements, 13

infinite loops, 42

information types, 15

expressions, 18

identifiers, 15-16

literals, 15

statement separators, 25

string operators, 19-24

variables, 16-18


environments, 116-120

JVM, 116

input( [prompt] ) method, 80

insert( index, item ) method, 68

installing applications, 400-402

installInteractive() method, 207

installResourceAdapter() method, 165

instances, AdminControl objects, 173-174

instantiation, 66

int( x[, radix ] ) method, 81

Integrated Solutions Console, 251

integrating SIBs, 307

interactive wsadmin sessions, 43

interfaces, JNDI, 211

invoke() method, 181

isalnum() method, 71

isalpha() method, 72

isAppReady() method, 201

isAppSecurityEnabled command, 275

isdigit() method, 72

isFederated() method, 220

isinstance( object, classinfo ) method, 81

isJACCEnabled command, 275

islower() method, 72

isSingleSecurityDomain command, 275

isspace() method, 72

issubclass( class, classinfo ) method, 81

istitle() method, 72

isupper() method, 72

items() method, 70


J2C (J2EE Connector Architecture), 242-249

authentication aliases, 278

library modules, 412-414

JAASAuthData objects, 243, 313

JACCUtilityCommands group, 275

Java, 95-103

roles, mapping, 250

security, enabling, 253-255

Java 2 Connector Architecture. See J2C

Java Messaging Service (JMS), 307

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), 211

Java Virtual Machine. See JVM

JDBC (Java Database Connector)

AdminJDBC library modules, 414-416

providers, 278

JDBCProvider, troubleshooting, 281

JDBCProviderManagement Group methods, 291-293

JMS (Java Messaging Service), 307

AdminJMS library modules, 416-423

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 211

join( sequence ) method, 72

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 6

initialization, 116

methods, 216-217

properties, 218-219

system properties, 217-218


coding conventions, 26

comments, 26

data types, 6-7

accessing sequence elements, 12-13

dictionaries, 14

lists, 12

numbers, 7

strings, 8-11

tuples, 11

information types, 15

expressions, 18

identifiers, 15-16

literals, 15

statement separators, 25

string operators, 19-24

variables, 16-18

overview of, 6


KeyManager commands, 377


policy sets, 362-363

properties, 117

keys() method, 70

KeySet commands, Web services, 381-382

KeyStore commands, Web services, 378-381

keytools, 363

keywords, 16, 58



Jython. See Jython

scripting, defining, 122

lastgroup, 111

lastindex, 111

LDAP failover, 255-260

LDAPUserRegistry, 256

leaks, tracing connection, 284

len( s ) method, 81


Java, 95-105


AdminApplication objects, 399-409

AdminAuthorizations modules, 428-430

AdminClusterManagement modules, 430-432

AdminJ2C modules, 412-414

AdminJDBC modules, 414-416

AdminJMS modules, 416-423

AdminNodeGroup-Management modules, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement modules, 446-447

AdminResources modules, 423-427

AdminServerManagement modules, 432-445

business-level applications, 409-412

navigating, 393-397

troubleshooting, 397-399

list( sequence ) method, 81

listAllDestinationsWithRoles method, 341

listAllForeignBusesWith-Roles method, 341

listAllRolesForGroup method, 341

listAllRolesForUser method, 341

listAllTopicsWithRoles method, 341

listApplicationPorts command, 232

listAssetsAttachedToPolicy-Set command, 385

listAttachmentsForPolicySet command, 384

listAuthDataEntries command, 265-266

listDataSources, 294

listGroupsInBusConnector-Role method, 341

listGroupsInDefaultRole method, 342

listGroupsInDestinationRole method, 342

listGroupsInTopicRole method, 342

listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole method, 342, 344

listInterceptors command, 270

listJDBCProviders, 293

listKeyFileAliases command, 380

listKeyManagers command, 377

listKeyStores command, 378

listKeyStoreTypes command, 378

listModules() method, 201

listPolicySets command, 384

listPolicyTypes command, 384, 159

listRegistryGroups command, 272

lists, 12

methods, 67-68

Web services, 352-354

listSecurityDomains command, 271

listSecurityRealms command, 273

listServer command, 233

listServerPorts command, 232

listServers() method, 210

listServerTemplates() method, 214

listServerTypes command, 233

listServerTypes() method, 202

listServices method, 392

listSIBEngines method, 335

listSIBJMSQueues method, 336

listSIBJMSTopics method, 336

listSIBMediations method, 337

listSIBuses method, 334

listSIBusMembers method, 334

listUsersInBusConnectorRole method, 343

listUsersInDefaultRole method, 343

listUsersInDestinationRole method, 343

listUsersInTopicRole method, 343

listWebServiceEndpoints method, 391

listWebServiceOperations method, 391

listWebServices method, 391

literals, 8-15

ljust( width ) method, 73

local mode, 120

local precedence, 51

locals() method, 81

long strings, 8

long( x[, radix ] ) method, 81

loop statements, 42

lower() method, 73

lstrip() method, 73


management. See also administration

AdminClusterManagement library module, 430-432

AdminNodeGroupManagement library module, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement library module, 446-447

AdminServerManagement library module, 432-445

databases, 277-280

advanced settings, 284-291

references, 291-300

troubleshooting, 280-284

servers, 199-200

commands, 209-212

creating clusters, 205-209

examples, 201-202

JVM methods, 216-217

JVM properties, 218-219

JVM system properties, 217-218

methods, 202-205

references, 223-239

template-related commands, 214-216

z/OS methods, 220-223

Web services, 352

exporting WSDL, 355

KeyManager commands, 377

KeySet commands, 381-382

KeyStore commands, 378-381

listing, 353-354

navigating, 353-355

overview, 346-350

policy sets, 355-371

PolicySetManagement group, 382-390

references, 373-376

runtimes, 351-352

SIBWebServices group, 374-377

SOAP, 347

topics, 371-372

WebServicesAdmin group, 390-392

WS-I profiles, 346-347

WSDL, 347

wsadmin program, 113-115

commands, 126-128

connecting, 120

defining scripting languages, 122

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

options, 115

profile script files, 123-126

tracing, 122

usage information, 116

manageprofiles command, 203

map( function, sequence, ... ) method, 82


Java EE roles, 250

reviewing, 251

users, 251-253

match( pattern, string [, flags ] ) method, 109

match( string [, startPos [, endPos ] ] method, 110

max( sequence ) method, 82

MBattrAsDict() utility function, 179

MBeans, 296

AdminControl object support methods, 172-173

DataSource, 296-298

Help object, 136-144

TraceService, 298-300

MDBs (Message-Driven Beans), 352

members, bus, 303

membership operators, 24

memory, OOM errors, 86

Message-Driven Beans (MDBs), 352



creating, 303-308

deleting, 308-310

connections, 121

Help object, 145

overview, 301-302

references, 317-344

security, 310-317

terminology, 303


addGroupToBusConnectorRole, 338

addGroupToDefaultRole, 338

addGroupToDestination-Role, 338

addGroupToTopicRole, 339

addGroupToTopicSpace-RootRole, 340

addUserToBusConnector-Role, 338

addUserToDefaultRole, 338

addUserToDestination-Role, 339

addUserToTopicRole, 340

addUserToTopicSpace-RootRole, 340

AdminApp object, 200-212

application installation methods, 204-208

editing, 208-210

updating, 208-210

AdminApp.getDeploy-Status(), 204

AdminApp.isAppReady(), 200

AdminApp.updateInter-active(), 208

AdminApplication.getAppDeploymentTarget(), 404

AdminConfig object, 164-165

AdminConfig.create(), 211

AdminConfig.getid(), 151

AdminConfig.list(), 152

AdminConfig.parents(), 160

AdminConfig.remove(), 162

AdminConfig.reset(), 352, 352, 153

AdminConfig.showall(), 156

AdminConfig.types(), 160

AdminConfig.validate(), 163

AdminControl objects, 181-182

*_imx, 183-184

MBean, 172-173

AdminControl.start-Server(), 168

AdminTask, 264

AdminTask.listPolicy-Sets(), 356

create(), 160-162

createSIBDestination, 320-322

createSIBEngine, 322-323

createSIBJMSActivation-Spec, 325-326

createSIBJMSConnectionFactory, 323-324

createSIBJMSQueue, 324-325

createSIBJMSTopic, 325

createSIBus, 317-318

deleteSIBDestination, 328-329

deleteSIBJMSActivation-Spec, 327

deleteSIBJMSConnectionFactory, 327

deleteSIBJMSQueue, 327

deleteSIBJMSTopic, 327

deleteSIBus, 327

deleteUserAndGroup-Entries(), 210

dictionary, 69-71

export(), 210

exportDDL(), 210

fixFileName(), 207

getAttribute(), 175-179

getAttributes(), 175

getAttributes_jmx(), 183

getDeployStatus(), 204

getid(), 152

getMBeanCount(), 172

getObjectName(), 165

Help object, 136

help(), scripting libraries, 397-399

Help.constructors(), 142

Help.descriptions(), 143

installInteractive(), 207

installResourceAdapter(), 165

invoke(), 181

isAppReady(), 201

JDBCProviderManagement Group, 291-293

JVM, 216-217

listAllDestinationsWith-Roles, 341

listAllForeignBusesWith-Roles, 341

listAllRolesForGroup, 341

listAllRolesForUser, 341

listAllTopicsWithRoles, 341

listGroupsInBusConnectorRole, 341

listGroupsInDefaultRole, 342

listGroupsInDestination-Role, 342

listGroupsInTopicRole, 342

listGroupsInTopicSpace-RootRole, 342-344

listModules(), 201

lists, 67-68

listSIBEngines, 335

listSIBJMSQueues, 336

listSIBJMSTopics, 336

listSIBMediations, 337

listSIBuses, 334

listSIBusMembers, 334

listUsersInBusConnector-Role, 343

listUsersInDefaultRole, 343

listUsersInDestination-Role, 343

listUsersInTopicRole, 343

modify(), 160-162

modifySIBDestination, 330-331

modifySIBEngine, 330

modifySIBJMSQueue, 332

modifySIBJMSTopic, 333

modifySIBus, 329

names, extracting, 135

options(), 203

publishWSDL(), 211

queryNames(), 174

removeDefaultRoles, 337

removeGroupFromAll-Roles, 337

removeSIBusMember, 328

removeUserFromAllRoles, 337

removeVariable, 296

restart(), 182

searchJNDIReferences(), 211

servers, 202-205

setAttributes(), 179-180

setAttributes_jmx(), 184

setVariable, 295

show(), 155-159

showAsDict(), 157

showSIBEngine, 336

showSIBJMSConnection-Factory, 336

showSIBJMSQueue, 336

showSIBJMSTopic, 336

showSIBMediation, 337

showSIBus, 334

showSIBusMember, 335

showVariables, 294

startServer(), 169

stopServer(), 169

strings, 71-77

tell(), 155-159

uninstall(), 208

uninstallResource-Adapter(), 165

updateAccessIDs(), 212

updateInteractive(), 209

VariableConfiguration Group, 294-296

view(), 203

z/OS, 220-223

min( sequence ) method, 82

missing attributes, 155

modes, local, 120

modify() method, 160-162


AdminControl objects, 167-172

buses, 329

configuration, 150

J2C (JAAS) aliases, 245

runtime behavior, 283

security domains, 261

modifyKeySet command, 382

modifySIBDestination method, 330-331

modifySIBEngine method, 330

modifySIBJMSQueue method, 332

modifySIBJMSTopic method, 333

modifySIBus method, 329


AdminApplication script library, 399-409

AdminAuthorizations, 428-430

AdminClusterManagement, 430-432

AdminJ2C, 412-414

AdminJDBC, 414-416

AdminJMS, 416-423

AdminLibHelp, 447

AdminNodeGroupManagement, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement, 446-447

AdminResources, 423-427

AdminServerManagement, 432-445

AdminUtilities, 447

errors, 92-94

import statements, 88-90

names, 203

namespaces, 124

nested_scopes, 90-92

overview, 87

packages, 92

simple, 129

sys, 98-99, 131

moveClusterToCoreGroup command, 225

moveServerToCoreGroup command, 225

multiple security domains, 261-262


named function parameters, 54-55

NameError exception, 132


AdminControl object, 173-174

applications, 203

filenames, 203

JNDI, 211

methods, extracting, 135

modules, 203

variables, 15-16

namespaces, 51

modules, 124

wsadmin, 123


J2C (JAAS) aliases, 244-245

LDAPUserRegistry, 256

scripting libraries, 393-397

Web services, 353-355

negative indexes, 13

nested_scopes, 90-92


AdminNodeGroupManagement library module, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement library module, 446-447

numbers, 7


object-oriented programming. See OOP


AdminApp, 199

application installation methods, 204-208

editing, 208-210

methods, 199-212

updating, 208-210

AdminApplication, 399-409

AdminConfig, 149

config ID, 150-155

configuration types, 152-153

containment paths, 151

create/modify methods, 160-162

document manipulation methods, 164

methods, 164-165

overview of, 149-150

show/tell methods, 155-159

verification, 162-163

AdminControl, 167

attributes, 174-181

environment information, 167-172

*_imx methods, 183-184

MBean support methods, 172-173

methods, 181-182

names, 173-174

administration, 129-134

documentation, 145-147

Help, 134-145

availability, 133

dictionary, 69-71

instantiation, 66

Java, 95-105

lists, 67-68

modules, 87

errors, 92-94

import statements, 88-90

nested_scopes, 90-92

packages, 92

Security, 278

strings, 71-77

target, 210

OOM (out of memory) errors, 86

OOP (object-oriented programming), 63


constants, 66

data types, 67

functions, 77-86

class statements, 63-66

dictionary methods, 69-71

instantiation, 66

list methods, 67-68

string methods, 71-77

open( filename[, mode[, bufsize ] ] ) method, 82


AdminApp object, 199

application installation methods, 204-208

editing, 208-210

methods, 199-212

updating, 208-210

AdminConfig object, 149-150

config ID, 150-155

configuration types, 152-153

containment paths, 151

create/modify methods, 160-162

document manipulation methods, 164

methods, 164-165

show/tell methods, 155-159

verification, 162-163

filenames, 203

MBean Help objects, 140-141

Web services, 355


arithmetic, 18

augmented assignment statements, 32

bitwise, 21

Boolean, 21

comparison, 22

identity, 24

membership, 24

relationships, 22

strings, 19-24

unary, 21


command line, 117, 284-294

wsadmin program, 115

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

usage information, 116

options() method, 203

ord( c ) method, 82

out of memory (OOM) errors, 86


packages, 92

packing assignment statements, 30-31


failon error, 399

functions, 52

arbitrary, 55-58

default, 53-62

named, 54-55

scripts, 127

sequences, unpacking, 56, 161

parmTest() method, 103-104

parseOpt() method, 104-106

pass statements, 39

passing filenames to scripts, 206

paths, containment, 151

period (.), 63

permissions, configuring, 314

ping, 348-350

PingServiceJAXRPCApplication, 353

POJO (Plain Old Java Object), 351

policy sets, Web services, 355-365, 367-371

PolicySetManagement group, 382-390

pop( [ index ] ) method, 68

pos, 111

pow( x, y[, z ] ) method, 82


local, 51

operators, 20, 24

print statement, 27-28

processing command line options, 100-102


script files, 123-126

WS-I, 346-347


functional, 94


accessing sequence elements, 12-13

coding conventions, 26

comments, 26

data types, 6-7

dictionaries, 14

expressions, 18

identifiers, 15-16

information types, 15

lists, 12

literals, 15

numbers, 7

operators, 19-24

overview of, 6

statement separators, 25

strings, 8-11

tuples, 11

variables, 16-18

OOP, 63

built-in constants, 66

built-in data types, 67

built-in functions, 77-86

class statements, 63-66

dictionary methods, 69-71

instantiation, 66

list methods, 67-68

string methods, 71-77


wsadmin, 113-115

commands, 126-128

connecting, 120

defining scripting languages, 122

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

options, 115

profile script files, 123-126

tracing, 122

usage information, 116

properties, 121

JVM, 217-223

keys, 117

propfileToDict() method, 95

publishSIBWSInboundSer-vice method, 377

publishWSDL() method, 211


QOS (Qualities of Service), 355

query application configurations, 403-404

queryNames() method, 174

queues, messaging

creating buses, 303-308

deleting buses, 308-310

security, 310-317


RAD (Rational Application Developer) tool, 361

raise statements, 39

range( [start,] stop[, step ] ) method, 82

Rational Application Developer (RAD) tool, 361

raw strings, 11

raw_input( [prompt] ) method, 83

re (regular repression) function, 111

Receiver security role, 311

reduce( function, sequence[, initialValue ] ) method, 83


databases, 291-300

messaging, 317-344

servers, 223-239

Web services, 373-376

registries, Federated, 260-261

regular expressions (RegExp), 107-112, 135, 157

relationship operators, 22

reload( module ) method, 84

remove( index ) method, 68

removeDefaultRoles method, 337

removeGroupFromAllRoles method, 337

removeNodeGroup command, 225

removeNodeGroupMember command, 224

removeSIBusMember method, 328

removeUserFromAllRoles method, 337

removeVariable method, 296

replace( old, new[, count ] ) method, 73

reportConfigInconsistencies command, 226

ReportConfiguredPorts command, 226

repr( object ) method, 84

resources, AdminResources library module, 423-427

restart() method, 182

return statement, 58-59

reverse() method, 68

reviewing mappings, 251

rfind( substring[,start [,end ] ] ) method, 73

rindex( substring[, start[, end ] ] ) method, 73

rjust( width ) method, 73

RMI/IIOP connections, 121


Java, 250

mapping, 251-253

security, 311

round( x[, digits ] ) method, 84

rstrip() method, 73


behavior, modifying, 283

Web services, 351-352

RW attributes, 177


scope, nested_scopes, 90-92


administration objects, 129-134

documentation, 145-147

Help, 134-145

functional programming, 94

languages, defining, 122


AdminApplication objects, 399-409

AdminAuthorizations modules, 428-430

AdminClusterManagement modules, 430-432

AdminJ2C modules, 412-414

AdminJDBC modules, 414-416

AdminJMS modules, 416-423

AdminNodeGroup-Management modules, 445-446

AdminNodeManagement modules, 446-447

AdminResources modules, 423-427

AdminServerManagement modules, 432-445

business-level applications, 409-412

navigating, 393-397

troubleshooting, 397-399

profile script files, 123-126

support for, 1

troubleshooting, 92-94

wsadmin program commands, 126-128


filenames, passing, 206

Jython, 6. See also Jython

search( pattern, string [, flags ] ) method, 109

search( string [, startPos [, endPos ] ] ) method, 110

searching chains, 315

searchJNDIReferences() method, 211

SecureConversation policy set, 357


AdminTasks methods, 264

applications, configuring, 249-253

bus, 263

buses, 337

datasources, 263

Federated registries, 260-261

J2C, 242-249

Java, enabling, 253-255

LDAP failover, 255-260

messaging, 310-317

multiple domains, 261-262

overview of, 241-242

Web services, 264

Security object, 278

SecurityConfiguration-Commands group, 264-270

SecurityDomainCommands group, 270-271

SecurityRealmInfo-Commands group, 272-273

Sender security role, 311

separator statements, 25


elements, accessing, 12-13

escape, 9

parameters, unpacking, 56

slices, 32-33

tuples, 11

unpacking, 31

server-side policy attachments, 368

ServerManagement group, 209


AdminServerManagement library module, 432-445

applications, 2

deleting, 207

LDAP failover, 255-260


commands, 209-212

creating clusters, 205-209

examples, 201-202

JVM methods, 216-217

JVM properties, 218-219

JVM system properties, 217-218

methods, 202-205

references, 223-239

template-related commands, 214-216

z/OS methods, 220-223

management, 199-200

security, 241-242

applications, 249-253

J2C, 242-249

Java, 253-255

serverStatus command, 172

ServerTypes methods, 202-205

service integration buses (SIBs), 307

services, Web. See Web services

sessions, wsadmin programs, 128

setAdminActiveSecuritySettings command, 266-267

setAppActiveSecuritySettings command, 267-268

setattr( object, name, value ) method, 85

setAttributes() method, 179-180

setAttributes_jmx() method, 184

setBinding command, 390

setdefault( key [, defaultValue ] ) method, 70

setGlobalSecurity command, 274

setJVMProperties command, 236

setJVMProperties() method, 219

setJVMSystemProperties command, 237

setProcessDefinition command, 237

setProcessDefinition() method, 220-222

setServerInstance() method, 220

setters, 140

setTraceSpecification() method, 220

setVariable method, 295

show() method, 155-159

showAsDict function, 154

showAsDict() method, 157

showJVMProperties() method, 219

showProcessDefinition() method, 220-222

showServerInfo command, 234

showServerInfo() method, 210

showServerInstance() method, 210

showServerTypeInfo command, 234

showServerTypeInfo() method, 202

showSIBEngine method, 336

showSIBJMSConnection-Factory method, 336

showSIBJMSQueue method, 336

showSIBJMSTopic method, 336

showSIBMediation method, 337

showSIBus method, 334

showSIBusMember method, 335

showTemplateInfo() method, 214-215

showVariables method, 294

SIBs (service integration buses), 307

SIBWebServices group, 374-377

simple modules, 129

simple statements, 35

assert, 35-36

break, 36

continue, 36

control flow, 39-41

del, 36

exec, 38

import, 39

pass, 39

raise, 39

return, 58-59, 170

SOAP, 121, 347

span( [group] ) method, 111

specifying multiple commands, 126

split( pattern, string [, maxsplit ] ) method, 109

split( string [, maxsplit ] ) method, 110

split( [ separator [,maxsplit ] ] ) method, 73

splitlines( [keepends] ) method, 73

square brackets ([ ]), 153, 157

start( [group] ) method, 110

startApplicationOnSingle-Server() method, 408

starting applications, 408-409

startServer() method, 169

startswith( prefix[, start[, end ] ] ) method, 73

Stateless Session Beans, 352


assignment, 16, 28-30

augmented, 32

packing/unpacking, 30-31

slices, 34

class, 63-66

comments, 116

compound, 41

for, 44-46

if, 42

loop, 42

try, 47-48

while, 42-43

expressions, 27-28

global, 51-52

import, 88-90

return, 58-59

separators, 25

simple, 35

assert, 35-36

break, 36

continue, 36

control flow, 39-41

del, 36

exec, 38

import, 39

pass, 39

raise, 39, 170

stopping applications, 408-409

stopServer() method, 169

__str__() method, 93

str ( object ) method, 85

strings, 8-11

functions, 111

long, 8

methods, 71-77

operators, 19-24

raw, 11

triple-quoted, 8

strip() method, 74

sub( pattern, replacement, string [, count ] ) method, 110

sub( replacement, string [, count ] ) method, 110

subn( pattern, replacement, string [, count ] ) method, 110

subn( replacement, string [, count ] ) method, 110

swapcase() method, 74

syntax errors, 92-94

sys module, 98-99

dictionary, 131

sys.path variable, 394


target objects, 210

tell() method, 155-159, 215

template servers, 214-216

testing, 169

title() method, 74


keytools, 363

RAD, 361

topics, policy, 371-372

TraceService, MBeans, 298-300


connection leaks, 284

wsadmin programs, 122

transport security, enabling, 314-317

triple-quoted strings, 8

troubleshooting, 92-94

databases, 280-284

OOM errors, 86

scripting libraries, 397-399

try statements, 47-48

tuples, 11, 31

type( object ) method, 85


configuration, 152-153

data, 6-7

accessing sequence elements, 12-13

dictionaries, 14

lists, 12

numbers, 7

strings, 8-11

tuples, 11

information, 15

expressions, 18

identifiers, 15-16

literals, 15

statement separators, 25

string operators, 19-24

variables, 16-18

policy, 359


unary operators, 21

unichr( i ) method, 85

unicode( object[, encoding [, errors ] ] ) method, 85

uninstall() method, 208

uninstalling applications, 400-402

uninstallResourceAdapter() method, 165


assignment statements, 30-31

sequence parameters, 56

unsetAppActiveSecurity-Settings command, 268-269

update( dict ) method, 71

updateAccessIDs() method, 212

updateEntireAppToAnApp-WithUpdateCommand() method, 406

updateInteractive() method, 209


AdminApp methods, 208-210

applications, 404-406

upper() method, 74

usage information, wsadmin programs, 116

usage() method, 102-103

users, mappings, 251-253


validatePolicySet command, 388

validation, configuring, 162-163

values, 59

values() method, 71

van Rossum, Guido, 61

VariableConfiguration command group, 282

VariableConfiguration Group methods, 294-296


names, 15-16

overview of, 16-18

slices, 32-33

sys.path, 394

VariableSubstitutionEntry, 281

vars( [object] ) method, 86

verifying configurations, 162-163

view() method, 203


buses, 334

hosts, 257

J2C (JAAS) aliases, 244-245

W, 133

Web services

KeyManager commands, 377

KeySet commands, 381-382

KeyStore commands, 378-381

listing, 353-354

managing, 352

navigating, 353-355

overview, 346-350

policy sets, 355-371

PolicySetManagement group, 382-390

references, 373-376

runtimes, 351-352

security, 264

SIBWebServices group, 374-377

SOAP, 347

topics, 371-372

WebServicesAdmin group, 390-392

WS-I profiles, 346-347

WSDL, 347, 355

Web Services Definition Language. See WSDL

WebServicesAdmin group, 390-392

Websphere Application Server, overview of, 2

WebSphere Control Program (WSCP), 6

while statements, 42-43

WIMManagementCommands group, 273-274

WizardCommands group, 274-275

WS-I profiles, 346-347

wsadmin program, 113-115. See also administration

commands, 126-128

connecting, 120

options, 115

environment initialization, 116-120

JVM initialization, 116

usage information, 116

profile script files, 123-126

scripting language, 122

sessions, 43

tracing, 122 file, 133, 131-132

WSCP (WebSphere Control Program), 6

WSDL (Web Services Definition Language), 211, 347

exporting, 355

WSSecurity policy set, 358


xrange( [start,] stop[, step] ) method, 86

z/OS methods, 220-223

zfill ( width ) method, 74

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