Of course, I never could have written this book without the enduring support of too many people to mention. First, I am eternally grateful to the hundreds of clients who have allowed me into that sacred place in their lives and careers. Their relentless prodding and encouragement to codify the lessons exchanged among thousands of coaching hours made this book possible. They saw the method to my madness.

To my family, who stood by me all the way. Bobbie couldn't have been a more understanding wife. The best role model one could ask for has been my dad, who inspired me with his love, dedication, and work ethic. Ann's input from the beginning through cover design was key. I hope my big sis Cynthia has an idea how much I appreciated her encouragement. And Mom provided me with much-needed emotional and nutritional supplements.

My Jossey-Bass editor, Genoveva Llosa, fully understood the impact this book would have on the lives and careers of so many hard-working people. Her belief in me and solid guidance allowed the magic to unfold within these pages. Über—literary agent Jim Levine was the first to affirm that I actually was onto something important. Writer Greg Lewis managed to capture the many wonderful stories, largely composing this book from our hours of transcripts. Developmental editor Hilary Powers, with her oh-so-fitting name, did the power-editing with grace and humor and was unfazed by the looming deadlines that felt so crushing to me. Maureen Wrinn added so much more than words to the spark that she turned into a flame within me. And many thanks to John Butman, who not only put up with my requests for advice, but then offered unexpected crystal-clear insights I didn't know enough to ask for.

The definition of a trusted adviser is Katie Rose Hope, whose crash courses on the inner workings of publishing enabled me to navigate the shoals of these to-me uncharted waters. Authors Cliff Hakim, David Roper, Paul Gillin, Amit Mukherjee, Pat Skerrett, and Nancy Ratey all showed me the many ropes of writing and publishing, allowing me to stay in the ring. Author Steve Goldberg turned the tables on me and doled out some of the best coaching I've ever experienced. Not only did Dana Rapoport's thoughtful and persistent inquiries—"How's the book going?"—force my perspective with the answer, but her referral to Zick Ruben (thanks again, Zick) led me to Jim Levine, a story outlined in this book.

I extend my appreciation to Ralph Roberto for the brainstorming use of Essex Partners' conference room and to thought partners Mike Kinkead, Mark Bonchek, Gregg Bauer, Michael Watkins, and Nat Welsh for shedding their bright lights on my path.

I also heartily thank the many others who offered me strength through their persistent questions: "How's it going?" or simply "How can I help?": John DiCocco, Rob Schwartz, Josh Reynolds, Gregg Bauer, David Cutler, Eric Cressy, Darla Hastings, Mary Rivet, Liz Cheever, Cam Brown, Paul McLaughlin, Steve Garfield, and Gregory Peterson.

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