Habit 19

They Are Philanthropists or They Pay It Forward

Secret 43 for Creating Your Own Success: Give Back

Giving back. When was the last time you did it?

Contrary to preconceived notions of the average Joe, most self-made millionaires are strong believers in giving back. In fact, I found that there is a definite impetus in these individuals for wanting to give back.

Why Do These People Give Back?

No matter how these individuals achieved their status, they give back for many reasons. Some give back because when they were in need, they remember that others were there for them. Others give back because they were once in need, yet had no one when they really needed the emotional and/or financial support. Yet others give back because they were on the road less traveled as they were working on “making it” and did not have precedent for how to achieve success. No matter the reason, these good Samaritans give back because they thrive on making a difference in other people's lives.

When Did They Begin to Give Back?

Some were compelled to give back while they were working on achieving this success status. Others focused on giving back after achieving this milestone. Some did both. They gave back as they were becoming self-made millionaires and then increased their giving back after they made their first million.

How Do They Give Back?

Some of the self-made millionaires interviewed for this book give back in various ways. Some volunteer their time and expertise. Others become adjunct faculty members at their local college and/or university. One person gives back by mentoring women as well as ministering to the sick and helpless. Another gives back by donating his time at prisons to prepare individuals to begin their own enterprises when they are released. One of the thirty individuals interviewed gives back by donating to the arts in their community. Some provide financial support to others by donating to the organization of their choice.

Before you get in line for a handout from these individuals, recognize that there are no free lunches or free money to be had. These self-made millionaires are savvy givers to people and to organizations to which they can identify. They give back by giving individuals who want to succeed “the rod.” They teach them how to fish rather than merely giving them the fish as you will read about in Secret 52 (You Have Been Given the Rod, Now Go Fish).

Although becoming a self-made millionaire was never a goal, Bill Dunn, the twenty-ninth self-made millionaire in this book, shared that one of his greatest satisfactions for achieving this status is being able to give large amounts of money to people and charities that never had the opportunities and support that he had over the years.

Personally, I love to give back. I love giving individuals the necessary tools to accomplish their defined goals. My way of giving back is by assisting people in believing in themselves, to give them the necessary confidence essential for creating their own success. My way of giving back is by writing this book—to assist you on your self-made millionaire journey.

Let me ask you the question once again: What are you presently doing to give back? Are you donating your time, your expertise, or monetary funds to others? Remember: You have to give it to get it. It is called the law of circulation.

You do not have to be a self-made millionaire to begin giving back. As you see, however, one of the fifty-two secrets for creating your own self-made millionaire status is by giving back. As Rodger DeRose, the thirteenth self-made millionaire interviewed for this book, advocates, “Leave a footprint in life. If you can't leave a footprint, leave a thumbprint.”

Three Ways to Begin Giving Back

  1. Write down your life accomplishments to date, both large and small. Evaluate how you achieved them.
  2. Be accessible for individuals who can benefit from the steps you took to get you where you are today. Also, recognize that an appreciated form of giving back is simply lending an ear.
  3. Recognize that it is essential to give what you get. If you want others to be accessible for you, give back to others who can benefit from what you learned in the school of hard knocks.


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