
First and foremost, I want to thank Mary Glenn, associate publisher, and Cheryl Ringer, associate editor, at McGraw-Hill, who, with enthusiasm and confidence, encouraged me to explore and expand the initial concept for this book. Together, Mary and Cheryl offered wonderful insights, suggestions, and encouragement that deepened my thoughts and feelings about what was possible.

My heartfelt thanks go to Herb for being so open and forthcoming about sharing his successes, challenges, failures, and everything in between, providing an inspiring story with unique experiences, reflections, and lessons from which we can all continually learn.

I also want to thank Thomas Schoenfelder, Caliper’s senior vice president of research and development, who joined me on many of the interviews I conducted with Herb, enriching the conversations and offering valuable insights. My eternal gratitude also goes to Ramona Rettzo, who transcribed nearly 100 hours of interviews with Herb, his family members, colleagues, and clients. These recordings were managed by a team at Caliper that included Amy Yates-Wuelfing, Agota Alvarez, Sandra Vengels, Stephanie Zimmerman, Kathy Berry, and Christine Briegs.

Most significantly, as always, I thank my wife Donna for touching my heart, for believing in what can be, for her uncanny way of listening so clearly, for her deeply inspired messages, for her warm smile, for the light in her eyes, for the sound of her laughter, and for opening new possibilities.

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