
During my two decades in corporate communications, I have not seen the financial and business community facing as skeptical a public as we are today. The world of news and information is fast-moving—no sooner done than said, in fact. As the executive who heads global external and internal communications and public relations activities for the Ford Motor Company, I see a press corps more probing than ever. Jeff Ansell's new book When the Headline Is You is a timely and invaluable must-read not only for public relations and communications professionals but for anyone in business, government, or the nonprofit sector dealing with a roused public and emboldened media—both "old" and "new."

No one argues more forcefully than Jeff Ansell that the skills required to cope with the current environment often are subtle and have a great deal to do with appropriate language—those make-or-break words and phrases that are essential. For most people, these skills do not come naturally. They have to be taught, learned, and practiced, which is why this instructive volume is so on-target. Unlike some who offer such counsel, Jeff approaches the task from both sides of the divide, having racked up impressive credentials as a journalist before launching a notably successful career as a public relations practitioner and business educator.

When the Headline Is You has unique power and value thanks to the numerous real-life examples and case histories literally torn from today's headlines. Jeff frequently and effectively cites them to illustrate how the wrong or right responses can make a critical, game-changing difference. These insights are what make this a how-to book that provides virtually everything a communicator needs to know from someone who really knows.

Ray Day

Vice President, Communications

Ford Motor Company

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