4-way voter split, 163–164

cultural leadership, 30–32

diagram, 29, 175–176

Dropouts, 28–30

emotional differences, 34–35

emotions, contagiousness, 32–34

fear factor, 35–36

Loyalists, 27

Moderates, 28–29

Resisters, 28–30

1920s and 1930s, Jewish population in Germany, 61

1929, Great Depression, 64–65

1949, FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 44

1960-1979, African ethnic groups, 5

1964, Civil Rights Act, 101

1966-1975, Cultural Revolution, 74–75

1980s, break up of Soviet Union, 5

1989, destruction of Berlin Wall, 42


culture of blame, 42

Yugoslav Wars, 5–6

1996, rise of cable news channels, 44

2002, popularity, 45

2016 presidential election, 107–112, 115, 133


Abramson, Jill, 45

ACA (Affordable Care Act), 106

Access Hollywood tape, 152

adapting behavior, 9

adversarial behavior, 139–140

adversarial leadership, 46–47

aggressive behavior, 10, 20, 140, 157

Ailes, Roger, 45–46, 101–102, 151

all-or-nothing thinking, 142–143, 174

American Psychiatric Association, 11

amygdala, 33–34

anti-Semitism, 6, 63, 65

ASPD (antisocial personality disorder)

diagram, 16

explained, 11, 13–14

seductiveness, 20–21

traits, 141

assertive approach, 158–159

attention, giving, 129–133

audience, knowing, 129, 134–135

authoritarian streak, America, 95

“authoritarianization,” 84


Beer Hall Putsch, 66


adapting, 9

extremity, 143

noticing, 145

patterns, 12

being everywhere, 159–160

Berlin Wall, 42, 83

Berlusconi, Silvio

early years, 91

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 92

as fantasy hero, 179

HCP (high-conflict personality), 92

heroes and villains, 92–93

high-emotion media, 93–94

historical perspective, 91

villains and heroes, 92–93

BIFF (brief, informative, friendly, firm) responses, 133, 153–156

blaming words, noticing, 142. See also culture of blame; Targets of Blame; words

Bolshevik Party, 32, 67

Boxell, Levi, 114

brain areas

amygdala, 33–34

fear factor, 35–36

left vs. right, 38

mirror neurons, 33–34

Breitbart, 114

Brodie, Fawn, 100


cable news channels, rise of, 44. See also fake news; high-emotion media; media; negative news

Canadian NAFTA “crisis,” 106–107

charm and persuasion, 8–9

Chavez, Hugo, 88–90

childhood experiences, 9

children, personality differences, 35

China, Fantasy Crisis Triad, 178. See also Mao Zedong

Christie, Chris, 149

Civil Rights Act, 1964, 101

Clinton, Bill, 45

Clinton, Hillary, 80, 109–111, 113, 119–120, 132

CNN, 45

cognitive capacity, reduction, 41

Cohn, Gary, 106

collaboration (teamwork), 47

Communist Party, China, 72

“Communist takeover.” See McCarthy, Joseph

community, dividing, 23–24

compromising vs. fighting, 129–130, 136

conservatives vs. liberals, 34–35

Constitution, United States, 46

Coughlin, Charles, 95

crises, characterization, 51–52, 57. See also Fantasy Crisis Triad

crisis emotions, 174

crowds, recognizing energy of, 161–162

C-SPAN, 43

cultural environment, 9

cultural leadership, 30–32, 45–46

Cultural Revolution, 5, 74–75

culture of blame, 42–43. See also blaming words; Targets of Blame


“death panels,” 151

democracy, threats to, 13

Democrats vs. Republicans, 34–35

demonic personality, 4

Depression. See Great Depression

dictatorship, 65

domineering behavior, 10, 25

Double Negatives, Trump, Donald, 109–110


4-way voter split, 29

characteristics, 28–29

empathy, strength, power, 133–134

treating as opponents, 124

Trump, Donald, 111–112

DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). See also mental illness

narcissism vs. sociopathology, 14

NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), 12–13

personality disorders, 11

Duterte, Rodrigo

early years, 85

false news, 41

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 86

HCP (high-conflict personality), 86

heroes and villains, 86–87

high-emotion media, 87–88

historical perspective, 85

villains and heroes, 86–87


electing HCPs, preventing, 129

elections, screening HCPs, 140–141

“Eleventh Commandment,” 132

emotional attacks, refraining from, 150–152

emotional attention, providing, 127

emotional communication, 32–34

emotional differences, 34–36

emotional messaging, 128

emotional relationships, 32–34

emotional repetition in isolation, 45, 114, 128, 136, 160

emotional warfare

attacking Targets of Blame, 22–23

defined, 19

dividing community, 23–24

dominating everyone, 25

pattern, 20–25

seducing Negative Advocates, 20–22


“catching,” 33

intensity and lack of management, 143

self-monitoring, 144–145


giving, 129–133

lacking, 174


Dropouts as, 123–124

Loyalists as, 124

moderate opponents as, 122–123

Resisters as, 123

seeking, 42–43

energy, strength, and power, 130, 136

Ergoğan, Recep Tayyip, 121


Facebook, impact on presidency, 40–41

factual repetition, 160

fairness doctrine, end of, 44

fake news. See also cable news channels; high-emotion media; media; negative news

analyzing, 164–166

origin, 163

vs. truth, 40–41

Fantasy Crisis Triad. See also crises; three key questions

Berlusconi, Silvio, 92

BIFF (brief, informative, friendly, firm) responses, 153–156

China, 178

Duterte, Rodrigo, 86

everything is crisis, 50–52

Germany, 178

Hitler, Adolf, 63–64

Hungary, 179

informative approach, 153–156

Italy, 179

Maduro, Nicolas, 89

McCarthy, Joseph, 97

mistake of believing in, 118–119

Nixon, Richard, 100

nuances, 54–55

Orban, Viktor, 83

overview, 49–50

Putin, Vladimir, 79

responses to human problems, 53–54

Russia, 178

Stalin, Josef, 69–70

stop thinking, 50

Targets of Blame, 55–56

Trump, Donald, 104, 106–107, 112–113

United States, 179–180

villains and heroes, 52–53

Venezuela, 179

Zedong, Mao, 73–74

fantasy heroes. See heroes and villains

fantasy villains. See villains and heroes

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 44

fear factor, 35–36, 42

Fidesz party, 82–83

fighting vs. compromising, 129–130, 136

Filipino politics. See Duterte, Rodrigo

Fox News, 44–45, 113–114

Fromm, Erich, 14–15


genetic tendencies, 9

Gentzkow, Matthew, 114

German Communist Party, 31

Gingrich, Newt, 43–44, 113

Great Depression, 64–65, 95

Great Leap Forward, 5, 74


HCP (high-conflict personality) Berlusconi, Silvio, 92

Trump, Donald, 103–104

HCP attacks, ignoring, 158

HCP politicians, stopping, 125–126

HCP Theory, 10

HCP Wannabe Kings. See Wannabe Kings

HCPs (high-conflict personalities). See also Wannabe Kings

behaviors, 3, 7–9, 169–171

capabilities, 125–126

“controlling,” 121–122

diagram, 16

early warning signs, 141

emotional warfare, 20

enduring pattern, 140

fundamental behavior, 139–140

jamming Radar, 145–146

key traits, 141

lack of self-understanding, 131

patterns, 142–146

in politics, 10–11

predictable behaviors, 169–171

preventing election, 129

reminders, 146–147

scorecard, 174

screening, 140–141

speaking about, 131

splitting pattern, 23

spotting patterns, 142–146

“victimization” and “defense,” 121

WEB Method, 142–145

Heimans, Jeremy, 151

heroes and villains

avoiding emotional attacks, 150–152

avoiding emotional defense, 152–153

Berlusconi, Silvio, 92–93

cultural leadership, 45–46

Duterte, Rodrigo, 86–87

fantasizing, 45–47, 50–55, 57, 150–153, 174

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 50–51, 54–55

Hitler, Adolf, 64–66

Mao Zedong, 74–75

Maduro, Nicolas, 89–90

McCarthy, Joseph, 97–98

mistake of believing in, 119–120

Nixon, Richard, 101

Orban, Viktor, 83–84

political leadership, 47

Putin, Vladimir, 79–80

responding to, 150–153

Stalin, Josef, 70

three key questions, 57

Trump, Donald, 105–106

high-conflict politician scorecard, 173–174

high-emotion media. See also cable news channels; fake news; media; negative news

adversarial leadership, 46–47

attraction, 10

Berlusconi, Silvio, 93–94

competition, 39

cultural leadership, 45–46

daily drama, 39

dramatic aspect, 39

Duterte, Rodrigo, 87–88

face and voice news, 37–38

future and past, 41–42

HCPs (high-conflict personalities), 39

Hitler, Adolf, 66

impaired ability to think, 41

Maduro, Nicolas, 90–91

McCarthy, Joseph, 98–99

Nixon, Richard, 101–102

Orban, Viktor, 84–85

personal communication, 40

political Culture of Blame, 42–43

and politics, 43–45

Putin, Vladimir, 81

Stalin, Josef, 70–71

Trump, Donald, 113–115

viral aspect, 40–41

Zedong, Mao, 75

Hindenburg, 63–64, 66

Hitler, Adolf

ability to stop thinking, 50

anti-Semitism, 6

cultural leadership, 31

demonic personality, 4

early years, 62–63

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 63–64

as fantasy hero, 178

HCP (high-conflict personality), 63

high-emotion media, 66

historical perspective, 61

on radio, 40

seductive promises, 22

splitting pattern, 24

villains and heroes, 64–66

warning signs, 118

hope, reasons for, 13

human problems, responses, 53–54

humanity, threats to, 13


Fantasy Crisis Triad, 179

Orban, Viktor, 82–85


“I alone can fix it,” 50, 55

idealism, promising, 21–22

Identity Crisis research, 109

immunity, maintaining, 167–168

Independent voters, 110

International Criminal Tribunal, 6

issues, knowing reality of, 129, 135–136


Fantasy Crisis Triad, 179

Berlusconi, Silvio, 91–94


Jewish population in Germany, 1920s and 1930s, 61

Johnson, Lyndon, 102

Jones, Jim, 96

juries, confusing and inflaming, 20–21


Kaiser Wilhelm II, 64

Kerry, John, 158

key questions, 6–7, 161. See also Fantasy Crisis Triad

KGB, 78

kulaks, 32, 34, 70


leadership. See adversarial leadership; cultural leadership

“Leftists” vs. “Rightists,” 24

Lenin, Vladimir, 24, 67–68. See also Russia

liberals vs. conservatives, 34–35

Little Red Book, 75

Long, Huey, 95

The Loudest Voice in the Room, 44


described, 27–28

empathy, strength, power, 131

jamming Radar, 145–146

relative numbers, 128

treating as enemies, 124

Trump, Donald, 107–108


Maduro, Nicolas

early years, 88

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 89

as fantasy hero, 179

HCP (high-contrast personality), 89

heroes and villains, 89–90

high-emotion media, 90–91

historical perspective, 88

villains and heroes, 89–90

Magna Carta, 46

malignant narcissism, 14–16

Mao Zedong

early years, 71

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 73–74, 178

as fantasy hero, 178

Great Leap Forward, 5

HCP (high-conflict personality), 72–73

heroes and villains, 74–75

high-emotion media, 75

historical perspective, 71

vs. Josef Stalin, 73–74

villains and heroes, 74–75

warning signs, 118

Marcos, Ferdinand, 85

McCain, John, 134

McCarthy, Joseph

early years, 96

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 97

as fantasy hero, 179

HCP (high-conflict personality), 96–97

heroes and villains, 97–98

high-emotion media, 96, 98–99

on TV, 40

villains and heroes, 97–98

McFaul, Michael, 79–80

McGovern, George, 96

media. See also cable news channels; fake news; high-emotion media; negative news

and politics, 43–45

rational vs. emotional, 38

Medvedev, Dmitri, 80

Mein Kampf, 63, 65

mental illness, 8. See also DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition)

Mexican immigration “crisis,” 104–105

mirror neurons, 33–34

misjudgment of others, 174


“controlling” HCP, 121–122

dropouts as enemies, 123–124

fantasy crises, 118–119

fantasy heroes, 120

fantasy villains, 119–120

loyalists as enemies, 124

moderate opponents as enemies, 122–123

resisters as enemies, 123

“victimization” of HCP, 121

warning signs, 118

Mitchell, Brian David, 15


described, 28–29

empathy, strength, power, 133

Trump, Donald, 108–109

Mowrer, Edgar, 50


Mussolini, Benito, 91


NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 106–107

Nazi, description, 6

Negative Advocates

bonding with, 22–23

seducing, 20–22, 139–140

negative emotions, 144

negative news. See also cable news channels; fake news; high-emotion media; media

consuming, 42

New York Times’ focus on, 46

Nemtsov, Boris, 81

The New York Times, 46

news. See high-emotion media

Nicholas II, 66–67

Nixon, Richard

early years, 99

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 100

as fantasy hero, 180

HCP (high-conflict personality), 99–100

heroes and villains, 101

high-emotion media, 101–102

historical perspective, 99

vs. McGovern, George, 96

support for Joseph McCarthy, 98–102

villains and heroes, 101

“The November Criminals,” 64

NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)

diagram, 16

early warning signs, 141

explained, 12–13

seductiveness, 21


Obama, Michelle, 132

Obamacare, 106

October Revolution, 67

O’Neill, Tip, 43

opponents, treating as enemies, 122–123

Orban, Viktor

early years, 82

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 83, 119

as fantasy hero, 179

HCP (high-conflict personality), 82–83

heroes and villains, 83–84

high-emotion media, 84–85

historical perspective, 82

villains and heroes, 83–84

warning signs, 118


Palin, Sarah, 151

patterns, noticing, 149–150

personal attacks, 174


demonic type, 4

disorders, 8–11

high-conflict type, 7–8

observing, 146

power of, 4–5

seductiveness, 21

persuasion and charm, 8–9

Philippines. See Duterte, Rodrigo

political conflict, causes, 5–6

political culture of blame, 42–43. See also Targets of Blame

positive emotions, 144–145


efforts at limiting, 46

energy and strength, 130, 136

of personality, 4–5

seeking, 21

preventing election of HCPs, 129

problems, solving, 53–54

Putin, Vladimir. See also Russia

early years, 78

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 79, 119

as fantasy hero, 178

HCP (high-conflict personality), 78

heroes and villains, 79–80

high-emotion media, 81

historical perspective, 77–78

villains and heroes, 79–80, 120

warning signs, 118


Radar, jamming, 145–146

Reagan, Ronald, 43, 132

Red Army, 72

relationships, forming with voters, 129–130

reminders, 146–147

Republicans vs. Democrats, 34–35


4-way voter split, 29

described, 28

empathy, strength, power, 131–133

German Communist Party, 31

treating as opponents, 123

Trump, Donald, 110–111

respect, giving, 129–133

responding and repeating, encouraging, 161–162

“Rightists” vs. “Leftists,” 24

Romanov Tsars, 66–67

Romney, Mitt, 114

Rubio, Marco, 149

Russia, Fantasy Crisis Triad, 178. See also Lenin, Vladimir; Putin, Vladimir; Soviet Union; Stalin, Josef


Sanders, Bernie, 110–111, 113, 132

SBVT (Swift Boat Veterans for Truth), 158

Shapiro, Jesse, 114

Share Our Wealth movement, 95

Sherman, Gabriel, 44–45

simplicity, maintaining, 161

Smart, Elizabeth, 15

sociopathic personality disorder

diagram, 16

explained, 11, 13–14

seductiveness, 20–21

traits, 141

solving human problems, 53–54

Soros, George, 80, 83–84

Soviet Union, break up, 5, 77–78. See also Russia

speaking before crowds, 161–162

splitting, process of, 23–24

Stalin, Josef. See also Russia

cultural leadership, 31–32

early years, 67–68

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 69–70

as fantasy hero, 178

HCP (high-conflict personality), 68–69

heroes and villains, 70

high-emotion media, 70–71

historical perspective, 66–67

vs. Mao Zedong, 73–74

personal policy, 5

seductive promises, 22

villains and heroes, 70

warning signs, 118


2016 presidential election, 109

American authoritarian streak, 95

ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), 13–14

Dropouts, 133

false news, 40

following Wannabe Kings, 117

Hitler’s cultural leadership, 31

NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), 13

Stalin vs. Putin, 79

support for Wannabe Kings, 30

strength, energy, and power, 130, 136

swiftboating, 158


Targets of Blame. See also blaming words; culture of blame

4-way voter split, 29

ASPD (antisocial personality disorder), 14

attacking, 8, 19, 22–23

choosing, 55–56

focus on, 11

Maduro, Nicolas, 89

malignant narcissism, 14

Putin, Vladimir, 80

Soros, George, 83–84

Stalin, Josef, 32

stopping thinking, 51

Trump, Donald, 109

teamwork (collaboration), 47

thinking, impaired ability, 41, 50, 142–143

Thompson, Dorothy, 65

three key questions, 6–7, 161. See also Fantasy Crisis Triad

Timms, Henry, 151

Trotsky vs. Lenin, 24

Trump, Donald

2016 presidential election, 107–112

ability to stop thinking, 50

aggressive behavior, 140

Central-American refugee “crisis,” 112

Double Negatives, 109–110

Dropouts, 111–112

early years, 103

emotional repetition, 114

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 104, 106–107, 112–113, 119

as fantasy hero, 180

HCP (high-conflict personality), 103–104

heroes and villains, 105–106

high-emotion media, 113–115

historical perspective, 102

Independent voters, 110

inspiration of followers, 151

Loyalists, 107–108

Mexican immigration, 104–105

Moderates, 108–109

party affiliation, 104

Resisters, 110–111

tweets, 40

villains and heroes, 105–106, 119–120

warning signs, 118

Tsar Nicholas II, 66–67

Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 84, 121


United States

Constitution, 46

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 179–180

uniting groups, 128



Fantasy Crisis Triad, 179

Nicolas Maduro, 88–91

Vietnam War, 100–101

villains and heroes

avoiding emotional attacks, 150–152

avoiding emotional defense, 152–153

Berlusconi, Silvio, 92–93

cultural leadership, 45–46

Duterte, Rodrigo, 86–87

fantasizing, 45–47, 50–55, 57, 150–153, 174

Fantasy Crisis Triad, 50–51, 54–55

Hitler, Adolf, 64–66

Maduro, Nicolas, 89–90

Mao Zedong, 74–75

McCarthy, Joseph, 97–98

mistake of believing in, 119–120

Nixon, Richard, 101

Orban, Viktor, 83–84

political leadership, 47

Putin, Vladimir, 79–80

responding to, 150–153

Stalin, Josef, 70

three key questions, 57

Trump, Donald, 105–106

“voter suppression” laws, 111–112

voters, reaching out to, 128–136


Wallace, George, 96

Wannabe Kings. See also HCPs (high-conflict personalities)

behaviors, 21

characteristics, 127–128

concept, 15

diagram, 16

“I alone can fix it,” 50, 55

keeping up with, 159–160

shifting sides, 24

skills, 30

warning signs, 118, 141

Watergate scandal, 99–101

WEB Method, 142–145

words. See also blaming words

of caution, 146–147

noticing usage, 142–145

WWI (World War I), 61


Yeltsin, Boris, 77–78

Yugoslav Wars, 1990s, 5–6


Zedong, Mao. See Mao Zedong

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