• File: ifrs22B03w - Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards 2022 - Published by Wiley
  • 12 months expected credit loss 604
  • abandonment 254
  • absences see compensated absences
  • absorption costing 140, 150
  • accelerated depreciation methods 166–167
  • accounting estimates
    • changes in 117–121, 130–131
      • definition 119
  • accounting policies 117–137
    • amortisation method changes 128–129
    • changes in accounting estimates 117–121, 130–131
    • changes in 119, 123–129, 912
    • consistency 118–119, 304–305
    • correction of errors 117–121, 131–136
    • definition 119
    • financial instrument disclosures 705–707
    • financial statements 53–54
    • first-time adoption 944–947
    • future changes 136
    • impracticability exceptions 126, 135–136
    • indirect effects 125
    • insurance contracts 888–890
    • interim financial reporting 911–913
    • retrospective application 120, 124–125
    • US GAAP comparison 136–137
  • Accounting Standards Advisory Forum (ASAF) 2–3
  • accounts payable 427–428
  • accounts receivable 604
  • accrual basis, financial statements 46–47
  • accrued benefit obligations
  • accrued liabilities 428
  • accumulated depreciation 175–176
  • acquiree, definition 315
  • acquirer, definition 315
  • acquisition dates 315, 323–324, 326
  • acquisition method 315, 321–327
    • date of acquisition 323–324, 326
    • identification of acquirer 321–323
  • acquisition-related costs 315, 339
  • acquisitions
  • active markets
  • actuarial gains and losses 458, 466, 467
  • additional comparative information, definition 81
  • additional contributed capital, shareholders' equity 372–373, 378–380
  • additional goods or services, customer options for 514
  • adequacy, insurance liabilities 886–887
  • adjusting events after the reporting period 424, 451–454
  • adjustments
    • post-employment benefit plans 467
    • revaluations 173
  • adoption
    • changes in accounting policies 123–129
    • of IFRS 1–2
    • of IFRS 17 907
    • small and medium-sized entities 12–13
    • see also first-time adoption
  • advanced shipping notices (ASN) 144
  • advances, unearned 428
  • advertising contracts, business combinations 344
  • agency liabilities 428
  • aggregated exposure 664–665
  • aggregation
    • conceptual framework 35
    • contracts 487–488
    • financial statements 47–48
    • operating segments 821–822
    • profit or loss 92
    • related party disclosures 844–845
  • agricultural activity
    • definition 859
    • identification 860–861
  • agricultural land 870
    • definition 859
  • agricultural produce
    • definition 859
    • recognition 864–866
  • agriculture 857–871
    • definitions 859–860
    • disclosure requirements 866–870
    • fair value 862–864
    • government grants 864–865
    • identification 860–861
    • intangible assets 870
    • measurement 861–866
    • recognition 861–866
    • scope of IAS 41 858–859
    • small and medium-sized entities 12
    • US GAAP comparisons 871
  • AICPA see American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  • allocation, transaction price 496–499
  • alternate uses of assets in business combinations 342
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) 2
  • amortisation
    • changes in method 128–129
    • contract costs 506
    • definition 197, 240
    • intangibles 213–215
    • interim financial reports 922
    • leasehold improvements 170–171
    • revenue-based 209
    • see also depreciation
  • amortised cost of financial assets/liabilities 605, 617–618, 622, 634–636
  • anticipated price changes, interim financial reports 921–922
  • antidilution 798, 803, 804–805, 810
  • application, changes in accounting policies 123–125
  • apportioning, investment property 227–228
  • arm's length transaction price assertions, related parties 844
  • arrears, cumulative preference dividends 370
  • artistic-related intangible assets, business combinations 344
  • ASAF see Accounting Standards Advisory Forum
  • ASN see advanced shipping notices
  • asset ceiling, definition 458
  • assets
    • with acquiree as lessee 342
    • agricultural land 870
    • biological 862–870
    • borrowing costs 187–195
    • business combinations 324–327
    • classification 69–72
    • contingent 425, 446–449
    • corporate 197
    • current 70–71
    • current cost 29–30, 32
    • decommissioning costs 161–163
    • deferred tax 768–769, 785–786
    • definitions 21–22, 65, 197
    • depreciation 164–170
    • discontinued operations 239, 257
    • disposals 176–178
    • exchanges 163, 180–182
    • exploration and evaluation 873–880
    • fair value 28–29, 32, 733, 739–741
    • financial 613–626
    • government grants 528–529
    • grants related to 525, 528–529
    • held by third parties, fair value 742–743
    • held-for-sale 89, 239, 252–257, 329
    • historical cost 27–28, 31
    • idling 342
    • impairment 239–252
      • accounting methods 245–246
      • cash-generating units 243
      • collateral impacts 652–653, 703, 719–721
      • contract assets 506–507
      • corporate assets 244–245
      • credit risk 639–648
      • credit-impaired financial assets 649
      • disclosures 249–252
      • discount rates 244
      • fair value less costs to sell 242
      • financial instruments 639–653, 680–681
      • future developments 252
      • goodwill 12–13, 355–356
      • government grants 532–533
      • identification 241–242
      • insurance and other 249
      • interim financial reports 926
      • principal requirements 241
      • recoverable amounts 242
      • reinsurance contracts 888
      • reversals 246–248
      • scope of IAS 36 240–241
      • US GAAP comparisons 260
      • value in use 242–243
  • associates 291–292
    • definition 262
    • disclosure requirements 310
    • equity method 292–305
    • first-time adoption 957
    • increasing stakes 302
    • investments and income taxes 786–787
    • small and medium-sized entities 12
    • staged acquisitions 302
    • US GAAP comparisons 311–312
  • authorisation dates 424, 450–451
  • availability of cost measurement 877
  • bargain purchases
    • business combinations 333–337, 351–354, 356–357
    • definition 315
    • goodwill 351–354
  • below market rate government loans, first-time adoption 956
  • benchmark reforms, interest rates 679
  • best estimates 433
  • bill-and-hold arrangements 519
  • binomial model, share options pricing 418–422
  • biological assets
    • active markets 864
    • definition 860
    • fair value 862–864
    • identification 861
    • recognition and measurement 864
  • biological transformation
    • definition 860
    • fair value 862
  • Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model 416–418
  • bonus payments 441
  • book value, definitions 188
  • borrowing costs 187–194
    • capitalisation 188–193
    • definitions 187–188
    • disclosures 193
    • in excess of recoverable amounts 192–193
    • first-time adoption 959
    • general 190
    • property, plant and equipment 161
    • qualifying assets 188
    • specific 189–190
    • suspension of capitalisation 192
    • US GAAP comparisons 193–194
  • business combinations 313–364
    • acquisition dates 321–323, 326
    • acquisition method 321–341
    • acquisition-related costs 339
    • assets and liabilities 324–327
    • bargain purchases 333–337, 356–357
    • boundaries of exchange 324–326, 346–348
    • consideration transferred 332–333
    • contingent consideration 333, 340–341, 349
    • contingent liabilities 327, 340
    • contingent payments 348–350
    • definition 315
    • disclosure requirements 341–362
    • employee benefits 328, 473
    • exceptions 327–329
    • exit activities 324
    • fair value 318, 330–331
    • first-time adoption 951–954
    • footnote disclosures 359–361
    • future developments 363
    • goodwill 333–336, 342, 351–354, 355–356
    • identifiable net assets 331
    • identification of acquirer 321–323
    • idling or alternate use of assets 342
    • income taxes 327–328, 354–355, 783–785
    • indemnification assets 328, 341
    • insurance contracts 326
    • intangible assets 342–345
    • lease contracts 326
    • lessee acquirers 341–342
    • measurement 324–360
    • measurement period 337–341
    • non-controlling interests 329–331
    • objectives of IFRS 3 318
    • pension plans 473
    • post-combination accounting and measurement 340–341
    • qualifying as a business 319–320
    • qualifying transactions 319
    • reacquired rights 328–329
    • recognition 321–328, 341–360
    • replacement awards 350
    • restructuring 324
    • scope of IFRS 3 318
    • share-based payment 329
    • step acquisitions 358–359
    • structuring techniques 321
    • US GAAP comparisons 363–364
    • valuation allowances 341
  • business models
    • changes in 621–622
    • financial assets 614–615, 621–622, 681
  • business purpose, investment entities 278
  • business unit acquisitions and disposals 109
  • by-products 140, 149–150
  • calculation, deferred tax 763–775
  • call options 517–518
  • cancellations, equity-settled share-based payments 401, 404
  • capability, business combinations 319–320
  • capital, concepts 36
  • capital leases see finance leases
  • capital maintenance, concepts 35–36
  • Capital Markets Advisory Committee (CMAC) 5
  • capitalisation
    • borrowing costs 188–193
    • contract assets 505–507
    • intangible assets 201–207, 208–209
    • mode 750
    • suspension 192–193
  • cash, definitions 71, 100, 605
  • cash alternatives, share-based payment 408–409
  • cash dividends 382–384
  • cash equivalents
    • components of 101–102
    • definitions 71, 100, 605
    • government grants 529–530
    • statement of cash flows 109
  • cash flows
    • amortised cost assets 617–618, 622, 634–636
    • classification 102–104
    • components of 101–102
    • consolidated statement of 114–115
    • definitions 100
    • direct method 105–106
    • fair value through other comprehensive income 616–617, 622
    • fair value through profit or loss 615–616, 622
    • financial asset classifications 615–620, 622
    • foreign currencies 108
    • gross vs. net basis 108
    • hedge accounting 663–664, 673–674
    • indirect method 106–108
    • measurement 33–34, 104–109
    • modification of contractual 636
    • net reporting 109
    • per share 108
    • scope of IAS 7 100
    • statement of 99–116
    • see also statement of cash flows
  • cash shortfall 605
  • cash-generating units
    • business combinations 355
    • definition 197, 240, 252
    • exploration and evaluation assets 875–876
    • impairment of assets 243
  • cash-settled share-based payments 390, 405–408
  • cedants
    • asset impairment testing 888
    • definition 883
  • certification marks 342–343
  • changes
    • in accounting estimates 117–121, 130–131
    • in accounting policies 119, 123–129, 912
      • application 123–125
      • IFRS 17 899–907
      • indirect effects 125
      • retrospective application 124–125
      • US GAAP comparison 136–137
    • in amortisation method 128–129
    • in business models, financial assets 621–622
    • in contractual cash flows 636
    • in credit risk 629
    • in decommissioning costs 163
    • in functional currency 589
    • income taxes 776–782
    • in investment entity status 281
    • in non-controlling interest proportions 271
    • in non-current assets held-for-sale 256
    • in ownership interest 275–276, 300–303
    • in provisions 434
    • in shareholders' equity 370
    • to cash-settled share-based payments 407–408
    • to equity-settled share-based payments 401–405
    • to financial asset contractual terms 618–620, 649
    • to leases 560
    • in transaction price 496
    • see also modifications
  • characteristics
    • of current liabilities 426–427
    • of intangible assets 199
  • chief operating decision maker (CODM) 816, 820
  • CIF see cost, insurance and freight
  • classification
    • assets 69–72
    • cash flows 102–104
    • compound instruments 687–691
    • conceptual framework 34–35
    • current liabilities 426
    • expenses 87–91
    • exploration and evaluation assets 876–877
    • financial assets 11–12, 613–620, 681–683, 696–700
    • financial liabilities 626–627, 681–683, 696–700
    • government grants 524–525, 526–527
    • held-for-sale assets 253–254
    • joint arrangements 285–287
    • leases 540–546
    • liabilities 72–74, 426
    • presentation and disclosure 34–35
    • severe hyperinflation 930–931
    • shareholders' equity 74–76, 368–369, 373–375
    • see also reclassification adjustments
  • commencement date of lease, definition 538
  • commercial substance rules, intangible asset exchanges 202
  • commodity broker-traders, definition 140
  • common costs, definition 816
  • communication, presentation and disclosure as tools 34
  • comparability
    • accounting policies 118–119
    • concept 19
    • consolidated financial statements 272
    • financial statements 49–51
    • first-time adoption 960
    • hyperinflationary economies 934
    • interim financial reports 916–917
    • measurement 31
    • profit or loss statements 86
    • related party disclosures 846
  • compensated absences
    • interim financial reports 919
    • measurement 479
    • provisions 441–442
  • compensation
    • definition 836
    • related party disclosures 845
  • complex capital structures, earnings per share 803–804
  • components
    • of an entity 81, 252
    • cash and cash equivalents 101–102
    • nominal amounts 663, 677–678
  • compound equity instrument issuance 380–381
  • compound instruments 375–376, 686–691
    • classification 687–691
    • convertible debt 686–691
    • definition 605
    • disclosures 703
    • first-time adoption 957–958
    • income taxes 787–789
    • issuance 380–381
    • share warrants 691
  • computer software
    • business combinations 344
    • development 205–207
  • conceptual framework 15–40
    • aggregation 35
    • capital and capital maintenance 35–36
    • classification 34–35
    • comparability 19
    • derecognition 26–27
    • disclosure 34–36
    • faithful representation 18–19
    • financial statements 19–36
    • hierarchy of standards 36–37
    • measurement 27–34
    • objectives 16–17
    • Practice Statement 1–Management Commentary 37–39
    • presentation 34–36
    • qualitative characteristics 18–19
    • recognition 24–26
    • relevance 18
    • reporting entities 19–20
    • status and purpose 16
    • structure 15–16
    • timeliness 19
    • understandability 19
    • US GAAP comparisons 39–40
    • verifiability 19
  • consideration
    • constraining estimates 493–494
    • contracts 492–496
    • payable to customer 496
    • transfers 316, 332–333
  • consignment sales 140, 144–146, 519
  • consistency
    • accounting policies 118–119, 304–305
    • equity method 304–305
    • financial statements 51
    • interim financial reporting 911–912
    • see also comparability
  • consolidated financial statements 264–284
    • comparability 272
    • control issues 265–269
    • definition 262
    • disclosures 282–284
    • disposals 274–276
    • foreign operations 580
    • hyperinflationary economies 934
    • income tax temporary differences 785
    • indirect interest 273–274
    • intercompany transactions and balances 270
    • interim reporting 912
    • investment entities 276–284
    • measurement 272
    • non-controlling interests 270–271
    • ownership interest 272–273, 275–276
    • procedures 270–276
    • reporting dates 272
    • subsidiary identification 264–265
  • consolidated statement of cash flows 114–115
  • constant-growth dividend discount model 750
  • constraining estimates, variable consideration 493–494
  • construction contracts, business combinations 344
  • constructive obligations 424–425, 453
  • contingency, definition 316
  • contingent assets 425, 446–449
    • disclosure requirements 447–449
  • contingent consideration
  • contingent issuances, ordinary shares 798, 808–809
  • contingent leases, interim financial reports 918
  • contingent liabilities 73, 425, 444–446
    • business combinations 327, 340
    • disclosure requirements 447–449
    • likelihood 445
    • litigation 445–446
    • remote losses 445
  • contingent obligations 73, 327
  • contingent payments 348–350
  • contingent settlement provisions 691–692
  • contingent share agreements 798, 808–809
  • continuing involvement in transferred financial assets 625–626
  • contract assets
    • amortisation 506
    • costs 505–507
    • definitions 484, 605
    • impairment 506–507
    • loss allowances 649–650
    • presentation 507
  • contract costs 505–507
  • contract liability 484
  • contract service margins 901
  • contract-based intangible assets 344
  • contracts
    • bill-and-hold arrangements 519
    • combination 487–488
    • consideration payable to customer 496
    • consignment sales 519
    • costs to fulfil 506
    • customer options for additional goods or services 514
    • customers' unexercised rights 515
    • definition 484
    • discounts 497–499
    • embedded derivatives 632–634
    • forward or call options 517–518
    • identification 486–490
    • incremental costs 505
    • lease identification 540–543
    • licensing agreements 515–517
    • modifications 488–490
    • non-cash consideration 495
    • non-refundable upfront fees 515
    • performance obligations 490–492, 499–505
    • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
    • put options 518
    • repurchase agreements 517
    • revenues from 483–522
      • contract costs 505–507
      • definitions 484–485
      • future developments 521
      • model 485–505
      • presentation 507
      • recognition 499–505
      • specific transactions 512–519
      • US GAAP comparisons 521–522
    • sales with a right of return 512
    • service concession arrangements 519–520
    • services or assets obtained for no consideration 520–521
    • settled in shares or for cash 809
    • significant financing components 494–495
    • time value of money 494–495
    • to buy or sell a non-financial item 613
    • transaction prices 492–499
    • variable consideration 492–494, 499
    • warranties 512–513
  • contractual obligations, substance of 24
  • contractual rights, substance of 24
  • contribution reductions, defined benefit plans 469–470
  • control
    • of an investee 262
    • definition 264, 605
    • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
    • of subsidiaries 265–269
    • of use of intangible assets 200–201
  • convergence, Norwalk Agreement 2
  • conversion costs 148
  • convertible debt instruments 686–691
  • convertible equity instruments 380–381, 806–808
  • copyrights 215, 344
  • corporate assets
  • cost approach 731, 750
  • cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 143
  • cost model
  • coterminous year-end dates, equity method 305
  • credit adjusted effective interest rate 605
  • credit loss, definition 606
  • credit risk
    • changes in 629, 642–648
    • definition 606
    • disclosures 715–722
    • expected losses 651–652, 716–718
    • exposure disclosures 718
    • hedge effectiveness 667–668
    • impairments 639–648
    • own 628–629
    • significant increases 642–648
  • credit-impaired financial assets 605, 649
  • cumulative preferred shares
    • dividend arrears 370
    • equity method 305
  • cumulative translation differences, first-time adoption 956
  • current assets
    • classification 70–71
    • definition 252
  • current cost 29–30, 32
    • hyperinflationary economies 933–934
    • post-employment benefit plans 464–467
  • current liabilities 423–449
    • amount estimated, payee known 431–443
    • amount estimated, payee unknown 443–444
    • amount and payee known 427–431
    • bonus payments 441
    • classification 72–73, 426
    • compensated absences 441–442
    • contingencies 444–449
    • decommissioning costs 434, 440–442
    • definitions 424–426
    • disclosures 437–438
    • estimations 431–437
    • financial guarantee contracts 446
    • levies 442–443
    • long-term debt 430–431
    • nature of 427
    • obligations 429–432
    • offsetting 427
    • onerous contracts 424, 426, 434–435, 440
    • premiums 443
    • product warranties 443–444
    • provisions 431–444
    • recognition 426–437
    • refinancing 429–430
    • US GAAP comparison 454–455
  • current service cost, definition 458
  • current tax, recognition and measurement 762
  • current use, vs. highest and best use 740–741
  • customer acceptance, performance obligations 504–505
  • customer assets, transfers of 181–182
  • customer contracts and relationships, business combinations 343
  • customer lists 214, 343
  • customer-related intangible assets, business combinations 343
  • customers
    • bill-and-hold arrangements 519
    • consignment sales 519
    • definition 484
    • licensing 515–517
    • non-refundable upfront fees 515
    • options for additional goods or services 514
    • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
    • repurchase agreements 517
    • revenues from contracts with 483–522
      • contract cost 505–507
      • definitions 484–485
      • future developments 521
      • model 485–505
      • presentation 507
      • recognition 499–505
      • specific transactions 512–519
      • US GAAP comparisons 521–522
    • sales with a right of return 512
    • service concession arrangements 519–520
    • services or assets obtained for no consideration 520–521
    • unexercised rights 515
    • warranties 512–513
  • cyclical revenues 919
  • DaimlerChrysler 963–970
  • databases, business combinations 344
  • dealer markets 735
  • debt instruments
    • convertible 686–691
    • share warrants 691
  • decision maker, definition 262
  • decommissioning costs
    • first-time adoption 958
    • property, plant and equipment 161–163
    • provisions 434, 440–442
  • deemed cost, first-time adoption 954–956
  • defaults, disclosures 704
  • deferred taxes
    • asset/liability measurement 768–769, 785–786
    • business combinations 354–355
    • calculation 763–775
    • exemptions 766–767
    • initial recognition 767
    • measurement 762–763
    • recognition 762
    • recognition limitations 770–775
    • revaluation effects 176–177
    • revised expectations 775
    • small and medium-sized entities 13
    • tax credits 768
    • tax law changes 777–778
    • tax-planning opportunities 773–774
    • unused losses 768
  • deficit, definition 458
  • defined benefit plans
    • accounting and reporting 852–854
    • contribution reductions 470–471
    • definition 458
    • disclosure requirements 474–478, 854–855
    • employer's liability and assets 468
    • funding liabilities 471
    • future developments 480
    • measurement 464–467
    • minimum funding requirements 468–471
    • present value of obligations 460
    • refunds 469–470
  • defined contribution plans
    • accounting and reporting 851
    • definition 459
    • disclosure requirements 474–476, 854–855
    • periodic measurement 463–464
  • demand features, financial liabilities with 744
  • denominators, earnings per share 800–803
  • deposit component, definition 883
  • deposits, returnable 428
  • depreciable amounts 159, 168–169, 197, 240
  • depreciable assets, government grants 528
  • depreciation
    • accelerated methods 166–167
    • accumulated 175–176
    • changes in method 128–129
    • definition 240
    • interim financial reports 922
    • leasehold improvements 170–171
    • partial-year 168
    • property, plant and equipment 165–171
    • residual value 169
    • straight-line 166
    • sum-of-the years digits 167
    • tax methods 170
    • units of production method 168–169
    • useful life 169–170
    • see also amortisation
  • derecognition
    • conceptual framework 26–27
    • definition 606
    • financial assets 623–625
    • financial liabilities 629–632
    • first-time adoption 944, 948, 950
    • insurance contracts 906
    • intangible assets 218
    • property, plant and equipment 177–178
    • small and medium-sized entities 12
  • derivatives 653–659
    • definition 606
    • embedded 632–634
    • identification 655–657
    • not based on financial instruments 658–659
    • transactions 654–659
  • designation, hedge accounting 660–662, 664–665
  • development
    • definition 197
    • intangibles 203–209, 212–213
    • websites 218–219
  • dilution
    • definition 798
    • earnings per share 805–810
    • losses 302–303
    • sequencing 810
  • diminishing balance depreciation 166
  • direct costing 140, 150
  • direct financing leases 545–546, 556–559
  • direct insurance contract, definition 884
  • direct method 100, 105–106, 107
  • Disclosure Initiative (Amendments to IAS 1) 42
  • disclosure requirements
    • accounting policies 705–707
    • accounting policy changes 123–129
    • aggregation 35
    • agriculture 866–870
    • associates 310
    • borrowing costs 193
    • business combinations 341–362
    • classification 34–35
    • conceptual framework 34–36
    • consolidated financial statements 282–284
    • contingencies 447–449
    • credit risk 715–722
    • current liabilities 437–438
    • defined benefit plans 474–478
    • defined contribution plans 474–476
    • discontinued operations 257–259
    • earnings per share 811–812
    • error corrections 135–136
    • events occurring after reporting period 453
    • extractive industries 878–880
    • fair value 752–756
    • financial instruments 694–727
    • financial statements 51–54
    • first-time adoption 960–963
    • foreign currency 592–593, 597
    • government grants 531
    • hedge accounting 707–710
    • impairment of assets 249–252
    • income taxes 777, 789–794
    • insurance contracts 891–899, 907
    • intangible assets 219–223
    • interest in other entities 309–310
    • inventories 154–155
    • investment entities 310
    • investment property 234–238
    • joint arrangements 310
    • leases 560–564
    • liquidity risk 721–722
    • market risk 722–725
    • non-current assets held-for-sale 256
    • objectives 34
    • operating segments 820–832
    • other comprehensive income 93–95
    • overlay approach 897–898
    • Practice Statement 1–Management Commentary 37–39
    • profit or loss statements 85–93
    • property, plant and equipment 179–182
    • provisions 437–438
    • related parties 841–847
    • separate financial statements 307
    • share capital 75–76
    • share-based payment 411–413
    • shareholders' equity 368–373, 386–388
    • small and medium-sized entities 13
    • statement of cash flows 102–107
    • statement of changes in equity 96
    • subsidiaries 309
    • uncertainty income tax treatments 777
    • unconsolidated structured entities 310
  • discontinuation
    • equity method 300–302
    • hedge accounting 671–672
  • discontinued operations 81, 88, 91, 239, 252, 257–259
  • discount rates
    • decommissioning costs 440–442
    • impairment of assets 244
  • discounted cash flow method 750
  • discounting, estimates 433–434
  • discounts, transaction pricing 497–499
  • discretionary participation features 884, 891, 905
  • disposal groups
    • definition 252
    • held for sale 253–256
  • disposals
    • foreign operations 588–589
    • investment property 234
    • provisions 434
    • statement of cash flows 109
    • subsidiaries 274–276
  • distribution to owners, non-current assets 253, 256
  • dividend discount model 750
  • dividends
    • after reporting period 453
    • cash 382–384
    • definition 606
    • income taxes 782–783
    • liquidating 384
    • payable 428
    • reporting 692–693
    • shareholders' equity 370
    • taxation impacts 384
  • domain names, business combinations 343
  • donated capital, shareholders' equity 380
  • double-declining balance depreciation 166–167
  • DPOC see Due Process Oversight Committee
  • dry docking costs 438
  • Due Process Oversight Committee (DPOC) 4–5
  • earnings per share 797–814
    • antidilution 803, 804–805, 810
    • complex capital structure 803–804
    • contingent issuances of ordinary shares 808–809
    • contracts settled in shares or for cash 809
    • convertible instruments 806–808
    • denominators 800–803
    • dilution 805–810
    • disclosure requirements 811–812
    • numerators 799–800
    • options and warrants 805–806
    • presentation 811–812
    • put options 810
    • scope of IAS 33 797–798
    • sequencing of dilution 810
    • simple capital structure 799–803
    • US GAAP comparisons 812–814
  • economic benefit available as a refund 469–470
  • economic life, definition 538
  • EDI see electronic data interchange
  • effective date of modification 538
  • effective interest method 606
  • effective interest rates 634–636
  • effectiveness of hedges 665–668
  • electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions 144
  • elements
    • financial statements 20–24
    • management commentary 38–39
    • statement of financial position 65–66
  • embedded derivatives 12, 606, 632–634
    • insurance contracts 891
  • employee benefits 457–482
    • accounting objectives 461
    • accrued obligations interest 466
    • actuarial gains and losses 458, 466, 467
    • background 460–461
    • business combinations 328, 473
    • compensated absences 479
    • current service cost 464–467
    • defined benefit plans 458, 460, 464, 468–471, 474–478
    • defined contribution plans 459, 463–464, 474–476
    • definitions 458–460
    • disclosure requirements 474–478
    • employee contributions 474
    • employer's liability and assets 468
    • expected return on assets 466–467
    • future developments 480
    • minimum funding requirements 468–471
    • multi-employer plans 459, 471–474
    • multiple plans 471–472
    • other long-term 480
    • other post-retirement 479–480
    • other short-term 479
    • past service costs 467
    • principles of IAS 19 462–463
    • recognition 463
    • terminations 480
    • transition adjustments 468
    • US GAAP comparisons 481
  • employees
    • contingent payments 348–350
    • definition 391
    • post-employment benefit plan contributions 474
    • share options
      • binomial model 418–422
      • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
      • cash-settled 404–407
      • equity-settled 397
      • with graded vesting and service conditions 404–405
      • valuation 413–422
  • employees and others providing similar services, definition 391
  • employer's liability and assets, defined benefit plans 468
  • employment contracts, business combinations 344
  • entity-wide disclosure requirements 826–827
  • entry price, definition 731
  • environmental damage, unlawful 439–440
  • equipment, see also property, plant and equipment
  • equity
  • equity instruments
    • definition 367, 391, 606
    • granted 391
    • measurement 620–621
    • restrictions on sales 740
    • settlement in entity's own 685
  • equity interests, definition 316
  • equity method 292–305
    • acquisitions 294–297
    • consistency 304–305
    • cumulative preferred shares 305
    • definition 262
    • dilution losses 302–303
    • discontinuation 300–302
    • impairment of value 303–304
    • increasing stakes 302
    • intercompany transactions 297–300
    • long-term interests 305
    • non-monetary assets 300
    • ownership interest 300–303
    • principles 293–294
    • reporting dates 304
    • scope 292–293
    • separate financial statements 304
    • staged acquisitions 302
  • equity price risk disclosures 725
  • equity-settled share-based payments 391, 397–405
    • cancellations 401, 404
    • employees 397
    • goods and services 397
    • market conditions 398–400
    • measurement 400–401
    • modifications 401–405
    • non-market conditions 398–400
    • service conditions 397–398
    • settlements 403–404
    • vesting conditions 397–398
  • errors
    • correction of 117–121, 131–136
    • impracticability exception 135–136
  • estimates
    • changes in 117–121, 130–131
    • current liabilities 431–437
    • first-time adoption 950
    • interim financial reports 925–926
    • variable consideration 493–494, 499
  • events occurring after reporting period 425, 449–454
  • exceptions, business combinations 327–329
  • exchange differences
    • definition 568
    • financial assets/liabilities 637–639
    • intragroup balances 588
  • exchange transactions
    • assets 164, 180–182
    • business combinations 324–326
    • intangible assets 202–203
  • executory contracts, definition 23–24
  • exemptions
    • deferred income taxes 766–767
    • first-time adoption 949–959
    • IFRS 9 and insurance contracts 892–896, 899
  • exit activities, business combinations 324
  • exit prices 731
  • exit strategies, investment entities 278–279
  • expected cash flow, definition 731
  • expected credit losses 606, 651–652, 716–718
  • expected usage, compensated absences 479
  • expected value 432–433
  • expenses
    • classification 87–91
    • conversion costs 148
    • definitions 21, 24, 80
    • extractive industries 874, 880–881
    • internally generated intangibles 203–207
    • operating segments 817
    • property, plant and equipment 163–164
    • recognition and measurement 83–84
    • see also liabilities
  • explanations of first-time adoption 960
  • exploration and evaluation assets 873–880
    • cash-generating units 875–876
    • classification 876–877
    • disclosure requirements 877–880
    • expenditures 874, 880–881
    • measurement and recognition 877
  • exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources 874–876
  • exposure, variable returns 268
  • extractive industries 873–881
    • background 874
    • categorisation of assets 876–877
    • definitions 873–874
    • disclosure requirements 878–880
    • exploration and evaluation 874–876
    • future developments 880
    • measurement and recognition 877
    • stripping costs, surface mining 878–880
    • US GAAP comparisons 880–881
  • extraordinary items 109
  • fair presentation 45–51
  • fair value 28–29, 32, 729–757
    • agriculture 862–864
    • assets held by third parties 742–743
    • assets not held by third parties 743
    • business combinations 318, 330–331
    • cash-settled share-based payments 405
    • definition 159, 197, 226, 240, 252, 606
    • definitions 316, 459, 538, 731–732, 860
    • disclosure requirements 752–756
    • equity-settled share-based payments 400–405
    • financial instruments 611–613, 615–621, 627–629, 636–639, 710–714
    • future developments 756–757
    • hedges 672–673
    • hierarchy 401, 745–748
    • identification 733–734
    • income approach 750–751
    • initial recognition 751–752
    • inputs 734, 745–748
    • investment earnings 280
    • investment property 229–231, 232–233, 235–236
    • liabilities with a demand feature 744
    • liability risk assumptions 733, 741–742
    • market approach 748–750
    • market participants 733, 736
    • measurement 732–752
    • most advantageous market 733, 734–736
    • net exposures 744–745
    • non-controlling interests in combinations 330–331
    • non-performance risks 741–742, 744
    • not orderly transactions 737–739
    • principles and methodologies 732–752
    • property, plant and equipment 172–173
    • restricted transfers 740, 744
    • scope of IFRS 13 730
    • share options 414–421
    • shareholders' equity 744
    • small and medium-sized entities 12–13
    • transaction costs 752
    • transport costs 752
    • unit of account 734
    • US GAAP comparisons 757
    • valuation premise 733, 739–741
    • valuation techniques 734, 748–751
  • financial aid, subject to conditions 529
  • financial asset model, government grants 534
  • financial assets 613–626
    • amortised cost 617–618, 622, 634–636
    • business model 614–615, 621–622, 681
    • cash flow characteristics 615–620
    • changes to contractual terms 618–620, 649
    • classifications 11–12, 613–620, 681–683, 696–700
    • continuing involvement post-transfer 625–626
    • definitions 366, 606–607
    • derecognition 623–625
    • distinguishing 683–684
    • equity instruments 620–621
    • exchange differences 637–639
    • fair value through other comprehensive income 616–617, 622, 634, 636–639
    • fair value through profit or loss 615–616, 622, 627–629, 636–639
    • first-time adoption 958
    • floating rate 635
    • forward-looking information 648–649
    • initial measurement 611–613
    • offsetting 693–694, 700–702
    • overlay approach 896–899
    • reclassification 621–622, 681–683, 700
    • regular-way purchase or sale 613–614
    • subsequent measurement 620
    • transfers 623–625
    • write-off 636
    • write-offs 636
  • financial guarantee contracts 446, 607, 884
  • financial information, qualitative characteristics 18–19
  • financial institutions, net reporting 109
  • financial instruments 599–727
    • amortised cost 617–618, 622, 634–636
    • changes to contractual terms 618–620
    • classification 11–12, 613–620, 681–683, 696–700
    • collateral 652–653, 703, 719–721
    • compound 686–691, 703
    • contingent settlement provisions 691–692
    • contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item 613
    • convertible debt instruments 686–691
    • credit risk 628–629, 642–648, 667–668, 715–722
    • definitions 605–610
    • derecognition 623–625, 629–632
    • derivatives 632–634, 653–659
    • designation in hedges 664–665
    • disclosures 694–727
    • effective date of IFRS 9 679
    • embedded derivatives 632–634
    • equity instrument investments 620–621
    • expected credit losses 651–652, 716–718
    • fair value 611–613, 615–621, 627–629, 636–639, 710–714
    • first-time adoption 957–958
    • foreign currency 637–639
    • forward-looking information 648–649
    • future developments 727
    • hedge accounting 653–679
    • hedge effectiveness 665–668
    • hedge ratios 668–671
    • IFRS 9 overview 601–604
    • impairments 639–653, 680–681
    • initial measurement 611–613
    • initial recognition 610–621
    • liabilities 626–632
    • low credit risk 645
    • measurement 11–12, 611–694
    • offsetting 693–694, 700–702
    • presentation 683–694
    • reclassification 621–622, 700
    • recognition 11–12, 610–626
    • scope of IFRS 7/9 and IAS 32 602–604
    • significant increases in credit risk 642–648
    • subsequent measurement 620, 627–629
    • transaction costs 611
    • transfers 623–625
    • transition requirements 679–683
    • treasury shares 692
    • US GAAP comparisons 727
    • write-offs 636
  • Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity Discussion Paper 386
  • financial liabilities 626–632
    • classification 626–627, 681–683, 696–700
    • definition 368, 607
    • derecognition 629–632
    • distinguishing 683–684
    • exchange differences 637–639
    • first-time adoption 958
    • floating rate 635
    • offsetting 693–694, 700–702
    • reclassification 629
    • subsequent measurement 627–629
    • transition requirements 683
  • financial risk, definition 884
  • financial statements
    • accounting policies 53–54
    • accrual basis 46–47
    • aggregation 47–48
    • changes in standards 41–42
    • comparability 49–51
    • conceptual framework 19–36
    • consistency 51
    • consolidated 264–284
    • definitions 43–44
    • elements of 20–24
    • fair presentation 45–51
    • fairness exception 54
    • future developments 55
    • general features 45–51
    • going concerns 46
    • illustrative 55–60
    • income taxes 790–794
    • materiality 47–48
    • notes 52
    • objectives 44
    • offsetting 48–49
    • other disclosures required 54
    • presentation 41–61
    • purpose of 44–45
    • related parties 841–847
    • reportable segments 818–833
    • and reporting entities 19–20
    • reporting frequency 49
    • scope of IAS 1 42–43
    • statement of compliance 52–53
    • structure and content 51–54
    • translation 568, 570–572, 577–587
    • US GAAP comparison 61
  • financing activities
    • changes in liabilities 110
    • classification 103
    • definition 100
  • financing components, contracts 494–495
  • finished goods, definition 140
  • firm purchase commitments 253
  • first-in, first-out (FIFO) 123, 126–127, 140, 142, 151–152
  • first-time adoption 939–970
    • accounting policies selection 944–947
    • associates, joint ventures and subsidiaries 957
    • below market rate government loans 956
    • borrowing costs 959
    • business combinations 951–954
    • comparability 960
    • compound financial instruments 957–958
    • DaimlerChrysler example 963–970
    • decommissioning costs 958
    • deemed cost 954–956
    • derecognition 944, 948, 950
    • disclosure requirements 960–963
    • estimates 950
    • exceptions, mandatory 949–951
    • exemptions, optional 951–959
    • explanation of 960
    • financial assets/liabilities 958
    • financial instruments 957–958
    • hedge accounting 950–951
    • hyperinflationary economies 959
    • interim financial reporting 962
    • key dates 943–944
    • leases 956
    • measurement 948–949
    • non-controlling interests 951
    • objectives 941–943
    • presentation 960–963
    • reclassification adjustments 948–949
    • recognition 948
    • reconciliations 960–961
    • scope of IFRS 1 941–943
    • service concession arrangements 959
    • statement of financial position 947–949
    • steps in transition 944
    • translation differences 956
  • fixed payments, definition 538
  • floating rate financial assets/liabilities 635
  • FOB see free on board
  • footnote disclosures, business combinations 359–361
  • forecast transaction, definition 607
  • foreign currency 567–598
    • cash flows 108
    • definitions 568–569
    • disclosure requirements 592–593, 597
    • disposals of operations 588–589
    • exchange differences intragroup 588
    • financial assets/liabilities 637–639
    • functional currency 569, 570–572, 589
    • goodwill 587
    • hedging 593–597
    • historical cost accounting 574–575
    • interim financial reports 925
    • inventory 589–590
    • monetary items 569, 572
    • non-controlling interests 587
    • non-monetary items 569, 572, 574–576
    • reporting dates 588
    • revaluation accounting 575–576
    • risk disclosures 724–725
    • scope of IAS 21 569–572
    • special situations 587–592
    • taxation effects 580
    • transaction date 569, 573
    • transactions 572–576
    • translation 568, 570–572, 576–587
    • US GAAP comparison 598
  • foreign entity, definition 569
  • foreign operations
    • consolidation 580
    • definition 569
    • disposals 588–589
    • financial assets/liabilities 638–639
    • first-time adoption 956
    • inventory 589–590
    • net investment in 580, 593–594, 596–597, 674
    • reporting dates 588
  • forgivable loans, definition 525
  • form commitment, definition 607
  • forward contracts 109, 657, 676–677
  • forward options 517–518
  • forward-looking information 648–649
  • franchise rights 344
  • free alongside (FAS) 143–144
  • free on board (FOB) 142–144
  • fulfilment cash flows 901
  • fulfilment value approach 900–902, 904–905
  • fulfilment value (of liabilities) 29, 32
  • full costing 140, 150
  • function of expense method 87–88
  • functional currency 569, 570–572
    • changes in 589
    • from presentation currency 579
    • into presentation currency 577–579
  • fund managers 269
  • fundamental errors 131
  • future cash flows
    • hedging disclosures 708
    • measurement 30–31
  • future economic benefits
    • defined benefit plans 470–471
    • intangible assets 201
  • general borrowings 190
  • general corporate expenses 816
  • general-purpose financial statements 43
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) 1–2
    • US comparisons
      • agriculture 871
      • associates, joint arrangements and subsidiaries 311–312
      • borrowing costs 193–194
      • business combinations 363–364
      • changes in accounting policies, estimates and errors 136–137
      • conceptual framework 39–40
      • current liabilities 454–455
      • earnings per share 812–814
      • employee benefits 480–481
      • extractive industries 880–881
      • fair value 757
      • financial instruments 727
      • financial statements 61
      • foreign currency 598
      • government grants 535
      • income taxes 794–795
      • insurance contracts 907–908
      • intangible assets 223
      • interim financial reports 926–927
      • inventories 156
      • investment property 238
      • leases 564–566
      • operating segments 832–833
      • post-employment benefit plans 855–856
      • property, plant and equipment 185
      • related parties 847–848
      • revenue contracts 521–522
      • share-based payment 413
      • shareholders' equity 388
      • statement of cash flows 115–116
      • statement of financial position 76
      • statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 97
  • Global Preparers Forum (GPF) 5
  • going concerns
    • events occurring after reporting period 453
    • financial statements 46
  • goods
    • by-products 149–150
    • consignment sales 144–146
    • conversion costs 148
    • customer options for additional 514
    • direct costing 150
    • equity-settled share-based payments 397
    • joint products 149–150
    • ownership 142–147
    • right to return purchases 146–147
    • in transit 140, 142–144
    • see also inventories
  • goodwill
    • business combinations 333–336, 342, 351–354, 355–356
    • deferred income taxes 766–767
    • definition 197, 316–317
    • foreign currency 587
    • impairment 12–13, 355–356
    • internally generated 202
  • government, definition 525, 836
  • government assistance 524, 525, 533
  • government grants 523–535
    • agriculture 864–865
    • classification 526–527
    • definitions 525
    • depreciable assets 528
    • disclosure requirements 531
    • financial aid, subject to conditions 529
    • financial asset model 534
    • impairments 532–533
    • intangible asset model 534–535
    • intangible assets 203
    • non-depreciable assets 528–529
    • non-monetary 529–530
    • property, plant and equipment 160
    • qualification 524–525
    • recognition 526–530
    • repayment 531–532
    • scope of IAS 20 524–525
    • service concessions 533–535
    • specific costs 527–528
    • statement of cash flows 530–531
    • statement of financial position 530
    • US GAAP comparison 535
  • government loans, first-time adoption 956
  • government-related entities 836, 846
  • GPF see Global Preparers Forum
  • grant date 391
  • grants related to assets 525, 527, 528–529
  • gross carrying amount of a financial asset 607
  • gross investment, leases 538, 552, 556
  • gross up method, intangibles 212
  • gross vs. net, cash flows 108
  • groups
    • of biological assets 860
    • definition 263, 569
    • of insurance contracts 903
    • of items as hedges 677–679
    • share-based payment 409–410
  • guaranteed benefits 884
  • guaranteed elements 884
  • harvest, definition 860
  • hedge accounting 653–679
    • cash flows 663–664, 673–674
    • definition 608
    • derivatives 653–659
    • designation of instruments 660–662
    • designation of items 662–663
    • disclosure requirements 707–710
    • discontinuation 671–672
    • effectiveness 665–668
    • fair value 672–673
    • first-time adoption 950–951
    • foreign currency transactions 594–596
    • forward contracts 657, 676–677
    • groups of items 677–679
    • interest rate benchmark reform amendments 679
    • net investment in foreign operations 593–594, 674
    • nil net positions 679
    • nominal amounts 663, 677–678
    • objective 659–660
    • qualifying criteria 660
    • rebalancing 668–671
    • small and medium-sized entities 12
    • time value of options 674–676
    • total cash flow 663–664
    • transition requirements 683
  • hedge effectiveness 607, 665–668
  • hedge ratios 608, 668–671
  • hedged items 608
  • hedging instruments 608
  • held for trading 308
  • held-for-sale assets 89
    • business combinations 329
    • classification 253–254
    • disclosure requirements 257
    • measurement 254–255
    • non-current 239, 252–257
    • presentation 257
  • hierarchy of fair value 745–748
  • highest and best use
    • definition 731
    • vs. current use 740–741
  • highly probable, definition 253
  • historical cost 27–28, 31
    • hyperinflationary economies 931–933
    • impairment reversals 246–248
  • historical cost accounting, foreign currency 574–575
  • hybrid contracts, transition requirements 682
  • hyperinflationary economies 524, 929–937
    • cessation of 934
    • comparability 934
    • consolidated financial statements 934
    • current cost 933–934
    • first-time adoption 959
    • historical cost 931–933
    • identification 930–931
    • interim financial reports 926
    • monetary vs. non-monetary items 936–937
    • restatement approach 935
    • US GAAP comparisons 936
  • IAS 2 139–156
    • basic concepts 141–142
    • measurement 141–150
    • ownership 142–147
    • recognition 141–150
    • valuations 147–150
    • see also inventories
  • IAS 7 99–116
    • acquisitions and disposals 109
    • cash and cash equivalents 109
    • cash flow per share 108
    • classifications 102–104
    • extraordinary items 109
    • financial institution net reporting 109
    • financing activities liabilities 110
    • foreign currencies 108
    • future developments 115
    • futures, forward contracts, options and swaps 109
    • gross vs. net 108
    • other disclosures 109–110
    • other requirements 108–109
    • presentation 102–107
    • reporting basis 104–107
    • scope 100
    • US GAAP comparisons 115–116
    • see also statement of cash flows
  • IAS 8 117–137
    • accounting estimate changes 117–121, 130–131
    • accounting policy changes 119, 123–129
    • amortisation method changes 128–129
    • applying changes 123–125
    • consistency 118–119
    • disclosures 154–155
    • error corrections 117–121, 130–136
    • future changes 136
    • impracticability exceptions 126, 135–136
    • Improvements Project 118–119, 131
    • indirect effects 125
    • methods 150–155
    • retrospective application 124–125
    • US GAAP comparison 136–137, 156
    • see also accounting policies
  • IAS 10, adjusting events after the reporting period 424, 449–454
  • IAS 12 759–795
    • changes in circumstance 776–782
    • current tax 762
    • deferred tax 762–775
    • disclosure requirements 789–794
    • future developments 794
    • identification 761
    • presentation 789
    • scope of 760
    • specific transactions 782–789
    • temporary differences 773
    • US GAAP comparisons 794–795
  • IAS 19 457–482
    • accrued obligation interest 466
    • actuarial gains and losses 458, 466, 467
    • business combinations 473
    • current service cost 464–467
    • defined benefit plans 458, 460, 464, 468–471, 474–478
    • defined contribution plans 459, 463–464, 474–476
    • employee contributions 474
    • employer's liability and assets 468
    • expected return on plan assets 466–467
    • future developments 489
    • minimum funding requirements 468–471
    • multiple/multi-employer plans 459, 471–474
    • other employee benefits 462–463, 479–480
    • past service costs 467
    • pension plans 462
    • principles 462–463
    • third-party contributions 474
    • transition adjustments 468
    • US GAAP comparisons 481
    • see also employee benefits
  • IAS 20 523–535
    • disclosure requirements 531
    • impairments 532–533
    • presentation 530–531
    • property, plant and equipment 160
    • recognition 526–530
    • repayment 531–532
    • scope 524–525
    • US GAAP comparisons 535
    • see also government grants
  • IAS 21 567–598
    • disclosure requirements 592–593, 597
    • functional currency 570–572
    • monetary/non-monetary items 569, 572
    • scope of 569–572
    • special situations 587–592
    • transactions 572–576
    • translation 568, 570–572, 577–587
    • US GAAP comparison 598
    • see also foreign currency
  • IAS 24 835–848
    • disclosure requirements 841–847
    • identification 837–841
    • scope 839
    • significant influence 840–841
    • substance over form 839–840
    • US GAAP comparisons 847–848
    • see also related parties
  • IAS 27 305–307
  • IAS 28 292–305
    • acquisitions 294–297
    • changes in ownership interest 300–303
    • dilution losses 302–303
    • discontinuation 300–302
    • impairment of value 303–304
    • increasing stakes 302
    • non-monetary transactions 300
    • other requirements 304–305
    • principles 293–294
    • scope 292–293
    • significant influence changes 300
    • staged acquisitions 302
  • IAS 33 797–814
    • complex capital structure 803–804
    • dilution 804–810
    • presentation 810–812
    • simple capital structure 799–803
    • US GAAP comparisons 812–814
    • see also earnings per share
  • IAS 36 240–252, 257–260
    • cash-generating units 243
    • corporate assets 244–245
    • disclosures 249–252
    • discount rates 244
    • fair value less costs to sell 242
    • future developments 252
    • identification 241–242
    • insurance and other 249
    • principal requirements 241
    • property, plant and equipment 158
    • recoverable amounts 242
    • reversals 246–248
    • scope 240–241
    • US GAAP comparisons 260
    • value in use 242–243
  • IAS 37
    • business combinations 327
    • contingent assets 446–449
    • contingent liabilities 444–446, 447–449
    • decommissioning costs 161–163
    • onerous contracts 424, 435, 439–440
    • provisions 431–444
  • IAS 38 195–223
    • amortisation 213–215
    • control 200–201
    • costs not satisfying 207–210
    • derecognition 218
    • development costs 203–209, 212–213
    • disclosure requirements 219–223
    • exchange transactions 202–203
    • future economic benefits 201
    • government grants 203
    • identifiability 200
    • impairment losses 217
    • internally generated 203–207
    • measurement 201–219
    • recognition 199–201
    • residual value 216
    • revenue-based amortisation 209
    • scope of 196
    • subsequent costs 209–210
    • see also intangible assets
  • IAS 40 225–238
    • apportioning 227–228
    • cost model 229, 232, 236
    • disclosure requirements 234–238
    • disposals 234
    • fair value 229–231, 232–233, 235–236
    • interrelationship with IFRS 3 228
    • leases to subsidiary or parent 228
    • liabilities with linked returns 231
    • measurement 228–234
    • presentation 234
    • recognition 228–234
    • scope 226–227
    • subsequent expenditures 229–230
    • transfers 232–233
    • US GAAP comparisons 238
    • see also investment property
  • IAS 41 857–871
    • basic principles 861–862
    • disclosure requirements 866–870
    • identification 860–861
    • measurement 861–866
    • recognition 861–866
    • scope 858–859
    • US GAAP comparisons 871
    • see also agriculture
  • identification
    • acquirers 321–323
    • agriculture 860–861
    • associates 291–292
    • contracts 486–490
    • derivative transactions 655–657
    • fair value 733–734
    • impairment of assets 241–242
    • income taxes 761
    • insurance contracts 900
    • investment property 226–228
    • leases 540–543
    • operating segments 817–823
    • performance obligations 490–492
    • severe hyperinflation 930–931
    • subsidiaries 264–265
    • temporary differences, income taxes 764–766
  • IFRS 2 389–422
    • binomial model 418–422
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
    • with cash alternatives 408–409
    • cash-settled share-based payments 390, 404–407
    • employee share options 397, 404–407, 413–422
    • equity-settled share-based payments 391, 397–404
    • group entities 409–410
    • measurement 395–396
    • overview 393–395
    • recognition 395–396
    • US GAAP comparisons 413
    • vesting conditions 393, 396–398, 404–405, 406
    • see also share-based payment
  • IFRS 3 313–364
    • acquisition dates 321–323, 326
    • assets and liabilities 324–327
    • bargain purchases 333–337, 351–354, 356–357
    • boundaries of exchange 324–326, 346–348
    • disclosure requirements 341–362
    • exceptions 327–329
    • future developments 363
    • goodwill 333–336, 342, 351–354, 355–356
    • identification of acquirer 321–323
    • intangible assets 342–345
    • interrelationship with IAS 40 228
    • non-controlling interests 329–331
    • objectives 318
    • qualifying as a business 319–321
    • recognition 321–328, 341–360
    • scope 318
    • step acquisitions 358–359
    • US GAAP comparisons 363–364
    • see also business combinations
  • IFRS 4 883–908
    • accounting principles 888–890
    • disclosure requirements 891–899
    • discretionary participation features 891
    • embedded derivatives 891
    • future investment margins 889
    • insurance risk 885–886
    • liability adequacy 886–887
    • prudence 889
    • reinsurance asset impairment 888
    • shadow accounting 889–890
    • unbundling 890
    • US GAAP comparisons 907–908
    • see also insurance contracts
  • IFRS 5 252–259
    • changes 256
    • disclosure requirements 257–259
    • discontinued operations 88, 91, 239, 257–259
    • distribution to owners 253, 256
    • held-for-sale 89
    • measurement 254–255
    • non-current assets held for sale 239, 252–257
    • presentation 257
  • IFRS 6 873–881
    • assets subject to 876–877
    • cash-generating units 875–876
    • disclosure requirements 878–880
    • exploration and evaluation 874–876
    • future developments 880
    • measurement and recognition 877
    • US GAAP comparisons 880–881
    • see also extractive industries
  • IFRS 9 601–683
    • disclosures on initial application 725–727
    • effective date 679
    • financial assets 613–620
    • hedging 593–597
    • initial measurement 611–613
    • initial recognition 611–621
    • insurance contracts 892–896, 899
    • scope of 602–604
    • transition requirements 679–683
    • see also financial instruments
  • IFRS 10 264–284
    • consolidation procedures 270–276
    • control 265–269
    • disposals 274–276
    • future developments 310
    • indirect interest 273–274
    • intercompany transactions and balances 270
    • investment entities 276–284
    • measurement 272
    • non-controlling interests 270–271
    • ownership interest 272–273, 275–276
    • reporting dates 272
    • scope of 264
    • uniformity 272
    • US GAAP comparisons 311–312
    • see also consolidated financial statements
  • IFRS 11 284–291
    • accounting methods 287–291
    • assessment questions 287
    • scope 284
    • separate financial statements 291
  • IFRS 12 307–309
  • IFRS 13 729–757
    • disclosure requirements 752–756
    • principles and methodologies 732–752
    • scope of 730
    • US GAAP comparisons 757
    • see also fair value
  • IFRS 15 181–182, 483–522
    • contract costs 505–507
    • disclosure requirements 507–511
    • future developments 521
    • performance obligations met 499–505
    • presentation 507
    • revenue model 485–505
    • scope of 485
    • specific transactions 512–521
    • US GAAP comparison 521–522
    • see also revenue
  • IFRS 16 537–566
    • classifications 540–546
    • disclosure requirements 560–564
    • future developments 564
    • measurement 546–560
    • provisions 431
    • recognition 546–560
    • US GAAP comparisons 564–566
    • see also leases
  • IFRS 17 883, 899–907
    • derecognition 906
    • disclosures 907
    • discretionary participation features 905
    • fulfilment value approach 900–902, 904–905
    • identification 900
    • modification 905
    • premium allocation approach 902–903, 904–905
    • presentation 906
    • recognition 903–904
    • reinsurance contracts 904–905
    • scope 899–900
    • transitional application 907
    • unbundling 900
  • IFRS Foundation 3–4
  • impairment of assets 239–252
    • accounting methods 245–246
    • cash-generating units 243
    • collateral impacts 652–653, 703, 719–721
    • contract assets 506–507
    • corporate assets 244–245
    • credit risk 639–648
    • credit-impaired financial assets 649
    • disclosures 249–252
    • discount rates 244
    • fair value less costs to sell 242
    • financial instruments 639–653, 680–681
    • future developments 252
    • goodwill 12–13, 355–356
    • government grants 532–533
    • identification 241–242
    • insurance and other 249
    • interim financial reports 926
    • principal requirements 241
    • recoverable amounts 242
    • reinsurance contracts 888
    • reversals 246–248
    • scope of IAS 36 240–241
    • US GAAP comparisons 260
    • value in use 242–243
  • impairment losses
  • impracticability exceptions
    • accounting policy changes 126, 135–136
    • error corrections 135–136
    • financial instrument IFRS 9 adoption 680
  • impracticable, definitions 43, 119
  • Improvements Project, IAS 8 118–119, 131
  • inception date of leases 538
  • income
  • income approach 731, 750–751
  • income from a structured entity 263
  • income statements see profit or loss; statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
  • income tax expenses 89
  • income taxes 759–795
    • assets carried at fair value 785–786
    • business combinations 327–328, 354–355, 783–785
    • changed circumstances 776–782
    • compound financial instruments 787–789
    • consolidated financial statements 785
    • current 762
    • deferred 762–775
      • calculation 763–775
      • exemptions 766–767
      • initial recognition 767
      • measurement 762–763
      • recognition 762
      • recognition limitations 770–775
      • temporary differences 764–766
    • definitions 760–761
    • disclosure requirements 777, 789–794
    • dividends paid 782–783
    • expenses 89
    • future developments 794
    • identification 761
    • initial recognition 767
    • interim financial reports 919–921
    • interim period changes 780–781
    • investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures 786–787
    • presentation 789
    • profit or loss recognition 763
    • recognition limitations 770–775
    • revised expectations 775
    • scope of IAS 12 760
    • share-based payment transactions 789
    • specific transactions 782–789
    • tax credits 768
    • tax law changes 777–778
    • tax status changes 779–780
    • tax-planning opportunities 773–774
    • temporary differences 764–766, 773
    • uncertainties over treatments 776–777
    • unused losses 768
    • US GAAP comparisons 794–795
  • inconsistency, of measurement 31
  • increasing stakes, in associates 302
  • incremental borrowing rate of lessees 539, 547
  • incremental costs
  • incurred claims, liability for 886–887
  • indemnification assets 328, 341
  • indentifiable intangibles, definition 196
  • indicators, principal versus agent 514
  • indirect effects of accounting policy changes 125
  • indirect interest 273–274
  • indirect (reconciliation) method 100, 106–108
  • individual assessment, credit risk increases 645–647
  • initial direct costs, leases 539, 550, 553, 557
  • initial measurement 32–33
    • financial instruments 611–613
    • intangible assets 201–210
    • investment property 228–229
    • property, plant and equipment 160–163
    • self-constructed assets 163–164
  • initial recognition
    • deferred income taxes 767
    • fair value 751–752
    • financial instruments 610–621
  • initial revaluations 174
  • input methods, contract revenue 503–504
  • inputs
    • definition 731
    • fair value 734, 745–748
    • level 1 746–747
    • level 2 747
    • level 3 747–748
  • insurance assets 884
  • insurance contracts 883–908
    • accounting principles 888–890
    • business combinations 326
    • combinations 903
    • definitions 883–885
    • derecognition 906
    • disclosure requirements 891–899, 907
    • discretionary participation features 891, 905
    • embedded derivatives 891
    • fulfilment value approach 900–902, 904–905
    • future investment margins 889
    • groups 903
    • identification 900
    • IFRS 9 application 892–899
    • IFRS 9 exemption 892–895, 899
    • IFRS 17 883, 899–907
    • impairment recoveries 249
    • insurance risk 886
    • liability adequacy tests 884, 886–887
    • measurement 886–891, 900–904
    • modification 905
    • overlay approach 896–899
    • portfolios 903
    • premium allocation approach 902–903, 904–905
    • presentation 906
    • prudence 889
    • recognition 886–891, 903
    • reinsurance asset impairment 888
    • reinsurance contracts 888, 904–905
    • shadow accounting 889–890
    • transitional provisions 899, 907
    • unbundling 890, 900
    • US GAAP comparisons 907–908
  • insurance liability 884, 903–904
  • insurance risk 884, 886
  • insured events 884, 905
  • insurer, definition 884
  • intangible assets 195–223
    • agriculture 870
    • amortisation 213–215
    • business combinations 327, 342–345
    • capitalisation 201–207, 208–209
    • control of use 200–201
    • cost model 210
    • costs not satisfying IAS 38 207–210
    • customer lists 214
    • definitions 158, 197–198, 317
    • derecognition 218
    • development costs 203–209, 212–213
    • disclosure requirements 219–223
    • exchange transactions 202–203
    • future economic benefits 201
    • government grants 203, 534–535
    • identifiability 200
    • identifiable 196
    • impairment losses 217
    • initial measurement 201–210
    • interim financial reports 919
    • internally generated 203–207
    • measurement 201–219
    • nature of 199
    • qualifying 188
    • recognition 198–201, 205–210
    • research and development 345
    • residual value 216
    • revaluation 210–213
    • revenue-based amortisation 209
    • scope of IAS 38 197
    • subsequent costs 209–210
    • US GAAP differences 223
    • useful life 216
  • intellectual property, licensing 515–517
  • intercompany transactions and balances 270
    • equity method 297–300
  • interest in another entity 263
  • interest rate benchmark reforms 679
  • interest rate implicit in lease 539
  • interest rate swaps 655–656, 657
  • interim financial reporting 909–928
    • accounting policy application 911–913
    • amortization 922
    • anticipated price changes 921–922
    • comparability 916–917
    • consistency 911–912
    • consolidated 912
    • definitions 910
    • depreciation 922
    • estimates 925–926
    • first-time adoption 962
    • foreign currency 925
    • hyperinflationary economies 926
    • impairment of assets 926
    • income taxes 919–921
    • inventory 923–925
    • materiality 912–913
    • measurement 918–926
    • objectives 910–911
    • presentation 913–917
    • recognition 918–926
    • restatement of policies 912
    • scope of IAS 34 910
    • seasonal, cyclic and occasional 919
    • tax credits 920–921
    • unevenly incurred annual costs 919
    • US GAAP comparisons 926–927
    • volume rebates 921–922
  • interim periods, tax changes 780–781
  • internal property funds 231
  • internally generated assets, intangible 203–207
  • International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 1–5
    • IFRS Foundation 3–4
    • standards setting 4–5
  • intersegment sales, definition 816
  • intragroup balances, exchange differences 588
  • intrasegment sales, definition 816
  • intrinsic value, definition 391
  • inventories 139–156
    • accounting systems 147
    • basic concepts 141–142
    • by-products 149–150
    • changes in accounting policy 123, 127–128
    • consignment sales 144–146
    • conversion costs 148
    • definitions 139–141
    • direct costing 150
    • disclosures 154–155
    • fair value less costs to sell 154
    • first-in, first-out method 151–152
    • foreign operations 589–590
    • goods in transit 142–144
    • interim financial reports 923–925
    • joint products 149–150
    • losses, recovery of 154
    • measurement 141–150
    • methods 150–155
    • net realisable value 153–154
    • ownership 142–147
    • recognition 141–150
    • retail method 154
    • right to return purchases 146–147
    • specific identification 150–151
    • standard costs 154
    • standards 139–140
    • statement of financial position 70
    • tax vs. IFRS 150
    • transfers of investment property 233
    • US GAAP comparison 156
    • valuation 147–150
    • weighted-average costing 152–153
  • investing activities
    • classification 102
    • definition 100
  • investment entities 276–284
    • business purpose 278
    • changes in status 281
    • definition 263, 277
    • disclosure requirements 310
    • earnings 279–281
    • exit strategies 278–279
    • fair value 280
    • management strategies 277
    • measurement 280–281
    • multiple investments 280–281
    • separate financial statements 307–308
    • US GAAP comparisons 311–312
  • investment management strategies 277
  • investment property 225–238
    • apportioning 227–228
    • cost model 229, 231, 236
    • definitions 226
    • disclosure requirements 234–238
    • disposals 234
    • fair value 229–231, 232–233, 235–236
    • identification 226–228
    • initial measurement 228–229
    • inventory transfers 233
    • leased to subsidiary or parent 228
    • liabilities with returns linked to 231
    • measurement 228–234
    • presentation 234
    • recognition 228–234
    • subsequent expenditures 229–230
    • transfers 232–233
    • US GAAP comparisons 238
  • investors
    • exposure 268
    • multiple 281
    • power 265–269
    • unrelated 281
    • variable returns 268–269
    • voting rights 266–268
  • issuance
    • of compound equity instruments 380–381
    • contingent 798, 808–809
    • of shares 376–381, 798, 808–809
  • joint arrangements 284–291
    • accounting methods 287–291
    • acquisitions 288–291
    • assessment questions 287
    • classification 285–287
    • definition 263, 284–285
    • disclosure requirements 310
    • scope of IFRS 11 284
    • separate financial statements 291
    • US GAAP comparisons 311–312
  • joint control, definition 263
  • joint operations
    • accounting methods 287–291
    • acquisitions 288–291
    • classification 285–287
    • definition 263
  • joint operator 263
  • joint products 141, 149–150
  • joint venturer 263
  • joint ventures
    • accounting methods 291
    • classification 287
    • definition 263
    • equity method 292–305
    • first-time adoption 957
    • investments and income taxes 786–787
    • small and medium-sized entities 13
  • key dates, first-time adoption 943–944
  • key management personnel 836
  • last-in, first-out (LIFO) 141, 142
  • layers of groups of items, hedges 678–679
  • lease incentives, definition 539
  • lease payments, definition 539
  • leasehold improvements 170–171
  • leases 537–566
    • business combinations 326, 344
    • classification 540–546
      • lessees 540–544
      • lessors 544–546
    • contingent 918
    • direct financing 545–546, 556–559
    • disclosure requirements 560–564
    • finance 544–546, 552–559, 561–562
    • first-time adoption 956
    • future developments 564
    • identification 540–543
    • lessees
      • classification 540–544
      • disclosure requirements 560–561
      • initial measurement 546–549
      • subsequent measurement 549–550
    • lessors
      • classification 544–546
      • direct financing leases 545–546, 556–559
      • disclosure requirements 561–562
      • finance leases 544–546, 552–559, 561–562
      • measurement 550–560
      • operating leases 544–545, 550–552, 562
      • sales-type leases 545–546, 552–556
    • leveraged 546
    • loss allowances 650
    • measurement 546–560
      • lessees 546–550
      • lessors 550–560
    • modifications 539, 560
    • operating 544–545, 550–552, 562
    • payments 539
    • provisions 431, 434–435
    • recognition 546–560
    • sales-type 545–546, 552–556
    • term of 539, 543–544
    • to subsidiary or parent 228
    • US GAAP comparisons 564–566
  • legal obligations 425
  • lessee acquirers 341–342
  • lessees
    • definition 539
    • disclosure requirements 560–561
    • incremental borrowing rate 539, 547
    • initial measurement 546–549
    • lease classification 540–544
    • subsequent measurement 549–550
  • lessors
    • definition 539
    • direct financing leases 545–546, 556–559
    • disclosure requirements 561–562
    • finance leases 544–546, 552–559, 561–562
    • lease classification 544–546
    • measurement 550–560
    • operating leases 544–545, 550–552, 562
    • sales-type leases 545–546, 552–556
  • level 1 inputs 731, 746–747
  • level 2 inputs 731, 747
  • level 3 inputs 731, 747–748
  • leveraged leases 546
  • levies
    • current liabilities 442–443
    • definition 425
  • liabilities
    • accrued 428
    • agency 428
    • basis selection 30–33
    • business combinations 324–327
    • characteristics 30
    • classification 72–74
    • comparability 30
    • conceptual framework 27–34
    • current 423–437
      • amount estimated, payee known 431–443
      • amount estimated, payee unknown 443–444
      • amount and payee known 427–431
      • classification 426
      • contingencies 444–449
      • disclosures 437–438
      • estimations 431–437
      • long-term debt 430–431
      • nature of 427
      • obligations 428–431
      • offsetting 427
      • provisions 431–444
      • recognition 426–437
      • US GAAP comparison 454–455
    • current cost 32
    • decommissioning costs 161–163
    • deferred tax 768–769
    • defined benefit plans 471
    • definitions 22–23, 66
    • with a demand feature 744
    • enhancing qualitative characteristics 31
    • equity 33
    • fair value 28–29, 32
    • faithful representation 31
    • financial 626–632
    • financing activity changes 110
    • fulfilment value 29, 32
    • future cash flows 30–31
    • historical cost 27–28, 31
    • inconsistency 31
    • for incurred claims 903–904
    • initial 32–33
    • with inseparable third-party credit agreements 744
    • multiple bases 33
    • non-performance risk 741–742, 744
    • offsetting 74
    • relevance 29
    • for remaining coverage 903–904
    • restricted transfers 744
    • with returns linked to investment property 231
    • risk assumptions 733, 741–742
    • uncertainty 31
    • understandability 30–31
    • value in use 29, 32
    • verifiability 31
    • see also contingent liabilities
  • liability adequacy test 884, 886–887
  • licence agreements
    • business combinations 344
    • nature of promise 516–517
    • revenue recognition 515–516
    • royalties 517
  • lifetime expected credit loss 608
  • LIFO see last-in, first-out
  • likelihood, contingent liabilities 445
  • liquidating dividends 384
  • liquidity risk
    • definition 608
    • disclosures 721–722
  • litigation, contingent liabilities 445–446
  • long-term debt 430–431
  • long-term interests, equity method 305
  • loss allowances
    • definition 608
    • financial instruments 639–653, 703
  • losses
    • definition 84
    • dilution 302–303
    • equity method 304
    • financial instruments 692–693
    • recovery 154
    • share of exceeding interest 305
    • of significant influence 300
    • see also profit or loss
  • low credit risk instruments 645
  • maintenance costs 164–165
    • interim financial reports 918
  • major customers, operating segments 832
  • majority voting rights 266–267
  • management commentary, Practice Statement 1 37–39
  • management contracts, business combinations 344
  • mandatory exceptions, first-time adoption 949–951
  • manufacturing
    • by-products 149–150
    • conversion costs 148
    • joint products 149–150
  • mark-up, definition 141
  • markdown, definition 141
  • market approach 731, 748–750
  • market conditions 391, 398–400
  • market participants 317, 731, 733, 736
  • market risk 608, 722–725
  • market value 608
  • market-corroborated inputs 731
  • marketable equity instruments 608
  • marketing-related intangible assets, business combinations 343
  • material, definitions 43, 120
  • materiality
    • error correction 135
    • financial statements 47–48
    • interim financial statements 912–913
  • measurement
    • agriculture 861–866
    • assets 29–34
    • borrowing costs 188–193
    • business combinations 324–360
    • cash flow 33–34
    • cash flows 104–107
    • cash-settled share-based payments 405
    • compensated absences 479
    • consolidated financial statements 272
    • current liabilities 426–437
    • current tax 762
    • deferred tax 762–763
    • defined benefit plans 464, 468–471
    • defined contribution plans 463–464
    • equity-settled share-based payments 400–401
    • exceptions, business combinations 327–329
    • expected credit losses 651–652
    • expenses 83–84
    • exploration and evaluation assets 877
    • fair value 732–752
    • financial instruments 11–12, 611–694
    • first-time adoption 948–949
    • gains and losses 84
    • goodwill 333–336
    • hedge effectiveness 665–668
    • income 83
    • inconsistency 31
    • insurance contracts 886–891, 900–904
    • intangible assets 201–219
    • interim financial reports 918–926
    • inventories 141–150
    • investment entities 280–281
    • investment property 228–234
    • leases 546–560
    • non-controlling interests in combinations 329–331
    • non-current assets held-for-sale 254–256
    • other long-term employee benefits 480
    • other post-retirement benefits 479–480
    • performance obligation satisfaction 503–505
    • property, plant and equipment 159–176
    • qualitative characteristics 31
    • share options 414–421
    • share-based payment 395–396
    • shareholders' equity 368
    • small and medium-sized entities 11–13
    • see also valuation
  • measurement date, definition 392
  • measurement periods, business combinations 337–341
  • members' shares 385–386, 686
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 2
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • mineral resources
    • exploration and evaluation 874–876
    • extractive industries 873–881
    • stripping costs, surface mining 878–880
  • minimum comparative information, definition 82
  • minimum funding requirements, defined benefit plans 468–471
  • mining see extractive industries; mineral resources; surface mining
  • minority voting rights 267–268
  • modification gain or loss 609
  • modifications
    • cash-settled share-based payments 407–408
    • contracts with customers 488–490
    • contractual cash flows 636
    • equity-settled share-based payments 401–405
    • insurance contracts 905
    • leases 539, 560
    • see also changes
  • modified indirect method 106–107
  • monetary assets, definition 198
  • monetary financial assets and liabilities 609
  • monetary items 569, 572
    • foreign operation net investment 596–597
    • hyperinflationary economies 936–937
    • translation 573
  • most advantageous market
  • multiple investments 280–281
  • multiple investors 281
  • multiple plans, post-employment benefits 471–472
  • mutual entities, definition 317
  • narrative reporting, Practice Statement 1 37–39
  • negative compensation 619
  • net assets
    • definition 82
    • non-controlling interests in combinations 331
  • net defined benefit liability (asset), definition 459
  • net exposures, fair value 744–745
  • net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset) 459
  • net investment in a foreign operation
    • definition 569
    • hedging 593–594, 674
    • monetary item currency 596–597
    • translation 580
  • net positions, nil, hedge accounting 679
  • net realisable value 141, 153–154, 609
  • net reporting, financial institutions 109
  • net selling price, definition 198
  • net settlement, cash-settled share-based payments 405–406
  • net trade receivables, operating segments 831–832
  • netting method, intangibles 213
  • newspaper mastheads, business combinations 343
  • nil net positions, hedge accounting 679
  • nominal amounts, components 663, 677–678
  • non-adjusting events after the reporting period 425, 451–453
  • non-cash transactions
    • contracts 495
    • distributions to owners 253, 256
    • statement of cash flows 101
  • non-competition agreements, business combinations 343
  • non-contractual customer relationships, business combinations 343
  • non-controlling interests
    • business combinations 329–331
    • consolidations 270–271
    • definition 263, 317
    • first-time adoption 951
    • foreign currency 587
    • statement of financial position 75
  • non-current assets
    • business combinations 329
    • classification 72
    • definition 253
    • disclosure requirements 257
    • discontinued operations 239, 257–259
    • distribution to owners 253, 256
    • held for sale 239, 252–257
    • presentation 257
  • non-current liabilities, classification 73–74
  • non-depreciable assets 528–529
  • non-financial items, contracts to buy or sell 613
  • non-financial risks, risk adjustment 901–902
  • non-market conditions, equity-settled share-based payments 398–400
  • non-monetary items 569, 572
    • foreign currency 569, 572, 574–576
    • hyperinflationary economies 936–937
  • non-performance risks 732, 741–742, 744
  • non-reciprocal transfers 180–181, 198
  • non-refundable upfront fees 515
  • non-vesting conditions 406
  • Norwalk Agreement, 2002 2
  • not orderly transactions 737–739
  • notes 43, 52
  • notes payable 428
  • number of shares 369
  • numerators, earnings per share 799–800
  • objectives
    • conceptual framework 16–17
    • financial statements 44
    • hedge accounting 659–660
    • interim financial reporting 910–911
    • pension plan accounting 461
    • presentation and disclosure 34
  • obligating events
    • definition 425
    • environmental damage 438–439
  • obligations
    • constructive 424–425, 453
    • contingent 73, 327
    • contractual, substance of 24
    • current liabilities 429–432, 453
    • non-current liabilities 73–74, 327
    • present 431–432
    • short-term expected to be refinanced 429–430
  • observable inputs 732, 745–747
  • occasional revenues 919
  • OCI see other comprehensive income
  • offsetting
    • current liabilities 427
    • decommissioning costs 161–163
    • financial assets and liabilities 693–694, 700–702
    • financial statements 48–49
    • profit or loss 92–93
    • statement of financial position 74
  • omitted topics, small and medium-sized entities 9–10
  • onerous contracts 425, 426, 434–435, 439–440
    • insurance contracts 901
  • opening statements of financial position 947–949
  • operating activities
  • operating cycle 425
  • operating expenses 88
    • websites 218–219
  • operating leases 544–545, 550–552, 562
  • operating profit or loss, definition 817
  • operating rights, business combinations 344
  • operating segments 815–833
    • aggregation 821–822
    • chief operating decision maker 817, 820
    • definition 82, 816–817
    • disclosure requirements 820–832
    • entity-wide disclosure requirements 826–827
    • identification 817–823
    • major customers 832
    • net trade receivables 831–832
    • reportable segments 820–823
    • scope of IFRS 8 815–816
  • optional exemptions, first-time adoption 951–959
  • options 657
    • for additional goods or services 514
    • binomial model 418–422
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
    • earnings per share 805–806
    • future issuance shares 371
    • presentation 684–685
    • recognition 517–518
    • statement of cash flows 109
    • time value 674–676
  • order backlogs, business combinations 343
  • orderly transactions
    • definition 732
    • determination 734
  • ordinary shares
    • contingent issuances 798, 808–809
    • definition 798–799
  • other employee benefits
    • IAS 19 principles 462–463
    • long-term 480
    • post-retirement 479–480
    • short-term 479
    • terminations 480
  • other long-term employee benefits 480
    • definition 459
    • IAS 19 applicability 462
  • other post-retirement employee benefits 479–480
  • other revenues and expenses 88–89
  • output methods, contract revenue 503
  • overlay approach 896–899
  • own credit risk 628–629
  • owner-occupied property
    • apportioning 227–228
    • definition 226
  • owners, definition 44, 317
  • ownership
    • changes in interest 275–276, 300–303
    • consolidated financial statements 272–273, 275–276
    • disclosure requirements 309–310
    • equity method 300–303
    • intangible assets 200–201
    • inventory 142–147
    • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
    • share of losses exceeding interest 305
  • par value per share 370
  • parent, definition 263
  • parent companies
    • first-time adoption 957
    • investment property leases 228
    • related party disclosures 843
  • partial-year depreciation 168
  • party to a joint arrangement, definition 263
  • past due, definition 609
  • past events, provisions 431–432
  • past service costs
    • definition 459
    • post-employment benefit plans 467
  • patents 200–201, 214–215
    • business combinations 344
  • percentage-of sales method 609
  • performance condition, definition 392
  • performance obligations
    • contracts 490–492
    • customer acceptance 504–505
    • definition 485
    • input methods 503–504
    • output methods 503
    • reasonable measures 504
    • satisfaction of 499–505
  • period-specific effects, accounting policy changes 126
  • periodic inventory systems 141, 147
  • periodic measurement
    • defined benefit plans 464–467
    • defined contribution plans 463–464
  • perpetual inventory systems 141, 147
  • plan assets
    • definition 459–460
    • expected return on 460, 466–467
  • plant see property, plant and equipment
  • pledging, definition 609
  • policyholders, definition 885
  • portfolios, of insurance contracts 903
  • post-combination accounting and measurement 340–341
  • post-employment benefit plans 463–478, 849–856
    • accrued obligations interest 466
    • actuarial gains and losses 458, 466, 467
    • business combinations 473
    • current service cost 464–467
    • defined benefit plans 458, 460, 464–467, 468–471, 474–478, 852–855
    • defined contribution plans 459, 463–464, 474–476, 851, 854–855
    • definitions 460, 849–850
    • disclosure requirements 474–478, 854–855
    • employee contributions 474
    • employer's liability and assets 468
    • expected return on assets 466–467
    • future developments 480
    • interim financial reports 918
    • minimum funding requirements 468–471
    • multi-employer 459, 471–474
    • multiple 471–472
    • past service costs 467
    • third-party contributions 474
    • transition adjustments 468
    • US GAAP comparisons 481, 855–856
  • potential ordinary shares, definition 799
  • power
    • definition 263
    • and returns 268–269
    • subsidiaries 265–269
  • Practice Statement 1–Management Commentary 37–39
  • preferences, shareholders' equity 370
  • preferred shares, convertible 380–381
  • premium allocation approach 902–903, 904–905
  • premiums, provisions 443
  • prepaid expenses 71
  • present obligations, provisions 431–432
  • present value, defined benefit obligations 460
  • presentation
    • aggregation 34–35
    • classification 34–35
    • as communication tool 34
    • conceptual framework 34–36
    • discontinued operations 257–259
    • earnings per share 811–812
    • financial instruments 683–694
    • financial statements 41–61
    • first-time adoption 960–963
    • government grants 530–531
    • income taxes 789
    • insurance contracts 906
    • interim financial reports 913–917
    • investment property 234
    • management commentary 38
    • non-current assets held-for-sale 257
    • objectives 34
    • other comprehensive income 93–95
    • profit or loss statement 85–93
    • revenue contracts 507
    • shareholders' equity 368–373
    • statement of cash flows 102–107
    • statement of changes in equity 95–96
  • presentation currency
    • definition 569
    • from functional currency 577–579
    • to functional currency 579
  • Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income 42
  • previously recognised financial instruments, first-time adoption 958
  • principal market
  • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
  • principal-to-principal markets 736
  • principles, management commentary 37–38
  • prior periods
    • accounting policy changes 124–126
    • errors 117–121, 131–136
    • retrospective application 120, 124–125
  • Private Company Financial Reporting Committee (PCFRC) 14
  • probabilities, expected credit losses 651–652
  • probable, definition 253
  • product warranties, provisions 443–444, 512–513
  • production backlogs, business combinations 343
  • profit, capital maintenance 36
  • profit or loss 77–95
    • aggregation 92
    • comparative information 86
    • concepts 84–85
    • cost of goods sold 88
    • definitions 44, 81
    • discontinued operations 88, 91
    • expenses classification 87–91
    • function of expense method 87–88
    • future developments 96–97
    • held-for-sale assets 89
    • income concepts 82–83
    • income tax recognition 763
    • income taxes 790–791
    • measurement 83–84
    • offsetting 92–93
    • operating expenses 88
    • other revenues and expenses 88–89
    • presentation 85–93
    • recognition 83–84
    • sales and other operating revenues 88
    • scope 80
    • separate disclosure items 89
    • US GAAP comparisons 97
    • see also statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
  • projected unit credit 457
  • property, plant and equipment 157–185
    • decommissioning costs 161–163, 958
    • definitions 159
    • depreciation 165–171
    • derecognition 177–178
    • disclosures 179–182
    • exchanges of assets 164, 180–182
    • initial measurement 160–163
    • maintenance costs 164–165
    • measurement 159–176
    • recognition 159, 163–164
    • revaluations 171–176
    • US GAAP comparisons 185
    • see also investment property
  • prospective application
    • accounting estimate changes 130–131
    • definition 120
  • protective rights 263
  • provisions 431–444
    • bonus payments 441
    • changes in 434
    • compensated absences 441–442
    • decommissioning costs 161–163, 434, 440–442
    • definition 426
    • disclosure requirements 437–438
    • discounting 433–434
    • disposal proceeds 434
    • dry docking costs 438
    • expected value 432–433
    • future events and operating losses 434, 435
    • interim financial reports 918
    • leases 431, 434–435
    • levies 442–443
    • onerous contracts 434–435, 439–440
    • past events 431–432
    • premiums 443
    • present obligation 432
    • product warranties 443–444
    • recognition of use 435
    • reimbursements 434
    • restructuring 435–436
    • risks and uncertainties 433
    • unlawful environmental damage 438–439
    • warranties 512–513
  • prudence, insurance contracts 889
  • Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 14
  • purchases
    • consignment sales 144–146
    • financial assets 613–614
    • right to return 146–147
    • in transit 142–144
    • see also inventories
  • purpose
    • of conceptual framework 16
    • of financial statements 44–45
  • qualifying assets, definition 188
  • qualifying criteria, hedge accounting 660
  • qualitative characteristics
    • financial instrument risk disclosures 715
    • management commentary 38
    • measurement 31
    • of useful financial information 18–19
  • quantitative disclosures, financial instrument risk 715
  • raw materials, definition 141
  • reacquired rights, business combinations 328–329, 340
  • realisation, definition 82
  • reasonable additional compensation 619
  • rebalancing, hedges 668–671
  • receivables, statement of financial position 71, 507
  • reclassification
    • dates 609
    • financial assets 621–622, 681–682, 700
    • financial liabilities 629
  • reclassification adjustments
    • definition 44, 81
    • first-time adoption 948–949
    • other comprehensive income 94–95
  • recognition
    • accounting estimate changes 130–131
    • accounting policy changes 123–129
    • agriculture 861–866
    • borrowing costs 188–193
    • business combinations 321–328, 341–360
    • call options 517–518
    • compensated absences 479
    • conceptual framework 24–26
    • contract costs 505–507
    • current assets 70–72
    • current liabilities 72–73, 426–437
    • current tax 762
    • customer options for additional goods or services 514
    • customers' unexercised rights 515
    • deferred tax 762, 770–775
    • definition 82
    • employee benefits costs 463
    • error correction 131–136
    • exceptions, business combinations 327–328
    • expenses 83–84
    • exploration and evaluation assets 877
    • financial instruments 11–12, 610–626
    • first-time adoption 948
    • forward options 517–518
    • gains and losses 84
    • goodwill 333–336
    • government grants 526–530
    • IAS 19 principles 463
    • income 83
    • insurance contracts 886–891, 903
    • intangible assets 198–201, 205–210
    • interim financial reports 918–926
    • inventories 141–150
    • investment property 228–234
    • leases 546–560
    • licensing revenues 515–517
    • non-current assets 72
    • non-refundable upfront fees 515
    • noncurrent liabilities 73–74
    • options contracts 517–518
    • other assets 72
    • other long-term employee benefits 480
    • other post-retirement benefits 479–480
    • principal vs. agent considerations 513–514
    • property, plant and equipment 159, 163–164
    • put options 518
    • reinsurance contracts 890, 904–905
    • retirement benefit plans 852–855
    • revenue contracts 499–505
    • sales with a right of return 512
    • share-based payment 395–396
    • shareholders' equity 368
    • small and medium-sized entities 11–12
    • termination benefits 480
    • warranties 512–513
    • see also measurement
  • reconciliation method see indirect method
  • reconciliations, first-time adoption 960–961
  • recourse, definition 609
  • recoverable amounts
  • refinancing
    • current liabilities 73, 429–430
    • short-term obligations 429–430
  • refunds, defined benefit plans 469–470
  • regular-way purchase or sale
    • definition 609
    • financial assets 613–614
  • reimbursements, provisions 434
  • reinsurance assets
    • definition 885
    • impairment 888
  • reinsurance contracts
    • definition 885
    • IFRS 17 904–905
  • reinsurers, definition 885
  • related parties 835–848
    • aggregation of disclosures 844–845
    • arm's length transaction price assertions 844
    • comparatives 846
    • compensation 845
    • definitions 836–837
    • disclosure requirements 841–847
    • government-related entities 846
    • identification 837–841
    • need for disclosures 837–838
    • parent–subsidiary relationships 843
    • scope of IAS 24 839
    • significant influence 840–841
    • substance over form 839–840
    • transactions 837
    • US GAAP comparisons 847–848
  • relevance
    • concept 18
    • measurement 30
  • relevant activities, definition 263
  • reload features 392
  • reload options 392
  • remaining coverage, liabilities for 903–904
  • remeasurement
    • net defined benefit liabilities 460
    • presentation currency 579
  • remote contingent losses 445
  • removal rights, definition 263
  • renewable licence rights 215
  • repayment, government grants 531–532
  • replacement awards, business combinations 350
  • reportable segments 820–823
  • reporting, operating cash flows 104–109
  • reporting dates
    • consolidated financial statements 272
    • equity method 304
    • first-time adoption 943–944
    • foreign operations 588
  • reporting entities 19–20, 569
  • reporting frequency, financial statements 49
  • reporting period disclosure 86
  • repurchase agreements 517, 610
  • research, definition 198
  • research and development
    • business combinations 345
    • costs 13
    • intangibles 203–204
  • reserves, shareholders' equity 372
  • residual value 159, 169
    • definition 198
    • intangibles 216
  • restatement
    • hyperinflationary economies 935
    • retrospective 120, 131–136
  • restrictions
    • equity instrument sales 740, 744
    • liability transfers 744
    • shareholders' equity 370
  • restructuring
    • business combinations 324
    • definition 426
    • provisions 435–436
  • retail method 141, 154
  • retained earning, statement of financial position 75
  • retained earnings, shareholders' equity 373, 381–382
  • retirement, investment property 234
  • retirement benefit plans 849–856
  • retrospective application 120, 124–125
    • first-time adoption exceptions 949–951
  • retrospective restatement 120, 131–136
  • returnable deposits 428
  • returns
    • on plan assets 460
    • and power 268–269
  • revaluation model, impairment reversals 248
  • revaluation reserves 372
  • revaluations
    • accumulated depreciation 175–176
    • adjustments 173
    • asset classes 173
    • deferred tax effects 176–177
    • exploration and evaluation assets 877
    • fair value 172–173
    • foreign currency 575–576
    • initial 174
    • intangible assets 210–213
    • property, plant and equipment 171–176
  • revenue
    • bill-and-hold arrangements 519
    • consignment sales 519
    • contract costs 505–507
    • from contracts with customers 483–522
      • contract costs 505–507
      • definitions 484–485
      • disclosure requirements 507–511
      • future developments 521
      • model 485–505
      • presentation 507
      • recognition 499–505
      • specific transactions 512–519
      • US GAAP comparison 521–522
    • customer options for additional goods or services 514
    • customers' unexercised rights 515
    • definitions 484–485
    • disclosure requirements 507–511
    • forward or call options 517–518
    • government assistance 524, 533
    • government grants 523–535
    • input methods 503–504
    • licensing 515–517
    • model 485–505
    • non-refundable upfront fees 515
    • operating segments 817
    • output methods 503
    • presentation 507
    • principal versus agent considerations 513–514
    • put options 518
    • repurchase agreements 517
    • sales with a right of return 512
    • scope of IFRS 15 485
    • seasonal, cyclic and occasional 919
    • service concession arrangements 519–520, 533–535
    • services or assets obtained for no consideration 520–521
    • time value of money 494–495
    • unearned 428
    • US GAAP comparison 521–522
    • warranties 512–513
  • revenue-based amortisation 209
  • reversals
    • goodwill impairments 355
    • impairment of assets 246–248
  • reverse acquisition, definition 317
  • revised expectations, deferred taxes 775
  • right to return purchases 146–147, 512
  • rights
    • contractual, substance of 24
    • reacquired, business combinations 328–329
    • shareholders' equity 370
  • risk adjustment for non-financial risks 901–902
  • risk assumptions, liabilities 733, 741–742
  • risk management strategy disclosure 707–708, 716
  • risk premiums, definition 732
  • risks
    • estimates 433
    • financial 884
    • financial instrument disclosures 707–708, 715–725
    • foreign currency disclosures 724–725
  • royalties
    • business combinations 344
    • licence agreements 517
  • sales
    • consignment 144–146
    • financial assets 613–614
    • intersegment 816
    • intrasegment 816
    • with a right of return 512
  • sales contracts, future issuance shares 371
  • sales and other operating revenues 88
  • sales-based royalties 517
  • sales-type leases 545–546, 552–556
  • satisfaction, performance obligations 499–505
  • seasonal revenues 919
  • SEC see Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 2
  • securitisation, definition 610
  • segment accounting policies, definition 817
  • segment assets, definition 817
  • segment expenses, definition 817
  • segment revenue, definition 817
  • self-constructed assets 163–164
  • sensitivity analysis 722–723
  • separate disclosure items, profit and loss statements 89
  • separate financial statements 306–308
    • definition 263
    • disclosure requirements 307–308
    • equity method 304
    • investment entities 307–308
    • joint arrangements 291
  • separate vehicle, definition 263
  • sequencing, dilutions 810
  • service concession arrangements 519–520, 533–535, 959
  • service conditions 392
    • equity-settled share-based payments 397–398, 403–404
  • service contracts
    • business combinations 344
    • equity-settled share-based payments 397
  • service costs
    • definition 460
    • post-employment benefit plans 464–467
  • service marks, business combinations 343
  • services
    • customer options for additional 514
    • obtained for no consideration 520–521
  • servicing contracts, business combinations 344
  • settlements
    • contingent provisions 691–692
    • definition 460
    • in entity's own equity instruments 685
    • equity-settled share-based payments 403–404
  • severe hyperinflation, definition 930–931
  • shadow accounting 889–890
  • share capital
    • disclosure requirements 75–76
    • statement of financial position 74–75
  • share of losses exceeding the interest 305
  • share options
    • binomial model 418–422
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
    • definition 393
    • valuation 413–422
  • share subscriptions 377–378
  • share unit issuances 377
  • share-based payment 389–422
    • among group entities 409–410
    • arrangements 392
    • binomial model 418–422
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
    • business combinations 329
    • with cash alternatives 408–409
    • cash-settled 390, 405–408
    • contingent 798, 808–809
    • definitions 390–393
    • disclosure requirements 411–413
    • employee share options 397, 404–407, 413–422
    • equity-settled 391, 397–405
    • income taxes 789
    • measurement 395–396
    • overview 393–395
    • recognition 395–396
    • small and medium-sized entities 13
    • transactions 393
    • US GAAP comparisons 413
    • vesting conditions 393, 396–398, 404–405, 406
  • shareholders' equity 365–388
    • additional contributed capital 372–373, 378–380
    • classification 74–76, 368–369, 373–375
    • compound financial instruments 375–376
    • convertible instruments 380–381
    • disclosures 368–373, 386–388
    • dividends 370, 382–385
    • donated capital 380
    • fair value 744
    • future developments 386
    • future reserved issuances 371
    • issuances 376–381
    • measurement 368
    • members' shares 385–386, 686
    • movements during year 370
    • par value per share 370
    • presentation 368–373
    • puttable instruments 374–375
    • recognition 368
    • reserves 372
    • retained earnings 373, 381–382
    • revaluation reserves 372
    • subscriptions 377–378
    • treasury shares 370–371, 385, 692
    • unit issuances 377
    • unpaid capital 369–370
    • US GAAP comparisons 388
  • short-term employee benefits
    • definition 460
    • IAS 19 applicability 462
    • other 479
  • SIC-31 484
  • significant financing components, contracts 494–495
  • significant increases, credit risk 642–648
  • significant influence 291–292, 840–841
    • changes in 300
    • definition 263
  • simple capital structures, earnings per share 799–803
  • small and medium-sized entities (SMEs)
    • application of IFRS 14
    • associates and joint ventures 13
    • deferred taxes 13
    • definition 8–9
    • derecognition 12
    • disclosure requirements 13
    • finance leases 13
    • goodwill impairment 12–13
    • hedge accounting 12
    • implications of IFRS 13–14
    • measurement 11–13
    • modifications 9–13
    • omitted topics 9–10
    • overview 8–14
    • recognition 11–12
    • research and development 13
    • share-based payment 13
  • specific borrowings 189–190
  • specific costs, government grants 527–528
  • specific identification 141, 150–151
  • spot exchange rates, definition 569
  • staged acquisitions 302
  • stand-alone selling price
    • contract modifications 489–490
    • definition 485
    • transaction pricing 497
  • standard costs 141, 154
  • standards
    • current, list of 6–8
    • hierarchy of 36–37
    • inventories 139–140
    • setting, process of 4–5
    • small and medium-sized entities 8–14
  • standstill agreements, business combinations 344
  • statement of cash flows 99–116
    • acquisitions and disposals 109
    • background 100–103
    • benefits of 100–102
    • cash and cash equivalents 101–102, 109
    • cash flow per share 108
    • classification 102–104
    • consolidated 114–115
    • definitions 100
    • direct method 105–106, 107
    • extraordinary items 109
    • financial institutions 109
    • financing activities liabilities 110
    • foreign currencies 108
    • future developments 115
    • futures, forward contracts, options and swaps 109
    • government grants 530–531
    • gross vs. net 108
    • illustration 111–114
    • indirect method 106–108
    • net reporting 108
    • non-cash transactions 101
    • other disclosures 109–114
    • other requirements 108–109
    • presentation 102–107
    • reporting basis 104–107
    • scope of IAS 7 100
    • US GAAP comparisons 115–116
  • statement of changes in equity 95–96
    • definition 81
    • financial instruments 704–705
    • US GAAP comparisons 97
  • statement of financial position 63–76
    • agriculture 866
    • concepts 67
    • definitions 65–66
    • elements 65–66
    • first-time adoption 947–949
    • foreign currency financial assets 639
    • future developments 76
    • government grants 530
    • income taxes 790
    • inventories 70
    • offsetting 74
    • opening 947–949
    • receivables 71
    • revenue contracts 507
    • shareholders' equity 74–76
    • structure and content 67–69
    • US GAAP comparison 76
  • statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 77–95
    • agriculture 866–867
    • definitions 81
    • financial instruments 704–705
    • future developments 97
    • income concepts 82–83
    • income taxes 790–791
    • measurement 83–84
    • other comprehensive income 93–95
    • overview 84–85
    • profit or loss section 86–93
    • recognition 83–84
    • US GAAP comparisons 97
  • statements of compliance, financial statements 52–53
  • status, of conceptual framework 16
  • step acquisitions, business combinations 358–359
  • straight-line depreciation 166
  • stripping costs, surface mining 878–880
  • structure
    • conceptual framework 15–16
    • financial statements 51–54
    • of IFRS 3–4
    • statement of financial position 67–69
  • structured entities, definition 263
  • structures, business combinations 321
  • subscriptions, share issuances 377–378
  • subsequent expenditures
    • biological assets 866
    • investment property 229–230
  • subsequent measurement
    • financial assets 620
    • financial liabilities 627–629
  • subsidiaries
    • acquisitions and disposals, statement of cash flows 109
    • control 265–269
    • definition 263, 317
    • disclosure requirements 309
    • disposals 274–276
    • first-time adoption 957
    • future developments 310
    • identification 264–265
    • indirect interest 273–274
    • intercompany transactions and balances 270
    • investment entities 276–284
    • investment property leases 228
    • investments and income taxes 786–787
    • measurement 272
    • non-controlling interests 270–271
    • ownership interest 272–273, 275–276
    • power 265–269
    • related party disclosures 843
    • reporting dates 272
    • share-based payments 409–410
    • uniformity of accounting 272
    • US GAAP comparisons 311–312
    • voting rights 266–268
  • substance over form, related parties 839–840
  • sum-of-the years digits (SYD) depreciation 167
  • supply contracts, business combinations 344
  • surface mining, stripping costs 878–880
  • surplus, definition 458
  • suspension, borrowing cost capitalisation 192–193
  • swap contracts, statement of cash flows 109
  • swaps 655–656, 657
  • SYD see sum-of-the years digits
  • tangible assets
    • business combinations 327
    • decommissioning costs 161–163
    • definition 158
    • depreciation 165–171
    • qualifying 188
    • research and development 345
    • revaluations 171–176
  • tax credits
    • deferred income taxes 768
    • interim financial reports 920–921
  • tax loss/credit carrybacks/carryforwards 921
  • tax methods, depreciation 170
  • tax obligations withheld, cash-settled share-based payments 406–407
  • tax status changes 779–780
  • tax-planning 773–774
  • technological feasibility 205
  • technology-based intangible assets, business combinations 345
  • temporary differences
    • consolidated financial statements 785
    • deferred income taxes 764–766, 773
    • future 773
  • term, of lease 543–544
  • termination benefits 480
    • definition 460
    • IAS 19 applicability 463
  • third-party contributions, post-employment benefit plans 474
  • third-party credit agreements, liabilities inseparable 744
  • time value, of options 674–676
  • time value of money 494–495
  • timeliness, concept 19
  • total comprehensive income, definition 44, 81
  • trade date 610
  • trade dress, business combinations 343
  • trade names, business combinations 343
  • trade payables 73
  • trade receivables, loss allowances 649–650
  • trade secrets 345
  • trademarks, business combinations 343
  • trading financial assets 71
  • transaction costs
    • definition 732
    • fair vale 752
    • financial instruments 611
  • transaction dates, foreign currency 569, 573
  • transaction price
    • allocation 496–499
    • changes in 496
    • consideration payable to customer 496
    • definition 485
    • determination 492–496
    • discounts 497–499
    • non-cash 495
    • significant financing components 494–495
    • stand-alone selling 497
    • variable consideration 492–494, 499
  • transactions
    • derivative 654–659
    • foreign currencies 568, 572–576, 594–596
    • hedging 594–596
    • not orderly 737–739
    • orderly 734
  • transfer pricing, definition 817
  • transfers
  • transiting goods 140, 142–144
  • transition adjustments, post-employment benefit plans 468
  • transition dates 943–944
  • transition requirements, hedge accounting 683
  • transition to IFRS
  • transitional provisions, insurance contracts 899, 907
  • translation 568, 570–572, 577–587
    • consolidation of operations 580
    • first-time adoption 956
    • functional into presentation currency 577–579
    • interim financial reports 925
    • net investment in a foreign operation 580
    • presentation into functional currency 579
    • taxation effects 580
  • transport costs, fair vale 752
  • treasury shares 370–371, 385, 692
  • treasury stock 75
  • types of shares 368–369
  • unbundling
    • definition 885
    • insurance contracts 890, 900
  • uncertainty
    • accounting policy changes 126–129
    • estimates 433
    • of measurement 31
    • tax treatments 776–777
  • unconsolidated structured entities, disclosure requirements 310
  • understandability
    • concept 19
    • measurement 31
  • unearned revenues or advances 428
  • unevenly incurred annual costs 919
  • unexercised rights, of customers 515
  • uniformity, consolidated financial statements 272
  • unit of account
  • units of production depreciation 168–169
  • unlawful environmental damage 438–439
  • unobservable inputs 732, 745, 747–748
  • unorderly transactions 737–739
  • unpaid capital 369–370
  • unpatented technology, business combinations 345
  • unquoted equity instruments, transition requirements 683
  • unrelated investors 281
  • unused losses, deferred income taxes 768
  • upfront fees, non-refundable 515
  • usage-based royalties 517
  • use of provisions recognised 435
  • use rights, business combinations 344
  • useful financial information, qualitative characteristics 18–19
  • useful life 170
  • valuation
    • binomial model 418–422
    • Black-Scholes-Merton model 416–418
    • fair value techniques 734, 748–751
    • inventories 147–150
    • premises, fair value 733, 739–741
    • share options 414–421
    • see also measurement
  • valuation allowances, business combinations 341
  • value in use (of assets) 29, 32
  • variable consideration
    • constraining estimates 493–494
    • contracts 492–494, 499
  • variable costing 140, 150
  • variable returns, exposure 268
  • verifiability
    • concept 19
    • measurement 31
  • vest, definition 393
  • vested benefits, definition 850
  • vesting conditions
    • cash-settled share-based payments 406
    • definition 393
    • equity-settled share-based payments 397–398, 404–405
    • share-based payment 396–397
  • vesting periods 393
  • volume rebates, interim financial reports 921–922
  • voting rights 266–268
  • warranties, provisions 443–444, 512–513
  • warrants, earnings per share 805–806
  • website development and operating costs 218–219
  • weighted-average (WA) costing 141, 142, 152–153
  • weighted-average (WA) number of ordinary share outstanding 800–803
  • work in progress, definition 141
  • write-offs, financial assets 636
  • year-end bonuses, interim financial reports 918
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