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FinanceHub application

    custom style sheet

    default.html Page

        AppBar addition



    default project structure

    deployment package and runtime configuration properties

        background color

        logo files and splash screen

    logo files and splash screen application


        adding bottom application bar

        adding new blank page

    MVVM Architecture

    New Project windows

    setting resources and styles in Resources.xaml

    StockDetails.html file

    stock flyout control

        adding Add button

        adding Remove button

        creating UIHelper dependency class

        implementing buttons click events

    StockInfoView.xaml and StockDetails.xaml

        adding split page

        adding user control

    StocksPage.html file


        automatically added utility classes

        display logo with name

        display one stock

        getting permission

        hierarchical navigation pattern

        set application name

    styles and themes customization

        adding new resource dictionary file

        additional Resources.xaml Resource Dictionary

        customizing application theme


    WinJS.Binding.converter functions

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Stock collection

    Default stock

    SimulatedRandomStocksDetail.csv file

    stock state persistence

    wiring stock information

        application compatibility

        attached property, Command

        Command property


        ExecuteStockSelected method

        GridView and ListView

        ICommand implementation

        ItemClick event binding



        Navigation service

        OnLaunched method

        Snapped view

        StockDetails View

        StockDetails.xaml page

        StockInfoView.xaml page


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ViewModel, financial hub application

    AddRemoveStockViewModel class




        ExecuteAdd method

        IHandle interface

        multiple stocks

        Remove Stock

        stock symbol

        UserControl level

        ViewModelSelector class

    MVVM framework (see Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM))


        App.xaml file

        clean-up code-behind

        DataContext property


        Stocks collection (see Stock collection)


        ViewModelLocator class updating

images  W, X, Y, Z

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