About the Authors

Image Image Tejaswi Redkar is a software architect with a passion for writing. He works for Microsoft and has been working on the Windows Azure platform since 2008. He is also the Worldwide Community Lead for the Windows Azure platform in Microsoft Services. He has architected several small- and large-scale systems on Windows Azure for Enterprises and ISVs. Tejaswi has not only written about conceptual topics like Threading and MSMQ, but also on broader topics, such as software ecosystems, businesses, and platforms. Tejaswi has a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from San Jose State University and an MBA from University of Wisconsin, Whitewater.

Tejaswi lives in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Arohi, and two sons, Aaryan and Dhruv. When not working on what's next, he is either having fun with the family or bicycling on San Ramon trails. Professionally, he idolizes three people: Bill Gates, Kishore Kumar and Sachin Tendulkar. You can find more details about him on his LinkedIn profile at www.linkedin.com/in/tejaswiredkar. Follow him at: Twitter:@tejaswi_redkar.

Image Image Tony Guidici has fifteen years' experience as a software developer and architect. He is currently a Senior Architect Evangelist at Microsoft in the Developer & Platform Evangelism (DPE) group. He is on the Azure Incubation team, and is focused on providing technical guidance and assistance to Cloud Service Vendors creating SaaS applications on Windows Azure. Additionally, he works with the product team to provide product feedback from customers.

He has been working with Windows Azure since it was first announced at PDC 2008, and with early adopters since 2009 as part of Microsoft Consulting Services. He believes that the cloud is a generational paradigm shift, and that Windows Azure is the premier cloud platform. He continues to stay sharp by seeking out interesting problems his customers face and helping solve them.

He holds an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Information Technology Analysis and Design, and is an avid fan of Badger football. He also holds a BA in International Business from Bradley University, and is looking forward to the next time we see the Braves in the Final Four.

Tony lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife, Jenifer, and their two sons, Joseph and Nicholas. He spends much of his free time with his family, coaching his kids' baseball teams and patiently waiting for the Cubs to win the World Series.

You can follow him at: Twitter: @tonyguid and via his blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/tonyguid.

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