Custom map pushpins

We created our own maps application and added a pushpin. Great! But does it look great? To be honest — no, the black pushpin icon is not fancy. In fact the pushpins in the Location simulator are better! (We hope Microsoft guys are reading this line.) We can, however, use the following code to add some content to the pushpin, but it still does not give us the "wow" look:

myPin.Content = newLoc.Position.Location.Latitude.ToString() +
", " +newLoc.Position.Location.Longitude.ToString();

Thankfully the Windows Phone Bing Maps Silverlight Control provides the ability to use our own icons for the pushpin. There are two ways to use custom map pushpins:

  • Using an image as the pushpin
  • Using your own pushpin style (in XAML)


The guys at have some excellent and free map pushpin icons. You can find a few at We use the one from Dennis Covent: as the custom icon for our pushpin.

Using an image as the pushpin

Let us use the icon mentioned previously as an image for our pushpins:

  1. Open the HelloMaps-Pushpin example and navigate to the MainPage.xaml.cs file.
  2. Declare an object of type MapLayer in the global namespace.
    MapLayer myMapLayer;
  3. In the MainPage() constructor initialize the myMapLayer object and add it to the map as:
    myMapLayer = new MapLayer();
  4. In your locationManager_getPosition function add the following lines of code and comment out the rest:
    void locationManager_getPosition(object sender,
    GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> newLoc)
    // Custom PushPin
    Image pushpinImage = new Image();
    pushpinImage.Source = new
    (newUri("myPushPin.png", UriKind.Relative));
    pushpinImage.Opacity = 0.7;
    pushpinImage.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None;
    PositionOrigin position = PositionOrigin.Center;
    new GeoCoordinate(newLoc.Position.Location.Latitude,
    newLoc.Position.Location.Longitude), position);
    // End of Custom PushPin
    myMap.SetView(new GeoCoordinate
    newLoc.Position.Location.Longitude), zoomLevel);
  5. Do not forget to add the myPushPin.png image to your project.
  6. Note the highlighted code in step 4. It adds pushpinImageto the myMapLayer object at the location detected, and adds our pushpin icon in at the center of the view.
  7. Run the application now to see the custom pushpin icons in action as shown in the following screenshot:
    Using an image as the pushpin

Using your own pushpin style

We saw how to use the image as a layer instead of a pushpin. Some developers would not want to work with a pushpin in this way. The Image and Pushpin classes are quite different in their own sense, each having their own properties, methods, constructors, and events. So using a layer is not always equal to a pushpin implementation. So using a layer is not always equal to a pushpin implementation.

In such cases we define a new XAML style in App.xaml, the main class that calls MainPage.xaml within the<Application.Resources></Application.Resources> tags:

  1. Open your project HelloMaps-Pushpin. Navigate to the App.xaml file and add the following style markup within the<Application.Resources></Application.Resources> tags:
    <Style TargetType="m:Pushpin" x:Key="myPushpinStyle">
    <Setter Property="Template">
    <ControlTemplate TargetType="m:Pushpin">
    <Grid x:Name="ContentGrid">
    <Image Source="myPushPin.png" Stretch="None"/>
  2. Now in your MainPage.xaml.cs file uncomment the default pushpin code that we commented earlier.
    // Standard Pushpin
    myPin.Content = newLoc.Position.Location.Latitude.ToString()
    + ", " +newLoc.Position.Location.Longitude.ToString();
    myPin.Style =
    myPin.Location = newGeoCoordinate
    // End of Standard Pushpin
  3. With the addition of the code highlighted in the previous step, here we are using the style we defined in App.xaml and assigning it to our pushpin object.
  4. Running the app will result in an almost similar icon display as shown earlier, the only difference being the Opacity parameter set previously, which we haven't put in our style.
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