
A long the way toward getting this book, many stand out as friends, supporters, colleagues, and guides, each contributing to my growth and development. David Allen, Ben Cannon, John O’Neil, Sally McGhee, Jeff Bowden, and Jack Canfield each encouraged me to take bigger risks, to expand in the face of contraction, and to rise to new levels of service.

Many have encouraged me to write, none more than Arianna Huffington, to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude for her decades of support and the opportunity to hone my skills writing for the Huffington Post.

Thousands of clients, graduates of seminars I have led, and colleagues along the way have contributed to my learning the nuances and differences between good ideas that should work and the practical solutions that actually do work. I would like to thank the global Insight community for the opportunity to serve over the years and to Candace Semigran and Dr. Greg Stebbins in particular for keeping the vision alive.

Anton Gueth, Mark Gordon, Lynn Darnton, Heide Banks, and Deb Robbins have each offered encouragement and the occasional kick in the seat of the pants to keep this moving forward. Of course, without the foresight and support from Gary Krebs of McGraw-Hill, this book would still be languishing in the back of my brain somewhere. My agent, Doe Coover, took on all kinds of details and helped me stay focused.

Without the marvelous contributions of those who sat through interviews with me, none of this would have come to life. Tony Schwartz, Dave Logan, Michael Winston, Marshall Goldsmith, David Rosener, W. Mitchell, Irwin Carasso, Tim Dayonot, Armondo Martos, Dr. Andrew Heaton, Sally Bishop, Sean Finn, Tray Cockerell, and Evan Taubenfeld all contributed significantly to the development of these ideas.

Finally, my deepest love and appreciation go to my spiritual mentors and loving spurs in the side, J-R and John Morton—thank you for keeping me mindful of who I really am in midst of all this. And, of course, to my loving wife, Valerie, for her constant trust, love, and commitment to the highest good for all of us.

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