
Playing the piano well requires more than just technical skill, more than learning to press the right keys at the right moments. It also requires learning how to practice—that is, developing the habits to internalize those technical skills.

The same is true for words. Assembling them in just the right way takes practice. The book you're about to read isn't a guide for putting words together; it's a guide for how to practice writing. It’s a manual for cultivating good writing habits.

Writing is a process, one that's difficult to articulate precisely. It's equal parts instinct and rote procedure, and Scott helps us navigate both. Like any good recipe, Writing for Designers is never definitive, immutable, or exhaustive. It’s a starting point, overflowing with tools, techniques, and myriad ways to approach each step in the writing process.

Our design process is fraught with words: words are used to document our ideas, to plan usability tests, to validate color choices. Words are used to prompt, cajole, warn, alert, explain, instruct, and reassure our users. They’re an essential building block in the user experience, and we, as designers, can’t ignore their power.

Writing for Designers will help you get more comfortable wielding that power in your design process. From getting version control right to tapping into your most creative self, let Scott show you the art and practice of writing.

—Dan Brown

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