
xs:group(definition) — Global elements group declaration that can be referenced within the same schema by other schemas.


           name               = xs:NCName
           Content: (xs:annotation?, (xs:all | xs:choice | xs:sequence))

May be included in: xs:redefine, xs:schema


Groups of elements can be globally defined and used as containers, which can be referenced elsewhere in this schema or in other schemas. These containers, which are almost free of semantics, are very flexible and may be used as building blocks for the definition of local or global complex types.

Being global components, they can also be used to encapsulate element definitions that cannot be made global, such as unqualified elements in a schema with target namespaces, multiple elements with the same name in a schema, elements that should not be used as document elements, or elements that should be redefined through xs:redefine in other schemas.

Element groups can be redefined through xs:redefine; the redefinition can be either a restriction (similar to a complex type derivation by restriction) or an extension. (This is more flexible than a complex type extension since the location where the base group is included in the new group can be chosen, while the new elements are always located after the base type during a derivation by extension.)

Any of the three compositors (xs:all, xs:sequence, or xs:choice) may be used to create an element group.


When a group is created using a xs:all compositor, this group inherits all the restrictions of xs:all. In other words, including a xs:all compositor in a group is not a workaround to avoid the fundamental restrictions of xs:all!

Group definition cannot be recursive.


<xs:group name="name">
    <xs:element ref="name"/>
      <xs:element ref="first-name"/>
      <xs:element ref="middle-name" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element ref="last-name"/>



Name of the group (unqualified).

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