
xs:length — Facet to define the length of a value.


           fixed          = xs:boolean : “false”
           id             = xs:ID
           value          = xs:nonNegativeInteger
           {any attributes with non-schema namespace}
           Content: (xs:annotation?)

May be included in: xs:restriction (simple type), xs:restriction (simple content)

May be used as facet for: xs:anyURI, xs:base64Binary, xs:ENTITIES, xs:ENTITY, xs:hexBinary, xs:ID, xs:IDREF, xs:IDREFS, xs:language, xs:Name, xs:NCName, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:NMTOKENS, xs:normalizedString, xs:NOTATION, xs:QName, xs:string, xs:token


xs:length is a facet that allows the definition of the length expressed in a unit that depends on the datatype. For most of the datatypes, the unit is the character as defined in the XML 1.0 Recommendation (i.e., Unicode characters defined by ISO/IEC 10646 that may be represented on more than 8 bits). The exceptions are the binary datatypes (xs:hexBinary and xs:base64Binary), for which lengths are expressed in number of bytes (8 bits) of binary data, and all the list datatypes, for which lengths are expressed in number of list items.

xs:length constrains the value space. In practice, this means that it is checked after whitespace replacement and collapsing, as defined by the xs:whiteSpace facet.


This is a logical length that has often no direct relation to the size of storage needed for the value.

The value of this facet cannot be modified during further restrictions, and the value of the fixed attribute is meaningless (the behavior is always as if the facet were fixed).

Although also not specified in the Recommendation, xs:length interacts with the xs:minLength and xs:maxLength and shouldn’t set the length to a value not in the range between xs:minLength and xs:maxLength of its base type.

Fixing the xs:length facet doesn’t fix the xs:maxLength and xs:minLength facets. To fix the three facets, define two restriction steps, since it is forbidden to apply these facets in the same restriction step.


<xs:simpleType name="standardNotations">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:NOTATION">
    <xs:length value="8"/>



When set to true, the value of the length cannot be modified during further restrictions (meaningless for this facet whose value can never be modified in further restrictions).


W3C XML Schema’s element ID.


Value of the facet.

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