
Writing a book has always been a dream of mine, and I am very pleased that O’Reilly was the publisher that helped me realize this dream. However, this was far from a solo effort. Many people helped me achieve this goal, and I would like to take some time to acknowledge their contributions.

First, I want to thank Simon St.Laurent, my editor at O’Reilly. Simon was with me every step of the way, from the initial hastily written email proposal through the final stages of production. Simon was always there to reassure me and share in the joy and frustration that is inevitable in any creative endeavor.

Second, I want to thank Jeni Tennison, my primary technical editor. Jeni’s technical expertise and attention to detail are unparalleled. Not only did Jeni correct both my boneheaded and less-obvious mistakes, but she graciously contributed code and ideas to this book as she so generously does each day in the many XML-related mail groups she belongs to. (Any mistakes that remain are most definitely the fault of my own latent boneheadedness.) Jeni is truly unique, and I am sure the XML community will join me in thanking her for all her contributions and unselfish help.

Third, I would like to thank all my colleagues at Morgan Stanley for providing encouragement and praise for this work—especially my boss Farid Khalili for being understanding when I had to rush or stay home to make a deadline, and his boss John Reynolds for promoting my book to the entire Fixed Income Development department that he heads. I would also like to thank to my former client SIAC and especially Karen Halbert for allowing me to spearhead a project that first honed my XSLT skills.

Fourth, I would like to thank those who graciously contributed material to this book, including Steve Ball, John Breen, Jason Diamond, Nikita Ogievetsky, and Jeni Tennison. I also want to thank the later technical editors Micah Dubinko and Jirka Kosek, whose comments and suggestions were extremely helpful, as well as the O’Reilly production staff who helped bring this work to fruition.

Finally, I want to thank my parents, family, and friends. As always, you have sustained and nourished me and helped me keep a balanced life. Most of all, I want to thank my wife, Wanda, and son, Leonardo, without whose moral support and numerous sacrifices this book would have not been possible. Thank you Wanda for all the things you did that should have rightly been mine to do as I slaved in the dungeon! Thank you Leonardo for saying, “Daddy, you work” when I know you really wanted to say, “Daddy, we play!” Both of you and our child to be will always be my greatest success story.

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