
Aberration management, as maturity hallmark

Acceptance, as maturity hallmark

Accountability, labor unions and


in crisis management

Donna Karan line and

in uncovering corruption



for Donna Karan line

in perfume business

persuasion and

Agendas, for Japanese board meetings

Agents, for Anne Klein II line

Agricultural division, at Taki Gakuen


Akai, Mr., on Tomio Taki and YPO

Allied bombing raids, on World War II Japan



American economic meltdown. See also United States

American fashion industry, Tomio Taki and

American Management Association

American Psychologist, The

Amit, Meir

Anger management, in hiring executives

Anne Klein Collection

Donna Karan line and

Anne Klein Company, The

in creating/selling Donna Karan line

Donna Karan and

establishing as major brand


sale from Takihyo Company Ltd. to Takihyo Inc.

sale to Kaspar company

search for new manager for

streamlining operations of

Tomio Taki’s joint venture with

See also Klein, Anne

Anne Klein label, maintaining

Anne Klein II

creation of

Donna Karan line and

marketing of

Anne Klein II line, success of

Apprenticeship, of Tomio Taki

Army, elimination of Japanese

Arnell, Peter

in creating Donna Karan line


Adam Taki and

economics and

Art dealers

Art gallery, for Adam Taki art

Articles of organization, for RH Gallery

Asahi newspaper

Assembly line, invention of

Asset base, in valuing a company

Assumptions, creativity and challenging

Atom bomb, Japan and

Attitude, persuasion and

Audience, persuasion and

Autocratic approach, as leadership style

Automobile industry/trade


labor unions and

in postwar Japan

Awareness, in creativity process


Background, in creativity process

Bali Bras

Banking, in postwar Japan

Banking transactions, taxation of


during American economic downturn

for Anne Klein bridge line

in initial public offerings

Japanese currency and

in preventing losses

Basketball, Tomio Taki and

Bear Stearns

Beef market

Bernanke, Ben, weak economic response of

Bespoke fashion

Best & Co.

Better lines

BFS Psychological Associates

Blass, Bill, Tomio Taki’s meeting with

Blending, of talents in executives

Blocks, to creativity

Board of directors, American vs. Japanese

Bobbie Brooks

success in Japan

Takihyo partnership with

Bonded fabrics



Brain, anatomy of


Brand image

for Donna Karan line

in perfume business


by Anne Klein

of Anne Klein Company

of art business

of Donna Karan fragrance line

of Donna Karan lines

Brands, profit-building value of


Bretton Woods Accord

Briarcliff raincoats

Bridge lines

by Anne Klein Company

Donna Karan line as

See also Anne Klein II

Broaching to

Brown and Berge (B&B) clothing line

Budget lines


Takihyo and Takenaka construction of

Takihyo investments in

Bulk grocery stores


Adam Taki and

in Far East

from ground up

Japanese stereotypes in

kickbacks in Far East

ownership of Japanese

in postwar Japan

Tomio Taki as apprentice manager of

tradition in Japanese

women as business heads in

Business curriculum, at Taki Gakuen

Business growth, tax rates vs.

Business mentality, in foreign countries

Businesspersons, Tomio Taki and

Business practices, in Hong Kong


Buyers, strong relationships with

BVD brand

Cabinet, Japanese


as Anne Klein II manufacturer


for Anne Klein bridge line

in creating Donna Karan line

in postwar Japan

Capital investment, Japanese leadership aspirations with


in a kibbutz


of art business

for Donna Karan lines

Carelessness, optimism and


in high-rise buildings

1970s sales downturn in

tatami mats vs.

Carpeting business, for Takihyo

Cashmere, for bridge lines

Cash reserves, for Anne Klein Company

Celebrities, fashion designers as

Chain stores

department stores vs.

in Japan

moderate and budget lines in

in perfume business

problems with


creativity and

during the 1970s

of partnering with existing business


fear of

management and instituting

Changeover lines

Checks and balances, in Japanese government vs. US government

Cheerfulness, optimism and

Cheng, Christopher

Chicken business, veterinarians in

Chief designer

celebrity status of

of Donna Karan lines

hiring for Anne Klein Company

value of

Chief executive officer (CEO)

hiring by

Children, optimism of


kickbacks and

US opening trade with

Chinese character system, Japanese language and

Chow, Shorty

Chu-Bu Distribution Center

uses for

Churchill, Winston

Clearance sales, seasonal

Clearing leftover inventory, preventing losses via

Cleveland, Ohio

Closing unprofitable divisions, preventing losses via

Collective approach, in Japanese corporate culture. See also Kibbutz system

College-prep curriculum, at Taki Gakuen

Colleges, Taki Gakuen and

Colonial imperialism, Japan and

Color, as fashion design element

Color coordination

of Anne Klein II line

in clothing line design

Comfort, emotional value of

Commitment, creativity and


in Anne Klein Company operations

for instituting change


Communitarian environment, in Japanese corporate culture. See also Kibbutz system


Adam Taki and

American vs. Japanese work attitudes and

calculating buyout price for

forming new

importance in Japan

in Japanese business

loyalty toward employees

Company allegiance

American labor unions as undermining

toward employees

Company vision, importance of


American labor unions and

for marquee-name designers

Competence, of executives


benefits of

between Anne Klein Company and Donna Karan New York

persuasion and

in postwar Japan

Compliance, persuasion and


as maturity hallmark

in preventing losses

Conglomerate families, in Japanese business

Conscientiousness, benefits of

Consciousness, in creativity process


of Anne Klein Company operations

as good business practice

Consortium meetings

Consumer culture, decline in Japanese

Consumer demand

for American women’s fashions

1970s slump in Japanese

Consumer price index (CPI)


chain store vs. department store

as creativity challenge

decline in Japanese

distribution chain and

DKNY line and

of Donna Karan lines

emotional value and

four elements of fashion design and

at Jusco stores

Taki Gakuen and

Takihyo Company and

weak economic response of

Consumption, Japanese

Contact breaking


of Anne Klein II line

of RH Gallery

Convenience, emotional value of

Copied goods, by postwar Japan

Corporate culture, Japanese vs. American

Corporate image, for Donna Karan line

Corporate structure

information in

Tomio Taki in

Corporations, Taki Gakuen and

Corruption, at Swire and Maclaine

Cost of living, in a kibbutz


of labor unions

1970s sales downturn and

in perfume business

Counterarguments, persuasion and


Craven, Leonard

Creative people, managing


component stages of

emotional value and

of fashion designers

putting a price on

Credit default swaps

Credit line, offered by Takihyo. See also Lines of credit

Crisis management

Critical judgment, creativity vs.

Critical situations

Criticism, in ringi (ringisho) system

Cultural bias

Cultural identity, maintaining


American vs. Japanese

hiring local managers and

humility and honor in

impact on industry

Japanese inability to learn foreign

of a kibbutz

vs. finding the right people

Curating, in art business


Currency, Japanese


for diffusion lines

for high-end brands

for moderate and budget lines

Takihyo Company and

Cynics, optimists vs.

Daiei chain stores

Dartmouth College

Death, dealing with. See also “Leave taking”

Debates, persuasion and

Debt, spiraling government

Debt servicing, by Sprint

Decision making

as maturity hallmark

persuasion and

Dedication, creativity and

Defense, in basketball

Defense market, postwar Japan and

DeLillo, Don

Dell’Olio, Louis


for diffusion lines

for Donna Karan lines

manufacturing to

Democratic approach, as leadership style

Democratic process, persuasion and


in clothing sales

for Donna Karan line


Taki Gakuen and

in World War II Japan

Department stores

chain stores vs.

in Japan

problems with

seasonal marketing of clothing lines through

Design, as fashion design element. See also Elegant design; Fashion design; Furniture design; Interior design; Timeless design

Designer-brand sportswear

Designer labels, for bridge lines

Developers, Taki Gakuen and

Die Hard with a Vengeance

Diet legislature

Diffusion lines

creating for Anne Klein Company

Donna Karan line as

Diligence, as learned by Tomio Taki

Directions, for employees

Distribution centers/hubs

consumers and


1970s sales downturn and

Distribution channel management

Distributors, for Anne Klein II line

DKNY line. See also Donna Karan entries

Dollar, value of

Dollar stores

Domestic consumption, in postwar Japan

Donna Karan Company, The

Donna Karan International IPO and

growth of

stages of development of

See also Karan, Donna

Donna Karan International

failure of

initial public offering of

Donna Karan name, sale and ownership of

Donna Karan New York Collection

debut and success of

Donna Karan International IPO and

See also DKNY line

Downside risk

Dunne, Lydia

in Swire and Maclaine corruption

Earnings, in valuing a company

Economic downturn

in 1970s Japanese clothing business

in post-1970s Japan

See also Economic meltdown

Economic incentives, in 1960s and 1970s Japan

Economic meltdown, American

Economic recovery, in postwar Japan

Economics, current Japanese


of Adam Taki

Japanese business and

in postwar Japan

in prewar Japan

Taki Gakuen and

Efficiency, improving

Efficient market theory

Egalitarianism, phony


of managers

of marquee-name designers

model employees and

Elderly, growth in numbers of Japanese

Elderly managers, in YPO

Elegant design, Anne Klein and


business maturity and

in hiring

Emotional maturity

Emotional value

chain store vs. department store

of fashion design

of high-end brands

in perfume business



American vs. Japanese

business maturity and

categories of

company loyalty toward

in crisis management

duty toward employers

finding right

handling fearfulness among

instituting change and

labor unions and

letting go of unnecessary

managing exceptional

in ringi (ringisho) system

Employee shortages, in Japan

Employee turnover, at RH Gallery

Employers, duty toward employees

Endurance, business maturity and

Energy crisis of 1979

English language

Tomio Taki learning

Enthusiasm, for instituting change


in Japanese business

labor unions vs.

in postwar Japan


in art business

in Donna Karan Company

in partnerships

in Takihyo–Anne Klein joint venture

Estée Lauder, in perfume business

Ethnologists, on making the right decisions about people


business mentality in

geographic size of Japan vs. that of

Evidence shippers

Exceptional performers, managing

Executive branch, Japanese


business maturity of

creativity among

criteria for hiring

for Donna Karan lines

in Japanese business

psychology of

See also Chief executive officer (CEO); Management; Managers

Exhibitions, of Adam Taki art

Exit strategies

importance of

Expansion, by Takihyo Company

Experience, in creativity process


in Japan’s future

by postwar Japan


for Anne Klein II line

for bridge lines

as fashion design element

Fact finding, importance of

Faculty, Taki Gakuen and


creativity and

of Donna Karan International

of Japanese businesses

labor unions and

optimism despite

of small businesses

Failure handling, in hiring executives


company as

employees as

in Japanese business

Far East

business mentality in

doing business in

Farmers, chicken business and

Fashion brands, profit-building value of

Fashion design

in Anne Klein Company operations

Donna Karan experience in

emotional value and

four elements of

in Japan

1970s sales downturn and

seasonality of

See also Women’s fashion

Fashion designer, Anne Klein as

Fashion hierarchy

Fatigue, business maturity and

Fearfulness, of employees

Federalist Papers

Federal Reserve

inflation and

weak economic response of


from board meetings

from consortium meetings

Feinberg, Mortimer R.

on asking simple questions

on business maturity

on change

on creativity

on crisis management

on emotional maturity

on establishing oneself

on executive drive

first meeting with Tomio Taki

on getting others to see things your way

on the intelligence of optimism

on intuition and placement

on lawyers

on leadership styles

on “leave taking,”

on making the right decisions about people

on managing creative people

on responsibility and culture

on YPO

Female form, designing for


Adam Taki and

Financial planning

in Anne Klein Company operations

Financial relations, Japan and

Financing, in Anne Klein joint venture


Japanese tradition against

of Michael Lichtenstein

of problem employees

See also Closing unprofitable divisions

Fit, as fashion design element

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flooring, Japanese

Floor layout, emotional value and

Ford, Henry, creativity of

Fore, Gracie

Foreign exposure, Japanese business and

Foreign investment, Japan and

Foreign real estate, Japanese business and

Foreign support, for Japanese business

Fragrance lines, from Donna Karan

Frame of reference, creativity and

France, business mentality in

Free rein, giving to creative people

Friedman, Milton

Frustration management, in hiring executives

Furniture, flooring and

Furniture design, for high-rise buildings

Futagi chain stores


executive ability to foresee

for Japan

Gabrielle Studio. See also Donna Karan name

Gain, after eliminating the middleman

Gallery, for Adam Taki art

Gamagori, Japan, Taki family in

General Mills

Ghostwriters, this book and

Goal-oriented approach


of Anne Klein

instituting change and

Gold exchange standard

Golf, in hiring executives



Japanese currency and

in postwar Japan

weak economic response of American

Graham, Benjamin

Great Depression

Great Society programs


Green space, in Nagoya, Japan

Grief, death of a loved one and


of Anne Klein Company

of Donna Karan Company

of Japan


Guiding principles, as maturity hallmark

Halston, Roy, Tomio Taki’s meeting with

Haneda Air Force Base

Hang-tags, on American women’s fashions

Hanko stamps

Harvard Business School, Tomio Taki and

Harvard University

Haute couture

Healing, after personal loss

Health care bill

Health care system, Japanese

Health insurance plans, Japanese

Heaving to

Heidenberg, Rebecca, Adam Taki and

Hickok, Ray, formation of YPO and

Hierarchic work environment, in Japan

High-definition television

High-end brands

customers for

difficulties in selling

diffusion lines vs.

Donna Karan line and

High fashion

High-profile designers, hiring for Anne Klein Company

High-rise buildings

new construction methods for

possible sale of

Takihyo and Takenaka construction of

See also Marunouchi Building


in art business

of Donna Karan staff

of executives

intuition and

of Michael Lichtenstein


Hitotsubashi University

Homesly, Dan

Honesty, persuasion and

Hong Kong

Adam Taki in

business practices in

Honolulu Country Club

Honor, in Japanese corporate culture

Hostility, to creativity

Hotei-ya chain stores

House models, clothes for

Housing market, collapse of American. See also Real estate entries

Human nature

Humility, in Japanese corporate culture

Humor, as maturity hallmark

Hunches, in making the right decisions about people

Ichimura, Kyochi

formation of YPO and

Idol, John

Illumination, in creativity process

Image making, in creating Donna Karan line

Immediate compliance, persuasion and

Immigration, to Japan

Imperialism, Japan and

Imports, Japanese

Impressing an audience, persuasion and

Incubation, in creativity process

Individual differences, among World War II Japanese


emotional value of

persuasion and


1970s sales downturn and

by postwar Japan

Taki Gakuen and

Industry, in United States

Inefficiencies, in Anne Klein Company operations

Inflation, in American future


in corporate structure

in making the right decisions about people

Ingenuity, in creating Donna Karan line

Inheritance taxes, in Japan

Initial public offering (IPO)

advantages of

of Donna Karan International

mechanics of

Inner voices, in hiring

Instinct, in making the right decisions about people

Institutionalization, American labor unions and


of Anne Klein Company operations

as good business practice

Intellectual property, Japanese leadership aspirations with


business maturity and

persuasion and

Intelligent Investor, The (Zweig, ed.)

Interconnectivity, of corporate structure


Interior design, for high-rise buildings

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

International markets, Japan and

International relations, Japan and

Internment camps, in World War II Japan

Interview, by Adam Taki

Intuition, in dealing with employees


1970s sales downturn and

See also Clearing leftover inventory


in Donna Karan International

in partnerships

Isaacs, Van

Isetan department store


business mentality in

Issey Miyaki

Italy, business mentality in

Ito, Chubei

Ito, Mr.

Itochu conglomerate, Tomio Taki as apprentice manager at

Itoh, Misao


Adam Taki in

American culture vs. that of

American occupation of

American work attitudes vs. those in

board meetings in

business in other countries vs. that in

chain stores in

creative retailing in

cultural identity of

department stores in

employee–company relations in

employee–management relations in

future for

geographic size of

government of

highway system of

impact of Takihyo in

importance of companies in

inheritance taxes in

lawyers in

leadership style in

macro perspective on

mom-and-pop stores in

during the 1960s

during the 1970s

during 1970s economic downturn

office systems in

Okinawa and

politics in

post-1980s economic downturn in

postwar economy of

postwar growth of

postwar period in

postwar transformation of

postwar women’s apparel business in

real estate bubble in

Richard Nixon’s impact on

specialty stores in

Taki Gakuen and

Tomio Taki in

Tomio Taki’s early career in

US labor unions vs. those of

US oil embargo and

war in culture of

women as business heads in

World War II and

World War II surrender of

Japanese Business Federation (Nippon Keizaidantairengoukai)

Japanese constitution

Japanese consulate

Jetro USA

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Joint ventures

challenges confronting

Tomio Taki and American fashion

Tomio Taki with Anne Klein

Jones Apparel New York

Judgment, in hiring

Junk bonds

Jusco chain stores

as creativity challenge

K2 clothing line


Karan, Donna

in creating her own clothing line

after Donna Karan International sale

as executive

as household name

management experience of

promotion to Anne Klein chief designer

success of

See also Donna Karan entries

Kaspar company

Keio University

Tomio Taki at

Kelly Arden brand

Kibbutz system

functioning of


Anne Klein II victimized by

in Hong Kong business


lessening postwar sales of

Takihyo abandoning manufacture of

Kinyo brand

Klein, Anne

death of


Tomio Taki’s meetings with

See also Anne Klein entries

Knock-off goods, by postwar Japan

Kodaira, Susumu

Koor Industries

Korean War

Japan and

Japanese auto industry and

Kurogane company

Labor unions

benefits and detrimental economic effects of

controlling positions among

Japanese vs. American

negative effects of American

Langstaff, Ken

Language, Tomio Taki and. See also English language

Lateral communication

Law, Japanese



Donna Karan line and

as necessary evil

Leadership role, in Takihyo–Anne Klein joint venture

Leadership style, in hiring executives


from basketball

from ground up

See also Education

“Leave taking,”

Lenders, for Anne Klein bridge line. See also Banks

Letter of credit, for Anne Klein II line

Leveraged buyouts, of Anne Klein Company

Levine, Arthur

Lewis, Sinclair

Liberal arts, at Taki Gakuen

Licensing, in perfume business

Lichtenstein, Michael

Lifetime employment


emotional value and

for offices

Lines of credit, preventing losses via. See also Credit line

Linoleum, tatami mats vs.

Litigation, in Donna Karan International sale. See also Lawyers

Local management, of Japanese-acquired foreign businesses


chain store vs. department store

for distribution centers

Losing, in basketball


strategies to combat

of Takihyo Company

Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessey (LVMH), in Donna Karan International sale

Low-end brands

Loyalty, of Japanese companies toward employees

Luck, creativity and

MacArthur, Douglas

Macroeconomics, of labor unions

Macroeconomic stress, effects of

Macy’s, Tomio Taki at


of Anne Klein Company

of creative people


of distribution channels

Donna Karan in

instituting change and

of Japanese-acquired foreign businesses

in Japanese companies

need for experience in

problem employees and

of prosperous companies

Tomio Taki as apprentice in

Tomio Taki’s first decade in

Management style, in hiring executives

Manager: Tomio Taki, the Man who Launched Donna Karan (Itoh)


asking simple questions and

business maturity of

in creativity process

for Donna Karan line

ego of

in Japan

leadership style among

making the right decisions about people by

in partnerships

problem employees and

pushing of subordinates by

in ringi (ringisho) system

in YPO


Manipulation, persuasion and

Mannequins, emotional value of

Manpower costs, in a kibbutz


of Anne Klein II line

of bridge lines

costliness of Japanese

elimination of middleman via

for Donna Karan lines

1970s sales downturn and

in postwar Japan

present American

in prewar Japan

problems with stopping

Market, for kimonos


of Anne Klein II line

in art business

of bridge lines

chain store vs. department store

of Donna Karan line

1970s sales downturn and


See also Merchandising

Marketing flexibility, Japan and

Marquee-name designers

emotional value of

low-end clothing designs by

Marunouchi Building

possible sale of

See also High-rise buildings

Mass production, invention of

Mastery, by executives


as fashion design element

Material value, emotional value vs.



McGill University

Media attention, during Takihyo economic downturn

Medical industry

Meiji Revolution

Mental rigidity


in Anne Klein Company operations

chain store vs. department store

downsizing Japanese

emotional value and

See also Marketing; Retailing; Sales; Wholesaling



Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Merrill Lynch

Middle class, clothing for

Middleman, elimination of

Miller, Herman

Milton, John

Minimum wage, American

Ministers, Japanese

Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI, Tsusho-snagyo-sho)

establishment of

during the 1970s

Mintzberg, Harry

Miscommunication, with Japanese-acquired foreign businesses

Mix-and-match philosophy, in clothing design

Mizrahi, Isaac


Model employees

Moderate lines

Modernization, of Japanese politics

Modular office space, in high-rise buildings

Mom-and-pop stores, in Japan

Morale, at Anne Klein Company

Mori, Frank

as Anne Klein Company executive

in creating Donna Karan line

Morris, Robert Lee



Mourning, death of a loved one and

Multicultural business societies

Multilingual business societies

Nagoya, Japan

impact of Takihyo in

1970s sales downturn and

prewar and postwar suburban changes in

prewar history of businesses in

Taki family in

Takihyo and Takenaka construction in

Takihyo investments in

Name brands, emotional value and

Name ownership, at RH Gallery. See also Donna Karan name

Natural resources, Japanese business and

Neckties, emotional value of

Negative reactions, persuasion and

Negative thinking, optimism vs.


with Anne Klein Company

persuasion and

Neuroticism, optimism and

New York City

Adam Taki in

Donna Karan line in

Japanese purchases of real estate in

selling raincoats in

Tomio Taki in

Tomio Taki’s move to

New York University (NYU), Adam Taki at

Nishikawa-ya chain stores

Nixon, Richard M., impact on Japanese economy

Nixon shocks

Norman Rockwell Museum

Northern Manchurian Railroad

“Not-my-job” syndrome

Obama administration, weak economic response of

Oddballs, creativity among

Offices, declining tatami mat use in Japanese

Office space

distribution centers and

downsizing Japanese

in high-rise buildings

systems for allocating

Takihyo investments in

Office systems, licensing from United States to Japan

Oil crisis of 1970s

effects of

general economic downturn during

Japanese auto industry and

Oil embargo of 1970s

as cause of 1970s economic downturn

Oil Shock of 1973

Okada, Mr.

Okadaiya chain stores


producing raincoats in

return to Japan of

Takihyo Company venture in

Oliver, Bob

as manager

as Tomio Taki’s negotiator

Online competition, with retail stores

On-site storage, productivity and


as cause of 1970s economic downturn

Openness, as maturity hallmark

Operating agreement, between Tomio Taki and Donna Karan

Operating losses, of Takihyo Company

Opinion making, persuasion and

Oppenheim, Gunther

departure from Anne Klein Company

in finding Anne Klein Company chief designer

Opponents, in basketball

Opportunity, taking advantage of

Opposition, persuasion and


in basketball

in business

for instituting change

intelligence of

in preventing losses

in World War II Japan

Outside money, from initial public offerings


Packaging, as creativity challenge

Packers, labor union and work rules for

Panic, avoiding

Paradise Lost (Milton)


challenges confronting

between investors and managers

risk in

with Tomio Taki

between Tomio Taki and Donna Karan

Pashmina wool, for bridge lines

Pasteur, Louis


in creating Donna Karan line

in creativity process

as learned by Tomio Taki

Pay, at RH Gallery

Pay scales, postwar Japanese


finding right

in Japanese business

making the right decisions about

managing creative

See also Employees; Executives; Managers; Staff; Workers

Perception, in creativity

Perceptual blocks, to creativity


American labor unions as undermining

in hiring executives

Perfume bottles

Perfume business

Personal enthusiasm, for instituting change

Persuasion, psychology of

Pessimists, optimists vs.

Petrol product prices, 1970s sales downturn and

Phantom shares

Philanthropy, of Taki family

Phony egalitarianism

Photography, Adam Taki and

Pickers, labor union and work rules for

Placement. See also Hiring


effects on Japanese economy

1970s sales downturn and

in prewar Japan

Population, aging of

Population decline, of Japan

Potential growth value, in valuing a company

Predatory lending

Preemptive action, in preventing losses

Preparation, in creativity process

Presentation, importance of


in business situations

during Takihyo economic downturn

Price-to-earnings ratio, of Anne Klein Company

Pricing, of bridge-line clothing

Prime Minister (PM), Japanese


of basketball

as maturity hallmark

Private clientele, for high-end garments

Problem employees

Problems, maturity and

Problem solving

creativity and

Japanese board meetings vs.

Product image, for Donna Karan line

Production, problems with stopping

Production staff, for Donna Karan line

Productivity, on-site storage and


American vs. Japanese work attitudes and

in seasonal clothing sales

Profit-building value

of fashion brand

in making the right decisions about people

Profit margins

for Anne Klein Company

with bridge lines

chain store vs. department store

after eliminating the middleman

emotional value and


in 1970s Japanese clothing business

in perfume business

in raincoat manufacture

in textile business

See also Closing unprofitable divisions

Profit potential, in Anne Klein joint venture

Property ownership



of basketball

of creativity

death of a loved one and

of emotional maturity

of executives

in hiring executives

leadership style and

in making the right decisions about people

of optimism

of persuasion

among World War II Japanese

Psychology of Optimism paradigm

Publicity, for Donna Karan line

Public relations, 1970s sales downturn and

Quality control, for Anne Klein II line


creativity and

Quota allowance, for Anne Klein II line


Quota system, American

Raincoats, Takihyo’s manufacturing of


Real estate

collapse of American market in

growth in Nagoya

Takihyo investments in

Real estate bubble, in Japan

Real estate taxes

Reason, in hiring

Rebates, in Hong Kong business

Rebo Group


Refrigerator business


creativity and

persuasion and

Research, importance of

Resilience, as maturity hallmark

Respectfulness, as maturity hallmark


in American vs. Japanese culture

of companies toward employees

in Japanese corporate culture

labor unions and

as maturity hallmark

Restrictions, in initial public offerings

Retailing, 1970s sales downturn and. See also Merchandising

Retail stores, online competition with

Retirement savings system, Japanese

Revenue increases, as Takihyo

RH Gallery

Ricoh Company

Right questions, creativity and

ringi (ringisho) system


after eliminating the middleman

extra inventory and

of line of credit

in management vs. creativity situations

in partnerships

Rochester, New York

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Rubinstein, Chip

in finding Anne Klein Company chief designer

as manager

Runway models, clothes for

Ruzo, Steve

Ryukyu Islands

Safety considerations, in high-rise building


of high-end brands


at Takihyo

See also Merchandising; Selling

Salespersons, persuasion and

Salzman, Murray


Seasons, for clothing sales

Seat-of-the-pants decision making

Secondary diffusion lines, from Donna Karan

Second World War. See World War II

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Seibu Railroad Company

Seiyu chain stores

Selective job structuring, for instituting change

Selective perception

Self-acceptance, as maturity hallmark

Self-critical approach, in Japanese corporate culture

Self-reliance, as learned by Tomio Taki

Seligman, Martin

Selling, persuasion and. See also Sales

Semicustom garments

Sense of humor, as maturity hallmark

Separation of powers, in Japanese government vs. US government

Service, Japanese leadership aspirations in


in Donna Karan International

Shippers, labor union and work rules for

Ships, in storms

Shiro chain stores

Shopping experience, emotional value of

Simple questions, asking

Sincerity, persuasion and

Sloper pattern-making technique

Small-animal veterinarians, in Taki Gakuen faculty

Small cars, Japanese auto industry and

Smith, Alexander


Social Security system

Society, Japanese

SoHo shopping area

Sophistication, persuasion and

South Korea

Adam Taki in

business mentality in

postwar Japan and

Tomio Taki in

Specialty stores, in Japan


Spiegel, Roger



Stacy Ames brand

licensed to Takihyo

profit-building value of

success in Japan

Staff, hiring

Standing army, elimination of Japanese

Static electricity, avoiding in carpeting

Steelcase company

Stern, Dina

Stern, Larry

Stilwell, Joseph

Stock, Japanese leadership aspirations with

Storms, ships in


Strong principles, as maturity hallmark

Style, in hiring executives

Subconscious, in making the right decisions about people

Subversive employee behaviors

Suggestions, in ringi (ringisho) system

Support, leadership style and

Swire and Maclaine corporation (Swire Group)

Takenaka Construction Company, Takihyo office building moved by

Taketomi, Mr.

Takeuchi, Hiro

Taki, Adam

career of

this book and

Taki, Katsuo

Taki, Nobushiro

accomplishments of

Taki, Shigeo

in YPO

Taki, Yasuo

Taki, Yoko

suicide of

Taki family, accomplishments of

Taki Foods

Taki Gakuen

establishment and purpose of

success of

Tomio Taki at

World War II and

Takihyo Company Ltd.

Anne Klein bridge line and

board meetings at

in carpeting business

creating a raincoat line for

distribution channel management by

executive board

expansion beyond the clothing business

high-rise building construction by

joint venture with Anne Klein

during the late 1960s

during the 1970s

partnership with Bobbie Brooks

postwar growth of

Taki Gakuen faculty and

Tomio Taki becomes head of

Tomio Taki’s Americanization of

Tomio Taki’s early career at

Tomio Taki’s executive drive and

Tomio Taki’s first decade at

wartime reorganization of

YPO and

Takihyo Inc.

in creating Donna Karan line

departure from Donna Karan New York

sale of Anne Klein Company by


in hiring executives

value of

Tatami mats, Takihyo and


stifling nature of Japanese

in United States

Tax auditing, in Japan

Tax avoidance, in Japan

Tax efficiency, RH Gallery and

Tax rates, business growth vs.

Tax revenues, decline in Japanese

Teachers, at Taki Gakuen. See also Education

Tenacity, business maturity and

Terman, Louis

Textile business

in Japan

1970s sales downturn and

Tomio Taki’s management of

Thinking, in creativity

“Think over” period, persuasion and

Three-dimensional images, emotional value of

Throw rugs, Takihyo and

Timeless design, Anne Klein and

Timetables, persuasion and

To, Doris

Tokai Bank, The, Ltd.

line of credit for Takihyo from

Tokyo, Japan, consortium meetings in

Tokyo Style company

Tokyo YPO conference

Tong, Benson

Tong Textiles

Tourism, to Japan

Toyota Motor Corporation

American labor unions and

American local managers at

Trade, Japanese leadership aspirations in

Trade agreements, Japanese–foreign

Trade protectionism, American


against firing employees

in Japanese business

Taki Gakuen and

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security of 1972

Truman, Harry


in hiring executives

UCLA basketball team

Ultra-portable office system

Unconscious mind, in creativity process

Unemployment, American

Unified company vision, importance of

Union leaders, in United States

Union members, in United States

Unions. See Labor unions

United States

abrogation of gold exchange standard by

Anne Klein II line and

board meetings in

breadwinners in

business mentality in

cultural differences from Japan

distribution centers in

economic decline of

employee–company relations in

executive judgments in

fashion companies in

first bridge line in

forecasting economic future of

geographic size of Japan vs. that of

industry in

Japanese auto industry and

Japanese culture vs. that of

Japanese economy vs. that of

Japanese government vs. that of

Japanese labor unions vs. those of

Japanese purchases of real estate in

Japanese work attitudes vs. those in

labor unions in

lawyers in

office systems in

oil embargo against

in Okinawa

opening trade with China

in postwar Japan

return of Okinawa to Japan by

selling raincoats in

studying business in

Takihyo’s contacts in

taxation in

Tomio Taki and fashion industry in

Tomio Taki and

Tomio Taki’s move to

trade protectionism by

Universities, Taki Gakuen and

Unusual situations

Uny chain stores

Upside risk

Ushio, Jiro

Value traps

Vassar College

Venture capitalists

Verbal contracts

Verification, in creativity process

Veterinarians, in Taki Gakuen faculty

Victoria’s Secret

Vietnam, postwar Japan and

Vietnam War

Japan and

Japanese auto industry and

Vision, importance of

Wacoal USA

Wakita, Mr.

Wall-to-wall carpeting, Takihyo and

Wang, Vera

War, Japan and

War culture, in prewar Japan

Ward Howell International

Wastefulness, of Japan

Wedgwood, Hensley, formation of YPO and

Weiss, Steve

after Donna Karan International sale

Western apparel/clothing business, in Japan’s postwar future

Western business, Japanese leadership style in


Japan and

of Japanese politics


1970s sales downturn and

elimination of middleman via

Winning, in basketball

Win Tie Company

Wishful thinking

Wo, Jim

Women’s fashion


Anne Klein and

1970s sales downturn and

in Takihyo’s postwar future

Work attitudes, American vs. Japanese

Work environment, in Japan

Workers, labor unions and

World economic situation, Japan in

World President Organization (WPO), YPO and

World War II

Allied Nagoya bombing raids during

Japan and

optimism during

Taki family during and immediately after

Taki Gakuen and

Tomio Taki during and immediately after

Worry, optimism and

Yamagataya, Okinawa, Takihyo Company venture in

Yom Kippur War

Young managers, in YPO

Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO)

creation of Japanese chapter of

formation and growth of

Tomio Taki in


Zweig, Jason

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