
Acquisitions Editor

Aaron Black

Project Editor

Katharine Dvorak

Technical Editor

Paul Sellars

Copy Editor

Lauren Kennedy

Director, Content Development & Assembly

Robyn Siesky

Vice President and Executive Group Publisher

Richard Swadley

About the Author

Paul McFedries is a full-time technical writer. Paul has been authoring computer books since 1991 and has more than 85 books to his credit. Paul’s books have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These books include the Wiley titles iPhone 5s & iPhone 5c Portable Genius; Macs Portable Genius, Third Edition; MacBook Air Portable Genius, Fourth Edition; Switching to a Mac Portable Genius, Second Edition; Teach Yourself VISUALLY OS X Mavericks; and The Facebook Guide for People Over 50. Paul is also the proprietor of Word Spy (, a website that tracks new words and phrases as they enter the English language. Paul encourages everyone to drop by his personal website at, or to follow him on Twitter at and


Being a technical writer is an awesome vocation: You get to work at home, you get to set your own schedule, and you get to help other people understand and use technology, which is a big warm-fuzzy-feeling generator. But perhaps the best part of technical writing is getting to be among the first to not only use, but also really dive into the latest and greatest software and hardware. The hardware side is often the most fun, because it means you get to play with gadgets, and that’s a gadget geek’s definition of a dream job. So, to say I had a blast researching and writing about the latest versions of the iPad and iPad mini redefines the word understatement. What self-respecting gadget guy wouldn’t have a perma-grin while poking and prodding these devices to see just what they can do?

And what self-respecting technical writer wouldn’t be constantly shaking his head in admiration while working with the amazing editorial team at Wiley? Skip back a couple of pages to see the complete list of the team who worked so hard to bring you this book. The people I worked with directly included Acquisitions Editor Aaron Black, who brings professionalism and smarts to every project; Project Editor Katharine Dvorak, whose enthusiasm made her a pleasure to work with and whose idea-generating brain made this a much better book; and Copy Editor Lauren Kennedy, who exhibited a gasp-inducing eye for detail and who came up with an awe-inspiring number of really great suggestions that make me look like a much better writer than I am. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your outstanding work on this project.

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