
images  A

App store deployment

    application graphics

    general settings

        “Identity” section

        “Magic 8 Ball” app


    iTunes Connect

        “Add New App” button

        app configuration

        App ID confirmation

        “App ID Prefix” field

        App ID register

        App ID suffix

        App Information screen

        “Application Loader”

        app metadata

        App Services

        availability and pricing


        details screen

        developer portal

        information setting

        “Manage Your Apps” option

        “Prepare for Upload” status


        waiting for upload state

    store distribution

        accounts settings

        App ID selection

        archive, organizer

        certificate selection

        choose profile

        “Code Signing Identity” section

        common errors

        distribution method

        iOS Distribution certificate

        iOS Provisioning Profiles screen

        .mobileprovision file extension

        profile naming and generation

        provisioning profile

        submission succeeds


images  B

images  C

images  D


    bar( ) function


    class variable

    foo( )function

    handling coding error

        arc4random_uniform( )

        btnAsk function

        code execution

        debug window

        deeper inspection

        hitting the breakpoint

        initializeStrings function

        inspecting variables

        integer variable

        Magic 8-ball app

        magicStrings function

        magicStrings variable


        stepping process

        ViewDidLoad function

    handling compile time error

        additional errors

        btnAsk function

        compile/link cycle

        issue navigator

        lblOutupt object

        lexical/preprocessor issue line


        Xcode fails

    handling runtime error

        arc4random_uniform function


        debug output

        delete breakpoint

        performSelector object

        “Step Over” button

        trigger Xcode


    Magic 8-ball App


    objective-C code

    “ViewController.h” file

images  E, F, G, H

Exploring UI controls

    segmented control

        attributes inspector


        blank segment

        bookmarks/reading view

        colorChooser outlet

        colorChosen action

        colorChosen function

        handling size

        managing user expectations

        Red control

        safari browser

        Segment 0–First

        Segment 0–Red

        Segment 1–Second

        segmented control item


        view controller

        ViewController.h file

        “ViewController.m” file

    slider control

        blue guidelines

        handling size



        “Main.storyboard” file

        minimum and maximum images

        normalized value

        NSString type

        Settings app

        sliderChanged action

        valueSlider output

        ViewController.m file

    stepper control

        add a stepper control

        label controls

        stepperChanged action

        stepperChanged function


        stepper time values

        ViewController.m code

    switch control

        BOOLEAN property

        controls list



        switchChanged event



        Value Changed event

images  I, J, K

iOS 7 development

    Apple developer portal


        disk space

        disk type


        processor speed

        screen resolution


        account creation

        app store account

        Create Apple ID

        downloading and installation

        Editor’s Choice applications

        hammer icon

        Mac app store


        Xcode’s welcome screen

iOS apps

    iPhone app

        application template

        assistant editor

        btnPressed function

        button control


        event setting

        .h and .m files

        header file

        interface builder

        iPad app

        iPad simulator

        iPhone emulator

        iPhone simulator

        label control

        name setting



        Source Control

        utility area buttons

        View Controller

        view utility area


    Objective-C development


        header files



    project creation

        image file

        new project

        PNG format

        supporting files folder

    source code

        Boolean variables


        button code

        if-else statement


        label control

        outlet and action generation

        toolbar buttons

        ViewController.h file

    user interface (see User interface (UI))

iOS mapping

    map location

        latitude and longitude

        lblLatitude and lblLongitude

        MKMapView control


        regionDidChangeAnimated function

        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad function

    map mode


        hybrid mode

        satellite mode

        segment control


    Map View creation


        linking with libraries


        MapKit framework

        project file

        Xcode project editor settings


        btnDrop function

        button action


        map location

        MKAnnotation interface

        myPin.h code

        new file

        ViewController.m code

iPad application

    email, iPhone

    inbox view

    landscape mode

    mail preview

    master-detail app

    master list view

    new project

    portrait orientation

    storyboard investigation

        character browser

        configureView function

        configureView method



        detail view

        image address


        outlet for image

        portrait mode

        static master list

        table view


        viewDidLoad method

images  L

images  M

images  N, O

images  P, Q

Picker controls

    date picker

    multi-component UIPicker


        data source

        didSelectRow function


        multi-column picker

        rows per column

        tidied-up UIPicker

        titles per row



    UIDatePicker (see UIDatePicker)

    UIPicker control (see UIPicker control)

images  R

images  S

images  T

Table views

    adding table view


    cellForRowAtIndexPath function


    custom cell settings

    dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier function

    Main.storyboard file

    multi selection table

        data creation

        delegate and dataSource

        header editing

        indexPath parameter

        interface design

        numberOfRowsInSection function


        table cell creation

        ViewController.m code

    navigation controller

        accessory type


        continents detail view

        controls list

        custom class setting

        file creation

        graphical subviews


        maps cell

        naming segue

        navigation app

        navigation title

        Objective-C class

        placesTable outlet

        prepareForSegue method

        prototype cells

        segue configuration

        simpleTableIdentifier text

        Storyboard Segue

        Table View Cell control

        TravelDetailsViewController.h file

        TravelDetailsViewController.m file

        ViewController class

        ViewController.h file

        ViewController.m file

        view controller screen

    non-implemented functions

    numberOfRowsInSection function

    simpleTableIdentifier string




    teamsTable outlet


    UITableViewCell object

    UITableViewDelegate object

    user selection



        event function

        label resize


    ViewController.h file

    ViewController.m file

Text Field control

    btnGo function


    code setting

        btnGo function





        NSString type


        ViewController.h file

        Xcode’s autocompletion



        textFieldDemo project







        return value

        textFieldShouldReturn function

        _txtInput field


        ViewController.h file

        viewDidLoad function

        void function



    label position



    redesigning app

    “Return” key

    running app


    textFieldShouldReturn function

    viewDidLoad function

images  U




    exploring options

        date and time

        date mode

        reformatted output

        time picker

        time setting

    source code

UIPicker control


    data source creation




        viewDidLoad function

    handling delegated events




User interface (UI)

    image view

        attributes inspector







images  V

images  W, X, Y, Z

Web View control

    action methods

    custom CallWeb method

        loadRequest message


        NSURL object

        NSURLRequest object



    embedded browser


    image download app




        lay out

        NSData object


        UIImage object

    mobile browser view

    outlets, actions, and delegate declarations


    size and place

    text field and button


        CallWeb method

        textFieldShouldReturn method

        viewDidLoad method

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