Appendix A. Online Resources

I can't remember what I used to know

Somebody help me now and let me go


"Deep Sleep"

The following online resources represent a starting point for learning more about jQuery, JavaScript, and web development in general, beyond what is covered in this book. There are far too many sources of quality information on the web for this appendix to approach anything resembling an exhaustive list. Furthermore, while other print publications can also provide valuable information, they are not noted here.

jQuery Documentation

jQuery Wiki

The documentation on is in the form of a wiki, which means that the content is editable by the public. The site includes the full jQuery API, tutorials, getting started guides, a plug-in repository, and more:

jQuery API

On, the API is available in two locations—the documentation section and the paginated API browser.

The documentation section of includes not only jQuery methods, but also all of the jQuery selector expressions:

jQuery API Browser

Jörn Zaeferrer has put together a convenient tree-view browser of the jQuery API with a search feature and alphabetical or category sorting:

Visual jQuery

This API browser designed by Yehuda Katz is both beautiful and convenient. It also provides quick viewing of methods for a number of jQuery plug-ins:

Web Developer Blog

Sam Collet keeps a master list of jQuery documentation, including downloadable versions and cheat sheets, on his blog:

JavaScript Reference

Mozilla Developer Center

This site has a comprehensive JavaScript reference, a guide to programming with JavaScript, links to helpful tools, and more:


While focused primarily on its own browser platform, Opera's site for web developers includes a number of useful articles on JavaScript:


Peter-Paul Koch's Quirksmode site is a terrific resource for understanding differences in the way browsers implement various JavaScript functions, as well as many CSS properties:

JavaScript Toolbox

Matt Kruse's JavaScript Toolbox offers a large assortment of homespun JavaScript libraries, as well as sound advice on JavaScript best practices and a collection of vetted JavaScript resources elsewhere on the Web:

JavaScript Code Compressors


This JavaScript compressor/obfuscator by Dean Edwards is used to compress the jQuery source code. It's available as a web-based tool or as a free download. The resulting code is very efficient in file size, at a cost of a small increase in execution time:


Created by Douglas Crockford, JSMin is a filter that removes comments and unnecessary white space from JavaScript files. It typically reduces file size by half, resulting in faster downloads:

Pretty Printer

This tool prettifies JavaScript that has been compressed, restoring line breaks and indentation where possible. It provides a number of options for tailoring the results:

(X)HTML Reference

W3C Hypertext Markup Language Home Page

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets the standard for (X)HTML, and the HTML home page is a great launching point for its specifications and guidelines:

CSS Reference

W3C Cascading Style Sheets Home Page

The W3C's CSS home page provides links to tutorials, specifications, test suites, and other resources:

Mezzoblue CSS Cribsheet

Dave Shea provides this helpful CSS cribsheet in an attempt to make the design process easier, and provide a quick reference to check when you run into trouble:

Position Is Everything

This site includes a catalog of CSS browser bugs along with explanations of how to overcome them:

XPath Reference

W3C XML Path Language Version 1.0 Specification

Although jQuery's XPath support is limited, theW3C's XPath Specification may still be useful for those wanting to learn more about the variety of possible XPath selectors:

TopXML XPath Reference

The TopXML site provides helpful charts of axes, node tests, and functions for those wanting to learn more about XPath:

MSDN XPath Reference

The Microsoft Developer Network website has information on XPath syntax and functions:

Useful Blogs

The jQuery Blog

John Resig, et al., the official jQuery blog posts announcements about new versions and other initiatives among the project team, as well as occasional tutorials and editorial pieces.

Learning jQuery

Karl Swedberg, Jonathan Chaffer, Brandon Aaron, et al. are running a blog for jQuery tutorials, examples, and announcements:

Jack Slocum's Blog

Jack Slocum, the author of the popular EXT suite of JavaScript components writes about his work and JavaScript programming in general:

Web Standards with Imagination

Dustin Diaz blog features articles on web design and development, with an emphasis on JavaScript:


Jonathan Snook's general programming/web-development blog:

Wait Till I Come

Three sites by Christian Heilmann provide blog entries, sample code, and lengthy articles related to JavaScript and web development:

DOM Scripting

Jeremy Keith's blog picks up where the popular DOM scripting book leaves off—a fantastic resource for unobtrusive JavaScript:

As Days Pass By

Stuart Langridge experiments with advanced use of the browser DOM:

A List Apart

A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices:


Chris Campbell, Kevin Hale, and Ryan Campbell started a blog that provides valuable information on many aspects of web development:

The Strange Zen of JavaScript

Scott Andrew LePera's weblog about JavaScript quirks, caveats, odd hacks, curiosities and collected wisdom. Focused on practical uses for web application development:

Web Development Frameworks Using jQuery

As developers of open-source projects become aware of jQuery, many are incorporating the JavaScript library into their own systems. The following is a brief list of some of the early adopters:

For a more complete list, visit the Sites Using jQuery page at:

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