
Book Description

If you found a rusty old lamp on the beach, and upon touching it a genie appeared and granted you three wishes, what would you wish for? If you were wishing for a successful application development effort, most likely you would wish for accurate and robust data models, comprehensive data flow diagrams, and an acute understanding of human behavior.

The wish for well-designed conceptual and logical data models means the requirements are well-understood and that the design has been built with flexibility and extensibility leading to high application agility and low maintenance costs. The wish for detailed data flow diagrams means a concrete understanding of the business' value chain exists and is documented. The wish to understand how we think means excellent team dynamics while analyzing, designing, and building the application.

Why search the beaches for genie lamps when instead you can read this book? Learn the skills required for modeling, value chain analysis, and team dynamics by following the journey the author and son go through in establishing a profitable summer lemonade business. This business grew from season to season proportionately with his adoption of important engineering principles. All of the concepts and principles are explained in a novel format, so you will learn the important messages while enjoying the story that unfolds within these pages.

The story is about an old man who has spent his life designing data models and databases and his newly adopted son. Father and son have a 54 year age difference that produces a large generation gap. The father attempts to narrow the generation gap by having his nine-year-old son earn his entertainment money. The son must run a summer business that turns a lemon grove into profits so he can buy new computers and games. As the son struggles for profits, it becomes increasingly clear that dad's career in information technology can provide critical leverage in achieving success in business. The failures and successes of the son's business over the summers are a microcosm of the ups and downs of many enterprises as they struggle to manage information technology.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Preface
    1. Foundational Concepts
    2. Data Modeling Ideals versus Reality
    3. Process Modeling Value Chains
    4. Brains and Behavior
  3. Chapter 1: A Data Modeling Story
    1. Value Chains and Data Models
    2. Value Chain Analogies
  4. Chapter 2: Value Chain and Data Model States
    1. Designs for Airplanes
    2. The Burger Bun Conceptual Value Chain and Data Model
  5. Chapter 3: The Value Chain for Designing and Building, Called Engineering
    1. The Value Chain for House Designing
    2. The Value Chain for Software Engineering
    3. Models of the Real World
  6. Chapter 4: Tabular Data Storage
    1. Abstraction
    2. Today’s Project: Badminton
    3. Data Model Evolution
    4. Over-Abstraction
    5. Physical Data Models
  7. Chapter 5: Data Model Components
    1. Relationships
    2. Modeling Time and Historical Events
    3. Normalization
    4. Master Data, Transactional Data, and Measurement Data
  8. Chapter 6: Luke’s Lemons, Inc. Business and Data Model
    1. Season #2 Business Plan
    2. Season #3 Business Plan
    3. Business Intelligence
    4. Data Model for Data Modeling and Value Chain
    5. Forward Engineering the To-Be Business and System
    6. Reverse Engineering the As-Is Business and System
  9. Epilogue